Showing posts with label christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christ. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Jesus Is a Hidden Name The Gospel of Philip

The Meaning of the Christ

Title: Understanding the Depth of Christ Consciousness

The Gospel of Philip sheds profound light on the significance of the names associated with Jesus and Christ, unraveling layers of meaning that extend beyond conventional understanding. While "Jesus" is recognized as a name, "Christ" embodies a deeper essence, transcending mere nomenclature. In essence, Jesus, the Nazarene, embodies the Christ Consciousness, representing an individual expression of the divine idea.

The intricate interplay of names and meanings becomes evident as we delve into the essence of each term. "Jesus," rooted in Hebrew, conveys the profound concept of redemption. "Nazarene," derived from "Nazara," symbolizes truth. Meanwhile, "Christ," originating from the Greek term for Messiah, embodies anointed teachings and divine wisdom.

Contrary to popular belief, "Christ" is not a surname but a manifestation of the divine idea in the form of Jesus, the Messiah. This concept is echoed in the Apostle Paul's writings, where he elucidates the metaphorical depiction of Christ as a body, with Jesus as the head and believers as the members. This mystical union emphasizes the inseparable bond between Jesus and his followers, constituting the body of Christ.

Furthermore, Paul's references highlight the transformative power of being "in Christ," signifying a new creation and a state of divine grace. This profound connection to Christ transcends mere doctrine, encapsulating a spiritual atmosphere in which believers live and act. Through baptism, individuals are clothed with Christ, becoming heirs to the promise of salvation.

The essence of Christ extends beyond a singular individual to encompass the divine-idea, embodying perfection in the Divine Mind. Christ represents the culmination of all divine attributes, including wisdom, love, and strength. Just as an architect's masterpiece encompasses a multitude of ideas, Christ embodies the fullness of divine perfection.

Central to understanding Christ is the concept of Christ Consciousness, which permeates the lives of believers. This spiritual awakening brings forth the realization of one's true self, indwelt by the essence of Christ. Through the quickening power of Truth, believers become vessels for the manifestation of Christ Consciousness in their lives.

However, many fail to recognize the proximity of Christ Consciousness due to a disconnect from their true selves. The birth of Christ Consciousness within an individual signifies the awakening to their spiritual identity, wherein the Christ of God is brought to consciousness.

In conclusion, the depth of Christ Consciousness transcends conventional understanding, encompassing the spiritual essence of Jesus, the Messiah. Rooted in divine wisdom and anointed teachings, Christ embodies the pinnacle of divine perfection. Through spiritual awakening, believers come to realize their innate connection to Christ, becoming vessels for the manifestation of Christ Consciousness in their lives. As individuals embrace their true selves, the transformative power of Christ Consciousness unfolds, illuminating the path to spiritual enlightenment and divine grace.

Jesus is a hidden name, Christ is an open one.

So Jesus is not a word in any tongue but a name they call him. 

The messengers  who were before us had these names
for him: Jesus, the Nazorean, messiah,
that is, Jesus, the Nazorean, the Christ.

The last name is Christ,
the first is Jesus,
the middle name is the Nazarene.

Messiah has two meanings, both “Christ” and “measured.”
Jesus in Hebrew is “redemption.”
Nazara is “truth.”
Christ has been measured.

The Nazarene and Jesus are they who have been measured.

The Gospel of Philip

Most think of 'Christ' as Jesus' last name. Christ, however, is the Greek term for Messiah. Jesus, the Christ, is Jesus, the Messiah.

The word "Christ" signifies anointed. Anointing means designation to official position in God's arrangement. The Christ is the instrument or channel for the blessing of mankind. The Christ is composed of Jesus, the great and mighty head, and 144,000 members. (Revelation 7:4) Christ Jesus is the head and the church his body. We ofttimes hear the expression, a body of men with a general at their head. Of the Christ the apostle says: "And he [Christ Jesus] is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell." — Colossians 1:17-19.

The Apostle Paul uses a human body to illustrate the Christ, the great mystery class; the head representing Jesus, and the other members of the body those who are of his church. "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." — 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27.

Because we are members of his body and we are of his flesh and of his bones. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church

For as many as have been baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ ... ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and HEIRS according to the promise" (Gal. 3:26-29). A community of such individuals as these constitutes the mystical body of Christ

the term Christ refers to the anointed message that Jesus of Nazareth taught; i.e. Jesus' teachings. When Paul called the "Christ, the 'wisdom of God' in 1Co 1:24, he assumes that the Corinthians know that the divine Sophia [wisdom] has been reinterpreted as Christ,
In 1Th 5:18, Paul said, "the saving will [logic] of God is in Christ Jesus…this use of the phrase emphasizes…the cooperation of the Father as initiator and prime cause with the Son as agent/instrument."

What can be assumed here is that Jesus brings the will (logic) of God to man in his anointed teachings. (See Jn, Chapter 1)

"To be in Christ is to be a new creation [person] (2Co 5:17)…God has reconciled man with himself through Christ [i.e., through Jesus' anointed teachings]…. Christ is not an external principle of law or doctrine, but a life and a state in which and only in which the fullness of Christian grace and virtue and the love of God is possible. Hence this phrase 'in Christ' appears to designate the element or atmosphere in which the Christian lives and acts;

In Col 1:16f 'in Christ' designates Christ the wisdom/will of God in man

In short, We think of Christ not as Jesus, but rather as Jesus' wisdom, logos, Sophia, or simply, anointed teachings.

In himself Christ has everything, be it human or angel or mystery and the father.  The Gospel of Philip

Christ is the divine-idea. Jesus is the name that represents an individual expression of the Christ idea.

Christ is the one complete idea of perfection in the Divine Mind. He is the embodiment of all divine ideas, such as wisdom, life, love, substance, and strength. In the architect's mind there may be one masterpiece, but that masterpiece is the sum of all the beautiful ideas that have come to his mind. This Christ, or perfect idea existing eternally in the Divine mind is the true, spiritual, higher self of every believer. or the Christ Consciousness. Each of the true believers has been Anointed with the spirit of Christ thus each of the true believers has within them the Christ, just as Jesus had.

Some do not realize the nearness of this Christ Consciousness , because they have not found their real selves. which is Christ in you the hope of glory

The birth of the Christ Consciousness in the life of a believer is the bringing to consciousness of the spiritual idea of the Christ of God--through the quickening power of the word of Truth

we are renewed by knowledge” (Col. iii. 10). In this, however, he does not contradict himself, but rather makes the one phrase explanatory of the other; as if he had said, “we are renewed by the Holy Spirit through knowledge.” The Holy Spirit renews or regenerates man intellectually and morally by the truth believed. “Sanctify them by thy truth,” says Jesus; “thy word, O Father, is truth” (John xvii. 17). “Ye are clean,” said he to his apostles, “through the word which I have spoken to you” (John xv. 3). God’s power is manifested through means. His Spirit is His power by which He effects intellectual, moral, and physical results. When He wills to produce intellectual and moral effects, it is by knowledge revealed by His Spirit through the prophets and apostles. This knowledge becomes power when received into “good and honest hearts”; and because God is the author of it, it is styled “the Knowledge of God” (2 Pet. i. 2), or “the word of truth” (James i. 18), by which He begets sinners to Himself as His sons and daughters. “The word of the truth of the gospel,”” the gospel of the kingdom.” “the incorruptible seed,” “the word,” “the truth as it is in Jesus,”” the word of the kingdom,”” the word of reconciliation,” “the law and the testimony,” “the word of faith,” “the sword of the spirit which is the word of God,” “the word of Christ,” “the perfection of liberty,” etc.-are all phrases richly expressive of” the power of God” by which He saves His people from their sins, and translates them into the Hope of the kingdom and glory to which He invites them. The truth is the power that makes men free indeed (John viii. 32, 36). Hence Jesus says, “My words are spirit, and they are life.” The prophets, Jesus, and the apostles were the channels through which it was transmitted to mankind; and the spirit the agent by which the knowledge was conveyed to them. Hence, the knowledge or the truth being suggested to the prophets by the spirit is sometimes styled “the spirit” (Rom. ii. 20). The spirit is to the truth as cause and effect; and by a very common figure of speech, the one is put for the other in speaking of them relatively to the mind and heart of man. So that the phrase “renewed by the holy spirit” is equivalent to renewed by the belief of the truth testified by the Holy Spirit (John xv. 26: xiv. 13-14)

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

We come to know Sige through the Christ who is the Son

We come to know Sige through the Christ who is the Son

We come to know Sige through the Christ who is the Son.

She to us is

the Mother with Him

who is the Immeasurable One.

She is vast in depth of the fullness of Him - instinctively we look up to see.

She is the Mother-Father of Christ


Christ is our brother and our Mother is Wisdom

who is called Sophia,

and we here, called little lambs, the Aeons 

are the little children of her.

The Meaning of Sige
Sige-Ennoia The Silent Thought The Mother of all life

Friday, 25 November 2022

How to Read the Bible from a Gnostic Point of View

How to Read the Bible from a Gnostic Point of View

Day 1

Gnostic Teacher says

Tomorrow I shall Teach you How to Read!

Day 2

Gnostic Teacher says

To read is to Understand.
To Understand is to Comprehend.
To Comprehend is to Know!
To Know is Gnosis!

Day 3

Gnostic Teacher says

Get the Basics first.

Here I will use several text and show you how to read the ancient text, in this way you will obtain a greater understanding of what is truly written, The Gnosis= hidden knowledge.

John 3:3 ►New Living Translation
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God."

See= discern= apprehend= Antonym/misunderstand= Antonym/understand.

So using the antonym of misunderstand meaning to understand, Christ was really saying, unless you are born again you would not be able to understand the kingdom of God, and to understand the kingdom of god, is to know it's mysteries, and the opperations= the way it works.

Day 4

Gnostic Teacher says

Take a moment and look at the word "Seen"

John 6:46 ► Berean Study Bible

not that anyone has seen the Father except the One who is from God; only He has seen the Father.

to have personal knowledge of; experience; witness: to learn; discover.
to comprehend; understand, to perceive the true meaning, character, or nature of.

Now we see that the word "seen" means to "understand" and by keeping this in mind, now let's read this text again.

Christ meant that, he was not saying that "no" one don't understand,have personal knowledge of, or don't know his true nature,
He continued to say that those that come from him, will know him in that capacity.

And again we see the Saviour in his compassion had mercy and assured them of the type of relationship a Father has with his children, with holding nothing from them but shows to them his expressed self in an Eternal, Infinite, ineffable way.
Logos and Sophia
Day 5 

Gnostic Teacher says

Again Christ is the "WORD" once you know and understand him, then you will truly know The Father!

Genesis 1:1 ► GOD'S WORD® Translation
In the beginning God created heaven and earth.

In this text you were taught that the word "In" meant a starting point, well let's see.

"In" Defined= Also used as a function word to indicate "Location", Location= Noun, Place!
So in Genesis it's actually saying that there is and was a place where the heavens and the earth was made.

Take a look at what Sophia/Wisdom was saying in the book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 8:30 ► Aramaic Bible in Plain English
I was fashioning with him; he was rejoicing in me everyday, and I have been rejoicing before him always.

What Sophia/Wisdom was saying was pointing to the fact that she was in a place with God, and in this place she was creating with him.

"With" Defined= preposition/ used to say that people or things are together in one place.

John 1:1 ►Aramaic Bible in Plain English
In the origin The Word had been existing and That Word had been existing with God and That Word was himself God.

John 1:2 ► GOD'S WORD® Translation
He was already with God in the beginning.

John 1:3 ►GOD'S WORD® Translation
Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him.

The gender of the noun wisdom is a feminine and the word is a masculine noun this teaches us that the Christ the anointing spirit is a syzygies consisting of Sophia and Logos   

So if you use the method of defining words, and look up its," antonyms and synonyms" it will open up to a new understanding of basic knowledge of scripture, and from this Gnosis will be revealed to you.
Is Gnosis a Prefix or a Suffix?
Day 6 

Gnostic Teacher says

For some people Gnosis is a word, and all their life they try to explain it.

For others, its like a seasoning, they believe that if they sprinkle it over any words or sayings, these words and sayings will taste good to those that eat those words and sayings.

And there are the few that think that Gnosis is a Prefix or a Suffix, they secretly place it in the front and end of meaningless sayings to which they themselves have no understanding of.

As for me I know Gnosis, It is the Source of which the Christ preceded from, the understanding of the Pentad, and the essences of the Decad.

Gnosis is the life and power of the Autogenes, the very root of my Being,
in a word, I am it's offspring!

Translation and Interpretation 
Day 7 

Gnostic Teacher says

My good brothers and to my friend, do not trouble yourselves with he that Translates the ancient text / and Scriptures.

It is not given to he that translate but rather to him that interprets, for even the disciples of the Messiah, though they walked, talked and wrote the sayings of the Messiah, did not truly interpret what he was saying.

As I spoke with you before hand concerning " words " I say to you again, understand words and their true meanings, and be not afraid to ask the Holy One for knowledge and understanding, was he not before all things and all things came into existence by him and because of him?

Then feel free to question him and he will freely expound to the hidden mysteries of the kingdom of light as well as the mysteries of ineffableness.

I give to you this these two things,

1) Translations are as great fruit trees that are ready for harvest, though it's fruit weighs it's limbs down because of it's fruit laden with sweet juices, insects and fowls of the air are attracted to the fragrance of the fruit tree.

Insects, they bore holes in the fruit, insert their larvae and if the pickers of this fruit picks and ingest this fruit his innermost being can become sickened and he being devoured by the larvae become the larvae, for this one did not look carefully into this fruit before consuming it.

2) The Fowls: the fowls of the air senses the hour of the ripeness of the fruit, they then make their nest among the limbs of the tree, and before the time of harvest they Peck at the stem of the fruits causing the fruit to be deprived of nourishment and the unwise picker, picks and eats and because the fruit has not been fully nourished his stomach becomes embittered and he regurgitates the fruit and he having gained nothing, but also regurgitated the previous meal he had eaten.

So my brothers and my friend always seek to interpret what has been translated, look well to the condition of the fruit if it seem well ripened then divide it into portions looking for the worms, then if it is good for eating then eat, if not then discard.

I tell you of this truth, it will be better for you if you had not eaten, than for you to become sicken by bitter fruit, even more, being devoured by it's worms.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Christ is a symbol for Light

Christ is a symbol for Light

 I have selected quotes from NHL that say that the name Christ is a symbol for Light (the inner Light). In addition, I can mention that also Moses used the symbolic name Christ in the NHL scriptures when he talked about the bronze snake.

“Fire is chrism. Light is fire. I do not mean ordinary fire, which has no form, but other fire, which is pure white in appearance, beautifully bright and imparting beauty.” (Gospel of Philip)

“So it is necessary to baptize with two elements, light and water, and light is chrism.” (Gospel of Philip)

“The tree of life, however, is in the middle of the garden. It is an olive tree, and from it comes chrism, and from chrism comes resurrection.”(Gospel of Philip)

“Chrism is superior to baptism. We are called Christians from the word “chrism,” not from the word “baptism.” Christ also has his name from chrism, for the father anointed the son, the son anointed the apostles, and the apostles anointed us.” (Gospel of Philip)

“But when the seed is revealed, then perfect light will shine on everyone, and all who are in the light will [receive the] chrism.” (Gospel of Philip)

“Those who receive the name of the father, son, and holy spirit and have accepted them must do this. If someone does not accept them, the name will also be taken from that person. A person receives them in the chrism with the oil of the power of the cross. The apostles called this power the right and the left. This person is no longer a Christian but is Christ.” (Gospel of Philip)

By Christer Hamre

Friday, 8 May 2020

the Light with Christ

 the Light with Christ

The soul's purpose is to transform within, and this can only be done when the mind has been renewed a Christ with Lord Jesus and THIS can only happen when we turn to Jesus who is the ONLY way we come into the Father's presence.

Along the way, Christ is in you (you know this, he loves you so and will never leave or forsake you), and along the way come into the Light with Christ who is our Father of Light and Lord Jesus is the ONLY way the Light comes in (the truth) and the Light goes behind (darkness is no more) and this is how the mind is renewed a Christ with him. We learn how to communicate in the spirit and walk in the spirit while we remain in service to this world in the flesh.

The Light of Christ is our Father and along the way with Jesus your mind is sealed a Christ with his, you'll know who you are, where you came from and what's going on.

Strange yes, and the world will not understand, like who knew how to enter the way with Jesus - no one really taught us it was possible to become a Christ with him while we yet lived here on the earth because of ego, because ego wants to be a Christ and he can't so don't worry.

We do, the elect, the true children, we who love him hear his voice within and we turn to him and enter in all before death of this organic flesh called sinful in nature. Call out to him, ask him on purpose to awaken your sleeping soul, who is innocent as a babe, tender in the throne room of God drinking the milk of the word, awakening only when standing accused.

Come now ~ come down and out of her who nurses you and learn how to walk as a little child with him and enter the kingdom within. For babes don't eat the meat, its too strong and neither do babes walk for their bodies are feeble, and they sleep to grow.

Come now, enter in by turning to him and know who your Father is through Christ the Son and go the ONLY way made ready for you to go with him; if there wasn't a way, our precious lord and saviour would never has said he is the ONLY way.

He calls us children, by name, because he knows what's going on and this name is written in the lambs book of life; this world is not our permanent home, neither would he have said, death is no more, the grave has no victory and every tear wiped away.

The All is done before not after, for in death we loose our free will to choose correctly and there are two ways leading out of life, choose Lord Jesus, choose life.  

Thursday, 16 April 2020

The people in ignorance and enslaved to the Law of Moses

 The people in ignorance and in slaved to the Law of Moses

1 Corinthians 1:21 ►............ New Living Translation

Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe.

Here is another example of truth most people overlook 90% of the preachers, pastors, evangelist, and prophets then in the old testaments and even now do not know of whom they are preaching about, Christ called them sumerians...... John 4:22 ►.........

New Living Translation
You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews.

Here Christ was simply saying people in the churches are called Sumerians, because sumerians have no knowledge of the God they are worshipping in the churches but seeing the Jewish people had knowledge of who that God was salvation was easy for them to obtain.

But Christ came so even through that ignorance of the church those that truly desired to be saved could obtain the salvation they sought for, when Paul caught on to this understanding he brought it to the churches, but the Jews hated him for it, because tithes and offerings in money had made them rich, and they wanted to keep the people in ignorance and enslaved to the Law of Moses.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Christ was the first mystery

Greetings to you all of my brothers and sisters :

While I was with you I prepared a place for you at my father's table, yet not only for but for the others that we're to come.

At the arrival of them, greet them, know them, that you may come to know yourselves, then you will come to know who is speaking.

I share with you this mystery,

Galatians 2:20 ►King James Version

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Here, Paul is saying that though he is alive, the life that controls his body is the life power of Christ that lives in him and he allows that, life power to lead him in all things while he continues to follow that power having faith in that power, which is the eternal love of our father.

The same was said of Christ, though Christ was the first mystery, yet there was a mystery within him.......

2 Corinthians 5:19 ►World English Bible

namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and having committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Here we see that Christ, though he was alive he himself did not live by his own life, but he had faith in the life power that was alive in him, this power was also the eternal love of our father, this is who Christ followed after.

Do you hear me, brothers and sisters?

Romans 8:11 ►Darby Bible Translation

But if the Spirit of him that has raised up Jesus from among the dead dwell in you, he that has raised up Christ from among the dead shall quicken your mortal bodies also on account of his Spirit which dwells in you.

In this last passage remember, afore time, I told you of the first mystery and that there was yet a mystery of the first mystery within the first mystery, and it is that mystery that I am from.

Brothers and sisters it is by this power, the eternal love of our father that is alive and lives in you shall raise you to from among the dead even while you are alive in your mortal bodies, and as Christ stands in his resurrected body, you shall see me in mine as I see Christ in his, and look, even more brothers and sisters are asleep and waiting to join us, so welcome them then awaken them, and our father will resurrect them.

And no! I never left you, I am standing on the out side, a beacon showing them the way to come.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

True Church Fathers Photinus

Photinus (Greek Φωτεινός; died 376),[1] was a Christian heresiarch and bishop of Sirmium in Pannonia Secunda (today the town Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia), best known for denying the incarnation of Christ. His name became synonymous in later literature for someone asserting that Christ was not God. His teachings are mentioned by various ancient authors, like Ambrosiaster (Pseudo- Ambrose), saint Hilary of PoitiersSocrates ScholasticusSozomen, saint Ambrose of MilanAugustine of HippoJohn CassianSulpicius SeverusJerome (Eusebius Sophronius Hyeronymus), Vigilius of Thapsus (Vigillius Tapsensis) and many others.[2]
None of his writings are extant and must be reconstructed through his critics

At the time Photinus voiced his own theological system, according to which Jesus was not divine and the Logos did not exist before the conception of Jesus.[9] For Photinus the Logos was simply a mode of manifestation of the Father, hence he denied the pre-existence of Christ and saw theophanies in the Old Testament as of the father, and the image of the "Son of God" (actually, Son of man) in front of (and distinct from) the Ancient of Days as prediction only.[10] As a matter of fact, Photinus' apprehension of God as Father, and his teachings about the nature of Jesus Christ are maybe more complex than has been thought.[11]
The church historian Socrates Scholasticus identifies Photinus' beliefs with those of SabelliusPaul of Samosata.[ This also was presumably misapprehension of Photinus' doctrine about Jesus.[14] Ambrose, among the many accusing Photinus of reducing Christ to a man adopted by God, notes that his favourite verses were 1 Timothy 2:5 and John 8:40.[15] In the controversies against Polish Socinian influence in 18th-Century Photinus was repeatedly cast as a heretical predecessor of early Unitarians for his denial of the pre-existence of Christ.[16]

He makes the Father and the Word one Person (prosopon). The Word is equally with the Father unbegotten, or is called a part of the Father, eternally in Him as our logos is in us. The latent Word (endiathetos) becomes the explicit Word (prophorikos) not, apparently, at the creation, but at the Incarnation, for only then is He really Son. The Divine Substance can be dilated and contracted (so St. Hilary translates platynesthai and systellesthai, while Mercator's version of Nestorius's fourth sermon gives "extended and collected"). This is exactly the wording of Sabellius, who said that God platynetai, is broadened out, into Son and Spirit. To Photinus the expansion forms the Son, who is not, until the human birth of Christ. Hence before the Incarnation there is no Son, and God is Father and Word, Logopator. The Incarnation seems to have been conceived after a Nestorian fashion, for Photinus declared the Son of Mary to be mere man, and this is the best-known point in his teaching. He was consequently classed with Paul of SamosataJerome even calls him an Ebionite, probably because, like Mercator, he believed him to have denied the Virgin birth. But this is perhaps an error. He certainly said that the Holy Ghost descended upon Christ and that He was conceived by the Holy Ghost. By His union with the prophoric Word, Christ was the Son. The Holy Ghost is identified like the Word with the Unbegotten; He is a part of the Father and the Word, as the Word is a part of the Father. It is evident that Photinus went so far beyond Marcellus that it is unfair to call him his follower.

True Church Fathers Theodotus of Byzantium

Theodotus of Byzantium

Theodotus of Byzantium (Ancient Greek: ΘεoδoÏ„oÏ‚; also known as Theodotus the Tanner, Theodotus the Shoemaker, lived late 2nd century) was an early Christian writer from Byzantium, one of several named Theodotus whose writings were condemned as heresy in the early church.

Theodotus believed that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit as a non-divine man, and though later "adopted" by God upon baptism (that is to say, he became the Christ), was not himself God until after his resurrection.

This doctrine, was declared Heresy by Pope Victor I, and Theodotus was excommunicated.

Condemned and excommunicated by Pope Victor in 190, Theodotus nevertheless continued to acquire disciples, forming his own Church community that lasted until the end of the 4th century.

This Church community of Theodotus held the original doctrine of the church which, had continued in-corrupted until Victor I came to the office of bishop of Rome, the truth being first perverted by Victor I and his successor Zephyrinus (c. 199).

Hippolytus reports that as to the Deity and the work of creation the doctrine of Theodotus was orthodox, but as to our Lord's person he agreed with Gnostic speculations, especially in distinguishing Jesus and Christ. The miraculous conception of Jesus he was willing to admit; but he held Him a man like others, though of the highest virtue and piety. He taught that at the baptism of Jesus, Christ descended on Him in the form of a dove, and that He was then able to work miracles, though He had never exhibited any before: but even so He was not God; though some of the sect were willing to acknowledge His right to the title after His resurrection.

Friday, 3 April 2020

The Decad is the Duality of the Pentad

The Decad is the Duality of the Pentad; large knowing and small knowing opposites of life & death / light & darkness.

Thought in this world.
Thought in the Christ.

Forethought in this world.
Forethought in the Christ.

Truth in this world.
Truth in the Christ.

Indestructibility in this world.
Indestructibility in the Christ.

Everlasting life in this world.
Everlasting life in the Christ.

Wisdom calls out at the gates, “The kingdom is within; her gates open; the light is on come now and enter in”.

As above so is below.

One is Big knowing and the other is little knowing.

One is the truth set you free, the other is the truth in the world that always changes directions.

We’re in the II coming, and we’re to enter the kingdom within and go the way. Once you’re within the kingdom this is where mind and heart are kept safe.

To enter in soul awakens and changes into a little child and learns how to left and right glide within the mind called the spirit as he enters the narrow way leading to life, comes out into the light of knowing the truth of who you are, where you came from and what’s going on.

Its a strange thing the II coming, so quiet in silence, Christ is taking this world by stealth.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

What is Righteousness?

What is righteousness?

the word righteousness is used 12 times in the Nag Hammadi Library

As the Savior was sitting in the temple in the three hundredth (year) of the covenant and the agreement of the tenth pillar, and being satisfied with the number of the living, incorruptible Majesty, he said to me, "Peter, blessed are those above belonging to the Father, who revealed life to those who are from the life, through me, since I reminded they who are built on what is strong, that they may hear my word, and distinguish words of unrighteousness and transgression of law from righteousness, as being from the height of every word of this Pleroma of truth, having been enlightened in good pleasure by him whom the principalities sought. But they did not find him, nor was he mentioned among any generation of the prophets. He has now appeared among these, in him who appeared, who is the Son of Man, who is exalted above the heavens in a fear of men of like essence. But you yourself, Peter, become perfect in accordance with your name with myself, the one who chose you, because from you I have established a base for the remnant whom I have summoned to knowledge. Therefore be strong until the imitation of righteousness - of him who had summoned you, having summoned you to know him in a way which is worth doing because of the rejection which happened to him, and the sinews of his hands and his feet, and the crowning by those of the middle region, and the body of his radiance which they bring in hope of service because of a reward of honor - as he was about to reprove you three times in this night." (Apocalypse of Peter )

Now after it, the olive tree sprouted up, which was to purify the kings and the high priests of

righteousness, who were to appear in the last days, since the olive tree appeared out of the light of the first Adam for the sake of the unguent that they were to receive. (origan of the world )

Similarly also with knowledge and righteousness. We must therefore not only empty the soul, but fill it with God. For no longer is there evil in it, since that has been made to cease; nor yet is there good, since it has not yet received good. (Extracts from the Works of Theodotus)

The term 'righteousness' means 'right-mindedness', as well as 'walking in perfection" 

Right-minded implies understanding rightly, and reasoning in the same nonjudgmental way that God reasons.

"Righteousness is rightness"  Right-mindedness may sound elitist. It is, however, exactly the opposite. Righteousness/right-minded is nonjudgmental thinking and, therefore, when we reach the Christ consciousness, we never judge ourselves as better than anyone else. As Jesus says in Jn 8:15, "I judge no one".

righteousness--A state of harmony established in consciousness through the right use of God-given attributes. It leads directly to eternal life. Truth working in consciousness brings forth the perfect salvation of the whole man--Spirit, soul, and body--and righteousness (right relation) is expressed in all his affairs.

Friday, 21 December 2018

Non-Docetic Doctrines in the Nag Hammadi Library

Non-Docetic Doctrines in the Nag Hammadi Library
Orthodoxy in the Nag Hammadi Library

Orthodox Christians will claim that the Gnostic Gospels of the Nag Hammadi Library contents false teaching, however after reading the Nag Hammadi Library I found that it contains many Orthodox doctrines.

The Treatise on the Resurrection

How did the Lord proclaim things while he existed in flesh and after he had revealed himself as Son of God? He lived in this place where you remain, speaking about the Law of Nature - but I call it 'Death'. Now the Son of God, was Son of Man. The Treatise on the Resurrection

Orthodox Christians believe that Jesus is Son of God and Son of Man

The nature of Jesus

The Gospel of Thomas

I took my stand in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. Gospel of Thomas Saying 28

again this is an orthodox teaching that Jesus came in the flesh

Jesus says himself that he came in the flesh. False Teachers will claim that Jesus did not come in the flesh or that Jesus is non-corporeal which we can see from 
The Text of Melchizedek:

The Text of Melchizedek

Furthermore, they will say of him that he is unbegotten, though he has been begotten, (that) he does not eat, even though he eats, (that) he does not drink, even though he drinks, (that) he is uncircumcised, though he has been circumcised, (that) he is unfleshly, though he has come in the flesh, (that) he did not come to suffering, though he came to suffering, (that) he did not rise from the dead, though he arose from the dead

This is an incredible verse or paragraph from the Melchizedek book in the Nag Hammadi Library and it condemns modern Gnostics who reject the physical 
death and resurrection of Jesus

Teaching on the Resurrection

The Treatise on the Resurrection 

For if you remember reading in the Gospel that Elijah appeared and Moses with him, do not think the resurrection is an illusion. It is no illusion, but it is truth! Indeed, it is more fitting to say the world is an illusion, rather than the resurrection which has come into being through our Lord the Savior, Jesus Christ. The Treatise on the Resurrection

The Gospel of Philip:

The resurrection is real it is not an illusion
I condemn those who say the flesh won’t rise.
Then both are wrong. You say the flesh won’t ascend.
Tell me, what will rise so I can honour you?
You say spirit in the flesh and light in the flesh.
What is the flesh?
You say there is nothing outside the flesh.
It is necessary to arise in this flesh, since everything exists in it.
In this world those wearing garments are better than garments.
In heaven the garments are better than the wearers. The Gospel of Philip

It is necessary to arise in this flesh, since everything exists in it.the resurrection of mortal flesh which puts on immortality or spiritual flesh

True Flesh

[The master] was conceived from what [is imperishable], through God. The [master rose] from the dead, but [he did not come into being as he] was. Rather, his [body] was [completely] perfect. [It was] of flesh, and this [flesh] was true flesh. [Our flesh] is not true flesh but only an image of the true. 
The Gospel of Philip

“My god, my god, O lord, why have you abandoned me?”
He said these words on the cross. But not from that place. He was already gone. . . . 
The Gospel of Philip  

Again this shows that the gospel of Philip knows of the resurrection and his death on the cross

The Sophia of Jesus Christ:

After he rose from the dead, his twelve disciples and seven women continued to be his followers, and went to Galilee onto the mountain called "Divination and Joy". When they gathered together and were perplexed about the underlying reality of the universe and the plan, and the holy providence, and the power of the authorities, and about everything the Savior is doing with them in the secret of the holy plan, the Savior appeared - not in his previous form, but in the invisible spirit. And his likeness resembles a great angel of light. But his resemblance I must not describe. No mortal flesh could endure it, but only pure, perfect flesh, like that which he taught us about on the moun
tain called "Of the Olives" in Galilee. The Sophia of Jesus Christ

The sophia of Jesus Christ at the begining of the text speaks about the resurrection of Jesus and goes on to describe the nature of the spiritual body it was not mortal flesh but pure, perfect flesh or spiritual flesh

The Apocryphon of James:

Remember my cross and my death and you will live."

And I answered and said to him: "Lord, do not mention to us the cross and the death, for they are far from you."

The Lord answered and said: "Truly I say to you, none will be saved unless they believe in my cross. But those who have believed in my cross, theirs is the Kingdom of God. Therefore, become seekers for death, just as the dead who seek for life, for that which they seek is revealed to them. And what is there to concern them? When you turn yourselves towards death, it will make known to you election. In truth I say to you, none of those who are afraid of death will be saved. For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who have put themselves to death. Become better than I; make yourselves like the son of the Holy Spirit."

Here in The Apocryphon of James we are clearly told by Jesus himself to Remember his cross and his death and we shall live.

Truly I say to you, none will be saved unless they believe in my cross.

The Gospel of Truth:

In their heart, the living book of the living was manifest, the book that was written in the thought and in the mind of the father and, from before the foundation of all, is in that incomprehensible part of him.

This is the book that no one found possible to take, since it was reserved for him who will take it and be slain. No one could appear among those who believed in salvation as long as that book had not appeared. For this reason, the compassionate, faithful Jesus was patient in his sufferings until he took that book, since he knew that his death meant life for many. Just as in the case of a will that has not yet been opened, the fortune of the deceased master of the house is hidden, so also in the case of all that had been hidden as long as the father of all was invisible and unique in himself, in whom every space has its source. For this reason Jesus appeared. He put on that book. He was nailed to a cross. He affixed the edict of the father to the cross.