What is Mysticism?
The Nag Hammadi Library : The Gospel of Thomas : When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."
What is mysticism?
--The practice of the presence of God; the life of prayer that results in intuitive knowledge and experience of God.
The Bible contains more high mysticism than any other book. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. It is necessary to call upon God's holy spirit or active force to help guide us into the deep mysticism of the Bible.
A mystic--a person who has intimate, firsthand acquaintance with God; a man of prayer. Jesus was the greatest mystic of all ages
The Bible contains more high mysticism than any other book. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. It is necessary to call upon God's holy spirit or active force to help guide us into the deep mysticism of the Bible.
A mystic--a person who has intimate, firsthand acquaintance with God; a man of prayer. Jesus was the greatest mystic of all ages
The term is also descriptive of the slow and painful completion process of joining totally with, or being in, the transcendent state — a process which should not be confused with psychological development. The latter is a matter of self-understanding, self-acceptance and personal integration. The former involves itself with self-forgetting, the disappearance of the self into mysterious union with God, the Absolute, the Transcendent aspect of reality, the Pleroma. Thus the term self-transcendence (with its emphasis on the small 's' in the word self, as opposed to the Self, higher aspect of the personality) means letting go of egoistic interests and practical, worldly matters"
The mystic yearns for God-awareness, and God-awareness only! The "things" that are added unto as the result of seeking God are no longer of importance to the mystical mind. The path of the mystic can be experienced as painful because of the degree of selflessness that is required along the way. But, this path can also be the most glorious experience in the spiritual development of the soul if the disciple thoroughly understands the process of transformation that is taking place. Prayer is the foundation and daily bread upon which this stage of enlightenment depends. Without it, the process is indeed a difficult one.
Mysticism has always been part of the Christian tradition, Christian mystics achieved awareness of one's self through the teaching and rituals from the scriptures; they came to know God because the church told them to do so.
However the early Christian mystics known as Gnostics looked beyond reason and found intuition to be the reliable pathway to know one’s self. So mysticism, as practiced by Gnostics, is a direct perception of the reality of God, free of any church teaching or sacrament. Gnostic Christianity has a name for this direct perception of God — self knowledge and self gnosis— and that is why Christian mystics are known as Gnosticism.
Gnostic Christianity teaches that we also can have an awareness of our real self, just as did Jesus. In
Gnostic Christianity, Jesus is often referred to as the way-shower, he who shows the way. What is this way that Jesus taught?
Gnostic Christianity teaches that it is fundamentally an opening of the heart accompanied by a sense of oneness with God and all creation, a sense of gratitude and joy for all things that flow into one’s life and a willingness to manifest that which God wants to express through one’s life.
Gospel of Thomas Saying 77) Jesus said: I am the light that is above them all. I am the all; the all came forth from me, and the all attained to me. Split a piece of wood: I am there. Lift a stone, and you (plur.) will find me there."
The mystic yearns for God-awareness, and God-awareness only! The "things" that are added unto as the result of seeking God are no longer of importance to the mystical mind. The path of the mystic can be experienced as painful because of the degree of selflessness that is required along the way. But, this path can also be the most glorious experience in the spiritual development of the soul if the disciple thoroughly understands the process of transformation that is taking place. Prayer is the foundation and daily bread upon which this stage of enlightenment depends. Without it, the process is indeed a difficult one.
Mysticism has always been part of the Christian tradition, Christian mystics achieved awareness of one's self through the teaching and rituals from the scriptures; they came to know God because the church told them to do so.
However the early Christian mystics known as Gnostics looked beyond reason and found intuition to be the reliable pathway to know one’s self. So mysticism, as practiced by Gnostics, is a direct perception of the reality of God, free of any church teaching or sacrament. Gnostic Christianity has a name for this direct perception of God — self knowledge and self gnosis— and that is why Christian mystics are known as Gnosticism.
Gnostic Christianity teaches that we also can have an awareness of our real self, just as did Jesus. In
Gnostic Christianity, Jesus is often referred to as the way-shower, he who shows the way. What is this way that Jesus taught?
Gnostic Christianity teaches that it is fundamentally an opening of the heart accompanied by a sense of oneness with God and all creation, a sense of gratitude and joy for all things that flow into one’s life and a willingness to manifest that which God wants to express through one’s life.
Gospel of Thomas Saying 77) Jesus said: I am the light that is above them all. I am the all; the all came forth from me, and the all attained to me. Split a piece of wood: I am there. Lift a stone, and you (plur.) will find me there."