Thursday 22 August 2019

Yahweh in the Nag Hammadi Library

Yahweh in the Nag Hammadi Library

73)  Jesus said, "The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Beseech the Lord, therefore, to send out laborers to the harvest."

When Jesus says "Beseech the Lord" he was referring to Yahweh

74)  He said, "O Lord, there are many around the drinking trough, but there is nothing in the cistern."

The Name

In the gospel of Philip and the Gospel of Truth we get a reference to the divine name

The gospel of Philip 

One single name is not uttered in the world, the name which the Father gave to the Son; it is the name above all things: the name of the Father. For the Son would not become Father unless he wore the name of the Father. Those who have this name know it, but they do not speak it. But those who do not have it do not know it.

it is the sacred tetragrammaton YHWH. We do not know how to pronounce this name, we call it Jehovah, or Yahweh.

The Jews and Christians did not in the second century speak the name of God

The Gospel of Truth

The name of the father is the son. It is he who, in the beginning, gave a name to him who came from him, while he remained the same, and he conceived him as a son. He gave him his name, which belonged to him—he, the father, who possesses everything that exists around him. He possesses the name; he has the son. It is possible for the son to be seen. The name, however, is invisible, for it alone is the mystery of the invisible about to come to ears completely filled with it through the father’s agency. Moreover, as for the father, his name is not pronounced but is revealed through a son. Thus, then, the name is great.

The unknown name of the Father, mentioned in the Gospel of Truth, turns out to be not so mysterious.

It is in fact stated in the text: "The name of the Father is the Son."

name, God's--To describe God is to give Him limitation, hence He could not be given a fairer designation than "I will be who I will be" This is without confines or bounds and it allows unlimited expansion in every direction.

"He Who Is" or "The One Who Is"

The Wisdom of Solomon 13:1 Truly vain are all men by [their] nature in whom there is not the knowledge of God: who, though they have seen the good things [of creation], do not know him that is.

The Wisdom of Solomon 13:1 Surely vain are all men by nature, who are ignorant of God, and could not out of the good things that are seen know him that is: neither by considering the works did they acknowledge the workmaster;

The highlighted portion in Greek is τὸν ὄντα ("he who is") compare Rev 1:4,8; 4:8.

In the Nag Hammadi Library the divine name Yahweh is used in prayers and hymns the Deity is addressed as  "He Who Is" or "The One Who Is" "You-who-are". This is a literal translation of the divine name into English Yahweh means "He-Who-Will-Be" or "He-Who-Is"

The Sophia of Jesus Christ NHC V.3, p. 27.7–10; cf. 24.20, 23; 25.1, 3; 26.27; 27.15; 29.18f.; 36.10f. Cf. Gospel of Truth (NHC I.3), p. 28.13; Tractatus Tripartitus (NHC I.5), p. 91.6; 114.15; 130.29f.; Gospel of the Egyptians (NHC III.2), p. 66.16, 21; 67.26; Authentic Teaching (NHC VI.3) 25.29; Treatise of Seth (NHC VII.2) 67.18f.; 68.12; Apocalypse of Peter (VII.3) 84.6; Silvanus (VII.4), p. 101.24; Zostrianos (VIII.1), p. 16.6; Marsanes (NHC X.1), p. 7.5f., 24f.; 13.17; Allogenes (NHC XI.3), p. 49.26f., 35f.

The Savior said: "He Who Is" is ineffable. (The Sophia of Jesus Christ)

He who is! Thou art He who is, the Aeon of aeons! (The Allogenes)

In Allogenes, God is addressed as ‘You are The-One-who-is’.

NHC XI.3, p. 54.32f.; cf. Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth (NHC VI.6), p. 61.15f.

In the Three Steles of Seth (NHC VII.5, p. 119.25), the prototypical Seth addresses

Adam (‘Adamas’ or ‘Geradamas’) as ‘The-One-who-is’.

"He Who Is" sometimes translated "The One Who Is"

The description of the divine name in the Septuagint of Exodus 3:14 He Who Is for ehyeh asher ehyeh I Will Be Who I will Be

Hebrew אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‬ (´Ehyeh´ ´Asher´ ´Ehyeh´), ; Leeser, “I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE”; Rotherham, “I Will Become whatsoever I please.

Greek., Ego´ eimi ho on, “I am The Being,” or, “I am The Existing One”;

Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I am HE WHO IS (ho ōn): and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, HE WHO IS (ho ōn) hath sent me unto you.

Exodus 3:14  And God spoke to Moses, saying, I am THE BEING; and he said, Thus shall ye say to the children of Israel, THE BEING has sent me to you.

In his fifth book of Stromata, Clement of Alexandria refers to some passages of the Hebrew Bible which present riddles. Among these, Clement includes a text that speaks about "the secret four-letter name, which was affixed to those who alone had access to the innermost sanctuary; the name is called Jave/Yave, which means the 'One who is and who will be'. Among Greeks, too, the name God contains four letters" (5.6.34,5).

In the first Apocalypse of James, Christ exhorts James to cast away the bond of flesh that encircles him, and continues: Then you will reach The-One-who-is. And you will no longer be James; rather you are The-One-who-is.

the Gnostic should cut the bond with the material world; then the inner self will be able to return to its origin and be united with ‘The-One-Who-Is’, the transcendent God. Was this designation for 

In the Gospel of the Egyptians (c. 150 CE), one reads: O glorious name, really truly, o existing aeon, Ieêouôa (ιιιιεεεεηηηηοοοουυυυωωωωαααα), his unrevealable name is inscribed on the tablet (...) the Father of the light of everything, he who came forth from the silence (...) he whose name is an invisible symbol. A hidden, invisible mystery came forth Ieouêaô (each vowel is repeated 22 times).

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oooooooooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Here in the Holy book of the Great Invisible Spirit or the Gospel of the Egyptians each of the vowels is written 22 times and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet

this means Ieou, or Yao is alpha and omega 

 the Greek equivalent Ieou of the Hebrew Yah {, which is most likely "a graecizcd form of Ya(hw)ê,


The word Barbelo apparently comes from Hebrew Be-arba Eloha

The meaning of the Semitic/Aramaic name is uncertain ("God is in the four," "daughter of the lord," "mighty through God").

The name of Barbelo seems to be based on a form of the holy four-letter name of God within Judaism, and it apparently comes from Hebrew-perhaps ‘God (compare EL) in (b-) four (arb(a)," 

Barbelo comes "from the Hebrew baba' ‘eloh, ‘in the four is God'with an abbreviated feminine ‘o' added to make the name a feminine aspect of God. 

'The Deity-in Four', with reference to the Tetragrammaton Τετραγράμματον, meaning "[consisting of] four letters"), יהוה in Hebrew and YHWH the ineffable four letters name of God

The Deity or Lord-in Four the four letters of the divine name Barbelo proceeds or is emanated from the four letters of the divine name

The memorial, in its simplest form, is ehyeh asher ehyeh, "l will be who I will be." Asher, "who," the relative pronoun in this memorial, is both singular and plural, masculine and feminine.

Barbelo is feminine aspect of God, Barbelo is mother, wisdom and the holy spirit or active force.

Barbelo she is Mother/Father and She brought forth the Christos through Him who is the Light.

Barbelo as the Mother the titles the Father and Mother (these are the masculine and feminine names of one androgynous being 

The Holy Spirit - Barbelo, is not a person or primordial being controlled by the Father it is an aspects of the mind of God or mental powers, unfolding or expanding from its thought to become an idea

Clearly we can see that the divine name YHWH is used in the Nag Hammadi Library being translated as "He Who Is" or ‘The-One-who-is’, ‘You-Who-Are’, which is the meaning of the word Yahweh "He Who Is "He Causes to Become or "I am The Existing One"


In the Apocryphon of John Yaldabaoth has two sons Elohim and Yahweh again this shows that Yaldabaoth and Yahweh are not the same person 

The Apocryphon of John:

The first ruler saw the young woman standing next to Adam and noticed that the enlightened afterthought of life had appeared in her. Yet Yaldabaoth was full of ignorance. So when the forethought of all realized this, she dispatched emissaries, and they stole life out of Eve.

The first ruler defiled Eve and produced in her two sons, a first and a second: Elohim and Yahweh.

Elohim has the face of a bear,
Yahweh has the face of a cat.

ln the BG and llt,l version il is Eloim who is the righteous one and rules over fire and wind, and Yave (IIl,l : € I ¡yr r ) is the unrighteous one and rules over water and earth (BG 62. 12- l8; lll,l 31.12-19).

This shows that Yahweh is not Yaldabaoth

1 comment:

  1. Yaldabaoth is a fictional name of a character to help get a visualization of what's going on. The Holy Spirit is Wisdom united with Christ within those who have received Jesus as Lord and saviour. If you're believing the lie you're with the father of lies and that's Yaldi, who thinks more highly of himself than he ought to taking the place of the Father he raped Wisdom his mother and she bore man like him on earth , this is ego in man who's being came forth from soul mingling with the instinctual spirit.
