Thursday, 1 November 2018

Casting the Fire of Kingdom upon the World The Gospel of Thomas

10 Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am watching over it until it blazes."

16 Jesus says: "Men indeed think I have come to bring peace to the world. But they do not know that I have come to bring the world discord, fire, sword, war. Indeed, there will be five in a house. There will be three over two and two over three, parent over child and child over parent. And they will stand at rest by being solitaries."

82 Jesus said, "Whoever is near me is near fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the kingdom

In saying 16 Jesus does not bring peace upon the world but fire war and the sword so in saying 10 Jesus is speaking about the trouble in his day which would end in 70 CE with the destruction of the temple it is also a prophecy of our own time which will

In Saying 82 fire and the kingdom are equivalent terms just as Jesus is equivalent with the Kingdom so here when he throws fire upon the world we should understand that he has come to reveal the knowledge of the Kingdom upon the world.

Therefore in Saying 82 Jesus is both fire and kingdom and if we compare this with Saying 10 Jesus control the fire that will soon blaze and that fire is identified with Jesus and those with him and the fire is identified with the Kingdom one might therefore re-read Saying 10 as I have thrown the Kingdom on the world to refine it

This is a refiner’s fire, to refine the heart of men for the day of judgement. The knowledge that makes us responsible to the truth comes by faith and faith by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Thus it can make us wise unto salvation by faith in Christ Jesus, for the word of God is beneficial for teaching, for reproving for correction, for disciplining in righteousness. This is the fire of the knowledge of the kingdom of God that saves us 1Cor 3:13-15 13 each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14 If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

for our faith is tried with fire 1pe 1:7 that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,

so the forgiveness of sins is to purify the sins of the world with fire. So by listening to Jesus’ words and abiding by them we will overcome our passions. Cp. Saying 7, 8, 9

The fire is also the fire of judgement speaking of the end of the Jewish temple and pointing forward to the end of the age

Fire is a symbol of the spirit-manifestation or God-manifestation for "God is a consuming fire”. Therefore, after we are refined by fire we shall be made like fire just like Jesus is now for Yahweh makes his ministers a flame of fire Psalm 104:4 Who makes his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire.

Daniel also saw them in vision. "I beheld," says he, "until the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool' his throne the fiery flame, and his wheels burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him; thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the Judgment was set, and the books were opened" (Dan. 7:9-10). Whence came all these thousands of the fiery stream? They are all the Sons of Power: Spirits born of the Spirit; Israel's Elohim, or Mighty Ones; who were once Jews and Gentiles in unprofitable flesh: sinners under sentence of death, but justified by an intelligent and obedient faith. These are the Elohim of the Sh'ma Yisraail, the hypostasis of whom is the ONE YAHWEH -- the One Eternal Spirit multitudinously manifested in the Sons of Eternal Power. When these become apparent, "at THE ADOPTION, to wit, the redemption of the Body" (Rom. 8:23) -- the "One Body" -- then will be revealed the Mystical Christ -- the seed of Abraham -- the "Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the breasts with a golden girdle; his head and hairs like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if glowing in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters" (Rev. 1:13-15) -- the voice of the redeemed of all kindreds, and nations, and peoples and tongues.

it is not “pie in the sky when you die, bye & bye.” Gospel of Thomas Saying 3

 Jesus said, "If those who lead you (plur.) say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. But the kingdom is inside of you. And it is outside of you.

Here in Saying #3 Jesus is explaining that the kingdom of God is neither in the Heavens nor under the sea, or under the earth, that is the grave. which in Greek and Roman culture is paradise in Hades.

"If your leaders say to you ..." This announcement that the kingdom is not in heaven above or in the underworld that is “in the sea” which means “under the earth. (see Greek Text Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 654.13 provides the variant reading ”under the earth.) -

The kingdom is within you as hope in the heart and it is outside of us spread out over the earth, and people do not see it. (Saying 3, 113 Acts 1:7; Pr 30:4)

 It is not in the heaven or in the sea (3/2; cf. Rom. 10:6-7)
Then the birds of heaven will be there before you. If they say to you ‘It is in the sea!’ then the fish will be there before you.

This part of the saying makes a sort of joke out of the belief in going to heaven after death or hell (the sea)

 In any event, it is present and not in the sky.

But the kingdom is inside of you. And it is outside of you.

It is within us as a spiritual reality and outside of us as the “commonwealth”.

10)  Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes."

In Saying 82 fire and the kingdom are equivalent terms just as Jesus is equivalent with the Kingdom so here when he throws fire upon the world we should understand that he has come to reveal the knowledge of the Kingdom upon the world.

Thus the Kingdom is also Christ Jesus (Saying 82) so it is the son of man that is within us, since Christ is the Kingdom (Saying 82), it is Christ within us, the hope of glory

We must come to know our true self. Our true self is not the person of this world, but the one who was born of God. We are spiritually maturing and growing in knowledge of who we are. We may not be clearly seeing our true self (who is Christ) right now, but we will once we come to fully know and be our True self. We are God’s image that must become perfect like our heavenly Father this is our purpose to reflect the identity, character and glory and become the image of Christ, who is the true image of God. We can only do this in Christ where our true self (life) will be kept hidden in Christ Col 3:3, 4.

So in this light real poverty is when we do not know your true self in Christ. The use of the term 'poverty' is meant for life outside of true knowledge This is spiritual poverty where our minds are lost in deception and our hearts feel homeless because we have not returned to our Father’s house 1Cor 3:16 6:19 Eph 2:20-22 1Pet 2:5. Finally, Jesus says, “you are that poverty” Paul says that nothing good could come from him Rom 7:18 He said that “Paul” had died and Christ now lived in and through him Gal 2:20. Paul knew that his true life was found when he had the spirit of Christ, which is the mind of Christ and not the natural or worldly Paul.

The commonwealth of Israel is a spiritual Kingdom made up of the true believers the Israel of God Gal. 6:15, 16; 1  Paul says, “Thanking the Father who rendered you suitable for your participation in the inheritance of the holy ones in the light. He delivered us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of his love (Col. 1:12-14). In this way, the true believers in the “good news” were brought into a realm of light. However, with what was their enlightened condition connected? It was connected with a kingdom. When God “delivered [them] from the authority of the darkness,” he at the same time “transferred [them] into the kingdom of the Son of his love.” (Col. 1:13)

However saying 3 does not deny the future kingdom of God upon the earth only the belief in heaven going. We can begin to live it now, like we will in the future Kingdom of God, when Jesus comes to establish the Government of God on this earth.

it is not “pie in the sky when you die, bye & bye.”

But it is still future

The Light Within The Gospel of Thomas Saying 24

The Light Within The Gospel of Thomas Saying 24

Saying 24 His disciples said to him, "Show us the place where you are, since it is necessary for us to seek it." He said to them, "Whoever has ears, let him hear. There is light within a man of light, and he lights up the whole world. If he does not shine, he is darkness."

Saying 70 Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." Gospel of Thomas.

This saying of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas does not teach that there is light within everyone only within "a man of light". there is no indication from this saying of a doctrine of immortal souls or a divine spark trapped within us which needs re-awakening. 
Only that there is light is within "a man of light". 

Therefore the light is exclusively within "a man of light". Next we would assume that the "man of light" would be the disciples of the Lord as Jesus himself says that his disciples are "the light of the world". For all true believers are called light having obtained saving wisdom with faith and good works in communion with Christ and God Eph 5:8

70. Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will] kill you."

This Saying refers to the light of knowledge, which is the salvation of those who possess it but the destruction of those who lack it. Knowledge must always precede Faith; for a man cannot believe that of which he has not previously been informed. Hence, the first inquiry on the part of man or woman anxious to be saved will be, WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? Until they know this, they cannot go on to the second stage of believing unto salvation. The gospel is styled "the one faith,

This saying is about faith and the knowledge of the truth. The knowledge about God and Christ Jesus and the kingdom when this knowledge comes from the outside and is written on the heart (the inside) it is “that certain thing within you that will save you”.

it's all about being given knowledge from without, or the idea that if you don't accept some sort of "approved" knowledge from outside yourself, and take it within, than THAT is what will destroy you.

The answer is faith. If you give birth to Faith within yourself. So, "If you bring forth what is within you (faith), then what you bring forth (your faith) will save you. And if you do not bring forth what is within you, what you don't bring forth will destroy you (your lack of faith).

The true believer 'begets' within himself the kingdom or Jesus who is the light of the world. The believer will be saved by what he begets;

First there could be no light within unless it came from the outside for as Paul says “within me that is within my flesh dwells no good thing” it is SIN that dwells within us all Rom 7:17,18 so the light within is the word of God both the spirit word and Christ Jesus, the son of God.

The scriptures must be written upon our hearts and Christ must dwell in us this is the light within a man of light and “that certain thing within you that will save you”.

For light is used in the scriptures as doctrine, teaching Isa 49:6 for the commandment of God is like a luminary, and the law is as a light Pr 6:23. the light by which the true life is gained jn 8:12 Jesus the Messiah is called the light of the world Lk 2:32 Jn 1:7 12:35 8:12 9:5 true believers are called light having obtained saving wisdom with faith and good works in communion with Christ and God Eph 5:8

Now, the scriptures says, "The commandment of God is a lamp; and his law is light" (Prov. 6:23); so that the prophet says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psa. 119:105).

Now, the enlightening of every believer is thus explained by Paul: "God", says he, "who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, is he who hath shined into our hearts (the believes'), with the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2Cor 4:6). But "every man" is not enlightened by this glorious knowledge; for to some it is hidden.

Light will not shine in blind minds. Hence, says the apostle, "If our gospel be hidden, it is hidden to them that are lost: in whom the God of the world hath blinded the minds of them who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine into them" (2Cor 4:3,4). He darkens the tablets of their hearts by "the care of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches" (Matt 13:22); and thus prevents them from opening their ears to hear the words of eternal life.

24 His disciples said to Him, "Show us the place where You are, since it is necessary for us to seek it [again showing their dullness]." He said to them, "Whoever has [spiritual] ears, let him hear. #There is light [where Jesus (the light of the world) is] within a man of light [he who has Christ within him], and he (or "it") lights up the whole world [with the Keys of Knowledge he is given (true enlightenment)]. If he (or "it") [the light in you] does not shine, he (or "it") is darkness

70 Jesus said, "If you bring forth [give birth to] what is within you [the spirit of Christ "who enlightens the true believers who come into the world" - the Keys that unlock the mystery which causes you to become a bubbling fountain of Life], what you bring forth [from the scriptures and the Word within that He gives you] will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you [if you quench the spirit (like an abortion)], what you do not bring forth will destroy you [being stuck in the letter you will die in your sins]."

What is within you is the kingdom of heaven
What will save you is the way
What is within you is the light
What will destroy you is darkness

The “twin” of Christ Gospel of Thomas Saying 108

Saying Jesus says: "He who drinks from my mouth will become like me. As for me, I will become what he is, and what is hidden will be revealed to him."

These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Judas Thomas the twin recorded.

1 And he said, whoever discovers what these sayings mean will not taste death.

The Gospel of Thomas introduces itself as the hidden sayings of the living Jesus as recorded by Judas Thomas the twin. Even here in the introduction we are being introduced to the mysteries of the Order of God. The writer calls himself the “twin” of Christ. He gives us this clue that the objective of the sayings to be revealed is not to simply tell us about the Living Christ, but so that we can become Christs ourselves – we are to also become “twins” with our Teacher and Master.

He then shares with us the first saying of the Living Jesus – the one who finds the understanding of these sayings will not taste of death. Life is found in understanding the meaning of His sayings, the wisdom that is conceal into them. The deliverance of our beings come when we become mature, fully grasping the meaning of the teaching of the Living Lord Jesus. One could go through repetitive, empty observance and the remembering creeds and dogmas. But the true student is not interested in just learning about the Christ, but being formed into the image of our Teacher – who is the image of God. We do this through the assimilation of Divine Wisdom, being admitted into the school of the great Teacher Himself. We sit at the feet of the Master – the Living Christ and are changed from glory to glory into the very image and nature of God.

Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to something and tell me what I resemble." Simon Peter said to him, "A just angel is what you resemble." Matthew said to him, "An intelligent philosopher is what you resemble." Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth utterly will not let me say what you resemble." Jesus said, "I am not your (sing.) teacher, for you have drunk and become intoxicated from the bubbling wellspring that I have personally measured out.

Jesus says: "He who drinks from my mouth will become like me. As for me, I will become what he is, and what is hidden will be revealed to him."

Thomas is called the "twin" of Jesus to denote a spiritual unity between the disciple and his master, as referenced here in Thomas v. 13, where Jesus says, "I am not your teacher. Because you have drunk and become intoxicated from the very same spring from which I draw."

Therefore in the GTh, the Living Jesus comes to reveal that you and he are, twins. And what you discover as you read the sayings of the Lord, is that you and Jesus at a deep level are identical twins. When you discover that you are the child of God just as he is. Therefore in saying 108 Jesus speaks to Thomas and says, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become as I am, and I will become that person, and the mysteries will be revealed to him."

Our goal is to become like Jesus that is to become his twin brother. And this is what Thomas means twin, for Thomas symbolizes the one who has become like Jesus Cp. Saying 108

we must become the twin brothers of Christ who are the solitary or the single one the few chosen out of the many called, the twin brethren in Christ Col 1:2

Thus those who meditate on the words of Jesus are drinking from wisdom’s fountain and become like or equal with Jesus and this saying explicitly states that the true believer who drinks from Jesus‘ mouth becomes Christ himself. Drinking is done by means of investigating and finding the symbolic meanings of the parables and proverbs Jesus’ words. As is discussed at the start of the gospel

Prayer: Living Lord Jesus – we humbly enroll ourselves in the school of your Divine Wisdom and truth. Wash our minds free of the traditions of men and the baggage or our past. Let us forget what we have learned in the schools of the religions of men and devote ourselves to your teachings which bring us into the most Holy and Divine fellowship. Let us see only your pure and Divine Light, let it both surround us and fill us. Amen.

Miracles in the Gospel of Thomas

These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.
1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

Some claim that in the Gospel of Thomas Jesus performs no miracles but Jesus’ sayings are the miracles he performs for they are living words that bring everlasting life and that in itself is a miracle that the words he speaks bring eternal life by seeking and finding the correct interpretation of them.

However, Jesus speaks about two miracles in Sayings 29, 85 in Saying 29

Jesus said: If the flesh came into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel. But if the spirit (came into existence) because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. But as for me, I wonder at this, how this great wealth made its home in this poverty.

So the first part of this saying can be translated “when” “When the flesh come into being because of spirit, it was a miracle

(85) Adam came into being out of a great power and a great wealth, and he was not worthy of you; for if he had been worthy, [he would] not [have tasted] of death.

In Hebrew the word miracle(s) is derivative of the root “be different”, distinctive, Meaningful, significant. Therefore it means to be different”, distinctive, meaningful, and significant, from the world and this is done by the word of God when believed and obeyed it will change our character and cleanse us form all of the desires of the flesh as Jesus says Jn: 17:17: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” and Eph 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, Cp. Rom 10:17; 1Cor 12:8; 2Cor 6:7; Ephesians: 1:13; Eph 5:26; Eph 6:17; Phil 2:16 And so on.

The living Jesus=the resurrected Jesus, Jesus also lives though his sayings, and all true believers are the living Jesus. To become the living Jesus, you must empty yourself of yourself and let the spirit that is the mind of Christ (his character) fill you. Dying to yourself so that you can be reborn of the spirit as the living Jesus. We must experience the same conception, gestation, and birth as the living Jesus so that we might be his twin (Mt 3:17 Mk 1:11 Lk 3:22 Ps 2:7 89:27)

The hidden or secret sayings are in signs or signified the sayings, they are symbolical that is why we are told to find the correct interpretation of these sayings. (Cp. Saying 62 Jesus said: I speak my mysteries to those [who are worthy of my] mysteries. What your right hand does, let not your left hand know what it does.)

The Sayings are not intended to be interpreted literally, as the other four Gospels often are, but to be interpreted symbolically, this is confirmed by the opening Saying #0. While a literal interpretation may make sense, only by understanding the deeper meanings of the Sayings can one truly understand them.

In the Gospel of Thomas we are to become the spiritual and the corporeal (tangible) twin brethren of Jesus in logion 13 and the intro Thomas represents what we are to be come the spiritual and corporeal twin brethren of Christ (cp. Saying 108) this is done by knowledge, by knowing the Father and his son Christ Jesus. This can only be done by knowing what the Bible says about the Father and Christ Jesus. And when we truly know what it promises about the Kingdom of God. And when it is written on the heart, it forms the mind or mode of thinking or feeling created in a true believer. This is styled the inward man, the hidden man of the heart, the Real Self, the new man that is renewed by knowledge after the image of him that created him and is manifested in the life of a true believer.

To become the twin brethren of Christ (the Thomas class) we must know everything the Bible teaches about the Kingdom of God and the name of Christ Jesus. And than be baptised into Christ and put on Christ, so that we will be in the image or likeness of Christ. First in a moral likeness of renewed man to God (Col 3:10). And second the image of the son of God into which true Christians are to be transformed into the likeness of the heavenly body the house from heaven, (Phil 3:20,21 1Cor 15:49 Cp. Sayings 29 83 84)

Taking Off A Garment Gospel of Thomas saying 37

His disciples said, "When will you be shown forth to us and when shall we behold you?" Jesus said, "When you strip naked without being ashamed, and take your garments and put them under your feet like little children and tread upon them, then [you] will see the child of the living. And you will not be afraid

forgiveness is a process. It’s more like taking off a garment and putting on another, then taking off a garment, and putting on another. It’s not a simple case of amnesia at all. The good news about the process is that just maybe, there’s something crucial to be learned in what we might see as a unexciting process. That might be why God doesn’t grant an immediate and instantaneous release. Maybe spiritual health comes in the process more than the result.

Here in saying reflects early Christian baptismal practice at the ceremony of baptism a believer goes in to the water naked and when someone is baptised they are baptised into Christ into his death and just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life, knowing that our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with. so The undressing mentioned here relates to When we put off the old man we put on the new man which is Christ or the Christ consciousness the Christ-self.

The Striping naked refers to the "the filthy garments" that is clothed with "the flesh of sin," in which, Paul tells us "dwells no good thing." both morally and corporeal the moral garment we have to take off for ourselves but The corporeal garment is a gift from God. therefore to Strip naked refers to putting off the old man and putting on the new man which is the mind of Christ

37)# His disciples said, "When will You [the living Word] become revealed to us [when will we know the Keys of Knowledge of the higher/inward (spiritual) meanings] and when shall we see You [as you are]?" Yahushua said, "When you disrobe [remove the bonds (raiment) of whatever religion has you spellbound] without being ashamed [anyone who has found Truth and acted upon it can attest to this for these are persecuted and attacked by friends, family and co-workers in order to convince you that by leaving their religion you will surely have your part in the second death] and take up your garments [all of your past denominational/stately religious teachings] and place them under your feet "[the world becomes a footstool at your feet"] like little children [the Elect] and tread on them [subdue their power and influence over you], then [will you see] the Son of the Living One [within yourself and without (in others) for you "shall become as He is"], and you will not be afraid [fear is the fruit of ignorance, once you have the Way, the Truth and the Life none of their intimidation, condemnation or threats will scare you into submission to their will anymore]" 

James the Just Gospel of Thomas Saying 12

On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you have become two, what will you do? (12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We are aware that you will depart from us. Who will be our leader?" Jesus said to him, "No matter where you come it is to James the Just that you shall go, for whose sake heaven and earth have come to exist."

When we are two what should we do? We should go to James the righteous here James is a symbol of all the holy and righteous ones who are a type for our own learning as an instructor for us in righteousness. James is also a type of Christ as the leader of the faith after God has called us we should go to Jesus the righteous as Jesus says he only has those whom his father has given him. 

The heavens and the earth are the new heavens and earth, that Jesus will create Rev 21:5 and they are created for the righteous ones Prov 10:25 the new heavens and earth take the place of the heavens in Saying 11 that are passing away. Now from the political expanse “the heavens will pour down righteousness (Zedek) and the earth opening and bring forth salvation (Yesha) and justification (Zedakah) growing up together (with them)” Talmud Tractate Taanith Israel will be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation (Yesha). The Talmud Taanith interprets this passage from Isaiah 45:8 to mean that rain will not fall unless the kingdom is restored to Israel and its sins are forgiven. 

The Taanith compares the day on which rainfalls to the day on which the new heavens and earth will be created which is the imagery of spring-rain. See James 5:7,8,17,18 1Kings 18:1 Dan 7:13 Lk 4:24,25 Dan 12:7 8:14

One connection between rain and a teacher of righteousness is supplied in the blessing of Deuteronomy: And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of Yahweh thy Elohim, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day…Yahweh shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season… Deut 28:1, 11 (KJV) cf. Deut 11:13-14 
A teacher of righteousness who leads the people back to Yahweh would be the instrumental cause of Yahweh blessing the people with rain 11:14), and so the giving of the former and latter rain in the first month of spring would be a sign that such a teacher had been given to the people. 

Another connection is the use of ―rain as a a figure of speech for teaching in such statements as ―My doctrine shall drop as the rain (Deut 32:2). In the same vein Isaiah declares, 
Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it. Isa 45:8 (KJV) 
And the verb ―drop is used of prophetic speech: Now therefore hear thou the word of the Lord: Thou sayest, Prophesy not against Israel, and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac. Amos 7:16 (KJV) 

Son of man, set thy face toward the south, and drop thy word toward the south, and prophesy against the forest of the south field… Ezek 20:46 (KJV) cf. Ezek 21:2 
The language of Joel is double-edged: not only had there been a recent gift of the early and latter rains in the same month, but there was a promise of righteousness raining upon the people. 

Hosea expresses a similar a figure of speech when he states, 
Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord; his going forth is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth. Hos 6:3 (RSV) cf. Prov 16:15 

The people would experience the presence of the Lord as spring rain. 
So here in Saying 12 relates to rain-making or the fall of rain and the righteous (zaddik)-status.
In Hebrew rain and teacher are very similare words by changing just one letter rain becomes teacher 

Rain is yore, teacher is moreh, teacher of righteousness is moreh-zedek, 

James is a type of a spring-rain of righteousness (yoreh-zedek)= He pours down righteousness Joel 2:23 Jerome let the clouds pour down the just one. The Just One is Christ who is the sun of Righteousness that will rise only once to set no more and cause righteousness to spring forth from the earth in causing righteous ones forth from the grave. See also Isa 51:11 Eze 1:28 Ps 85:11 Rev 10:1 18:1 21:23 16:12

12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that You [the Word - the fountain of Life] will depart from us [this was evidenced by the letters to the seven ecclesias]. Who is to be our leader [who will help us get it back]?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being [i.e. even if you do not understand the Word in its higher/inward form you are to continue walking righteously]." 

Church Leaders are Archons

The rulers wanted to fool us, since they saw we were connected with the good.
They took the names of the good and gave them to the not good so with names they could trick and rope us to the not good.

So, as if they were doing us a favor, they took names from what is not good and transferred them to the good, in their own way of thinking. For they wished to take free people and enslave them forever.

in this passage in the gospel of philip the rulers have used names to prevent people from being free. they seem to have valued the use of these names so a name that referred to something good now refers to something that is not good,

[the “rulers” although having some knowledge of the truth had no love for their brothers and kept it for themselves in selfish pride and covetness].

The rulers (archons) [church leaders, the Holy See the Pope's administration] wanted to deceive man, since they saw that he had a kinship with those that are truly good [the Elohim and God himself we have the potential to become like our Divine Parent].

They took the name of those that are good [holy] and gave it to those that are not good [false religious doctrines], so that through the names [the father, the son and the holy spirit] they might deceive men and bind them to those that are not good [man gets baptised into a false church in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, not knowing that this baptism and use of those names is nonsense].

And afterward, what a favor they do for them! They make them be removed from those that are not good [who are actually good] and place them among those that are good [who are actually not good].

[the Roman Catholic Church. Get out of her my people!]

These things they [the church leaders] knew, for they wanted to take the free man [ransomed, free from sin, born again, sanctified] and make him a slave to them forever

[they crated images or "personas" of people whom are loyal to the deception in order to confuse people “they themselves are not going in and they are hindering those who are from doing so”]

[so that through the names they might deceive him and bind them to those that are not good [this is the very nature of "religion", to bind and rebind people to do according to their will which is in opposition to the will of the Father, this is the spirit of the Antichrist which loves to “lord it over” men by binding them not only to the “letter” but also their own “traditions” and doctrines that they might “become as one of us” (false gods) for these are still in the conousness of sin]

The earthly rulers wanted to deceive people, since they understood that people have a connection with the good. They took good names and gave these names to bad things in order to deceive people and bind them to the bad in this way. And now these earthly rulers suggest to people that they keep away from the “bad” and cling to the “good” — those people who associate with them. These earthly rulers strive to make formerly free men slaves forever.

Christ Brought Bread the Gospel of Philip

Christ Brought Bread the Gospel of Philip

Christ Brought Bread
Before Christ came there was no bread in the world, just as paradise, where Adam lived, had many trees for animal food but no wheat for human food, and people ate like animals. But when Christ, the perfect human, came, he brought bread from heaven, that humans might be fed with human food.
The Rulers and the Holy Spirit
The rulers thought they did all they did by their own power and will, but the holy spirit was secretly accomplishing all through them by the spirit’s will.
Sowing and Reaping Truth
Truth, which has existed from the beginning, is sown everywhere, and many see it being sown but few see it being reaped.

Before Christ came, there was no bread in the world [there was no one who could show the “hidden” meanings within the Word (the spirit of the Word) for mankind had not yet been ready to receive it], just as Paradise [the garden of Eden], the place where Adam was [before the fall], had many trees to nourish the animals but no wheat [no perfected sons of the Kingdom] to sustain man [with the mysteries of his true purpose on earth]. Man used to feed like the animals [eat from the reasoning’s of his own mind], but when Christ came, the perfect man [The first begotten Son having overcome the world], he brought [true spiritual] bread from heaven in order that man might be nourished with the food of man [By showing us “the Way, the Truth and the Life” in Him, the hidden meaning of the “spirit of the Word” and the knowledge that we all have the “power to become sons”].

The rulers thought that it was by their own power and will that they were doing what they did [these thought that by killing Him they would be the heirs to the Kingdom for they did not comprehend what they were doing], but the Holy Spirit in secret was accomplishing everything through them as it wished [The Father is not only sovereign over all things but IN all things so all of this occurred for His own sake through His holy spirit which moves us according to our own hearts and that is exactly what it did to them in order that the True nature of Messiah’s death would become manifest only to those who would comprehend it]. Truth, which existed since the beginning [before the big bang (before “form” (physical) things existed, truth only existed in the thoughts (of the Father)], is sown everywhere [it is in every thought (the spiritual) and every atom (the physical) for all are inherently governed by the perfect and unchangeable law that guides them and moves them – we are comprised of both of these and are subject to the same laws within for we are all created by our Father and are all “of Him and for Him”]. And many see it being sown [many being those who are “called”], but few are they who see it being reaped [only the “chosen” who apprehend it and choose to obey and do the will of the Father by “walking” “in the way”] (Philip 11).

the summer is the other aeon

 the summer is the other aeon

Those who sow in the winter reap in the summer. The winter is the world,¹ the summer is the other aeon°. Let us sow in the world so that we will harvest in the summer. Because of this, it is appropriate for us not to be made to pray in the wintertime. What emerges from the winter is the summer. Yet if anyone reaps in the winter he will not harvest but rather uproot, as this method will not produce fruit. Not only does it (not) come forth [in the winter], but in the other Sabbath also his field shall be fruitless.

In warm regions, people sow in winter, not in spring as it is done in cold regions.

The one who does not work hard to make oneself better during there entire new life in Christ will not receive any good fruits in the age to come.

Philip symbolizes the period of time, assigned for this work, with the images of “winter” and “workweek”; after it, the time for rest comes — “summer”,

The winter is this age and the summer is the age to come

Thus Summer is a symbol of the kingdom of god

Those who sow their fields in the winter, harvest them in the summer. This world is our wintertime, but the world that is coming is our summer. While we are in this mortal world, we should plant those things that we desire to harvest in the next world.

When our prayers are centered in this life, we are like people trying to harvest their crops in the winter. They may root them out of the soil, but they will experience no harvest. We must keep our spiritual eye centered in the life which is coming, if we want to experience a true harvest. If we attempt to harvest our crops now, they will be dead long before the time of harvest arrives.

"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when its branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh." Matthew 24:32

Many Christians recognize this to mean that when Israel sprouts again to life as a nation, the time of Messiah's Kingdom is near.

The Dyer The Gospel of Philip

God is a dyer. As the good dyes, which are called "true", dissolve with the things dyed in them, so it is with those whom God has dyed. Since his dyes are immortal, they become immortal by means of his colours. Now God dips what he dips in water.

The baptism, given by God, happens in the out-Flowing of the Holy Spirit. God gives it only to the worthy after the second coming. At that time, the baptism of the spirit transforms them so that the “dyes” are never washed out.

The Lord went into the dye works of Levi and took seventy-two different colours and threw them into a vat. He drew them out perfectly white. He said, “Even so has the Son of Man come as a dyer.".”

The seventy-two different colours repentance the list of 72 nations found in Gen 10 [Greek translation LXX] ; and the 72 Disciples mention in Lk 10:1

72 different colours or nations become one in Christ 

72 is half of 144 thus the number 72 is a symbol of the 144,000 of the nations who will be come one Christ.

The 144,000 is a  symbolic number

In Isa. 1:18, both words occur separately: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." 

This speaks of the death of the Lord, which provided the "dye" that makes baptism valid. It symbolises the dedication of his life in doing the will of Yahweh. The token of this in sacrifice was the outpouring of blood, for blood represents the life (Lev. 17:11). Christ's blood figuratively acts as a dye by which baptism is "coloured," for "baptism" itself is derived from a Greek word signifying "to dye."

God is a dyer [dyes manifest our “true colors” whether “good” or “bad” so if one is “spotted” it must mean these have only partial truth]. As the good dyes, which are called "true", dissolve with/into the things dyed in them [once one receives truth it becomes a part of them and they begin to change their color (character) and act accordingly], so it is with those whom God has dyed. Since his dyes are immortal [the truth will set you free from the power of death] they become immortal by means of his colors. Now God dips what he dips in water [this is spiritual enlightenment being passed on through the “water” (the thoughts of the universal spirit are merged into the individual thoughts of man) while still in the physical body]. (Philip 31)

The Elohim are dyers. Just as good dyes merge with the items which are dyed in them, so does the Light of the Elohim merge with those who are dyed in it. The Divine Colors become part of them, so that they become Eternal like the Light. First the Elohim dip those who are called in water, and when they are chosen they are dyed in Divine Light. The mark of the Elohim which is placed on them at that time can never be erased.

Christ came to Redeem The Gospel of Philip

Christ came to purchase some, to save some, to redeem some. He purchased strangers and made them his own, and he brought back his own whom he had laid down of his own will as a deposit. Not only when he appeared did he lay the soul of his own will as a deposit, but from the beginning of the world he laid down the soul, for the proper moment, according to his will. Then he came forth to take it back, since it had been laid down as a deposit. It had fallen into the hands of robbers and had been stolen, but he saved it. And he redeemed the good in the world, and the bad.

This passage describes the work of Christ

ransom and redeem are Jewish and Christian technical team meaning to buy back. The 3 words ransom, save and redeem seem to have much the same meaning.

Christ came to ransom some, to save others, to redeem others

He ransomed those who were strangers and made them his own

The strangers are non-jews that is the Proselytes Gentile converts to Judaism whom he made his own:

Ephesians 2:14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,

Not only when he appeared did he lay the soul of his own will as a deposit, but from the beginning of the world he laid down the soul, for the proper moment, according to his will. 

This is a referance to the cross

when he appeared he lay down his soul (on the cross his sacrificial service) but from the beginning of the world he laid down the soul

John 15:13 ►
13 No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends

John 10:17 ►
17 This is why the Father loves me, because I surrender my soul, in order that I may receive it again. 18 No man has taken it away from me, but I surrender it of my own accord. I have authority to surrender it, and I have authority to receive it again. This command I received from my Father."

1 Peter 1:20 ►
He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Revelation 13:8 ►
All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in the Lamb's book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.

been ransomed and redeemed being saved and atoned for are part of the biblical language. they are also attributes of Jesus the redeemer the saviour the one who atones.

Christ redeems many by his death

Then he came forth to take it back, since it had been laid down as a deposit.

Here we come to the doctrine of the redeemed redeemer

Christ himself needed to be redeemed or saved out of death Hebrews 5:7

Christ is 'the first-fruits' (1 Cor. 15:53, 20). He was once in 'this corruptible' flesh and blood state, from which he needed physical cleansing just as much as his imperfect brethren. For God 'hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him' (2 Cor. 5:21). 

“In giving himself as a perfect sacrifice — the anti-type of the Passover Lamb — the Lord Jesus Christ was the first one to benefit from his sacrifice, Being clothed upon with Divine nature, he was no longer subject to mortality, and sin in the flesh ceased to be an element of his being." Hebrews 5:1-2; 9:12 (Lit., "he found for himself eternal redemption" — third person, masc, middle voice); 9:22; 13:20.

"Understanding by the devil, the hereditary death-power that has reigned among men by Adam through sin, we may understand how Christ, who took part in the death-inheriting nature, destroyed the power of death by dying and rising. We then understand how 'He put away sin by the sacrifice of himself'

The robbers are the pharsees and church leaders

he redeemed the good in the world, and the bad.

The good are the elect jews or Israelites the bad are the gentiles who are willing to be converted

Christ came to ransom some, to save others, to redeem others. He ransomed those who were strangers [pilgrims (people with faith like Abraham always looking for his true creator) who were “seeking a better country”] and made them his own [brothers]. And he set his own apart [sealed them for Himself as part of His spiritual house (body)], those whom he gave as a pledge [“as sheep for the slaughter” – “an ascent offering”, “a fragrant odor”, “a fire offering”, i.e. the firstfruits who are dedicated to the Father] according to his plan [to create a chaste bride, a spotless wife hence “my sister, O spouse” for the Father]. It was not only when he appeared [in the body prepared for Him] that he voluntarily laid down his [physical] life, but he voluntarily laid down his [individual spirit (soul)] life from the very day the world came into being [this was all part of the grand plan of the Father “from before the founding of the world” that He might create sons for Himself who would inherit all that He has (fullness of life, love, wisdom and unlimited possibilities)]. Then he [the Word] came first [in the beginning through the first man (Adam) i.e. as son of man He was manifest to the world as “the firstborn in many brothers” in a physical body in order to teach us who we are, where we came from and what we are all destined to become in our due time] in order to take it, since it [the world (earth - the womb of the heavens created for the very purpose of forming man into the image of God)] had been given as a pledge [likely the one spoken of in Gen 38 – this must be understood from the “spirit” of the word not the “letter”]. It [the womb] fell into the hands of robbers [(sarx – carnal nature) the error of free will in opposition to the Spirit of the Father – the “robbers” are synonymous with spiritual thieves - evil thoughts and intents made manifest in acts] and was taken captive [Adam’s individual spirit consciousness (Eve) “was thoroughly deceived” by this new duality of mind (tree of knowledge)], but he [Yahushua] saved it. He redeemed the good people in the world as well as the evil [for all emanate from the Father and are necessary to fulfill all that is spoken] (Philip 5).