Thursday, 7 May 2020

Mesmerism or Animal Magnetism a Natural Force

mesmerism or animal magnetism a natural force 

But there are many who do wonderful things that do not believe on Jesus; this text from John is therefore not applicable to them.

They do their works, not as the result and evidence of faith, but by the energy of their οιυη wills, operating upon the nervous systems of the patients. The promise of Jesus is not to them ; hence its fulfilment is not to be found in their mesmeric doings.

People in families and societies mesmerize one another unconsciously. Their brains and nervous systems are acted upon by the ideas willed, evolving and expressed, among thorn. The preaching, praying, talking, and silent wishings of some concerning others, create a halo of influences, which invests the community in its family and associational relations, like a fog.

"Speaking with tongues" is no proof of the existence of "the spirits," nor is the faculty necessarily a fulfilment of the promise of Jesus. I have heard an illiterate girl sing French and Italian songs who five seconds before and the instant after the singing knew not a word in either tongue. It was done by first mesmerizing her, and then placing her en rapport with an educated lady who could perform. By this process the nervosity of the two became as one-as it were, mesmeric Siamese twins. Their two brains were a closed circle, the lady who played the guitar and sang being the positive brain-pole from which the will-influence passed to the negative brain-pole of the girl, causing her unconsciously to sing with tongues.

Herald of the Kingdom and Age to Come, April 1854

What is this? The name " Electricity " tells nothing; that really means " amber-icity " {electron being the Greek word for amber), and was adopted as the name of the inscrutable element from the circumstance that its existence was first discovered from the friction of amber. Could a better name be devised than what the Scriptures have given it—SPIRIT? It is one of the highest proofs of the truth of Jewish revelation, that its disclosure of the Deity in His relation to the universe coincides with the facts brought to light by the researches of the human intellect in the field of nature.

The employment of this element in accomplishing the designs of intelligence, is illustrated in the facts of animal magnetism, mesmerism, biology, table rapping, clairvoyance, and " spiritualism."
In these sciences and systems—(some of them ignorantly made the basis of pretensions to divine prescience and authority) —men make use of the divine " ruach " which they naturally possess, to accomplish results which cannot be developed apart from the action of willpower. Though animals have the same spirit, they lack the intelligence to use it in this form. They use it all up in the mere process of existence. Men having intelligence, find this wonderful agent at their command to a limited degree. 

One man can influence another by it. Inanimate objects can be moved. Distant facts and occurrences can, in a high state of nervous susceptibility, be perceived by it. Unopened letters can be read; and numberless other prodigies accomplished, made familiar by science and the facts of " spiritualism "—a false and absurd system, based upon misunderstood facts of nature.

christendom astray

Thus J. Garnier, in his book The Worship of the Dead, declared that such things as mesmerism (hypnosis) and powers of spiritistic mediums “are merely the reproduction of the phenomena of ancient magic, produced by exactly the same arts as those by which the Pagan magicians, sorcerers, wizards, necromancers, etc., sought the assistance of the demons who they regarded as their gods.”

Russian Monk Gregor Novikh, nicknamed “Rasputin,” meaning “dissolute, profligate, libertine, licentious,” because such he was. Rasputin came of a peasant family with an inherited gift of mesmerism

All minds are male in essence called sons

All minds are male in essence called sons, all sons who turn to Lord Jesus and enter the narrow way leading to life come into the Father's presence and have their mind renewed a Christ with him. Soul then is raptured up, transforms into the body of Christ, the bride. We are neither male nor female we are one with the Father through the Son and how we know who we are is by the name given, written in the lambs book of life where all the innocence children's names have been kept before time began.  

"These are they which were not defiled with women"—They were not guilty of spiritual adultery with the false women of the Apostasy (see James 4:4; Rev. 2:20; 17:5).

"For they are virgins"—They are faithful to Christ. See 2 Cor. 11:2.

"These are they which follow the Lamb"—Christ as the Lamb offered in complete dedication to God. is their example, inspiration and shepherd. They see him as the Lamb: quiet, submissive, offering himself in sacrifice to God; but also powerful to conquer the world. Cp. 1 Pet. 2:21-25


The mind cannot awaken on its own. Lord Jesus is the only way, we're in Revelation where the sheep are being separated from the goat. Time is now to choose, whom do You choose?

I choose Lord Jesus, all the way! God knows Jesus is the ONLY way! This is the truth, and the truth sets you free.

No one is able to snatch you out of the Father's hand; do not be afraid. Go all the way with Jesus. Trust him, he loves you and will not let you fall.

Monday, 4 May 2020

the meaning of the word "OF"

the meaning of the word "OF"

του greek word

Samaritans, Samaritans, Samaritans, I am speaking to those who love to say, " I was glad when they said unto me come , let us go into the house of the lord" Psalm 122:1 ►.
I give you this: John 4:22 ► New Living Translation
You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews.

Do you Samaritans, even know the meaning of the word " OF"

OF- preposition

(used to indicate distance or direction from, separation, deprivation, etc.):
When David quoted this "he" did not know the mystery behind what he was saying,
our Father was trying to tell us this " be glad on the day when shall enter the house which is far above that which belongs to the Lordship of the god of this world.

It is used to say, " Over", " Above ", and "Beyond" a place or thing!

The creator god of this world has a son name, "And his son is called Yao: his feminine name is Lordship." the creator god son's Masculine name is "Lord" and his Fiminine name is, "Lordship"
So when david said he was glad when they said come let "us" he was refering to the day of the resurrection of Christ when Christ went down into Paradise and preached the Gospel meaning "Truth" to the Patriarchs, and Prophets, it was they that said to david " come let us not enter into their Heaven, but, into the house that is above their lord's, and they all Followed after Christ,
After- preposition, in imitation of or in imitation of the style of:
in other words they became Christ like at that time.

Take time and investagate words, and the origin of phrases of the Bible you read, it could mean something other than what you were taught, and learn the Origin of your thoughts "Also".

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Parable of the Famine

Parable of the Famine :

A Stranger had come to this city with clothes tattered and torn as he met some of it's citizens he inquired of it's leaders, some of the citizens were gracious and said, let us give you of our clothing, here, take of our food, others said here rest from your journey surly you must be famished.

And this did the citizens do to this stranger, on the morning of the next day, the stranger arose and departed to the house of the ruler of that city, upon meeting this ruler the stranger was greeted and asked of this ruler, sir, greetings and what brings you to our fare city, the stranger replied, oh, great sir, I am a messenger from the king, and have come this long way to warn you of the famine that is to come to your city.

But the ruler said but our city is prosperous, our food is plenteous, our walls are fortified and strong, and as for our waters, our Wells are deep as well as wide, we have no fear of any famine.

Then the ruler had said in his anger, be gone from our fare city stranger for never has any famine come passed our walls,

It was at this moment the stranger departed the home of the ruler of this city, for on the night before the stranger had left the city, this famine had fell upon this city, poisoning it's Wells of water, and the store houses of food which had been store for many months had spoiled from top to bottom, and on the morning as the stranger headed towards the gates of this city, this news had reach the ruler of this city.

And when this news reach the ruler of this city, this ruler had said quickly retrieve this stranger make haste, so this stranger was quickly brought back to the ruler, stranger, stranger what shall we do to be saved from this famine that has breached our walls and poisoned our waters, the stranger replied I am a carpenter to the king and will build you a great aquifer from your mountains which shall bring you new clear fresh waters, dig you new Wells whose waters shall come from it's depths, so the citizens of this city joined in with this stranger for all the stranger had requested was given to him and this city was saved and no one soul was lost, this famine was caused buy the neighbouring salted sea and was slowly poisoning the Wells of water in this city while the air was being salted corroding the walls of their store houses from top to bottom, for the builder of this city had not fortified the walls of it's Wells of water, it was out of ignorance of the builder of this city that had endangered the lives of it's citizens, so the king sent his servant to save them all.

Beware of the strangers you through out of your cities.

The second coming of Christ is in Motion Gospel of Thomas Saying 77

Gospel of Thomas Saying 77) It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the All. From Me did the All come forth, and unto Me did the All extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find Me there. Split the wood, see the light; lift the rock see the light.

The second coming of Christ is in Motion. We turn to Lord Jesus and go the way. The way is how our minds are renewed a Christ with his. Along the way we learn how to walk in the spirit while we remain in the flesh.

After he rose from the dead, his twelve disciples and seven women continued to be his followers, and went to Galilee onto the mountain called "Divination and Joy". When they gathered together and were perplexed about the underlying reality of the universe and the plan, and the holy providence, and the power of the authorities, and about everything the Savior is doing with them in the secret of the holy plan, the Savior appeared - not in his previous form, but in the invisible spirit. And his likeness resembles a great angel of light. But his resemblance I must not describe. No mortal flesh could endure it, but only pure, perfect flesh, like that which he taught us about on the mountain called "Of the Olives" in Galilee.

And he said: "Peace be to you, My peace I give you!" And they all marveled and were afraid. The Savior laughed and said to them: "What are you thinking about? Are you perplexed? What are you searching for?"

Philip said: "For the underlying reality of the universe and the plan."

The Archetype

The Archetype:

John 10:30 ► New International Version

"I and the Father are one."

Christ was the Archetype, the prime and Original perfect physical copy of our Pre-Existing Invisible Father.

"I and the Father are one." Many were taught that it was Christ that spoke these words, but I say to you, It was our Father speaking these words in the Form of Christ, how else then could he have said he and the Father are one, except they be one and the same Being.

The Children:

Revelation 22:13 ► New International Version

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Romans 8:29 ► Berean Literal Bible

because those whom He foreknew, also He predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, for Him to be firstborn among many brothers.

We, The Children; were with the Father in his PREEMINENCE, we were forever in thought, for the Father was like a thought and a place for us and Christ was the First to become Physical, and Begotten among the Immortal Beings, The Autogenes: So we the Sons and Daughters of the Pre-Existing Father, are AS Christ IS "Begotten"

The Mystery of the Children:

1 John 4:17 ► New Living Translation

And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.

In this verse we the Children are reminded of who we are, and that we are not as the people here on this Earth say we are.

We the Children Lived with our Father, that is to say "Within" our Father, much like the "Fetus" in the Womb waiting to be born, but in the Invisible Spiritual Realm, it is called "Begotten" this is where we were "Called" not as they in this world say "you are called by God" but we the Children were "called" to be "Born" down here in this world, we are the First Pre-Existing Family that lived "Within" our "Parent" not as in this world "With" their "Parents" we are the "Archetype" of "Sons" and "Daughters" we are not from nor "Of" this "World".

They were forever in thought, for the Father was like a thought and a place for them. When their generations had been established, the one who is completely in control wished to lay hold of and to bring forth that which was deficient in the [...] and he brought forth those [...] him. But since he is as he is, he is a spring, which is not diminished by the water which abundantly flows from it. While they were in the Father's thought, that is, in the hidden depth, the depth knew them, but they were unable to know the depth in which they were; nor was it possible for them to know themselves, nor for them to know anything else. That is, they were with the Father; they did not exist for themselves. Rather, they only had existence in the manner of a seed, so that it has been discovered that they existed like a fetus. Like the word he begot them, subsisting spermatically, and the ones whom he was to beget had not yet come into being from him. The one who first thought of them, the Father, - not only so that they might exist for him, but also that they might exist for themselves as well, that they might then exist in his thought as mental substance and that they might exist for themselves too, - sowed a thought like a spermatic seed. Now, in order that they might know what exists for them, he graciously granted the initial form, while in order that they might recognize who is the Father who exists for them, he gave them the name "Father" by means of a voice proclaiming to them that what exists, exists through that name, which they have by virtue of the fact that they came into being, because the exaltation, which has escaped their notice, is in the name.

The infant, while in the form of a fetus has enough for itself, before ever seeing the one who sowed it. Therefore, they had the sole task of searching for him, realizing that he exists, ever wishing to find out what exists. Since, however, the perfect Father is good, just as he did not hear them at all so that they would exist (only) in his thought, but rather granted that they, too, might come into being, so also will he give them grace to know what exists, that is, the one who knows himself eternally, [...] form to know what exists, just as people are begotten in this place: when they are born, they are in the light, so that they see those who have begotten them. (The Tripartite Tractate)

False Witness:

Matthew 24:11 ► Berean Study Bible

and many false prophets will arise and mislead many.

As far as Gnosis and Truth is concern, the above verse explains that many will come in this world in the form and type of Gnosis and Truth, of which are tricks and dark deceptions.

Of whom they having no true understanding of themselves, nor of their Origins, being blind to true Gnosis not having witness the Eternal Pre-Existing Invisible Spiritual Realms, they Deceive many.

When at any time has our Father took up shelter in caves, mountain tops, or temples and of what use would Crafts or Alchemy and Elixirs to explain and define himself when the world itself is matter, does matter have Preemininance over that which is Eternal and Spiritual, Brothers shake yourselves of such things, Renouncing them, by knowing yourselves having awaken from the deep sleep of Adam which is "Ignorance" Awaken Brothers seek after Light Knowledge, "That your Eye be Single" and your Whole Body be Full of Light".

the images and representations and likenesses:

The matter which flows through its form (is) a cause by which the invisibility which exists through the powers [...] for them all, for [...], as they beget before them and destroy.
The thought which is set between those of the right and those of the left is a power of begetting. All those which the first ones will wish to make, so to speak, a projection of theirs, like a shadow cast from and following a body, those things which are the roots of the visible creations, namely, the entire preparation of the adornment of the images and representations and likenesses, have come into being because of those who need education and teaching and formation, so that the smallness might grow, little by little, as through a mirror image. For it was for this reason that he created mankind at the end, having first prepared and provided for him the things which he had created for his sake.

Like that of all else is the creation of mankind as well. The spiritual Logos moved him invisibly, as he perfected him through the Demiurge and his angelic servants, who shared in the act of fashioning in multitudes, when he took counsel with his archons. Like a shadow is earthly man, so that he might be like those who are cut off from the Totalities. Also he is something prepared by all of them, those of the right and those of the left, since each one in the orders gives a form to the [...] in which it exists.

The [...] which the Logos who was defective brought forth, who was in the sickness, did not resemble him, because he brought it forth forgetfully, ignorantly, and defectively, and in all the other weak ways, although the Logos gave the first form through the Demiurge out of ignorance, so that he would learn that the exalted one exists, and would know that he needs him. This is what the prophet called "Living Spirit" and "Breath of the exalted aeons" and "the Invisible," and this is the living soul which has given life to the power which was dead at first. For that which is dead is ignorance.

It is fitting that we explain about the soul of the first human being, that it is from the spiritual Logos, while the creator thinks that it is his, since it is from him, as from a mouth through which one breathes. The creator also sent down souls from his substance, since he, too, has a power of procreation, because he is something which has come into being from the representation of the Father. Also those of the left brought forth, as it were, men of their own, since they have the likeness of <being>.

The Demiurge saw an Image of Christ that appeared from the Aeonic realm the Demiurge than said to his co-creators "let us create a man in the image of the image that shown from above, but after our likeness, for their likeness was that of "Male and Female" and that was what they did, constructing their "Adam" solely of soil,"Earth" Which was their version of what they saw.

Christ came as he who witness that which has Preeminence

Religions and Beliefs

Religions and Beliefs:

Greetings to you  my brothers and sisters.

I appeal to you concerning a matter that needs to be addressed which is common among you.
There is to much contention among you concerning your many beliefs, this much was even done among the disciples of Christ, and it did not benefit none.

1 Corinthians 3:4 ►....... English Standard Version
For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not being merely human?

1 Corinthians 1:12 ►........ New Living Translation
Some of you are saying, "I am a follower of Paul." Others are saying, "I follow Apollos," or "I follow Peter," or "I follow only Christ."

For others I say in this manner:

Some say I study the Samaritan way while others say I study the Greek, and yet others, say I follow Moses, those with like minds shall never attain into the truth of the preexisting father nor understand his way.

Know this my brothers our father and the kingdom of heaven is in you and all around you, but many cannot see it nor grasp hold of this meaning, the understanding of the kingdom does not come by some mixture or combination of mixtures but by a personal relationship with whom you all are seeking to know, did not he say we all are his children, and if you consider yourself his child then develop a father or mother relationship with them.

As for me my desire is for you all to know him and her as I do, but I know one son and one daughter knows the father and mother different from another, or is there one among you saying that they are incapable of loving each according to the level of knowledge that, that one son and daughter has, surely I tell you a mystery.

So let one share his or her knowledge in the thing he or she knows, our father and mother shall reveal the light of true gnosis to all, and that is on each level, and at the time of unity then and only then shall we be able to speak the same language.
So then let us put aside such things there is much to be learned.
I leave you with this.

1 Corinthians 13:12 ►.......... New Living Translation
Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely

Saturday, 2 May 2020

A Hymn of Health

A hymn of health by George Dowie

Hymn of Health.
W e come, we come, with liappy heart,
And voice attuned to song,
To bid that -weariness depart
That dwelt with thee so long.
Every youth and every maiden
Comes to thee with pleasure laden ;
Comes to thee with love and song.
Many days has sickness laid thee
Prostrate, heartless, hopeless here ;
Sore distress and pain have made thee
Prey to many a boding fear.
But we come with health and spirit,
Youth and cheer, and kindly love,
And desire ye may inherit
Every favour from above.
Chorus—We come, ifcc.
Health, that has been long a stranger ;
Hope, that has been dim so long ;
Confidence—there is no danger;
Pardon conies for every wrong.
All God's blessings sweet combining,
Weave a web of hope to-day ;
No more grief or sad repining—
You shall wipe tho tears away.
Chorus—"VVc come, etc.
Every sister, every brother
Wish you joy with all their heart,
Thanking God for one another,
And the hope we can impart.
Go, disease, with sad depression,
All this cause of sickness cease ;
God imparts His Father's blessing,
Hope, and jov, and love, and peace.
Chorus—We come, ifcc.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Bazaars John 2:13-16

Matthew 21:12 ►,Berean Study Bible

Then Jesus went into the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves.

John 2:13 Now the passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 

14 And he found in the temple those selling cattle and sheep and doves and the money brokers in their seats.

Heracleon: Fragment 13, on John 2:13-16 The ascent to Jerusalem signifies the ascent of the Lord from material realm things to the animate (psychic) place, which is an image of Jerusalem. (In John 2:14, “In the sanctuary he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers at their business.”) The words, "In the sanctuary, he found” and not "in the temple" are used so that it may not be thought to be the mere “calling” (animate), apart from the Spirit, which elicits help from the Lord. The sanctuary is the Holy of Holies, into which only the High-Priest enters, into which the spiritual go. The temple courtyard, where the Levites also enter, is a symbol of the animate ones who attain a salvation outside the Fullness (Pleroma). 

This is a similar to a description of the Temple in the Gospel of Philip

The Gospel of Philip The Temple in Jerusalem

There were three structures for sacrifice in Jerusalem. One opened to the west and was called the holy place; a second opened to the south and was called the holy of the holy; the third opened to the east and was called the holy of holies, where only the high priest could enter. The holy place is baptism; the holy of the holy is redemption; the holy of holies is the bridal chamber. Baptism entails resurrection and redemption, and redemption is in the bridal chamber. The bridal chamber is within a realm superior to [what we belong to], and you cannot find anything [like it…. These] are the ones who worship [in spirit and in truth, for they do not worship] in Jerusalem. There are people in Jerusalem who [do worship] in Jerusalem, and they await [the mysteries] called [the holy] of holies, the curtain [of which] was torn. [Our] bridal chamber is the image [of the bridal chamber] [70] above. That is why its curtain was torn from top to bottom, for some people from below had to go up.
John 2:15 So, after making a whip of ropes, he drove all those with the sheep and cattle out of the temple, and he poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 
16 And he said to those selling the doves: “Take these things away from here! Stop making the house of my Father a house of merchandise!”

Heracleon: Fragment 13, on John 2:13-16 Those who are found in the temple selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money-changers sitting there represent those who give nothing away out of charity, but regard the entrance of strangers to the temple as an occasion of trade and profit-making, and who provide the sacrifices for the worship of God for their own gain and love of money.

Heracleon: Fragment 13, on John 2:13-16 (In John 2:15-16, “And making a whip of cords, he drove them all, with the sheep and oxen, out of the temple; and he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the pigeons, ‘Take these things away; you shall not make my Father's house a house of trade.’”) And the whip which Jesus made of small cords and did not receive from another is an image of the power and energy of the Holy Spirit which blows away the wicked. The whip and the linen and the napkin and all such things form an image of the power and energy of the Holy Spirit. . . The whip was tied to a piece of wood, and this wood is a type of the Cross. On this wood the merchants who were intent on gain, and all wickedness was nailed up and done away. . . Out of these two substances was the whip made, for he did not make it of dead leather, but in order that he might make the Church no longer a den of robbers, but the house of his Father.

All who were buying and selling there, are the receivers, and servitors of the rulers of the Religious World
the "Names and Denominations" of "the Religious World" are a miserably executed counterfeit of the true, and current only with such as are indifferent to, or ignorant of the truth.

the rulers of the Religious World are merchandisers of souls the house of the Father was turned into Bazaars, or places of traffic in spiritual merchandise, and in "the bodies and souls of men!" (Rev 18:13). 

Treasure Hunter

Treasure Hunter:

Last night my Father called to me last night as I laid upon my bed,

In an instant I stood before him, he said to me,

here is an isle on a distant shore, stand upon the sands there, dig deep there is hidden treasure there,

Once you have found it bring it to me.

It was at that moment the sands of that isle was beneath my feet,

And to my right I saw my brother but he said to me, who are you and where do you come from?

Again he asked what are your interest in Sophia?

So I said to him brother you wonder about many things, but I will answer all that you have ask, but first let me scoop up some sand and you take a walk with me.

Whit a hand full of sand my brother and I took a walk and I answered all that he had asked.

Then I took him up with me and we stood before our father, I said to our father this is Anthropos the treasure I found on the isle.

Father said to me the true treasure was hidden deep within you, you dug deep to answer all your brother asked,

In doing so you placed that treasure within him,

And the sands in your hand are the souls of all that are on that isle and you brought them to me also.

Well done my treasure hunter, well done.

So many very poor people are hurting for creature comforts and seek God to supply. The Truth/Christ is that satisfaction is not in these and that God has removed the sting from poverty in Christ through Jesus the 1st embodiment of Christ, Jesus the only Savior, we Christ-ans. Brother, SET THE CAPTIVES FREE.

The Blind Man of Bethsaida

The Blind Man of Bethsaida

Last night as I was praying, Jesus appeared before me and said , come!
And in an instant we were in Heaven, we began talking about many things, and I asked him why is it that many people don't believe the things I tell them, about you.

At that moment all he did was smile, so I smiled also, then He ask me did I notice any thing about myself sense I came with him to Heaven?

I said to my self, well I notice that I am in Heaven with him, then I said yes, we're in Heaven and I am with you, Jesus said while he smiled, that's not what I meant,

He asked me what did I notice about my self, so I thought about it, and when I looked up at his Face I noticed that all the time we were talking that he did not blink his eyes, and I remembered that neither did I.

So I said to him OH! in Heaven we don't blink our eyes, Jesus smiled again and said to me.

Now that you know this, your eyes are Eternally open, and their eyes are not, that's why they don't believe, and at this saying I was back in my bed, and I began to thank and Praise him, you see I understood that my eyes also, was once closed, and this is what he meant when he healed the Blind Man of Bethsaida.

The Knowledge of Astrology

the knowledge of Astrology

When the rulers of this world discussed their desire to keep mankind in darkness, I was there, I became as one of them and heard of their boasting, they said among themselves in secrete,

" Let us not give knowledge to man of travel for they may become as we are, let them not know of the stars, less they may travel them and bring war to our home "

" let this be the decree " and this was agreed among their elders, so they, their chiefs, sent their deceivers with the delusion of travel, humans was given the knowledge of cars and of trucks this was the knowledge of earthly travel this was done to keep humans grounded to this earth, never to know true travelling.

Then to humans they gave the knowledge of Astrology that they, humans may stay grounded, always looking up to the stars never to know their true celestial bodies of which they, the rulers call their heavens.

This the rulers sought out to deceive mankind, but it was them who was deceived, for when they gave humans the knowledge to travel from city to city and state to state, this allowed mankind to travel from mystery to mystery and realm to realm.

The knowledge of travel came to be because of mankind for travel belongs to, mankind, and the realms came to be because of the mysteries for the realms exist within the mysteries.

Understand this mystery where ever Sige is mankind can go, for Sige came first, and all beings and rulers, and kingdoms and worlds and their heavens, exist within the mystery of Sige, Sige gives life and knowledge to all.

Another mystery I give the rulers created humans to mirror mankind, and the humans are the bodies that mankind dwell in, this is the prisons to which mankind are held in, and it is death that is sent to free mankind from the prison of human, this is what is meant by the saying of " the enslavement of mankind by the rulers of this world " soon mankind will no longer have need of death to free them " Christ " has brought " Life " of mankind back to them, this life, was and did belong to mankind in the beginning before all things came into existence, all, things, brothers and sisters learn of this life which is your inheritance, then the door to your prison will open of it's own, life is superior to death and that life is yours.

Humanity is the name that is given when spirit life gives life to the human body, we are not a body but spirit life encased in a human form, the body is hewned, then later called " hu-man ". Do you get it?

Spiritual Gifts and Realm Travel