Father and Child
A father’s possessions belong to his child. As long as the child is young, the child will not have what belongs to it. When the child grows up, the father will turn over all the possessions.compare the conrast between slave and son
A slave seeks only to be free and does not seek the master’s estate.
For a child it is not enough to be a child, but a child claims the father’s inheritance.
1 ¶ Now I say, for as long a time [as] the heir is a child, [he is] no different from a slave, [although he] is master of everything,
2 but he is under guardians and managers until the time set by [his] father.
3 So also we, when we were children, we were enslaved under the elemental spirits of the world.
For a child it is not enough to be a child, but a child claims the father’s inheritance.
1 ¶ Now I say, for as long a time [as] the heir is a child, [he is] no different from a slave, [although he] is master of everything,
2 but he is under guardians and managers until the time set by [his] father.
3 So also we, when we were children, we were enslaved under the elemental spirits of the world.
What the father possesses belongs to the son, and the son himself, so long as he is small [still humbly gestating in the womb of the physical body and not yet comprehending the fullness of the power of sonship], is not entrusted with what is his [he is still under a tutor (the Law) and his heart is not yet ready for such power]. But when he becomes a man [fully matured in Christ i.e. has “overcome the world” in that greatest form of love], his father gives him all that he possesses [all of His divine character, righteousness, wisdom, faith, etc. - all that He has]. (Philip 26)
Children inherit the possessions of their Parents, but while they are young, they cannot govern their inheritance. When they have matured, their inheritance will be theirs to control. You are the heirs of the Parents, but you cannot control your inheritance until you have matured metaphysically.