Showing posts with label Know thyself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Know thyself. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

The kingdom of the Heavens is a State of Consciousness

The kingdom of the heavens, is a state of consciousness

The kingdom of the heavens, is a state of consciousness in which mind, soul, and body are in harmony with Divine Mind.

Why is the kingdom of heaven like a mustard seed? The parable of the mustard seed shows us that the apparently small thought or idea of Truth (seed) has capacity to develop and expand in consciousness until it becomes the abiding place of a higher type of thoughts (birds of the air). 

13:33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened.

A true idea transforms a mass of ignorance by allowing the light of understanding to spread throughout the mind until it is enlightenment.

13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in the field; which a man found, and hid; and in his joy he goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

What is the field in which man's greatest treasure is hidden?

The field is the mind and heart of man. When planted with the seed which is the word of God they contain the hidden treasure of true spiritual identity the Christ consciousness or the Christ self that each believer discovers as they learns to know themselves as children of God.

What is represented by the "pearl of great price"? the Christ consciousness or the Christ self. 

13:47Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:13:48which, when it was filled, they drew up on the beach; and they sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but the bad they cast away. 

What is represented by the net that gathered both the good and the bad, which had to be sorted? The net represents the capacity of the mind to gather all kinds of thoughts, which have to be tested; the good retained and the bad cast out. 

13:49So shall it be in the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the righteous, 13:50and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

What is signified by "the end of the world"? "The end of the world" is more accurately translated "the consummation of the age." It signifies the end of a mental process in which the good thoughts have brought forth good and the bad thoughts have brought forth sin and wickedness. The error thoughts are then destroyed by the cleansing process of renouncing ("furnace of fire").

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Gnosis And Intuition Philippians 1:9

Gnosis And Intuition Philippians 1:9

Intuition is like a tutor that teaches you from within

Philippians 1:9 ¶  And, this, I pray--that, your love, may be, yet more and more, pre-eminent in personal knowledge and all perception, (Rotherham's Emphasized Bible)

The World Book Encyclopedia says: “Some people incorrectly call intuition ‘intuitions are based on experience, particularly the experience of individuals with great sensitivity.” The individual builds up “a storehouse of memories and impressions,” the Encyclopedia argues, from which the mind may draw a “sudden impression [called] an intuition, or ‘hunch.’”

intuition--The natural knowing capacity.

spiritual intuition Inner knowing; the immediate apprehension of spiritual Truth

I would define intuition from a biblical perspective as “being led by Holy Spirit.” the holy spirit leads God’s people today.  Gal 5:16, 18

Being led by the Spirit is only available to those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ as sons and daughters of God (Rom 8:14; Joh 3:5-8; 2Co 1:21, 22).

to know intuitively
Biblical Intuition is linked to the spirit or the mind not the heart

For example, Jesus “knew” or “perceived” the hearts and intentions of others (Matt 22:18). 

18  But Jesus perceived <1097> (5631) their wickedness, and said Why tempt ye me, [ye] hypocrites?

Ro 7:7  What shall we say then? [Is] the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had <1097> not known <1097> sin, but by the law: for I had <1492> not known <1492> lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

intuitive knowledge apart from experience

Many times in the New Testament two Greek words are used together 1097. γινώσκω ginosko and 1492. εἴδω eido

The Greek word 1097 is defined as to know experientially as contrasted to oia or eido 1492 which means to know intuitively to perceive with the outward senses particularly with physical sight

The Greek word 1097 γινώσκω ginosko signifies objective knowledge, what a man has learned or acquired.

oida, which signifies "to know (intuitively) without effort; to understand subjectively" (Bullinger); thus to appreciate as a theory.

The English expression ‘being acquainted with’ perhaps conveys the meaning. Oἶδα/Oida conveys the thought of what is inward, the inward consciousness in the mind, intuitive knowledge not immediately derived from what is external.

Abbott-Smith wrote: γινώσκω, to know by observation and experience is thus prop. distinguished from οἶδα, to know by reflection (a mental process, based on intuition or information)

.Another word that could be used for intuition is having discernment (Phil 1:9). 

Philippians 1:9 ¶  And, this, I pray--that, your love, may be, yet more and more, pre-eminent in personal knowledge and all perception, (Rotherham's Emphasized Bible)

Philippians 1:9 And this is what I continue praying, that YOUR love may abound yet more and more with accurate knowledge and full discernment (NWT)

discernment Lit., “sense perception.” Greek., aisthesei; Latin., sensu. 

144. αἴσθησις aisthesis [ah’-ee-sthay-sis]; from 143; perception, i.e. (figuratively) discernment: —  judgment. 

143. αἰσθάνομαι aisthanomai [ahee-sthan’-om-ahee]; of uncertain derivation; to apprehend (properly, by the senses): —  perceive.

145 αἰσθητήριον aistheterion [ahee-sthay-tay’-ree-on]  from a derivative of 143; n n; TDNT-1:187,29;  [{See TDNT 36 }] a faculty of the mind for perceiving, understanding, judging

Heb 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, [even] those who by reason of use have their senses <145> exercised to discern both good and evil.

knowledge and Intuition
Proverbs 14:6 The ridiculer has sought to find wisdom, and there is none; but to the understanding one knowledge is an easy thing.

 Jn. 7:17 is relevant here: "If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know of this teaching, whether it is of God, or I speak from myself". He who wishes above all things to live God's life, to have His Spirit, to live the life eternal with Him... they will intuitively know whether the Lord's doctrine is right or not. This intuitive element is in fact what leads to faith in the first place. There is a strong tendency to talk this down, and assume that it is by intellectual process that a person decides what is true or otherwise. But all appeal to intellectual process alone to decide 'truth' is flawed. For we are talking of spiritual things and not material. And legitimate intellectual process varies between persons. They may come to different conclusions about the same teaching which they analyze. And some are far more capable of intellectual analysis than others. There has to be something beyond intellectual process to decide truth. Here the Lord expresses this as a willing to do God's will, a heart for God, a desire for eternity. In a word, we must be open to the things of the Spirit. And then, the teachings make sense and there is an intuitive congruence between them and our own spirit. (Proverbs: New European Christadelphian by Duncan Heaster)

We need to make it clear that we do not think that if people acquire all intellectual knowledge they will have knowledge of God. Knowing God is about having a relationship with Him based upon that knowledge, not just knowing facts about Him. True spiritual knowledge gnosis or acquaintance a knowledge of a realm far superior to intellectual knowledge. However, whilst we agree that we cannot make knowledge of God a function of the intellect, we also have to show our disagreement with the perspective that the intellect can only know about God, it is incapable of knowing God.

And in this consists the Life of the Ages--in knowing Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.

It is possible to know God- you can find many Bible verses that say so. And the issue of that knowledge is in a life lived with Him.

There has to be an element of passion and emotion in our appeal. The doctrines must have meaning in practice; If a man is not emotionally moved by the truth, he is not of the truth”.

It is not enough to be acquainted with the texts and to know how to draw from them quotes and arguments. One must possess the spiritual knowledge of the Father from within.

Intuition is perhaps more important for this than intellectual knowledge, for intuition alone revives their writings and makes them a witness. It is only from within that we can perceive and distinguish what (actually) is the truth

But on the other hand, we have to make the point, that we can’t just let our feelings / intuition guide us alone; or else we will end up believing whatever we ‘feel’ is right. We will have become the authority... and as we must constantly stress, the Bible alone is to be our authority.

Gospel of Thomas Saying (3) Jesus said, "[If] those who lead you [say to you, 'See], the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky [will precede you. If they say that] it is under the earth, then the fish of the sea [will enter it, preceding] you. And, the [kingdom of God] is inside of you, [and it is outside of you. Whoever] knows [himself] will discover this, (then you will be known). [And when you] come to know yourselves, [you will realise that] you are [sons] of the [living] father. [But if you] will [not] know yourselves, [you dwell] in [poverty] and it is you who are that poverty."

So know yourself, and be not carried away with impulses and desires beyond your power; and let not a desire of unattainable objects carry you away and keep you in suspense. For you shall not lack anything which may be possessed by you." (Philo of Alexandria)

Come, and at once abandoning all other things, learn to know yourselves, and tell us plainly what ye yourselves are in respect of your bodies, in respect of your souls, in respect of your external senses, and in respect of your reason. (Philo of Alexandria)

learn to be acquainted with the country of the external senses; know thyself and thy own parts, and what each is, and for what end it was made, and how it is by nature calculated to energise, and who it is who moves through those marvellous things, and pulls the strings, being himself invisible, in an invisible manner, whether it is the mind that is in thee, or the mind of the universe (Philo of Alexandria)

Thursday, 10 November 2022

What is Consciousness? Romans 9:1

What is Consciousness? Romans 9:1

Romans 9:1 I am telling the truth in Christ; I am not lying, since my conscience bears witness with me in holy spirit

Romans 9:1 since my conscience (4893) bears witness with me in holy spirit

Amplified Bible
I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies with me [enlightened and prompted] by the Holy Spirit,
The meaning of ‘consciousness
the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself

the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought

the totality of conscious states of an individual

Gr "suneidesis" has the sense of an independent witness within, examining and passing judgment on a man's own conduct: cp Rom 2:15: "their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts either accusing or defending them".

4893. συνείδησις suneidesis soon-i’-day-sis; from a prolonged form of 4894; co-perception, i.e. moral consciousness: — conscience.

“conscience” [Strong’s 4893] suneidhsiv suneidesis, ‘knowing oneself, being one’s witness’, moral awareness

(Greek suneidesis - a compound of sun, together, and eideo, to see, or know) means, the power of judging ourselves, which is always in accordance with the knowledge of ourselves, and the relations in which we stand to our Father and fellow brethren.

“Conscience” comes from the Latin word "conscius ", meaning “knowing inwardly.” The Latin word has the prefix “con " meaning “together,” and the root " scire " meaning “to know.” 

So then conscience is co-knowledge with oneself. There is no Hebrew word for conscience or suneidesis, # <4893>. Instead, “heart” is used in the Old Testament in ways that resemble our understanding of “conscience.” When the Old Testament speaks of a “tender heart,” it refers to a sensitive conscience (2Chron 34:27); the “upright in heart” refers to those with a pure conscience (Psa 7:10), and a “clean heart,” refers to those whose conscience is clean (cf. Psa 51:10).

Translated 32 times in the New Testament as “conscience”

From [Strong’s 4894] suneidon suneidon, ‘to see together, hence to comprehend

4894. συνείδω suneido soon-i’-do; from 4862 and 1492; to see completely; used (like its primary) only in two past tenses, respectively meaning to understand or become aware, and to be conscious or (clandestinely) informed of: — consider, know, be privy, be ware of.

AV-by privy 1, consider 1, be ware of 1, know 1; 4

brain' and the 'mind'
What is the difference between the 'brain' and the 'mind'?


It may seem, on the surface, that distinguishing between the brain and the mind is not important but to understand the Scriptures properly we must recognize the difference in the brain versus that which the brain produces.

The difference is seen in considering the two words, “brain” and “mind”. The brain is brain-flesh, the physical source of the impulses of man’s defiled nature. The brain is defined as, “

The dictionary says, Brain: "That part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull". In other words it is the physical member of the body that controls the biological functions of the body in addition to producing thoughts, attitudes &c.

The mind is defined as, “human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination” (Am. Heritage Dictionary).  

Mind: Thinking produced by the brain.

Look, when you get down to it, even mental states are actually only physical states, are they not? I mean, the brain is just a-a chemical supercomputer (Dr. Rodney Mckay) 

The brain creates chemicals which produce feelings and emotions

Like it or not, emotions share some very real biochemical links with your nervous system, immune system and digestive system.

Consciousness is a property of the brain, and the brain is a biochemical engine or its just a chemical super-computer.

Sin originates in the brain-flesh, not in the mind.

The problem is that some false teaching say that sin is a matter of morality and not as a physical law of that nature’s constitution.
The uncleanness is shifted from the physical realm of the brain’s flesh to the mental-moral

Note: The brain, when functioning, provides consciousness which consists of "thoughts" or "the mind". When we are told "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5), we are being told to have the same thinking as Christ, not his brain.

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5)
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8)

"Operating upon the brain [physical], it [indwelling sin] excites the 'propensities', and these set the 'intellect' [mental], and 'sentiments' [moral] to work. The propensities are blind, and so are the intellect and sentiments in a purely natural state; when therefore, the latter operate under the sole impulse of the propensities, 'the understanding is darkened through ignorance, because of the blindness of the heart'". (Elpis Israel, p . 127)

Man in his physical constitution is imperfect; and this imperfection is traceable to the physical organization of his flesh, being based on the principle of decay and reproduction from the blood; which, acted upon by the air, becomes the life of his flesh. All the phenomena which pertain to this arrangement of things are summed up in the simple word sin; which is, therefore, not an individual abstraction, but a concretion of relations in all animal bodies; and the source of all their physical infirmities. Now, the apostle says, that the flesh thinks, that is, the brain, as all who think are well assured from their own consciousness. If, then, this thinking organ be commanded not to do what is natural for it to do under blind impulse, will it not naturally disobey?  (Elpis Israel)

Now, the law of God is given, that the thinking of the flesh, instead of being excited by the propensities within and the world without, may be conducted according to its direction. 
Consciousness is not Eternal 
If you talk to anyone who’s used DMT or psilocin/psilocybin (aka magic mushrooms) at one time or another they’ll tell you they experienced some very vivid hallucinations — and an almost completely altered perception of reality. This clearly implies that brain biochemistry is consciousness. If consciousness resided in some kind of soul or spirit as the ancients believed, then taking chemicals would have no effect on your consciousness. If you can alter your consciousness by taking a chemical to interfere with or mimics neurotransmitters, on the other hand, then consciousness must be biochemical in nature.

Psychedelic drugs like Magic mushrooms demonstrate that consciousness is a property of the brain, and the brain is a biochemical engine in the same way that the engine in your car is a mechanical one.

When your car’s engine dies, does another car nearby immediately start up as the “spirit of the car” transfers from one automobile to another? Of course not. You intuitively know that makes no sense. So if consciousness is a property of the brain (which is a biochemical engine), why would it transfer from one vehicle to another when the brain dies? that doesn’t make any sense.

Psalm 146:4 NASB 1995
His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; In that very day his thoughts perish.

Ecclesiastes 3:19 For an event is to the sons of man, and an event is to the beasts, even one event is to them; as the death of this, so is the death of that; and one spirit is to all, and the advantage of man above the beast is nothing, for the whole is vanity.

The Consciousness of Sin Hebrews 10:2

For if it were otherwise, would not these sacrifices have stopped being offered? For the worshipers, having once [for all time] been cleansed, would no longer have a consciousness of sin. (Hebrews 10:2)

By law comes knowledge of sin and consciousness of guilt and liability to punishment

The TCNT has: "for where there is no consciousness of law, sin shows no sign of life". 

Unless the law is recognised, sin is dormant, ignored and "dead". But the law of God starts the challenge between flesh and spirit, and shows the evil character of sin that resides in the flesh.

The result of the law in this context is that it had the effect of rousing the innate tendency of man to sin, and so bound the consciousness of the individual to the "old man" (the natural and evil propensity of the flesh).

The awakening of sin in life by the power of God's law and its display to the spiritual consciousness demonstrates the repulsively ungodliness of sin, and the impossibility of overcoming it without the aid of Almighty God through His Son (Psa. 80:17). It was seen to be absolutely and violently opposed to God and His law.

World English Bible 
because the mind of the flesh is hostile towards God; for it is not subject to God's law, neither indeed can it be.

Now, the apostle says, that the flesh thinks — that is, the brain, as all who think are well assured from their own consciousness

Hence, in ch. 8:3 Paul speaks of "sin in the flesh." Notice, particularly, that in both passages the apostle emphasizes the "body" or "the flesh." He does not say "the mind," for it is the "flesh" or "mortal body" which is the source of sin. Evil propensities given free reign, produce the carnal mind; not the other way round.

The Carnal Mind is an expression used by Paul; or rather, it is the translation of words used by him, in his epistle to the Romans. It is not so explicit as the original. The words he wrote are the thinking of the flesh. In this phrase, he intimates to us, that the flesh is the thinking substance, that is, the brain; which, in another place, he terms "the fleshy tablet of the heart"

Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

Do not become slaves to a bad conscience. It is easy to defile one’s conscience. A Christian’s aim should be as shown in Acts 23:1: “Brothers, I have behaved before God with a perfectly clear conscience down to this day.”

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

There is therefore no more condemnation in Christ who strengthens me
The sense of awareness, of knowing.
"And the heaven and the earth and all their world was Completed."{1}{#ge 2:1.} Having previously related the creation of the mind and of sense, Moses now proceeds to describe the perfection which was brought about by them both. And he says that neither the indivisible mind nor the particular sensations received perfection, but only ideas, one the idea of the mind, the other of sensation. And, speaking symbolically, he calls the mind heaven, since the natures which can only be comprehended by the intellect are in heaven. And sensation he calls earth, because it is sensation which has obtained a corporeal and some what earthy constitution. The ornaments of the mind are all the incorporeal things, which are perceptible only by the intellect. Those of sensation are the corporeal things, and everything in short which is perceptible by the external senses. Philo of Alexandria

Consciousness is our acquaintance of knowing; that phase of understanding by which we take awareness of our existence and of our relation to what we call environment. Our consciousness is our real environment or Garden of Eden. The outer environment is always in correspondence to the thoughts making up our consciousness. Environment is made by ideas held in mind and established. The ideas that are held in mind are the basis of all consciousness. The thoughts and ideas upon which consciousness is formed gives personality to it.

Therefore consciousness is the sum total of all ideas accumulated in and affecting man's present sinful nature.

It is of great value to understand the importance of our consciousness in spiritual growth. Divine ideas must be incorporated into our consciousness before they can mean anything to us. An intellectual understanding does not meet the needs. To be satisfied with an intellectual comprehension leaves us subject to error, false doctrine and sin than eternal death. We must seek to incorporate divine ideas into our mind.

The Christ consciousness or spiritual consciousness, is a state of consciousness that is based upon divine ideas, upon an understanding and realisation of spiritual Truth.

Personal consciousness is formed from limited, selfish ideas.

It can be called the consciousness of sin. Believers are to be conscious of sin and avoid it at every turn.

Rom 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

1Jn 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

To be sin conscious is to be under the law and to be righteousness conscious, continually receiving this free gift is to be under grace.

Let’s develop the consciousness of righteousness and throw away a sin consciousness.

The Christ Consciousness established in accordance with the Eternal Spirit, is the true relationship or fellowship with the Father. The Christ Consciousness is the logos that was manifested in Jesus.

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Gnosis is to Know Thyself Gospel of Thomas Saying 3

Gnosis is to Know Thyself Gospel of Thomas Saying 3

The Gospel of Thomas Saying 3:

Jesus said, "[If] those who lead you [say to you, 'See], the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky [will precede you. If they say that] it is under the earth, then the fish of the sea [will enter it, preceding] you. And, the [kingdom of God] is inside of you, [and it is outside of you. Whoever] knows [himself] will discover this. [And when you] come to know yourselves, [you will realize that] you are [sons] of the [living] father. [But if you] will [not] know yourselves, [you dwell] in [poverty] and it is you who are that poverty." Oxyrhynchus Text

The first part of this saying is about the location of the Kingdom the second part of this saying is about how to find the kingdom by self knowledge:

Whoever] knows [himself] will discover this, (then you will be known). [And when you] come to know yourselves, [you will realize that] you are [sons] of the [living] father. [But if you] will [not] know yourselves, [you dwell] in [poverty] and it is you who are that poverty."

Philo of Alexandria defines self knowledge or knowing yourself as "Take heed to Thyself."
Philo On the Migration of Abraham: 

know yourself all your life, as Moses teaches us in many passages where he says, "Take heed to Thyself."{4}{#ex 34:12.}

Take heed to Thyself this is another re-occurring phrase throughout Deuteronomy, emphasising the personal responsibility (See Deut. 2:4; 4:9,15,23; 11:16; 12:13,19,30; 27:9.)

It is a believer's personal responsibility to learn the Gospel message its teachings these teachings are only of benefit if acknowledged and applied.

know thyself is a biblical exhortation about self-examination 

The Lord Jesus himself in the NT use the phrase “take heed to yourselves” or "pay attention to yourselves" see:

Luke 21:34 “But pay attention to yourselves that YOUR hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon YOU (NWT)

And so does Paul: Acts 20: 28 Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed YOU overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own [Son]. (NWT)

1 Timothy 4:16 Pay attention to yourself, and to your teaching. Continue in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.

And John use the phrase as well: 2Jo 1:8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. (KJ)

know thyself may also have a mystical interpretation. 'Thyself', is not meant in reference to the egotist, but the ego within self, the Christ consciousness.

Gnosis is the fulfillment of faith realizing that in the secret unknown self the believer is one with the Father the fruit of that union is love

2 cor 13:5  examine your own selves if ye be in the faith; prove your own selves: do ye not recognise yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you, unless indeed ye be reprobates?

1 Cor. 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

Colossians 1:27  To whom God would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Lu 17:21  Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Eph 3:17  That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

Ga 2:20  I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Saying 82 Jesus said, Whoever is near me is near fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the kingdom.

In Saying 82 fire and the kingdom are equivalent terms just as Jesus is equivalent with the Kingdom so here in saying 3 with the location of the Kingdom being inside of the believers it is the son of man who is inside us

This is confirmed in the The Testimony of Truth and the The Gospel of Mary

he has to come to know the Son of Man, that is, he has come to know himself. This is the perfect life, that man know himself by means of the All. (The Testimony of Truth)

33) When the Blessed One had said this, He greeted them all,saying, Peace be with you. Receive my peace unto yourselves.
34) Beware that no one lead you astray saying Lo here or lo there! For the Son of Man is within you.
35) Follow after Him!
36) Those who seek Him will find Him. (The Gospel of Mary chapter 4)

Yet there is one little caveat here; we must come to know our TRUE self. Our true self is not the person of THIS world, but the one who was born of God that came into this world. All of you Christians of traditional beliefs should read the words of the Bible more carefully. This teaching should not be foreign to you if you have been given the eyes to see it. Consider how this passage from Thomas spiritually aligns with what Paul wrote to the Corinthians.

1 Corinthians 13:9-12

For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Paul is speaking about us becoming and knowing our true, perfect self. This is nearly identical to what Jesus said: “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father.” Do you understand the spiritual essence of what Jesus and Paul are saying here? They are saying we are spiritually maturing and growing in knowledge of who we are. 

We may not be clearly seeing our true self (who is Christ) right now, but we will once we come to fully know and BE our TRUE self! They are both saying that one day we shall fully know our true self, even as I AM (God) is fully known. We are God’s image that must become perfect like our Father to show God the image of Himself. This is our purpose- to reflect the glory and be the image of God! We can only do this in Christ where our true self (life) has been kept hidden and safe for ages and ages. So in this light, real “poverty” is when we don’t know our true self in Christ. 

This is spiritual poverty where the soul is lost in deception and the spirit feels homeless because he hasn’t returned to his Father’s house. Finally, Jesus says, “You are the poverty.” Paul said that nothing good could come from him. He said that “Paul” had died and CHRIST now lived in and through him. Paul knew that his true life was found in the spirit (in Christ), not in the natural (or worldly) Paul. 

Self-knowledge is the true self of the Christ consciousness. Without real self-knowledge other knowledge often becomes a kind of clutter in the mind. With correct self knowledge, however, other knowledge reveals its meaning and ripens into wisdom.

There is a contrast between “personal consciousness, self-will, self, me and I” and “spiritual awareness, the divine self, or the Christ consciousness”.

One of the most effective ways to gain greater self knowledge is to realize that you have a dimension of your mind that is even greater than your "thinking self." This greater level of your mind can actually OBSERVE your thinking self. It can evaluate what it observes. It can make decisions about what it observes. If it chooses it can control, change, and adjust what the thinking self is doing. It is from this higher level of your mind that true self knowledge is attained.

The key to self-knowledge is the awareness that true knowledge comes from within. We must keep in mind that the gaining of wisdom is not merely the result of pouring a sufficient number of facts into our heads; rather, it is the process of "remembering" or calling forth the spiritual truths that are written on our heart

Liberating Gnosis 2 Corinthians 3:17

Liberating Gnosis 
Liberating Knowledge

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

In this study we will look at Liberating Gnosis, as we have already noted (in other posts), that gnosis refers to a knowledge which transcending intellectual knowledge. It is experiential knowing a knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience. This gnosis consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves. Gnosis has the effect of liberating the mind 

The Gospel of Truth puts it: 

He who is to have knowledge in this manner knows where he comes from and where he is going. He knows as one who, having become drunk, has turned away from his drunkenness, (and) having returned to himself, has set right what are his own. (Gospel of Truth)

Whence did he come? Whither does he go? The answer to both is God. Here again, genuine self-knowledge is actually knowledge of God, and vice versa. 
Hippolytus in his "Elucidations" went so far as to proclaim that the maxim "Know thyself" means to "discover God *within* thyself, for he has formed thee after his own image." (ANF., vol. 5, p. 153).

Another Valentinian text the Extracts from the Works of Theodotus states:

78 Until baptism, they say, Fate is real, but after it the astrologists are no longer right. But it is not only the washing that is liberating, but the knowledge of who we were, and what we have become, where we were or where we were placed, whither we hasten, from what we are redeemed, what birth is and what rebirth.
  (the Extracts from the Works of Theodotus 78)

From this saying we can conclude that liberating knowledge involves insight of our original nature at creation next our sinful condition after Adam’s fall. What happens after death, how we will be restored what it means to be born again and the resurrection.

A similar saying to the one above from Theodotus is found in the text called the Teachings of Silvanus from the Nag Hammadi Library:

But before everything (else), know your birth. Know yourself, that is, from what substance you are, or from what race, or from what species. Understand that you have come into being from three races: from the earth, from the formed, and from the created. The body has come into being from the earth with an earthly substance, but the formed, for the sake of the soul, has come into being from the thought of the Divine. The created, however, is the mind, which has come into being in conformity with the image of God. The divine mind has substance from the Divine, but the soul is that which he (God) formed for their own hearts. For I think that it (the soul) exists as wife of that which has come into being in conformity with the image, but matter is the substance of the body, which has come into being from the earth. (The Teachings of Silvanus)

"Know yourself, that is, from what substance you are, or from what race, or from what species. Understand that you have come into being from three races: from the earth, from the formed, and from the created."

This part of the saying from Silvanus seems similar to a few says from Philo of Alexandria:

Come, and at once abandoning all other things, learn to know yourselves, and tell us plainly what ye yourselves are in respect of your bodies, in respect of your souls, in respect of your external senses, and in respect of your reason. (Philo: On the Migration of Abraham)

The body, the soul, reason and external senses in Philo could be connected or related in some respect to the earth, the formed, and the created in The Teachings of Silvanus which stand for the body, the soul, and the mind.

bodies, souls, external senses, and reason is synonymous with the whole person

bodies, souls, external senses, and reason are synonymous with the whole person since the preceding words, learn to know yourselves, and tell us plainly what ye yourselves imply a parallelism between the two expressions.

Philo invites people to explore the realm of sense perception, the reader is invited to know himself and every part of himself and how everything is governed by the invisible mind within the person or by the mind of God within the universe:

"Dwell, therefore," says she, "O my child, with him," not all thy life, but "certain days;" that is to say, learn to be acquainted with the country of the external senses; know thyself and thy own parts, and what each is, and for what end it was made, and how it is by nature calculated to energise, and who it is who moves those marvellous things, and pulls the strings, being himself invisible, in an invisible manner, whether it is the mind that is in thee, or the mind of the universe.(Philo: On Flight and Finding)

from these quotations we can see that to "know thyself" is not just a conscious awareness of one's thoughts and emotions but also a insight of our makeup

Know thyself
"Know thyself" was the wisest maxim of the wisest philosophers of the wisest pagan nation of antiquity. "Know thyself" is inculcated by all the prophets and Apostles of all the ages of Revelation. And while the wisest man of the wisest nation in theology taught as his first maxim that "the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom"and while the Saviour of the world taught that "it is eternal life to know the only true God and his son Jesus Christ whom he commissioned" both concur in inculcating the excellence and in teaching the utility and importance of self-knowledge (The Christian Baptist, Volumes 5-6 1827-1828 Edited by Alexander Campbell)

but the knowledge of who we were, and what we have become, where we were or where we were placed, whither we hasten, from what we are redeemed, what birth is and what rebirth.  (the Extracts from the Works of Theodotus 78)

According to John Calvin "Knowledge of ourselves lies, first, in considering what we were given at creation," and, second, in calling to mind "our miserable condition after Adam’s fall." Both of these are undiscoverable outside God’s written Word. (Institutes I.1.1)

Such lack of self-examination leads to a lack of self-knowledge, and therefore people drift along through life, making their decisions according to the dictates of their own natural desires. There is a refusal - albeit heavily masked - to take on board the fact that life is so short that all too soon the finality of death will be upon us. “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away”. “We will surely die and become like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again”. “Like grass which grows up; in the morning it flourishes and grows up; in the evening it is cut down and withers” (James 4:14; 2 Sam. 14:14; Ps. 90:5,6). Moses, a truly thoughtful man, recognised this, and pleaded to God: “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Ps. 90:12) Therefore, in view of life’s brevity, we should make our acquisition of true wisdom a number one priority. (Duncan Heaster)

Knowing God

After all these came also the little children, those who possess the knowledge of the father. When they became strong they were taught the aspects of the father’s face. They came to know and they were known. They were glorified and they gave glory. (Gospel of truth)

Now, it is not difficult to know the Creator of all creatures, but it is impossible to comprehend the likeness of this One. For it is difficult not only for men to comprehend God, but it is (also) difficult for every divine being, (both) the angels and the archangels. It is necessary to know God as he is. You cannot know God through anyone except Christ, who has the image of the Father, for this image reveals the true likeness in correspondence to that which is revealed. A king is not usually known apart from an image. (The Teachings of Silvanus)

It is impossible to know God according to his divine nature but we can know God according to his personality and character.

The knowledge of ourselves is impossible apart from the knowledge of God.  

self knowledge can only be understood with the knowledge of God and our sinful nature which comes from the scriptures 

But there we learn self-knowledge in a wholly practical way: from our original state we gratefully learn that “we are ever dependent” on God our Maker for everything; while reflection on our present sinful and wretched state “should truly humble us and overwhelm us with shame.” (Institutes II.1.1)

Liberating Gnosis 

That is the gospel of him whom they seek, which he has revealed to the perfect through the mercies of the father as the hidden mystery, Jesus the anointed.  Through him he enlightened those who were in darkness because of forgetfulness. He enlightened them and gave them a path. And that path is the truth that he taught them.  For this reason error was angry with him, so she persecuted him. She was distressed by him, and she was made powerless. He was nailed to a tree.  He became a fruit of the knowledge of the father. He did not, however, destroy them because they ate of it. He rather caused those who ate of it to be joyful because of this discovery. (Gospel of Truth)

Here Jesus and the gospel are one: it is nailed to the tree in his person. Thought only nailed to a tree, the gospel became a fruit of knowledge, thereby making its tree into a tree of knowledge — but not knowledge of good and evil ( Gen. 2:9) — knowledge of the Father

The meaning of Gnosis Ephesians 5:17

The meaning of Gnosis

The meaning of Gnosis

The word "knowledge" is from the Greek gnosis, and denotes a state of understanding developed from inquiry or investigation

literal knowledge

The meaning of knowledge--"Acquaintance with fact; hence, scope of information" (Webster). Intellectual knowledge is independent of feeling; it is literal knowledge without consideration of the Spirit. Man can store up a great wealth of knowledge obtained from books and teachers, but the most illiterate person who sits at the feet of his Lord in the silence comes forth radiant with the true knowledge, that of Spirit.

Spiritual knowledge

wisdom--Intuitive knowing; spiritual intuition; the voice of God within as the source of our understanding; mental action based on the Christ Truth within. Wisdom includes judgment, discrimination, intuition, and all the departments of mind that come under the head of knowing. This "knowing" capacity transcends intellectual knowledge. Spiritual discernment always places wisdom above the other faculties of the mind and reveals that knowledge and intelligence are auxiliary to understanding.

wisdom and divine understanding--These attributes come from the Spirit of Christ within us. The price that we must pay for the conscious attainment of divine wisdom and understanding is the letting go of the personal self with its limited beliefs. Paul saw the Christ waiting at the door of every soul when he wrote: "Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon thee" (Eph. 5:17).

The meaning of knowing (Gnosis) --There is in man a knowing capacity transcending intellectual knowledge. The knowing that man receives from the direct fusion of the Mind of God with his mind is real spiritual knowing.
One who has intimate, firsthand acquaintance with God; a man of prayer. Jesus was the greatest mystic of all ages.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Gnosis Co-Perception Human Perception and Spiritual Self Perception

Co-Perception human perception and spiritual self perception
self examination key to self knowledge

The word conscience comes from a Greek word meaning literally a co-perception. It implies that there are two types of perception within the believer- human perception, and spiritual self perception. The conscience that is cleansed in Christ, that is at peace, will be a conscience that keeps those two perceptions, of the real self and of the persona, in harmony.

What we know and perceive humanly, is in harmony with what we spiritually perceive. Our conscience, our co-perception, our real self, makes sense of the human perceptions and interprets them in a spiritual way. So, a young man sees an attractive girl. His human perception signals certain things to his brain- to lust, covet, etc. But his co-perception, his conscience, his real self, handles all that, and sees the girl’s beauty for just simply what it is- beauty.

Consider the connections between the following: " Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established" (4:26). " For the ways of man are before the eyes (Angels) of Yahweh, and he ponders all his paths." (5:21). " Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but Yahweh is pondering hearts" (21:2). "

Surely we are being taught that we ought to examine our path in life, bearing in mind that we will naturally think there is nothing wrong with it, because God examines it; our self-examination must mirror His. This is also taught in 1 Cor. 11:28-31; if we examine / judge / condemn ourselves now in our self-examination, God will not have to do this to us at the day of judgement. The spirit of man is in this sense the lamp of Yahweh, Searching all the innermost parts of his being. (Prov. 20:27); i.e. there is a link between a man's examination of his own conscience, and Yahweh's examination of him.

Real self-examination is painful- it has to be. It's no half hearted moment of self-analysis as , we prepare to partake of the bread and wine at communion. ultra-careful self-examination reveals ourselves to ourselves; and yet so do trials and "wounds". This is how tough real self-examination has to be- it should have the same effect as painful trials, revealing the same things which they do. Romans 5:1-6 heb 12:11

On the other hand, serious self-examination is part of the road to the Kingdom; it will characterize every successful believer: " The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way" (14:8); " the prudent man considers his steps" (14:15);

" whoso is preserving his soul, is watching his way" (16:17 YLT); " A wicked man puts up a bold front (" hardeneth his face" , AV); but an upright man gives thought to his ways" (21:29 NIV). This last reference suggests that a lack of self-examination is associated with a hardness, a brazenness, which is the result of a refusal to face up to the real issues of personal spirituality and our very personal relationship with God. It is more than possible to drift through the Christian experience with no thought at all for these things.

We live in a world without any sense of responsibility, with no fear of God and His judgment before their eyes.

Inevitably, we will be affected by this spirit. Self-examination is perhaps what we are most urgently in need of in these last days; a real self-knowledge, a true humility, a real sense of where we are going, and of the utter impossibility of travelling two roads.

" I am the way" , the Lord Jesus said, possibly with His mind on the one great way of Proverbs. The whole way of life which leads to the Kingdom, the things we do, our deepest thoughts, our daily decisions; these are all " the way" which leads to the Kingdom; and yet Christ is " the way" . This clearly means that all these things, the very essence of our being, the fibre of our thought processes, the basis of all our works; must be the Lord Jesus Christ.

The fact God’s ways and principles are unchanging encourage our self-examination; for there is always the rock of God and His way against which to compare our ways. The Lord Jesus is the same yesterday and today and for ever.

As a man or woman seriously contemplates the cross, they are inevitably led to a self-knowledge and self-examination which shakes them to the bone. A number of passages shed light on the way the cross leads to self-examination.

We have probably all realized that mere observation of one's own mental and emotional processes isn’t necessarily the same as fruitful self-perception / self-examination. In 1 Cor. 11:29,31 we are exhorted to both judge ourselves and also discern the body and person of Jesus in His time of dying. This is because our essential person is Him, crucified, covered in blood.

We are to thereby “reckon ourselves” to be dead to sin (Rom. 6:11).

The Greek word for “reckon” is that normally translated “impute”, in the context of imputing righteousness (Rom. 4:3,4,5,6,8,9- indeed, the word occurs in almost every verse of Romans 4).

 We are to search through our lives and perceive ourselves as in Christ, as men and women who don’t sin because we are in Christ. We are to impute that we are justified by faith (Rom. 3:28).
The Lord died to justify us (Rom. 4:25); yet we justify ourselves by our attitude to ourselves, in that we allow His death to so influence our self-perception.

We look in the mirror, and see Christ in us. This looking in the mirror is used by James as a figure for self-examination (James 1:18,22-25). By doing the word of the Gospel, we find we will live lives of looking in the mirror, of self-perception.

This is the essence of self-examination; to perceive the Christ-man within us, and that all other behaviour is our being unfaithful to our true self, living out a persona. We are to see ourselves as being Christ; we are to have a high view of ourselves in this sense, whilst despising and seeking to deconstruct the personas we so often act out which are unfaithful to Him.

The cross must change how we see ourselves. It must radically affect our self-perception and self understanding. For we are in Him. It was us who hung with Him there, and who hang with Him still in the tribulations of life.

We are Christ personified to this world. Therefore to be ourselves as God intends is to be Christ, to let the Christ-man within us show forth; the life that He lived and the death that He died becomes ours (Rom. 6:10,11). Paul could say, with reference to this, that he died daily (1 Cor. 15:31); and out of each death, there comes forth new life. For His resurrection life, the type of life that He lived and lives, becomes manifest in our mortal flesh right now (2 Cor. 4:11).

article taken and adapted from the writings of Duncan Heaster (Christadelphian)