Thursday, 14 November 2019

Gospel of Thomas Saying 48

48) Jesus said, "If two make peace with one another within a single house they will say to a mountain 'go elsewhere' and it will go elsewhere."

Saying 48
The house is your body and the two that have to make peace are your passions and your reason your heart and mind. As long as you are in two minds or double-minded (see the above saying) and the heart is veiled to the truth there can be no peace between the mind and heart.
Faith is essential. By faith, you are empowered to walk the path in holiness and faith bring forth knowledge and growe in faith and knowledge until you are established in the perfect faith of Christ Jesus. Faith is not idle, but labours always for Yahweh and Christ Jesus.

48)## Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other [if one is able to see that the Old and New Testaments are in perfect harmony from a spiritual sense] in this one house [of God], they will say to the mountain [state/religious establishment],##'Move Away,' and it will move away."

Gospel of Thomas Saying 47

(47) Jesus said, "A person cannot (at the same time) mount two horses or draw two bows. And a slave cannot serve two masters, but truly will honor the one and scoff at the other. No person drinks vintage wine and immediately desires to drink new wine. And new wine is not put into old wineskins lest they burst. And vintage wine is not put into new wineskins lest it go bad. And old patches are not sewed to new garments, for a rip will develop."

Saying 47
"It is impossible for a man to mount two horses or to stretch two bows. And it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters; otherwise he will honour the one and treat the other contemptuously.“ Here Jesus is speaking about serving the law of Moses and the law of faith to mount an horses or to stretch a bow implies action the action of obeying the law of Moses and the law of faith you can not do both “otherwise he will honour the one and treat the other contemptuously.“
The Lord Jesus is speaking also about serving God or our desires the Two Masters. The impossibility of living for God and for yourself is stated here in terms of masters and slaves. No one can serve two masters. One will inevitably take precedence in his loyalty and obedience. So it is with God and mammon. They present rival claims and a choice must be made. Either we must put God first and reject the rule of materialism or we must live for temporal things and refuse God's claim on our lives.
"We claim, and often tell God in prayer, that it is our 'sole desire to serve Him in immortal strength throughout eternity.' Some say 'humble desire' -- though we always wonder at the depth, or even the understanding, of 'humility' of those who tell God they are humble (doubtless we do it ourselves too, as in many other things we wonder about in others). But about this claim to desire to serve God totally and forever, We can show right now whether this is sincerity or just fancy words. If we really do desire to 'serve God throughout eternity,' we shall be serving Him now with all our present mortal strength and life, and mind and goods, or else all our fine words are froth. We shall recognize that we have no time to spare -- yea, we shall have no desire -- for anything else except providing the bare necessities of life so that we may wholly serve Him. Does our way of life confirm or belie our so noble protestations? Do we think God is deceived by mere words?

By serving Jesus, One cannot be a true and faithful lover of the beloved unless there is only the beloved in one’s life.

“No man drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine. And new wine is not put into old wineskins, lest they burst; nor is old wine put into a new wineskin, lest it spoil it.“
if new wine was put into old wineskins. The pressure caused by the fermentation of the new wine would burst the old skins because they had lost their elasticity. The life and liberty of the Gospel ruins the wineskins of ritualism. and new wine is also a symbol of restored Israel to the land of Canaan under the seed of Jacob, and of Judah the inheritor of the mountains of Yahweh; and his elect shall inherit it (the land of Canaan), and my servants shall dwell there. (Isa. 65:8,9)
“An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment, because a tear would result." here Thomas changes the thought from that of the new patch and the old garment presumably because he is thinking of life in the new world (Saying 51)."
To try to mix law and grace would be like putting an a old patch, shrunk cloth to patch a new garment. When washed, the patch would shrink, ripping itself away from the old cloth.
The new way of life (which Christ brings) cannot be pached with an old and useless cloth. The new "garment" must be used in its entirety. The old patch/garment saying 37 (fig-leaf covering) must be put aside completely in favour of the new garment (skins, required bloodshed). "Put off old man; put on new man" (Eph 4:23,24; cp Exo 28r; Isa 61:1,3,10). The new life in Christ does not need a "patch" of the old; it is a new "whole". Cp Jos 9:4,13; Psa 119:83. A cloth not properly prepared for a garment: Lk 5:36n. only a new garment will suffice for a new life: Lk 15:22. Thus A true Gnostic will not allow his new doctrine (the law of faith) to be encumbered with relics from the past."
A Judaistic Christianity which, with a profession of Grace and the Gospel, attempts to keep the law and fosters legal righteousness is a greater abomination in the eyes of God than professing Israel in the past, worshipping idols. Thus does the King warn His disciples against the admixture of the old ... and the new. ... And yet this is what has been done throughout Christendom. (Sabbath laws, Leant, Christmas, Esther, idols of the saints) Judaism has been patched up and adapted everywhere among the churches and the old garment is labelled "Christianity." The result is a confusing mixture, which is neither Judaism nor Christianity, but a ritualistic substitution of dead works for a trust in the living God. The new wine of free salvation has been poured into the old wineskins of legalism, and with what result? Why, the skins are burst and ruined and the wine is spilled and most of the precious life-giving draught is lost. The law has lost its terror, because it is mixed with grace, and grace has lost its beauty and character as grace, for it is mixed with law-works.

47)### Jesus said, "It is impossible for a man to mount two horses [continue in two (diametrically opposed) covenants] or to stretch two bows [fight for and against each side of an argument]. And it is impossible for a servant [of Christ (the Elect)] to serve two masters [God and Satan (god of mammon)]; otherwise he will honor the one and treat the other contemptuously [this cannot be avoided]. No man drinks old wine [religious (Babylonian) dogma] and immediately desires to drink new wine [it is difficult to get anyone to leave behind the things of which they are accustomed to and start in a whole new direction (Way) - those who have built their foundation upon the sand (old wine) are perfectly happy until a great storm comes along and tears it down - the truth will do just that to any who receive it]. And new wine [true spiritual meaning of the Word which puts an end to the dogma] is not put into old wineskins [those who are hard hearted and set like stone in their old ways, ordinances and traditions], lest they burst [these having no place for enlightenments will even lose what they had (old wine) if they do not repent and turn back to the Father after taking in the new wine]; nor is old wine [religion] put into a new wineskin [the babes in Christ who have been called out from the world], lest it spoil it [this kind of activity is commonplace in worldly churches (religions) who bind their adherents by traditions, customs and ordinances which effectively keeps them from any further seeking of the truth]. An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment [a spiritual man cannot solve his problems by going back to the rudiments of the world or by works of the law], because a tear would result [his faith would begin to have holes in it]."

Gospel of Thomas Saying 46

 Jesus said, "From Adam unto John the Baptist there has been none among the offspring of women who has been more exalted than John the Baptist, so that such a person's eyes might be broken. But I have said that whoever among you (plur.) becomes a little one will become acquainted with the kingdom, and will become more exalted than John."

Saying 46
"From Adam to John the Baptist, among those who have been born of women, there is none greater than John the Baptist!

Here Jesus is not speaking very highly of Adam or John but or of any one who is born from below. Adam was born through the spirit of the Deity and mother earth thus he is born from below or born of a woman (mother earth).

But for fear that the eyes <of such a one> should be lost I have said: He who among you becomes a little one will become acquainted with the Kingdom and will become higher than John!"

Here Jesus is not saying that we have to reclaim what Adam lost who was a type of him who was to come just as we in the image of Adam are a type as well for “Our flesh is not true flesh, but only an image of the true” Gospel of Philip Nag Hammadi Scriptures p. 174. 

For our image and flesh to become the antitype we have to put on Christ and become the twin brothers of Christ the second Adam and being flesh of his flesh the true believers are his wife the second eve

Here Jesus is saying that any one who is born from above and become the new man will know the kingdom, and will become more exalted than John. Only when we become a child do we know the kingdom. But here Jesus is not speaking about everyone but the chosen few “for whoever from among you will become a child,” April D. DeConick translation this man will know the kingdom for many are called but few chosen

46)## Jesus said, "Among those born of women [after the flesh], from Adam [who was born of the women when he fell to her temptation] until John the Baptist ["Elijah" who prophesied the consummation of the Old Covenant and the commencement of the New Covenant], there is no one so superior to John the Baptist that his eyes  should not be lowered (before him) [for he was a true prophet of God]. Yet I have said whichever one of you comes to be a child [one of the Elect] will be acquainted with the Kingdom [which is in you] and will become superior to John [being born of spirit]."

Grapes are not harvested from thorn-bushes Gospel of Thomas Saying 45

Saying 45 (45) JJesus said: Grapes are not harvested from thorn-bushes, nor are figs gathered from hawthorns, [f]or they yield no fruit. [A go]od man brings forth good from his treasure; a bad man brings forth evil things from his evil treasure, which is in his heart, and he says evil things, for out of the abundance of his heart he brings froth evil things.

The truth can not be harvested from the can not be harvested from the Pharisees because they have evil in their heats.
Here again, we read a passage consistent with New Testament teachings. Jesus often compared humans to trees- good and bad ones producing good and bad fruit. We know that in this world, we say there are good people and bad people, but the root of the problem is found in the heart (spirit) of a person. If our heart has stored up “wickedness” then it will likely expressed this in word and deed.
Now if your heart is good and true, your words and actions will accord with one another and be good and true but if your heart is false and bad your words and actions will bear the taint of the evil inclination. This is where we should know ourselves to know your enemy that is know yourself only when you know yourself will you know your enemy you have to observe your thoughts emotions, and feelings, where your mind and heart naturally tend to wonder. When you loo and see, listen and hear your thoughts and emotions, do they reflect the inward man the Christ-Consciousness or the thinking of the flesh. In this way, you will discover what is in your storehouse which is your heart and take an inventory of the stocle that fills it whether foods good for the soul or poisons that bring the soul (a person) to sorrow, suffering, and death. Only with self-control can you direct thought and emotion as you wish. You can master your mind and heart through consistent self-discipline and in doing so you will have put on the Christ-Consciousness
As we have seen, James defines sin as the outcome of a man's own lust. Hence, the action of lust in the mind is the action of the New Testament Satan, or Adversary. All sin proceeds from the desires of the flesh. This is declared in various forms of speech in the Scriptures, and agrees with the experience of every man.
Out of the heart: The heart, centre of thoughts, not emotions. One heart for all men. All human nature is in same category. Evil thoughts: Everything that follows ARE "evil thoughts" in the first place -- that is the point! Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies . . . (Matt. 15 :19).
The carnal mind is enmity against God: it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be (Rom. 8:7). Now the works of flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like (Gal. 5:19, 21).
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life . . . is of the world (1 John 2 :16).

45)## Jesus said, "Grapes [the fruit (hidden spiritual Word in the NT scriptures)] are not harvested from thorns [worldly Christo-pagan organizations and their adherents who have not the life in them], nor are figs [fruit of the Old Testament] gathered from thistles [worldly Jewish above], for they do not produce fruit [any true spiritual food]. A good man [Jesus] brings forth good from his storehouse [those who have Christ in them sitting upon HIs throne in their hearts]; an evil man [the man of lawlessness] brings forth evil things from his evil storehouse [those who have the devil in them sitting upon the throne in their hearts], which is in his heart [so all of this is about our own individual spiritual condition whether we wish to believe it or not], and says evil things [to bind people to a religion]. For out of the abundance of the heart he brings forth evil things [that confuse and bewilder people so they can never know the mysteries of the Kingdom]."

Gospel of Thomas Saying 44

Saying 44
Here Jesus must have just performed a miracle casting out a demon. (Saying 35) Now the Pharisees must have blasphemed the miracle(s) that he had dome by the power of the Holy Spirit in him. He had spoken to them about the Father and they said they did not know the Father. They said he was mad but they blasphemed by saying it was by Satan or Beelzbul. what they should have done is what the crowed did and prased God.
The phrase 'neither on earth nor in heaven', is used here as eschatological (as in the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:10). cf. Matthew 12.32: 'neither in this age nor in the age to come'. Thomas has changed 'Son of Man' to 'Son' (retained in Saying 86), The sequence Father-Son-Holy Spirit reflects Christian teaching (cf., Matthew 28:19)." which are a single name of the Eternal spirit self styled Yahweh.

44)### Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes [speaks out - i.e. teaches false doctrine (this in a word is "religion")] against the Father [the Old Testament scriptures (the Jewish System of worship did this)] will be forgiven [these may repent, turn around and be healed to this day], and whoever blasphemes [ditto] against the Son [the New Testament scriptures (the "Christian" system of worship does this still)] will be forgiven [ditto], but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit [the spirit of truth that has guided one into all Truth (having been given the Keys of Knowledge) - if one has received the spiritual meanings of the scriptures it should move that one to repent, turn around, and be healed and find life; "For [it is] impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spiritt, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, and falling aside, to be renewing them again unto repentance while crucifying for themselves the Son of God again and holding Him up to infamy. For land [the heart] which is drinking the shower coming often on it [spiritual understandings of the Word], and bringing forth herbage [healing words] fit for those because of whom it is being farmed [the Elect] also, is partaking of blessing from God; yet, bringing forth thorns and star thistles [falsified teachings for worldly gain as the ministers of the world do], it is disqualified and near a curse, whose consummation is into burning."] will not be forgiven [if they do not repent in the burning, they will be condemned by it] either on earth [worldly arguments will be compelling] or in heaven [heavenly arguments will be compelling]." 

Rather, you have come to be like Pharisees Gospel of Thomas Saying 43

Saying 43 (43) His disciples said to him, "Who are you, since you say these things to us?" <Jesus said to them>, "Do you (plur.) not understand who I am from the things I am saying to you? Rather, you have come to be like Jews. For they love the tree, and hate its fruit. And they love the fruit, and hate the tree.

Here the Jews are the Pharisees the leaders of the Jews who love the tree but hate its fruit that is love spiritual teaching but hate spiritual practices. What Jesus is saying here is that we must not become double-minded or two faced about our faith It takes its point of departure from John 8:25, where the Jews ask Jesus who he is; they know neither him nor his Father (John 8:19). Thomas has transferred the question to the disciples so that Jesus can say that they are 'like the Jews.' The Jews do not understand that the nature of the tree is identical with that of the fruit (Matthew 7:16-20; Luke 6:43-44). And in both Matthew and Luke the discussion of trees and fruits is followed by a rebuke to those who call Jesus 'Lord' but do not obey him.

"With an image corresponding to saying 45.1, in v. 3 Jesus compares the disciples with Jews who want to separate tree and fruit or fruit and tree. However, for the disciples it is a matter of knowing Jesus exclusively from his words (v. 2) as they are to be found in the Gospel of Thomas."

43) #His disciples said to him, "Who are You, that You should say these things to us [the Christo-pagans]?" <Jesus said to them,> "You do not realize who I am [the same Word who  brought forth the declarations of the Old Testament and the Prophets] from what I say to you [His teachings reflected the true meanings of the scriptures which they could not grasp yet were designed to open up the minds of those whose hearts (soil) were able receive His Word (seed) that they might leave off from "the letter which kills" (religion)], but you [disciples above] have become like the Jews [hard hearted and steadfast in keeping with the outward forms of worship (customs, traditions, ordinances) in the image of man], ##for they (either) love the tree [the Old Testament (covenant)] and hate its fruit [the hidden manna (the Word in its higher/inward (spiritual) sense) which all pointed to Jesus coming and the new Covenant in His blood] or love the fruit [Jesus and His teachings] and hate the tree [the OT Scriptures (the Law)]." 

Gospel of Thomas Saying 42

42 Jesus says: "You must be <as> passers-by!"

Here Jesus is telling us to come into being, as we pass by, (see interlinear) all other teachings accept those of Jesus’ and commit himself to him alone. Jesus is instructing us to pass by the teachings of the Pharisees and others teachers.
Also Here Jesus is telling us to come into being, as we pass by, [the thinking of the flesh] see interlinear. Now the coming into being is when we are born again that is to say put on the new man and pass by the old man the thinking of the flesh, which is hostile to God. come into being by water and by the spirit in our days this is done by the spirit-word and baptism but in the apostles days they were baptised with holy spirit and in the age to come they and others will be baptised

42) Jesus said, "Become passers-by [in the world - "do not turn to your right hand nor your left; remove thy foot from evil"]." 

Gospel of Thomas Saying 41

Saying 41 (41) Jesus said, "The person who possesses will be given more. And the person who does not have will be deprived of even the little that that person has."

When he had uttered this parable of the sower and the seed, “The disciples came and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?” The answer seemed abrupt and unsympathetic—“Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.” Why not? “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath” (Matt. 13:11, 12). A certain class would turn the logic of these sayings just the other way. They would say if a man have not, it is a reason why something should be given to him, and not taken away; and if a man have, it is superfluous to give him “more abundance.” There is a certain common-sense smartness, no doubt, about this kind of criticism, but it has no application to the subject in hand. It might apply to food or clothes or money; but it does not apply to those spiritually-enlightened moral and intellectual attainments which commend a man to God. If a man lack these, there is nothing to work on to lift him higher. But if he have them, the tendency is for him to increase in attainment and in acceptability with God and man. When, in addition to this, we take into account the judicial element underlying the case, any remaining mist entirely disappears.
“To him that hath shall be given” (Luke 19:26), “He that is able to receive it, let him receive it” (Matt. 19:12), “Ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep” (John 10:26), “No man can come unto me except the Father who hath sent me draw him” (John 6:44).

41) Jesus said, "Whoever has something in his hand [a little power to grasp the concept of the spirit of of the Law and the Prophets] will receive more [faith and thereby more keys, revelations, truths, power etc..], and whoever has nothing [no spiritual insight - this one is in poverty] will be deprived of even the little he has [what's left of his faith, power etc.. will dry up]."

grapevine has been planted outside the father Gospel of Thomas Saying 40

Saying 40 (40) Jesus said, "A grapevine has been planted outside the father. And because it is not sound, it will be plucked out by the root and will perish."

The enemy in saying 57 planted the grapevine but Nothing can exist outside of the Father. The enemy, the devil, consisting of the authorities of the nation, who everywhere stealthily neutralised the teaching of Christ, disseminating evil doctrines, and scattering wide their sympathisers and disciples, who drew away the people, and multiplied their own number greatly by the energy of their operations and the popularity of their influence.

The father planted the Lord Jesus as the true vine. “I am the vine, ye are the branches.” Here we have men in Christ the Father’s tillage: but the tillage is with an object—not the mere benefit of the branches (as the popular idea of salvation supposes), but the gratification and profit of the Father vine-dresser. “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away”—a fruitless branch, a useless thing.

Here the Lord is speaking of religious institutions of his own day, although we certainly have our own version in modern times. Anytime religion and state are combined, the result is an oppressive environment that places a stranglehold upon the activity of the spirit of truth. In this Saying Jesus is speaking about what happen in 70 CE when the old covenant was up rooted and the rebellious Jews who rebelled against the new covenant and their King. And it is also still to come to the priest and clergymen of the dogmatic Christian churches who have rebelled against true worship and true believers and in time past they have even kill true believers

But what orthodox churches of Christianity called the truth was planted outside of the father’s wises in the days of the apostles and Paul also tells us that wolfs will come in and destroy the truth and this evenly gave birth to the man of lawlessness when Constine removed that which was holding it back.. This grapevine cannot bear fruit (everlasting life) and those in it are already dead not knowing the knowledge of the truth that brings everlasting life.

40)# Jesus said, "A grapevine [religion] has been planted outside of the Father, but being unsound [in health being rooted in the depraved imaginations of men], it will be pulled up by its roots [that it has no chance to come back] and destroyed [by Jesus the true vine (Jn. 15:1)]." 

Pharisees and the Scribes Gospel of Thomas Saying 39

Saying 39 Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the Scribes have taken the keys to acquaintance and hidden them. They have neither entered nor let those who want to enter enter. You (plur.), then, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

The Pharisees here are a symbol of all false religion and undoubtedly today the Lord would speak this way of the priests and clergy of orthodox Christianity The keys of knowledge are the one true faith and hope of Abraham the promises made to him so we must have the faith of Abraham for those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham Gal 3:9 who is the father of us all saying 105 cp. Rom 4:11,12,16. Now his faith and ours is this that the gentiles shall be blessed in him and this promises was made to him before the law and his seed who is the Christ

39) Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes [who are still operating today through the Triple Crown Power controlled by the Vatican] have taken the keys of Knowledge [the higher/inward (spiritual) meaning of the scriptures] and hidden them [behind the fleshly locks of earthly types and images]. They themselves have not entered [in their depraved condition and deceptive practices they have shut themselves out of the Kingdom], nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to [these have become "wolves in sheep's clothing" who subvert the knowledge of truth that they may continue to "lord it over you" for the glory of men]. #You, however, be as wise as serpents [the Pharisees and scribes (Mat 23:33, 12:34 etc.. we must be aware that the devil will use many deceptions and tricks through your own flesh and the people around you to find ways "to accuse you day and night before the Father"] and as innocent as doves [we are to take great care not to harm anyone, even "those who hate you and despitefully use you" for they are all your brothers and some are there for the sole purpose of the Elect (doves/peacemakers) that they may be tested and refined in the Way]." 

hear these words Gospel of Thomas saying 38

(38) Jesus said: Many times have you desired to hear these words which I speak to you, and you have no other from whom to hear them. Days will come when you will seek me (and) you will not find me.

(38) [Jesus] said, "[Many times have you desired to hear these words of mine], and [you have no one else to hear (them) from. There will be] days [when you will look for me and will not find me]."

The prophets, the fathers, and all the sages and righteous ones of Israel longed in their inmost being to hear the teaching of the Messiah. The Lord Jesus embodied the holy sayings of Yahweh and he taught his disciples opening their eyes to the meaning of the law and prophets. While the Lord is speaking of his disciples here and his relationship with them, he is also speaking to all true believers of all ages. We must have exclusive commitment to Jesus because he alone can reveal God’s words to the attentive follower though the bible that is the spirit word of God
In the days, we live in now we may seek Jesus but we cannot find him because he is in heaven right now and we can only find him in the spirit-word. And when it is written on the heart and having the mind of Christ the Christ-consciousness than you can find him in your hearts but when he comes again then we will see him for we shall be as he is now.

38) Jesus said, "Many times have you desired to hear these words [the spiritual meaning of the parables] which I am saying to you ["Unto to you it has been given to know the mystery of the Kingdom"], and you have no one else to hear them from [Only He can open up the hidden meaning in the scriptures for you]. There will be days [2 days (two thousand years-Messianic age)] when you look for Me [the spirit of the Word] and will not find Me [indeed the Word has been suppressed and people have been in a deep dark sleep for a long time]." 

strip naked Gospel of Thomas Saying 37

 His disciples said, "When will you be shown forth to us and when shall we behold you?" Jesus said, "When you strip naked without being ashamed, and take your garments and put them under your feet like little children and tread upon them, then [you] will see the child of the living. And you will not be afraid.

Here in saying reflects early Christian baptismal practice at the ceremony of baptism a believer goes in to the water naked and when someone is baptised they are baptised into Christ into his death and just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life, knowing that our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with. so The undressing mentioned here relates to When we put off the old man we put on the new man which is Christ or the Christ-self.

The Striping naked refers to the "the filthy garments" that is clothed with "the flesh of sin," in which, Paul tells us "dwells no good thing." both morally and corporeal the moral garment we have to take off for ourselves but The corporeal garment is a gift from God. therefore to Strip naked refers to putting off the old man and putting on the new man which is the mind of Christ

ashamed= in Genises 2:25 Because the man and the woman knew only good, they were not ashamed even though they were both naked. They were comfortable in their physical bodies, in their sexuality, in their relationship, and in their work-with no wrongdoing. The wording of vv. 24, 25 suggests the couple experienced sexual relations in the garden as a part of their God-intended experience. At 4:1 we first read of procreation, not necessarily the couple's first sexual experience together.

The motif of nakedness is introduced here and plays an important role in the next chapter. In the Bible nakedness conveys different things. In this context it signifies either innocence or integrity, depending on how those terms are defined. There is no fear of exploitation, no sense of vulnerability. But after the entrance of sin into the race, nakedness takes on a negative sense. It is then usually connected with the sense of vulnerability, shame, exploitation, and exposure (such as the idea of “uncovering nakedness” either in sexual exploitation or in captivity in war).

In chapter 3:1 The Hebrew word עָרוּם (’arum) basically means “clever.” This idea then polarizes into the nuances “cunning” (in a negative sense, see Job 5:12; 15:5), and “prudent” in a positive sense (Prov 12:16, 23; 13:16; 14:8, 15, 18; 22:3; 27:12). This same polarization of meaning can be detected in related words derived from the same root (see Exod 21:14; Josh 9:4; 1 Sam 23:22; Job 5:13; Ps 83:3). The negative nuance obviously applies in Gen 3, where the snake attempts to talk the woman into disobeying God by using half-truths and lies. There is a wordplay in Hebrew between the words “naked” (עֲרוּמִּים, ’arummim) in 2:25 and “shrewd” (עָרוּם, ’arum) in 3:1. The point seems to be that the integrity of the man and the woman is the focus of the serpent’s craftiness. At the beginning they are naked and he is shrewd; afterward, they will be covered and he will be cursed.

the attempt of the man and the woman to cover their nakedness with leaves expressed their sense of alienation from each other and from God. By giving them more substantial coverings, God indicates this alienation is greater than they realize. This divine action is also ominous; God is preparing them for the more hostile environment in which they will soon be living (v. 23). At the same time, there is a positive side to the story in that God makes provision for the man’s and woman’s condition and salvation.

Clothing= Garment stands for the actions of the old man or old self anger, wrath, malice,

Little children

Trample on them

Then you will come the son of the living one and you will not be afraid

Le 13:47 Le 13:49 Le 13:51 Le 13:52 Le 13:53 Le 13:56 Le 13:57 Le 13:58 Le 13:59 Le 14:55 Job 13:28 Job 30:18Ps 109:18Ps 73:6 Ps 102:26 Pr 25:20Isa 51:6 Isa 51:8 Ps 109:19 Pr 20:16 Jude 1:23

37)# His disciples said, "When will You [the living Word] become revealed to us [when will we know the Keys of Knowledge of the higher/inward (spiritual) meanings] and when shall we see You [as you are]?" Jesus said, "When you disrobe [remove the bonds (raiment) of whatever religion has you spellbound] without being ashamed [anyone who has found Truth and acted upon it can attest to this for these are persecuted and attacked by the devil through friends, family and co-workers in order to convince you that by leaving their religion you will surely burn in hell] and take up your garments [all of your past denominational/stately religious teachings] and place them under your feet "[the world becomes a footstool at your feet"] like little children [the Elect] and tread on them [subdue their power and influence over you], then [will you see] the Son of the Living One [within yourself and without (in others) for you "shall become as He is"], and you will not be afraid [fear is the fruit of ignorance, once you have the Way, the Truth and the Life none of their intimidation, condemnation or threats will scare you into submission to their will anymore]"