Friday 1 May 2020

The Children and The Steak House

The Children and The Steak House "

On a certain day I stood by the lord's side and he took me to a certain country side on a mountain top.

From this mountain top I could see a great city and in this city was a great number of men, women's and children, I smiled thinking how wonderful it was that the parents of this city, all of which lived there was preparing a meal for all the children of this city, all did this at the same time.

Turning and facing the lord I said this place is good, the parents cook and the children eat, all is well, but the lord said to me " look again ", so I faced this town again, and the lord said " look closer ".

As I looked closer I saw the parents of the children prepare and feed the children the meals that they had cooked, some made this type of meal while others cooked a different type.

But when the children ate of their parents meal they became angry and bitter at one another, some quarrelled while others caught amongst themselves, and the parents seemed not to care but encouraged them to quarrel even the more.

I was deeply saddened at this sight, then the lord said to me " go, feed the children first, then offer their parents some of the same meal "

So I went down to this town changing my form, to form til I reached the city no one seemed to notice me for to them I appeared to be as one of their children, as I came to the one who was celled my father in this city, I ask of him to allow me to cook for the children of the city, and offer their parents a portion of the meal I prepared.

The meal was cooked and prepared for all, both parents and children the meal was " steak and water ".

But when the parents saw that their piece of steak was smaller then the children's they became angry and showed violence towards me, when they did this, the lord sent his angels to gather the parents together and to place them outside of the house, as they stood outside they mummerd amongst themselves grinding their teeth as they watched their children eat and filled.

As the children ate they, all that attended were washed cleaned and fresh clothes was given them, and there was much happiness and joy among the children, for none was sad ever again. Ever.

The mountain top is the kingdom of light, the town is this world the parents of this town are the ruler's of this world, they call themselves gods, it is they that create temples for humans to worship them, it is they that keep their children in darkness, the very same darkness that they themselves were created in.

becoming one with understanding is your inheritance, you must empty yourself and be filled with true knowledge then empty yourself of your true knowledge to others that you may be filled again, and again, do you understand this saying?

The mountain top is the kingdom of light, the town is this world the parents of this town are the ruler's of this world, they call themselves gods, it is they that create temples for humans to worship them, it is they that keep their children in darkness, the very same darkness that they themselves were created in.

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