Sunday, 22 March 2020

Chrism Is Superior to Baptism the gospel of philip

Chrism Is Superior to Baptism

Chrism is superior to baptism. We are called Christians from the word “chrism,” not from the word “baptism.” Christ also has his name from chrism, for the father anointed the son, the son anointed the apostles, and the apostles anointed us. Whoever is anointed has everything: resurrection, light, cross, holy spirit. The father gave all this to the person in the bridal chamber, and the person accepted it. The father was in the son and the son was in the father. This is heaven’s kingdom.

The chrism is superior to baptism [coming up out of the water is only the first step], for it is from the word "Chrism" that we have been called "Christians," certainly not because of the word "baptism" [John’s baptism was not a “Christian” baptism at all, it was only symbolic of repentance and washing of past sins for there was no salvation offered yet and without “hearing the Word” through Christ there was no way to apprehend it]. And it is because of the chrism that "the Christ" has his name [the Name higher than any other]. For the Father anointed the Son, and the Son anointed the apostles [giving them the “power to become sons”], and the apostles anointed us [and still do to this day by the written Word]. He who has been anointed possesses everything [is joint heir with Christ being joined to that Universal spirit]. He possesses the resurrection, the light, the cross, the Holy Spirit. The Father gave him this in the bridal chamber [the heart of man]; he merely accepted (the gift) [we do not “earn” this as it is a gift of grace]. The Father was in the Son and the Son in the Father [we must all realize that He is in us and we in Him for it is impossible for it to be any other way]. This is the Kingdom of Heaven [meditate upon this folks]. (Philip 76)

The Anointing, or Chrism, is superior to immersion. After all, it is from the word "chrism" that we derive the name "Christian"; the name is certainly not derived from the word "immersion" or it's Greek form "baptism." It is because he was the Anointed One or Messiah that the Redeemer was called the Christ. The Parents anointed the Son, the Son anointed his disciples, and the Anointed Disciples anoint us. Those who have been anointed are joint-heirs with the Anointed One; they too are Jehovah's Anointed, and they possess everything, including the knowledge to anoint others. They possess the power of resurrection, the ability to impart Light, the mystery of the cross, and the fullness of the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The Parents give them these gifts in the Holy of Holies to prepare them for the Bridal Chamber. Just as the Parents were in the Son and the Son was in the Parents, the Parents and Son are in their Anointed Ones and their Anointed Ones are in them. This is the nature of existence on the heavenly plane.

Know Yourself The Gospel of Philip

Know Yourself

All those who have everything should know themselves, should they not? If some do not know themselves, they will not enjoy what they have, but those who know themselves will enjoy their possessions.

Is it not necessary for all those who possess everything [all are created in His image and likeness] to know themselves [many do not comprehend who they are or where they come from]? Some indeed, if they do not know themselves, will not enjoy what they possess [these cannot discern spiritual things and are still under a tutor (the “letter” of the law)]. But those who have come to know themselves [have understood the “Spirit” of the Word (law) and are able to overcome the “world”] will enjoy their possessions [for these will inherit the Kingdom]. (Philip 82)

Those who posses all things should advance to that knowledge of themaselves which is gnosis and leads to the knowledge of god . those who do not possess this kn owledge of themselves will not truly enjoy or profit from what they have but those who attain this knowledge will enjoy it that is the things they possess

To gain an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, you must know yourself. The gate to the kingdom of heave is within you. When you know yourself, you will know the Path that leads to that gate, and you will understand how to open the gate when you arrive at it. Then you will possess all things, and you will be able to enjoy your possessions. Those who try to acquire possessions without knowing themselves will lose what they thought they possessed. They will find that they have lost the ability to enjoy.

Strength and Weakness The Gospel of Philip

Strength and Weakness

In this world, where strength and weakness are to be found, there is union of male and female, but in the eternal realm there is a different kind of union.

Although we refer to these things with the same words, there are also other words that are superior to every word that is pronounced.
These are above strength. For there is strength and there are those superior to strength, and they are not different but the same. This is incomprehensible to hearts of flesh.

Whereas in this world the union is one of [a physical] husband with [a physical] wife [a union of flesh] - a case of strength complemented by weakness - in the Aeon (eternal realm), the form of the union is different, although we refer to them by the same names [i.e. husband and wife - the union of our individual spirit consciousness with His Christ Consciousness within our hearts – a spirit to spirit (thought to thought union)]. There are other names, however; they are superior to every other name that is named and are stronger than the strong. For where there is a show of strength [faith], there those who excel in strength appear. These are not separate things, but both of them are this one single thing [Life]. This is the one which will not be able to rise above the heart of flesh [for flesh cannot discern it]. (Philip 81)

In the Bridal Chamber we learn the mystery of total union with the Divine. We must become one with all who have preceded us into the Divine. Division is a product of darkness; union is a product of Light.
Mortal marriage is a marriage of division. Each side, by nature, is led to try to dominate the other. Spiritual marriage is a marriage of unity. All sides are strong in the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no domination, but only pure Love. The ones in the marriage who are more powerful lift up the others to be equal with them. These are the mysteries of the Bridal Chamber.



atonement--Reconciliation between God and man through Christ; the uniting of our consciousness with the higher consciousness. Jesus became the way by which all who accept Him may "pass over" to the higher consciousness. We have atonement through Him.

To comprehend the atonement requires a deeper insight into creative processes than the average man and the average woman have attained; not because they lack the ability to understand, but because they have submerged their thinking power in a grosser thought stratum. So only those who study Being from the standpoint of pure mind can come into an understanding of the atonement and the part that Jesus played in opening the way for humanity to enter into the glory that was theirs before the world was formed.

By reading the letter of the Bible and accepting it as authority, men have formed erroneous ideas regarding the atonement. The Spirit of truth alone can reveal the true meaning of Jesus Christ's mission and work. The atonement as it has been understood by Christian people in the past has not taken sin, suffering, and death from the world; therefore it must be that their understanding has fallen short of the Truth. Spiritual understanding of the atonement shows the way to deliverance from sin and consequently from all the effects of sin. In proportion as people understand and have faith in Jesus Christ as their actual Savior from sin, they are set free from appetite, passion, jealousy, prejudice, and all selfishness; wholeness of mind and body is the result. The ultimate of this knowledge and of daily practice in overcoming (even as Jesus Himself overcame) will be a new race that will demonstrate eternal life--the lifting up of the whole man--spirit, soul, and body--into the Christ consciousness of oneness with the Father. By means of the atonement--reconciliation, or atone-ment--that Jesus Christ reestablished between God and man, we can regain our original estate as sons of God, here upon earth. "Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt. 5:48).

atonement can mean at-one-ment 

Knowing oneness with what is, the eternal present. In oneness, actor, act and acted upon is experienced as the same. Perceiver, perceived and perceiving as well

The basic principle of Truth is that the mind of each individual may be consciously unified with Divine Mind through the indwelling Christ. By affirming at-one-ment with God-Mind, we eventually realize that perfect mind which was in Christ Jesus.

Truth, source of--God is a special, personal Father to all His children, and from no other source can they get absolute Truth.

truth, Spirit of--God's thought projecting into our mind ideas that will build spiritual consciousness like that of Jesus. The Spirit of truth watches every detail of our life. When we ask and by affirmation proclaim its presence, it brings new life into both mind and body and moves us to observe spiritual and physical laws that restore health.

God Plants Paradise

God Plants Paradise
[God planted] a garden, and humans [lived in the] garden. There are some [who dwell] with…God….
This garden [is where] it will be said to me, “…[eat] this and do not eat that, [as you] [74] wish.” This is where I shall eat everything, where the tree of knowledge is.

That tree killed Adam, but here the tree of knowledge has brought people back to life. That tree was the law. It can give knowledge of good and evil, but it neither freed Adam from evil nor made him good, and it brought death to those who ate of it. For when it was said, “Eat this and do not eat that,” death began.

God [...created a] garden [Paradise]. Man [...created a] garden [the world]. There are [...two gardens, a garden of man] and [...the garden of] of God. [...] The things which are in [...] I wish. This garden is the place where they will say to me, "[...Go and] eat this or do not eat that, just as you wish." In the place where I will eat all things is the Tree of Knowledge. That one killed Adam [in the garden of Eden man had life (Oneness with the Father) until free will got the better of Him and he chose to eat from that tree – this was the beginning of man’s trek into double mindedness and the animal nature (flawed reasoning)], but here the Tree of Knowledge made men alive [It was the teachings in types and images throughout the Old Testament (the Law) that pointed those who could comprehend it to the Messiah and the resurrection from the dead]. The law was the tree. It has power to give the knowledge of good and evil [for without it we would not know sin nor could we become "as gods" setting ourselves up as gods in the temple of god (our bodies)]. It neither removed him from evil, nor did it set him in the good, but it created death for those who ate of it [there is no salvation available from the works of the law according to the “letter” but the “spirit” of the law was life for those who discerned it as an allegory pointing to the Savior and the power of sonship]. For when he said, "Eat this, do not eat that", it became the beginning of death [This Command was the groundwork for the great task of creating sons.  Shortly after the precept Adam was given his first taste of free will and his conscience failed him and as a result construction could now begin on the greatest temple (not made with hands) ever created!]. (Philip 75)

The Elohim placed mankind in a Garden. They said, "Eat all these fruits, but don't eat the fruit of the Tree of Gnosis, or you will die." The Aadamah ate the fruit of the Tree of Gnosis, and death was introduced to mankind. This was the beginning of the mortal plane. When we enter Jehovah's Garden as seekers of gnosis, we are again presented with the Tree of Gnosis, but now the Elohim say, "Eat the fruit of this tree and you will live." The same tree brings Life and death, for the knowledge of good and evil puts us in a position to choose darkness and death, but it also enables us to transcend darkness and death to grasp Eternal Life

This World Eats Corpses

This World Eats Corpses
This world eats corpses, and everything eaten in this world also dies. Truth eats life, and no one nourished by [truth] will die. Jesus came from that realm and brought food from there, and he gave [life] to all who wanted it, that they might not die.

This world is a corpse-eater [people of the world all start out in the first death as slaves to sarx (sin) – the world gets its strength from this as it allows the rulers thereof to maintain authority over them through fear and lusts of the flesh]. All the things eaten in it themselves die also [“they do not go in and hinder those who are” –“let the dead bury the dead”]. Truth is a life-eater [the truth kills the carnal nature (sarx) and gets its strength from those who have found it]. Therefore no one nourished by truth will die. It was from that place [the heavenly realm] that Jesus came and brought food [the bread of life]. To those who so desired [were drawn to Him], he gave life [His seed], that they might not die. (Philip 74)

Life on the mortal plane is sustained by death. Everything here maintains life by consuming that which has died. Eternal Life is sustained by Life. Those who are nourished by Truth will never die, for Truth does not die in order to impart Life to us. It was Truth that Jesus brought from the heavenly plane to nourish us. He feeds those who desire Life on the elements of Truth, and they never die.

Joseph the Carpenter Gospel of Philip

Joseph the Carpenter
Philip the apostle said, “Joseph the carpenter planted a garden, for he needed wood for his trade. He is the one who made the cross from the trees he planted, and his own offspring hung on what he planted. His offspring was Jesus and what he planted was the cross.”

The tree of life, however, is in the middle of the garden. It is an olive tree, and from it comes chrism, and from chrism comes resurrection.

Philip the apostle said, "Joseph the carpenter [representing the Father] planted a garden [to cultivate] because he needed wood [raw material Natural men] for his trade [making sons]. It was he who made the cross [crucifixion (the process of sonship)] from the trees which he planted [the archons, later Pharisees and scribes who did not know their left from their right]. His own offspring [“the firstborn in many brothers”] hung on that which he planted. His offspring was Jesus, and the planting was the cross [the process sacrificing your flesh to sonship]." But the Tree of Life is in the middle of the Garden [it is within each one of us but hidden from our senses]. However, it is from the olive tree [the holy spirit] that we got the chrism [anointing], and from the chrism, the resurrection [by having Christ sealed in us]. (Philip 73)

Philip the Apostle said, "Joseph the Carpenter planted a garden because he needed wood for building. It was from one of these trees that the cross was made on which his son was hung. The rulers of the religious world often warp the good things we do so that they produce evil fruit. The final result is not with darkness, however. The rulers thought they were producing evil when they crucified the Redeemer, but they were his instruments, enabling him to generate the power of salvation in behalf of all mankind."

Resurrection and Baptism the gospel of philip

Resurrection and Baptism
People who say they will first die and then arise are wrong. If they do not receive the resurrection first, while they are alive, they will receive nothing when they die. So it is said of baptism, “Great is baptism,” for if people receive it, they will live.

Those who say they will die [physically] first and then rise [as spirit beings] are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection [receive “Christ in them”] while they live, when they die they will receive nothing [one must attain the first resurrection while in the physical body through Christ]. So also when speaking about baptism they say, "Baptism is a great thing," because if people receive it they will live [these do not apprehend the Father nor His Son nor do they comprehend the mystery of sonship – they only see the “letter” and not the “spirit” of the law, these think that the baptism is a physical “outward” act and do not understand what it really is even though they say it is symbolic, they still dwell on its tradition in ignorance]. (Philip 72)

Slaves and the Free the gospel of philip

Slaves and the Free
In this world slaves serve the free. In heaven’s kingdom the free will serve the slaves and the attendants of the bridal chamber will serve the wedding guests.

The attendants of the bridal chamber have only one name, and that is rest. When they are together, they need no other form, [for they are in] contemplation…perception. They are superior…among those in…the glories of glories….

In this world, the slaves [debtors] serve the free [creditors]. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the free will minister to the slaves: the children of the bridal chamber will minister to the children of the marriage [all of those who have become “sons” and are doing according to His will do this inherently without being told]. The children of the bridal chamber [the firstfruits] have [.a new..] name: rest [the rest comes when you find the Kingdom inside of you and eat from the tree of Life]. Altogether, they need take no other form [although these are still in the physical body, they are walking in accord with the spirit], because they have contemplation [their thoughts continually seek righteousness and the will of the Father] , [...]. They are numerous [...] in the things [...] the glories [...] 

Accomplishments The Gospel of Philip

The truth is, a person’s accomplishments depend on that person’s abilities, and for this reason we refer to accomplishments as abilities. Among such accomplishments are a person’s children, and they come into being from a time of rest.Now, one’s abilities come to expression in what one accomplishes, and rest is clearly found in children. You will find this also applies to the image. These are the people made after the image, who accomplish things through their strength and bring forth children through rest.

[in other words it is not through physical strength that physical children are created in the world thus it is not through intellectual strength that spiritual children are created but it is at a moment of ease (i.e. stop analyzing and let the spirit guide you into all truth)]. (Philip 70)

Two Trees in Paradise The Gospel of Philip

Two Trees in Paradise
There are two trees growing in paradise. One produces [animals] and the other produces people. Adam [ate] of the tree that produces animals, and [he] became an animal and brought forth animals. As a result Adam’s children worship animals. The tree [whose] fruit [he ate] is the [tree of knowledge, and because of this, sins] increased. [If he had] eaten the [fruit of the other tree], the fruit of [the tree of life, which] produces people, [gods would] worship people. As [in paradise] God created people [that people] [72] might create God, so also in this world people make gods and worship what they have created. It would be more fitting for gods to worship people.

There are two trees growing in Paradise. The one bears animals [the tree of knowledge of good and evil which leads to death], the other bears men [the tree of life]. Adam ate from the tree which bore animals. He became an animal [after going according to his own will] and he brought forth animals [all of his sons are brought forth in the same condition of separation from the Father and eat from this tree (this is the first death]. For this reason the children of Adam worship animals [who continue to “lord it over them” in their unreasoning minds]. The tree [...] fruit is [...] increased. [...] ate the [...] fruit of the [...] bears men, [...] man. [...] God created man. [...] men create God. That is the way it is in the world - men make gods [by choosing for themselves kings and/or governments or men to rule over them; also by setting up selfishness as ruler over their own temple] and worship their creation [bow down to their own man-made constitutions]. It would be fitting for the gods to worship men [all men are created in the image of God and are “sons of the Most High” with all power of creation that the Father has bestowed upon them if they would just turn to Him, but in ignorance they keep following those that are not gods – this is idolatry whether it be government, idealism, religion etc. for they all result in spiritual thievery]! (Philip 69) 

The Inner and the Outer The gospel of philip

The Inner and the Outer
[For this reason] he said, “I have come to make [the lower] like the [upper and the] outer like the [inner, and to unite] them in that place.” [He spoke] here in symbols [and images].

Those who say [there is a heavenly person and] one that is higher are wrong, for they call the visible heavenly person [68] “lower” and the one to whom the hidden realm belongs “higher.” It would be better for them to speak of the inner, the outer, and the outermost. For the master called corruption “the outermost darkness,” and there is nothing outside it. He said, “My father who is in secret.” He said, “Go into your room, shut the door behind you, and pray to your father who is in secret”—that is, the one who is innermost. What is innermost is the fullness, and there is nothing further within. And this is what they call uppermost.
The heavenly person above is the Eternal Father Above. The one who is innermost is The Son who fills us with the fullness or Divine quality. 

The Lord did everything in a mystery, a baptism [which comes by “hearing the Word”] and a chrism [the conflict in your conscience, the war in your members] and a Eucharist [the death of the “old man” while “conforming to Christ”] and a redemption [the release from past sins] and a bridal chamber [the heart where “Christ in you” is conceived]. [...] he said, "I came to make the things below [the thoughts of natural man – chaos and double mindedness] like the things above [the thoughts of spiritual man –One in spirit and single eyed], and the things outside [the physical] like those inside [the spiritual]. I came to unite them in the place " [...] here through types [...]and images. (Philip 55)

Those who say, "There is a heavenly man and there is one above him" are wrong. For it is the first of these two heavenly, the one who is revealed [all men are created in God’s image and likeness so they too are heavenly, just a little lower in stature], that they call "the one who is below"; and he [the Father] to whom the hidden belongs [“the owner of the house”] is that one who is above him. For it would be better for them to say, "The inner [the Christ Consciousness (the kingdom inside you)] and outer [the individual spirit consciousness in man], and what is outside the outer" [the flesh - evil desires and intentions]. Because of this, the Lord called destruction the "the outer darkness" [which is the “flesh which is good for nothing at all”]: there is not another outside of it. He said, "My Father who is in secret". He said, "Go into your chamber [your heart – where the spirit of truth dwells] and shut the door behind you [shut out all worldly distractions], and pray to your Father who is in secret" (Mt 6:6) [this is not a group thing but a close personal pleading in “spirit and in truth” for those who comprehend it for this is the only way you can pray to the Father], the one who is within them all [the Christ Consciousness which is within all true believers]. But that which is within them all is the fullness [the fullness is Christ, the “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE” or better termed “He will be Mighty Ones (Yahweh Elohim)” for we are all in Him and He in us]. Beyond it, there is nothing else within it. This is that of which they say, "That which is above them" [so what they say is above them is in reality the fullness of the Father within them – we are told that what is above is also “the “inner” hence another witness to the statement; “the kingdom is inside of you”] (Philip 56)