Thursday 14 November 2019

The Strong Man Gospel of Thomas Saying 35

Jesus said, "No one can enter the house of the strong man and wreck it without first tying that person's hands. Thereafter, one can ransack the person's house."

Only Jesus was strong enough to overcome the strong man because Jesus bound the devil which is sin in the flesh, the devil kept us as slaves in his house which is the law of sin until Jesus came and destroyed him Heb 2:14-18. Bind his hands=Jesus began to bind the strong man in his life and could share the spoils with us to some extent, although he did so more fully through his death.
Here Jesus is instructing us to bind our demons and passions and to seize its possessions as those of a strong man who is making war within us an internal battle. We must rein in your bestial nature and train the beast according to your inward man. The strong man one’s own bestial nature and evil inclination, it is that very power of ignorance in the human consciousness, the only real devil. We must restrain the evil inclination completely. Only than will our “house” mind, body and heart will become clean and than our life will also become clean and be your own than you will be a holy temple of the living Christ and not only that you can offer it up as a living sacrifice to God. Indeed, we must exercise self-discipline and develop self-control for without self-discipline, one is not free at all but bound to the compulsions f sin in the flesh and constanting to its impulses

35) Jesus said, "It is not possible for anyone [spiritual thief] to enter the house of a strong [faithful and obedient] man and take it by force unless he binds [by covenant (lower/outward (fleshly) forms of entrance (baptism) into a religion] his hands [steals his power while he is in that religion (through false doctrine, customs, traditions etc..)]; then he will (be able to) ransack his house [binding his right hand steals away any spiritual power and authority he receives from Christ while binding his left takes away his own power of reasonin]." 

Monday 11 November 2019

Proclaiming Gospel of Thomas saying 33

Jesus says: "What thou hearest with thine ear, and the other ear, proclaim from the roof-tops! For no-one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel or in a hidden place: but he puts it on the lamp-stand so that all who come in or go out should see the light."

The preaching here (proclaiming) is part of the above saying and it is also part of the next saying about the blind man being blind by having no light or lamp  

Those who ear the truth should preach it to others, in order that they may receive and benefit from it, sharing it with others and bringing others into the path and fellowship. The prophets and apostles of God have not extended the light to us in order for us to hide it, but rather that we might also engage in the divine labour of bearing that light in the world. Everyone has a part in the responsibility of the ministry of the truth and bringing other souls to the way

The light is the understanding of the truth in the love thereof. this light is the word. The word is the oil, which, being burnt in the mind, sheds forth light, as Jesus commands (“Let your light shine”). To “let the word of Christ dwell in us richly” as Paul exhorts, is to keep oil in the vessel with the lamp. And the lamp-stands are the Ecclesias the church the body of Christ

33)# #Jesus said, "That [parable] which you will hear in your [lower/outward (fleshly)] ear {in the other ear [when you process it through your higher/inward (spiritual) ear]} Preach from your housetops [the ecclesias in your houses]. ####For no one lights a lamp [fills one with the spirit of Truth] and puts it under a measure [holds him back or diminishes his ability to enlighten others as the religious leaders do], nor does he put it in a hidden place [this is why He doesn't; "take us out of the world" and why the religious leaders tell you "'Lo here' or 'Lo there'" as if we cannot find it within], but rather he sets it on a lampstand [a called-out one (ecclesia)] so that everyone who enters [the Kingdom] and leaves [the world/Babylonian religious system] will see its light." 

Sunday 10 November 2019

a blind man Gospel of Thomas Saying 34

Jesus says: "If a blind man leads another blind man, both of them fall into a ditch."

In this saying Jesus is speaking not only of faith, but of knowledge as well. Faith is the beginning of the enlightenment, but accurate knowledge is the fruit the realization of the Christ-self within oneself. We must seek from the Lord the healing of our spiritual blindness and darkness which all of have being born with called sin in the flesh, in order that the light of the good news shine upon us. He must "buy gold tried in the fire; and white raiment, that he may be clothed, and that the shame of his nakedness do not appear; and anoint his eyes with eye-salve, that he may see." (Rev 3:18) In other words, he must believe "the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ"; follow the example of the Samaritans and be baptized into the name of Jesus Christ; and thenceforth perfect his faith by his works, as Abraham did. He will then be a lamp, well oiled and trimmed, and fit to shine forth as a glorious light at the marriage of the Lamb.

Accepting the message of salvation and devoting ourselves to God through Christ and being baptized in water is only the beginning of our exercise of faith. It is only the beginning of our obedience to God. It sets us on the path to everlasting life, but it does not mean our final salvation,

We must pray and meditate upon the word of God, seeking the fulfilment of our faith in true knowledge of the living Christ. it is spoken as a warning to all disciples. The object lesson of the one must be noted for the guidance of every follower of the Lord. It is a warning of the dangers of being leaders and teachers, which all teachers should take to heart Thus it is not blind faith like that of the orthodox churches of Christianity.

But faith alone can not save us, if we do not have works it is dead like the body without the spirit James 2:14,17,26

We are saved by grace as well as faith, now this is twofold we must do our part so that God can do his part Php 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Ehp 2:7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works [that is of the law of Moses], lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works [the works of faith], which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

From this we lean that faith and good works are done in this age, but grace is give to us in the age to come. Eph 2:7 1pet 1:5,9,13 Heb 11:1,13,39,40

34) Jesus said, "If a [spiritually] blind man leads a [another spiritually] blind man, they will both fall into a pit [as neither of these have the Keys of Knowledge nor the life in them]."

Saturday 9 November 2019

one out of a thousand Gospel of Thomas saying 23

Jesus said, "I shall choose you (plur.) - one out of a thousand and two out of ten thousand. And they will stand at rest by being one and the same.

This selecting means that many are called or invited, but few chosen. There is only one true faith and hope, which is called the Way. It is a narrow way, because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction and many are the one’s who going through it, whereas narrow is the Way and cramped the road leading off into life and few are the ones finding it. At the judgment seat Christ will chose between the sheep and the goats and he will set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the lift and theses on his right hand are the blessed of the Father will inherit the Kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world.

“One from a thousand, and two from ten thousand” here the “One from a thousand, and two from ten thousand” stand for two groups of people who will be saved for the “thousand” and “ten thousand” are representative of those who have been drawn out of the two great families of humanity: Jew and gentile.

Alternatively, the “One from a thousand and two from ten thousand” stand for the three people in Saying 30 whom God is with, for one and two make three. Thus the two great families of humanity: Jew and gentile will stand as a single one that is by the blood of Christ. Christ having broken down the dividing wall which is hostility between them both he has abolished in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances; that the two he might create in himself one new man of the two one, making peace; and might reconcile them both in one body unto God Eph 2:13-16
One: stands for the union between the true believers and the Deity, and the unity, which exists among true believers. One also expresses singleness of purpose. And is also found concerning marriage “two shall become one”.

Two: Two can be a figure both of unity (Saying 11 Gen 2:18 And Jehovah God went on to say: “It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him.”
23 Then the man said:
“This is at last bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh.
This one will be called Woman,
Because from man this one was taken.”
24 That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh. Lk 10:1 10 After these things the Lord designated seventy others and sent them forth by twos in advance of him into every city and place to which he himself was going to come. 2 Then he began to say to )

the numbers 2 to 5 or in this case 1 and 2 are used with the meaning of a few (1Ki 17:12 Lev 26:8 2/Ki 6:10 Isa 17:6 Am 1:3 Pr 30:15)

 “Thousand” the Hebrew word ‘clep’ a thousand can be translated family or clan Jg 6:15 1sam 10:19 23:23 (a family many of which constituted one tribe)
Ten: There are 10 powers, which cannot separate the true believers from the love of God Rom 8:38,39 and 10 sins that exclude us from the kingdom of God 1Cor 6:10
“And they will stand up as a single one” a single one this is used as a description of the apocalyptic Son of Man who appears to Daniel by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel, as narrated in chapter 10:5. In the English Version, he is said to have beheld "a certain man." This phrase in the original is ish-ekhad, MAN OF ONE. It was not a real man he beheld; but, as he styles it in verse 18, "the Appearance of a Man"; and in verse 16, "like the Similitude of the Sons of Adam." It was a symbolical or shadowy representation of the man of the One Eternal Spirit. It was, therefore, truly "a certain man," not an uncertain, or indefinite, one. John, the Baptizer, "saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a Dove"; and Daniel, and John, the apostle, beheld the same Spirit, "like the similitude of the Sons of Adam," or, "like to a Son of Man."

Daniel's "Man of the One Spirit;" Paul's "New Man;" and John's "Son of Man." The same things are therefore affirmed of all, both Jesus and the faithful in him. Hence, as a body, their feet will be like hind's feet, swift in the pursuit of their enemies, whom they will overtake and destroy. These will fall before their power; and as Malachi says, they will trample them as ashes under the soles of their feet: and when they have got the victory, they will rule with Jesus as "princes in all the earth" (Psal. 45:16) -- the resurrected "ELOHIM ruling in the earth;" "the Elohim of Messiah's salvation."
Here, then, was a symbolic man blazing in glory and power: and representative of the Eternal Spirit hereafter to be manifested in a NEW ORDER OF ELOHIM -- aggregately ONE MAN -- the One Man of the One Spirit, whom the true believers shall all come unto A PERFECT MAN --- into the measure of the full age of the fullness of the Christ: who is THE HEAD, from whom the whole Body, fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint (heir) supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the Body unto the edifying of itself in love" (Eph. 4:3, 4, 13, 15, 16). Daniel saw the "perfect man" -- the Eternal manifested in the glorified flesh of a multitude -- symbolically represented in the measure of his full age.

“Stand” as I have said before this a Greek word anasstasis from anisteml to stand up, a standing up again, arise, life up, raise up (again, rise (again)) stand up right. Here it means that all the true believers at the end of the present age will stand up as the man of the one. The order of the resurrection is as follows 1st the formation of the body from the ashes of the dead 2nd impartation of life, making it a soul of life or body of soul 3rd appearance at the Tribunal of Christ 2Cor 5:10 4th Quickening consequent upon approval. This is the resurrection of life Anistasis Zoë being made perfect in one Ps 68:6 this is the meaning of 'solitary' or 'single one.

23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one [Elect who will become a fountain of life and prophesy the Word] out of ["to chase" with the Word of Truth, the Light which they all run and hide from] a thousand [of the many Jewish religions] and two [ditto] out of [ditto] ten thousand [of the myriads of denominations of the Christo-pagan religions], and they shall stand as a single one [both groups will stand together against the Truth for they have been sold of Messiah and have been surrendered by YHWH for their treachery (Deut 30:20)]." 

Flesh and Spirit Gospel of Thomas saying 29

Flesh and Spirit Gospel of Thomas Saying 29

Jesus says If the flesh came into being because of spirit,
it is a marvel,
but if spirit came into being because of body,
it is a marvel of marvels.
Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell
in this poverty.

Jesus speaks about two miracles in Sayings 29, 85 in Saying 29 Jesus speaks of two miracles and two in 85 here Jesus is speaking about the same thing the mortal body and the immortal body or spiritual body 

The living Jesus=the resurrected Jesus, Jesus also lives though his sayings, and all true believers are the living Jesus. To become the living Jesus, you must empty yourself of yourself and let the spirit that is the mind of Christ (his character) fill you. Dying to yourself so that you can be reborn of the spirit as the living Jesus. We must experience the same conception, gestation, and birth as the living Jesus so that we might be his twin (Mt 3:17 Mk 1:11 Lk 3:22 Ps 2:7 89:27)

In this saying the words “flesh and body” stands for the natural body the body of the soul and the word “spirit” stands for the spiritual body the body of the spirit 1Cor15:44-46: 
44 It is sown a body of the soul, it is raised a body of the spirit; if there is a body of the soul, there is also of the spirit:––45 Thus, also, it is written––The first man, Adam, became, a living soul, the last Adam, a life–giving spirit. 46 Howbeit, not first, is the body of the spirit, but that, of the soul,––afterwards, that of the spirit. Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible

“If” in Hebrew and Greek can be translated in many ways in English 0518 Ma 'im eem a primitive particle; conditional part; in the AV-if, not, or, when, whether, surely, doubtless, while, neither, saving, verily; 43 Greek 1487 ei ei i a primary particle of conditionality; ; conj AV-if 242, whether 21, that 6, not tr 20, misc 3; 292 and “is” in the Greek may also be translated AV-is 744, are 51, was 29, be 25, have 11, not tr 15, misc 25, vr is 1; 900 

Strong’s 2076 esti esti es-tee’ third person singular present indicative of 1510; ; v 1) third person singular of "to be" Used in phrase <3739> <2076> (5748) in: #Mr 3:17 7:11,34 12:42 15:15 Eph 6:17 Col 1:24 Heb 7:2 Re 21:8,17 These are listed under number 3603. 

So the first part of this saying can be translated “when” “When the flesh come into being because of spirit, it was a miracle.” 

Now in the next part of the text “but” in the Greek can be translated AV-but 1237, and 934, now 166, then 132, also 18, yet 16, yea 13, so 13, moreover 13, nevertheless 11, for 4, even 3, misc 10, not tr 300; 2870 1161 de de deh a primary particle (adversative or continuative); ; conj. so the next part of this saying can be translated also when spirit came into being because of the body it is a miracle of miracles.

So we have two miracles here the first one Jesus is speaking about the creation of man Gen 1: 2:  when the flesh came into being by the spirit of El through the Elohim and this was a miracle and not by chance as the theory of scientific origins would have it. The second miracle is ”a miracle of miracles” for from the natural body comes the spiritual body or the spiritual world is developed from the natural one surely this is a miracle of miracles.

Here Jesus must be speaking to his disciples after his resurrection for On a certain occasion, Jesus unexpectedly stood in the midst of His disciples, at which they were exceedingly alarmed, supposing they beheld a spirit, or phantasm, as at a former time. But, that they might be assured that it was really He Himself, He invited them to handle Him, and examine His hands and feet: "for," said he, "a phantom hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have." He did not mean to say that a spiritual body had not; but a Spirit such as they thought they saw. "They supposed they had seen a phantom." When Jesus walked upon the sea both Matthew (Mat 14:26) and Mark (Mark 6:49) make use of the same phrase as Luke, and say that the disciples when they saw Him, "supposed they had seen a spirit, and they cried out for fear." In both these places the word is phantasma, and not pneuma. 

Now, a Spiritual body is as material, or substantial and tangible, a body as that which we now possess. It is a body purified from "the law of sin and death." Hence it is termed "holy," and "spiritual," because it is born of the Spirit from the dust, is incorruptible, and sustained by the ruach, or spirit, independently of the neshemeh, or atmospheric air." "That which is born of the flesh," in the ordinary way, "is flesh," or an animal body: and that which is born of the Spirit," by a resurrection to life, "is spirit," or a Spiritual body (John 3:6). Hence, in speaking of Jesus, Paul says, "born of David's seed according to the flesh; and constituted the Son of God in power, by the spirit of holiness, through a resurrection from the dead" (Rom 1:3-4). Thus, He was born of the spirit, and therefore became "a Spirit;" and, because highly exalted, and possessing a name which is above every name (Phil 2:9-11), He is styled "the Lord the Spirit." 

Now, Jesus Anointed is Power, or Spirit, manifested in flesh, and justified in Spirit (2 Tim. 3:16): or, "Made of the seed of David according to flesh; and constituted Son of God in power, according to spirit of holiness, out of a resurrection of dead ones" (Rom 1:3, 4): and therefore styled "the Lord the Spirit," or "a life-imparting Spirit" (1Cor 15:45; 2Cor 3:17, 18). Here are Spirit and Flesh. The Spirit is Theos, or Deity; the Flesh was the Son of Mary, and named Jesus; and when anointed with Spirit again at his resurrection, became Jesus Christ, or the Anointed Jesus. This anointing was his begettal of spirit by which he became Spirit; as he said to Nicodemus, "that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6).
The flesh is a vehicle for the spirit: a vehicle in Hebrew is a vehicle “cherub” “Cherubim”. in Phanerosis, Dr. Thomas gives us The etymology of the word “cherub” or with “im“ on the end of a Hebrew word denotes the plural number “Cherubim” “is said by Gesenius to be obscure; and he suggests what he calls “a new derivation.” He says “if the word be of Semitic origin, perhaps we may take the root charav as having a meaning like kharam “to prohibit from a common use.” Hence, to consecrate, etc. “So that ‘cherub’, would be keeper, warden, guard, that is, of the Deity, to guard against all approach.” Hyde, in his Religion of the Ancient Persians, page 263, supposes that “‘cherub’ may be the same as Kerub, the first letter being koph, instead of caph, and signifying one near to God. His minister — one admitted to His presence.” Both these derivations are in accordance with the truth concerning the Cherubim — nevertheless, not satisfactory to our mind. We believe that the word is derived from the root rachav, “to ride” whether on an animal or in a vehicle, By transposing the first two letters and heemantively inserting wav before the last, we have “cherub” or that which is ridden — in the plural. “cheru­bim.” This convertibility of the verb rachav into the noun “cherub” is illustrated in Psalms 18:10., thus: “And-he-rode upon-a-cherub and flew” but the Father by the Spirit also “inhabits the Cherubim.” David, in Psalm 80, and Hezekiah in Isaiah 37:16

According to this derivation, the cherubim comprise the chariots of Yahweh, in which he rides by his spirit, and through which he manifests himself. In 1Chr 28:18 the phrase “the chariot even the cherubim” occurs according to the RV supporting the contention of Phanerosis. It is further supported by the expressions of 2Kings 2:12 and 13:14

The “Cherubim,” then, constitute a vehicle, in and upon which the Eternal Power self-styled “Yahweh,” rides as in a chariot. The Spirit is the rider, and the Cherubim the “clouds,” the “horses,” the “chariots,” the “living creatures,” the “wheels,” the “great waters,” the “wing­ed host,” upon which He rides. Hence, of the Eternal Spirit it is said: “Behold, He cometh with clouds” — the clouds of His witnesses, of whom the present evil aeon, or course of things, is not worthy (Rev. 1:7; Heb. 12:1; 1 Thess. 4:17); and again: “Was Thy wrath against the sea that Thou didst ride upon Thine horses, Thy chariots of salvation? Thou didst march through the sea with Thine horses, through the heap of great waters” (Hab. 3:8, 15); also, “Whither the Spirit was to go the living creatures went . . . . and they ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. And the noise of their wings was like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, as the noise of a host” (Ezek. 1:12, 14, 24; Rev. 1:15; 19:14). In this last citation, wings, great waters, Almighty, and host, all refer to the same company — a multitudinous embodiment of the Effluence of the Eternal Father, who soars on these wings of the Spirit. Wy-yaide-al chanphai ruach (Ps. 18: 10).

29) Jesus said, "If the flesh [creation of the lower/outward form] came into being [a living soul] because of spirit [being blown into it], it is a wonder [all men are formed in the womb by God for His own purposes - the miracle of birth]. But if spirit [a new creation of the higher/inward substance] came into being [a life giving spirit] because of the body [being called to Christ], it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth [fruits (treasures) of the Kingdom] has made its home in this poverty [the body of flesh which is continually buffeted in the world]." 

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Evil exists because of free will

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

24. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Galatians 5

Evil exists because of free will.

Free will is Wisdom who gives understanding.


Tuesday 22 October 2019

possessions the gospel of philip

 the gospel of philip possessions

The lord said to the students,
“From every house you are in, take out possessions,
but take things into the father’s house
and do not steal what is inside and run off.”

The Lord said to the disciples, "[...] from every house [individual soul]. Bring into the house of the Father [unite all into the Christ Consciousness  - this also may be referring to silver and gold vessels as found in 2 Chronicles 15??]. But do not take [for yourself] (anything) in the house of the Father nor carry it off [this appears to be directed at those who once knowing the truth turn away and go back the beggarly elements of the world and/or use it for “unjust gain”?]." (Philip 13)

What does 666 represent? Revelation 13

What does 666 represent?

"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." (666)
Is the number ‘666’ mentioned somewhere else in the Old Testament?
Goliath (1 Samuel 17:4-7). His height is six cubits. He had six pieces of armor. His spear head weighed 600 shekels of iron (iron, the metal of Rome, Dan. 2). Goliath's brothers had 6 fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot (2 Sam. 21:20).

It should be noted that the only place the number ‘666’ appears in the Old Testament is with King Solomon when he met the Queen of Sheba after building a house for Yahweh. The number refers to the weight of gold talents that the kings and queens gave him as gifts in one year. "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold (2 Chr 9:13, I Kings 10:14);"

Although the number is hidden in a mystery, it appears again in the Bible in the dimensions of the golden image built by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and the number of musicians who played at the celebration. The image was 6 cubits wide and 60 cubits in height. There were also 6 musicians present which gives the number 666 (Dn. 3:1-7). At the time that the musicians played, everyone was required to bow to this golden image. If they did not, the king ordered them to be thrown into the fiery furnace. Three Israelites Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego refused and they were thrown into the furnace (Dn. 3:14-20). For their obedience to the Law of Moses, Elohim delivered them, miraculously saving them unsinged (Dan. 3rd Chapter).
What does the number 6 represent?
In Hebrew theology, the number ‘6’ has special meaning. It represents the number of a man who was created on the 6th day of Moses’ vision. Now ‘6’ is one short of the number ‘7’ which in Hebrew theology represents perfection. Elohim worked 7 days to complete or perfect creation. The three ‘6s’ represent man being incomplete state. The number ‘6’ symbolically represents man in an undeveloped spiritual state which Paul called being carnal minded (Rom. 8:6). 

The number of “the wild beast” is 666 and is called “a man’s number,” indicating that it has to do with imperfect, fallen man, and it seems to symbolize the imperfection of that which is represented by “the wild beast.” The number six being emphasized to a third degree (the six appearing in the position of units, tens, and hundreds) therefore highlights the imperfection and deficiency of that which the beast represents, or pictures
The Beast:
Ec 3:18  I said in my heart, It is because of the sons of men, that God may prove them, and that they may see that they themselves are but as beasts.
Ec 3:19  For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; and man hath no preeminence above the beasts: for all is vanity.

Psalem 49:20  Man that is in honor, and understandeth not, Is like the beasts that perish.

Mankind has observed the characteristics and habits of animals and has applied them in a figurative or symbolic sense to persons, peoples, governments, and organizations. Thus the beast is a symbol of human consciousness organised collectively in opposition to God and his kingdom

—The Barbarian nations are figuratively described as "evil beasts" (Tit. 1:12).

Usually the number 666 is understood has a numerical equivalent of a word or name, both Hebrew or Greek, use the letters of their alphabets as numbers.

"for the number is that of a man":

Mankind was made on the 6th day therefore the number 6 is a man's number

Six is the number of Sin

Sin is symbolized by the number 666. Six is twelve divided. Twelve is the number symbolizing GOVERNMENTAL PERFECTION. (As contrasted to the number seven, which symbolizes SPIRITUAL PERFECTION.) Six--half of twelve. Six--half whole, not whole, un-whole, unholy.

All sin, error, evil, and negativity are the result of lack of true understanding, with or without the accompaniment of malice or violence. Sin and evil are words which refer to ANY HUMAN ATTEMPT TO nullify the DIVINE teachings.

Six, repeated three times, could symbolize repeated attempts to nullify the meaning of 144,000 the number symbolizing spiritual wholeness or rightness and perfect completion

And so the number of the man of sin -- 666 -- will give way to the number of the man of righteousness -- the 144,000 on Mount Zion, who have the name of the Lamb and of his Father (in contrast to the name of the Beast: Rev 13:17) written on their foreheads (Rev 14:1)!

Here is the simplest "explanation" of the 666: there are six Roman numerals that, taken in various combinations, account for all the smaller numbers. They are I (= 1), V (= 5), X (= 10), L (= 50), C (= 100), and D (= 500), Thus the SIX common Roman numerals have a total value of 600 (500 + 100), 60 (50 + 10), and 6 (5 + 1). These are all the numerals involved in the Roman system, at the lower level, until the number 1,000 is reached (which is denoted by "M" -- for "mille", or thousand). This is itself is significant: the lesser numbers, in all their possible combinations, represent all men, or all mankind (Roman, at least!) -- until we come to the "M" (the SEVENTH numeral) -- which, obviously, represents the Millennium! When the Millennium begins, all the numbers of "man" (totaling 666) will cease!
The Papacy
Revelation 13:18. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding must calculate the number of the beast, [the papacy]: for it is the number [standing or value] of a man. The Man of Sin, the Papacy. — Rev. 19:20; 2 Thes. 2:3.; and his number is 666.

From the second century A.D. onwards, the interpretation "LATEINOS" has been given, because the numerical values of the letters add to 666. This identification was given by Irenaeus, the disciple of Polycarp (born A.D. 70) who was contemporary with the apostle John

The official name or title of the popes is "Vicar of the Son of God" -- 'Vicarius Filii Dei'


The Hebrew word for this power is 'ROMIITH' -- the Hebrew value being:


The official signature of the Pope is "DUX CLERI" which means "High" or "Chief Priest." Being Latin this adds to:

[666—is the total value of the pope’s crown inscribed with this title translated means Vicar of the Son of God and by accepting such a one as an earthly head, it would constitute one as a part of the anti-Christ].

The mark of the best is the number of a man that is the man of sin so who is the man of sin?

The distinctive marks of the man of sin, identified in 2 Thessalonians  2:
The Apostasy
abandonment of truth.2:3
The Man Of Sin an individual apostate.2:3
The Man Of Sin a religious organisation continuing from Paul’s time to Christ’s return.2:3 to 2:8
Exalts Self Above All That Is Called Godclaim to be vicar and vice-regent of both God and Christ.2:4
Coming After The Working of Satan disguising Apostacy under forms of Christian religion.2:9
With All Power, Signs and Lying wondersclaiming power of priesthood, mediatorship, secular and spiritual government, and miraculous signs and healings.2:9
Have PleasureIn Unrighteousness - profligate, licentious and immoral.2:12
  • Antichrist is the Greek word “antichristos” transferred directly, and untranslated, into English.
  • Antichrist has a meaning, translatable into English, which is “One instead of Christ”
  • Antichrist is therefore someone who claims to be in Christ’s place.
  • Antichrist is identical in meaning to the Latin term: “Vicarius Christi “Vicar of Christ
  • Vicar of Christ is one of many evidences which identify the papacy and Roman Catholicism with Antichrist.
  • At the close of the council of Rome in AD 495, the assembled bishops shouted in honour of the pope “We see thou art the Vicar of Christ”!
  • In assuming the title Vicar of Christ the papacy has identified itself as the Antichrist.

Thus, every time the Pope of Rome officially signs a document, he writes the Latin equivalent of the number 666.

The number 666 has been attributed to many different persons at different times, since John was given the Revelation. Many believe it was a warning from John. The number 666 has most often been attributed to the Emperor Nero--who was the first to persecute Christians.

The number 6 in scripture represents Mankind (created on the 6th day); as such, it does not refer to any one person or thing.

[The Hebrew, Greek, and Latin languages use letters to represent a numerical value. Over the past few years, with the advent of computers, many scholars are attempting to decipher "The Bible Code." ed.]

Gospel of Thomas saying 32

 Jesus says: "A city built on a high mountain, and which is strong, it is not possible that it should fall, and it cannot be hidden!"

This saying is about preaching or missionary work, the disciples are compared to a city the heavenly Jerusalem “being built on a high mountain” cp. Rev 21:10. The city is Yahweh’s house and is made up of all true believers (Jer 31:38; Rev 21:9-22). The high mountain is mount Zion the place where Yahweh elected he shall dwell among his people (Deut 12:11 Ps 132:14) and therefore symbolises the ecclesia (2Cor 6;16) Zion is a symbol of permanency (Ps 125:1). A true believer is a citizen of Zion (Ps 87:1-5) Ezekiel saw the literal mountain Ezek 40:2 as it will be after the earthquake shall have elevated Zion (zech 14:4,10)

The city cannot be hidden that is all nations shall flow to it and say teach us your ways for the law shall go out of Zion the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem. (Jer 3:17)
“that cannot be sieged.” or “Fortified“, that is fortified with the truth, the word of God, and the full amour of God which I have spoken about before in saying 21. When we put on the full amour of God Yahweh becomes our fortress 2sam 22:2 Ps 31:2

32)# Jesus said, "A city [new Jerusalem] being built on a high mountain [God's Kingdom] and fortified [faith being strengthened through tribulation (refining fire)] cannot fall ["the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"], nor can it be hidden [the whole world will eventually see it]." 

Gospel of Thomas Saying 31

 Jesus says: "A prophet is not accepted in his <own> city, and a doctor does not heal those who know him."

Jesus said, "No prophet is accepted in his own country; no physician heals those who know him.

 The saying about the physician resembles 'Physician, heal yourself', a proverb quoted in Luke 4.23

Here Jesus is speaking about himself and his followers as rejected prophets like the prophets of old who were rejected and killed. This is a warning that his followers can expect to be treated as he was.

31) Jesus said, "No prophet is accepted in his own village [the Jews rejected Him just as Israel rejected the prophets before Him and still do to this day]; no physician [true disciple who has the life in him] heals those who know him [the Christo-pagans believe in Him but have no faith ("let it be according to your faith") as these would rather enjoy the fruits and wine of the world than turn around and be healed - "their faith is counted as unfaithfulness"]." 

Returning to the Kingdom Gospel of Thomas saying 49

49 Jesus said: Blessed are the solitary and the elect, for you will find the kingdom, for you came forth from it, (and) you will return to it again. 50 Jesus said, "If they say to you (plur.), 'Where are you from?' say to them, 'It is from light that we have come - from the place where light, of its own accord alone, came into existence and [stood at rest]. And it has been shown forth in their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say 'We are its offspring, and we are the chosen of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father within you?' say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'"

 for you will find the kingdom, for you came forth from it, (and) you will return to it again.

Where you are from and where you are going are the same place

This saying should by read with saying 50. For when you are sent forth from Jesus, if they say to you where did you come from? Say to them we came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and become manifest in our image if they say to you who are you Tell them we are his children we are the elect of the living father.

"Find the Kingdom" the solitary and the elect ones are always seeking the Kingdom

“And you will return to it” on the day on which the true believers receive the promises and being made perfect heb 11:1,13,39,49. This is the a new creation in Christ to be born again 

(John 1:13) and they were born, not from blood or from a fleshly will or from man’s will, but from God.

(2 Corinthians 5:17) Consequently if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away, look! new things have come into existence.

(Galatians 6:15) For neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation [is something].

(1 Peter 1:3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for according to his great mercy he gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

(1 Peter 1:23) For YOU have been given a new birth, not by corruptible, but by incorruptible [reproductive] seed, through the word of [the] living and enduring God.

(1 John 3:9) Everyone who has been born from God does not carry on sin, because His [reproductive] seed remains in such one, and he cannot practice sin, because he has been born from God.

49) Jesus said, "Blessed are the solitary and elect [those who are set-apart from the world and religion], for you will find the Kingdom [because these never stop seeking for it]. For you are from it [were created in the image of God before being re-created in the image of man], and to it you will return [after you have been refined and purified by "Christ (the Word) in you, the hope of glory"]." 

Preaching Gospel of Thomas saying 50

49 Jesus said: Blessed are the solitary and the elect, for you will find the kingdom, for you came forth from it, (and) you will return to it again. 50 Jesus said, "If they say to you (plur.), 'Where are you from?' say to them, 'It is from light that we have come - from the place where light, of its own accord alone, came into existence and [stood at rest]. And it has been shown forth in their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say 'We are its offspring, and we are the chosen of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father within you?' say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'"

This saying should by read with saying 49

Here Jesus is teaching his disciples about what to say if they are ask questions on missionary work. 

But Who are “they”? they are people outside of the community who are asking the missionaries who they are, so Jesus is telling them how to answer their questions. Or they could be the Pharisees or leaders of synagogues in Gaille or Juedea. 

“say to them, we came from the light” This part of the saying continues the thought of Saying 24. The subject-matter of this saying is much the same as that of Saying 49; for the place of light cf. Sayings 24, 77. Jesus is speaking about himself here as the light of the world and The disciples are the light of the world (Matthew 7:14) because Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). 

They are from above, from the place where the light shines in the darkness (John 1:5). They are sons of the light (saying 24), and the elect. If men ask for a sign, as they asked Jesus (Mark 8:11-12; Matthew 16:1-4; Luke 11:16, 29-30), no startling miracle can be shown them, but only 'a movement and a rest.' The 'rest' must be the rest characteristic of the kingdom (Sayings 1 [Greek], 52, 90); the 'movement' is
for the place of light cf. Sayings 24, 77. 

God is light and he is the pre-existent one for there was never a time when God did not exist and Theos was the logos that is deity was the plan and in this plan was life and the life was the light of men. that is spiritual life, which is produced by the light of God's word -- not natural life! And thereby setting the parameters of "beginning" and "creation": the "beginning" of God's revelation of His Son to the world, and the new, spiritual "creation" of believers in him. The word (plan) became flesh at Jesus’ baptism and the text of the Diatessaron confirms this see section III. 46: 

This man came to bear witness, that he might bear witness to the light, that every man might believe through his mediation. He was not the light, bat that he might bear witness to the light, which was the light of truth, that giveth light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. And those who received him, to them gave he the power that they might be sons of God,--those which believe in his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of a man, but of God. And the Word became flesh, and took up his abode among us; and we saw his glory as the glory of the only Son from the Father, which is full of grace and equity. John bare witness of him, and cried, and said, This is he that I said cometh after me and was before me, because he was before me. And of his fullness received we all grace for grace. For the law was given through the mediation of Moses, but truth and grace were through Jesus Christ. (Matthew 3:16 

15 But Jesus answered and said to him, "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness." Then he allowed him. 
16 When Jesus was immersed a bright light played upon the water, so that all who had come there were afraid. After his immersion, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him. 
17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." In Luke 3:22 Instead of “You are my one dear Son; in you I take great delight,” one Greek ms and several Latin mss and church fathers (D it Ju [Cl] Meth Hil Aug) quote Ps 2:7 outright with “You are my Son; today I have begotten you.” 

here than the place where the light came into being was at Jesus’ baptism when the word was made flesh although the became flesh at his birth however at his baptism the word truly became flesh when Jesus was anointed with the holy spirit he became the Messiah the promised seed of the woman and son of God and after his resurrection Jesus was born once more 
Rom 1:4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: so Jesus was born 3 times the 1st by the holy spirit and Mary and this made him son of man and son of God and the second at his baptism and the 3rd after his resurrection so we have light at his baptism and at the transfiguring and after his resurrection from the dead he became light and this is the place where light came into being by its self in the Lord Jesus 
Mt 4:16 Mt 17:2Lu 1:79Lu 11:35 Lu 11:36 Lu 16:8 Ac 9:3 Ac 12:7 Ac 22:6 Ac 22:9Ac 22:11 Ac 26:13 Ac 26:18 Eph 5:8 Col 1:12 1Th 5:5 1Ti 6:16 1Jo 1:5 1Jo 1:7 1Jo 1Jo 2:9 1Jo 2:10 Re 21:11 Re 21:23 Re 21:24 Re 22:5 

The relationship to the living Father has been mentioned in Saying 3 (cf. Saying 37). 
For the 'image' the light dwells in our image the image is a reference to being the twin bother of Jesus for our image should be the same as the son of God and being the same as the Son of God we are sons of God see Saying 83. 

The 'rest' must be the rest characteristic of the kingdom (Sayings 1 [Greek], 52, 90);
The 'movement' may 

50) Jesus said, "If they [religious leaders] say to you [the Elect], 'Where did you come from?', say to them, 'We came from the light [we were born of holy spirit], the place where the light came into being on its own accord ["the holy spirit blows where it will and we do not know it" - i.e. we have no part in the calling that takes place among the Elect] and established [itself] and became manifest through their image [their forms of worship, in their ordinances, traditions and festivals etc.. all lower/outward {fleshly} forms and rituals) which were designed to point them to the advent of Messiah].' If they say to you, 'Is it [the light] you?', say, 'We are its children [born again in spirit], we are the elect [sons] of the Living Father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you [how can we believe you? Show us proof]?', say to them, 'It is movement [being drawn out of the world and into the Kingdom - i.e. from darkness to light, from the letter to the spirit, from unrighteousness to righteousness, etc..] and repose [true rest in Him knowing He is working a work in you - i..e you "cease from your own works].'" (Mt 7:14; Jn 8:12; Jn 1:5; Mk 8:11-12; Mt 16:1-4; Lk 11:16, 29-30; compare Sayings 84; 83; 24; 77; 3; 37; 51; 52; 53)