Sunday, 29 December 2019

The Births of Adam and Christ The Gospel of Philip

The Births of Adam and Christ
Adam came from two virgins, the spirit and the virgin earth. Christ was born of a virgin to correct the fall that occurred in the beginning.
This section is based on Genesis 2:7, where it is said that man was created from the dust of the earth, and that Elohim breathed into his nostrils the spirit of the breath of life.

two virgins the virgin spirit and the virgin earth

Adamah means "earth" in biblical Hebrew, thus Adam is the earthly man, which explains his being born from the virgin earth. The Gospel of Philip has already established that the spirit is female and is a virgin.

Adam [mankind] came into being from two virgins, from the Spirit [“elohim” – holy spirit] and from the virgin earth [the physical body (dust thereof) – the living soul with an individual spirit consciousness]. Christ therefore, was born from a virgin [in a physical body just as Adam’s was] to rectify the Fall which occurred in the beginning. (Philip 68)

The Fall of mankind was reversed in the Christ. In the beginning of this physical plane, the Divine Ones fell to produce mankind. In the Meridian of Time, mortality was lifted up in the Virgin Mary to produce a Divine Son. The Incarnation was the beginning of redemption from the Fall. 

The Mystery of the Virgin Birth The Gospel of Philip

The Mystery of the Virgin Birth
It is necessary to utter a mystery. The father of all united with the virgin who came down, and fire shone on him.

On that day that one revealed the great bridal chamber, and in this way his body came into being.
On that day he came forth from the bridal chamber as one born of a bridegroom and a bride.
So Jesus established all within it, and it is fitting for each of the disciples to enter into his rest.
Indeed, one must utter a mystery. The Father of everything [every thought and every atom are created by Him and for Him] united [joined His male seed] with the virgin who came down [the female spirit who came to be formed in the physical body of Emmanuel/Jesus] and a fire shone/blazed for him on that day [the day of conception as a Son of God “Though art my Son, this day have I begotten thee”]. He appeared in the great bridal chamber [one cannot receive this seed unless already in the bridal chamber (your heart)].  (Philip 66)

Therefore his body came into being [as the “head” (cap) stone of a new creation, the temple of His (spiritual) body which is made of many “stones” (other brothers)] on that very day [of conception]. It left the bridal chamber [when the body died] as one who came into being from the bridegroom [the Father] and the bride [the individual spirit consciousness of Christ]. So Jesus established everything in it through these [by re-opening the veil of flesh that was closed in Philip 64 above from top to bottom allowing the two to become One again]. It is fitting for each of the disciples to enter into his rest [i.e. come to apprehension of sonship and conform to Christ in us - the only true sabbath rest]. In my Father's mansion there are many bridal chambers [the Fathers mansions are each and every one of us for we as living souls make up the mansions and our hearts are its bridal chambers remember, “the Kingdom is inside of you”!]! (Philip 67)

The conception of the Son of the Elohim is a great mystery. The Father descended to the Holy of Holies at that time to mingle with a pure Virgin. From their mingled substance proceeded the Divine Redeemer. It is this event that is reenacted in the bridal chamber; the Divine nature overshadows the mortal, filling it with the Divine substance. From this mingled substance emerges the Christ nature in the sanctified ones. In this manner, the Divine Redeemer continually descends to renew the mortal plane. 

What is Righteousness?

What is righteousness?

the word righteousness is used 12 times in the Nag Hammadi Library

As the Savior was sitting in the temple in the three hundredth (year) of the covenant and the agreement of the tenth pillar, and being satisfied with the number of the living, incorruptible Majesty, he said to me, "Peter, blessed are those above belonging to the Father, who revealed life to those who are from the life, through me, since I reminded they who are built on what is strong, that they may hear my word, and distinguish words of unrighteousness and transgression of law from righteousness, as being from the height of every word of this Pleroma of truth, having been enlightened in good pleasure by him whom the principalities sought. But they did not find him, nor was he mentioned among any generation of the prophets. He has now appeared among these, in him who appeared, who is the Son of Man, who is exalted above the heavens in a fear of men of like essence. But you yourself, Peter, become perfect in accordance with your name with myself, the one who chose you, because from you I have established a base for the remnant whom I have summoned to knowledge. Therefore be strong until the imitation of righteousness - of him who had summoned you, having summoned you to know him in a way which is worth doing because of the rejection which happened to him, and the sinews of his hands and his feet, and the crowning by those of the middle region, and the body of his radiance which they bring in hope of service because of a reward of honor - as he was about to reprove you three times in this night." (Apocalypse of Peter )

Now after it, the olive tree sprouted up, which was to purify the kings and the high priests of

righteousness, who were to appear in the last days, since the olive tree appeared out of the light of the first Adam for the sake of the unguent that they were to receive. (origan of the world )

Similarly also with knowledge and righteousness. We must therefore not only empty the soul, but fill it with God. For no longer is there evil in it, since that has been made to cease; nor yet is there good, since it has not yet received good. (Extracts from the Works of Theodotus)

The term 'righteousness' means 'right-mindedness', as well as 'walking in perfection" 

Right-minded implies understanding rightly, and reasoning in the same nonjudgmental way that God reasons.

"Righteousness is rightness"  Right-mindedness may sound elitist. It is, however, exactly the opposite. Righteousness/right-minded is nonjudgmental thinking and, therefore, when we reach the Christ consciousness, we never judge ourselves as better than anyone else. As Jesus says in Jn 8:15, "I judge no one".

righteousness--A state of harmony established in consciousness through the right use of God-given attributes. It leads directly to eternal life. Truth working in consciousness brings forth the perfect salvation of the whole man--Spirit, soul, and body--and righteousness (right relation) is expressed in all his affairs.

Vision of Hell

Vision of Hell
In a vision an apostolic person saw people who were locked up in a house of fire, bound with [chains] of fire, and thrown [into]…fire [on account of…false] faith. It was said, “[They might have] saved [their souls], but they did not want to, so they got [this place of ] punishment called [67] the [outer] darkness….”
[people locked into the judged fallen first chruch bundles of weeds to be burnt]

An apostle had a vision in which he saw people imprisoned in a building of fire, bound with flaming chains, and immersed in boiling oil. "Why can't they be saved?" he asked his guide. "They could be saved," was the reply, "but they refuse the salvation which is offered them. Everyone receives what he truly desires; these have desired the annihilation of outer darkness, so they must inevitably be thrown into it." 

Water and Fire The Gospel of Philip

Water and Fire
Soul and spirit have come into being from water and fire. The attendant of the bridal chamber has come into being from water, fire, and light. Fire is chrism. Light is fire. I do not mean ordinary fire, which has no form, but other fire, which is pure white in appearance, beautifully bright and imparting beauty.

It is from water [the water above “moving” our individual thoughts (conscience)] and fire [the conflict in ones conscience that comes from spiritual enlightenment] that the soul and the spirit came into being. It is from water and fire and light [spiritual enlightenment (knowledge of the truth)] that the son of the bridal chamber (came into being) [the forming of “Christ in you”]. The fire is the chrism [the searing of your conscience compelling you to do according to the will of the Father], the light is the fire. I am not referring to that fire which has no form [the chaos of our individual thoughts through human reasoning unguided by holy spirit], but to the other fire whose form is white [spiritual and undefiled the “law of the spirit” which is a “lamp unto our feet”], which is bright and beautiful, and which gives beauty [wisdom]. (Philip 53)

A sanctified soul has emerged from Water, Fire, and Light. Water washes away the past. Fire consumes mortal nature. Light builds a new, radiant nature. Those who are sanctified are the children of the Bridal Chamber, where the mysteries of the Divine Nature are experienced. Those who ascend to these mysteries have left their mortal nature behind on the mortal plane, for it cannot ascend with them. Only those who follow the path of the Redeemer, ascending the cross and transcending mortality through the resurrection, can learn the reality of these things.

This World, the Resurrection, and the Middle The Gospel of Philip

This World, the Resurrection, and the Middle
A person is either in this world or in the resurrection—or in the middle place. May I not be found there! In this world there is good and evil, but the good of the world is not really good and the evil of the world is not really evil. After this world there is evil that is really evil: this is called the middle. The middle is death. As long as we are in this world, we should acquire resurrection, so that when we take off the flesh we may be found in rest and not wander in the middle. For many go astray on the way.

And so he [man] dwells either in this world [ignorant of the Christ and the mystery of sonship - i.e. this one is "cold"] or in the resurrection [Jesus said; “I am the resurrection” so one must become a Christ - this one is "hot"] or in the middle place [having rejected Christ after once receiving this knowledge of sonship - this one is "lukewarm"]. God forbid that I be found in there! In this world, there is good and evil [the tree that leads to death – time to move on to the tree of life]. Its good things are not good, and its evil things not evil [because they are judged by us in our state of ignorance]. But there is evil after this world which is truly evil - what is called "the middle". It is death [the second – which seems to come after the thousand years has ended for those who “missed the mark” of the “first resurrection”]. While we are in this world, it is fitting for us to acquire the resurrection [become as Christ], so that when we strip off the flesh [physically die or are changed in the twinkling of the eye] we may be found in rest and not walk in the middle [the middle seems to refer to the psychic mind being alone (apart from the Father) and without any support from the holy spirit?]. For many go astray on the way [lose faith and following after their own reasoning’s after once being enlightened]. For it is good to come forth from the world before one has sinned [against the holy spirit which is really sinning against the Father, the Son and even yourself which is the same as denying the Christ]. (Philip 50)

There are three good places to dwell. One is the heaven we can create from mortal existence. One is the heaven we can enter in the spirit world, which we call Paradise. One is the heaven of heavens, where those who are resurrected in a fullness of Light dwell. These are called the Ophanim; they are the One God. There are three parts of the world of spirits. There is the realm of Light, which we call Paradise. There is the mortal condition, which we call Prison. There is the realm of darkness, which we call hell. There are also those in outer darkness, which we call Perdition, but the saddest of all are those who remain on the physical plane after they have lost their bodies. These are consumed by a constant desire for that which they can never again possess. Make peace with yourself and the realities of your existence so that you will not be left floating on a physical plane with no physical body through which to enjoy it. Best of all is to be resurrected to Light while on the physical plane, for then your place in Paradise and the Celestial Worlds will be assured. 

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Will and Action The Gospel of Philip

Will and Action
It is good to leave the world before one sins. Some have neither the will nor the strength to act. Others, even if they have the will, do themselves no good, for they have not acted. And if they do not have the will…. Righteousness is beyond their grasp, in either case. It always comes down to the will, not the action.

For it is good to come forth from the world before one has sinned [against the holy spirit which is really sinning against the Father, the Son and even yourself which is the same as denying the Christ]. There are some who neither [have the] will nor have the power to [attain the resurrection (Christ)]; and others who, if they [have the] will, do not profit; for they did not act [these could “hear the word” yet continued in doing the acts of the “old man”] since [...their lack of faith] makes them sinners [they are still stuck on the “letter” of the law – these say “I see” yet their sins remain with them ]. And if they do not [have the] will [to do Gods will], justice will elude them in both cases: and it is always a matter of the will [we must surrender our will to do according to the Father’s will from the heart “for indeed the spirit is willing…”], not the act [“…but the flesh is week”]. (Philip 51) [“For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.” Again – it is not the act itself for then we would have occasion to boast but it is the willingness in our hearts (our good intentions) to do it that counts and these always have a way of correcting themselves when we see the results of those actions whether it be in repentance or thanksgiving]

Some do not desire to do wrong, while some others would like to but cannot. Those who do not commit wrongs because they cannot, are no better off than if they had committed the wrongs. It is what is in our hearts, our desires, that reveal what we are. When we desire to commit a wrong, it is already a spiritual reality. A person is not better for abstaining from what he cannot do.

The Catholic Church The Synagogue Of Satan Revelation 2:9

The Synagogue Of Satan Revelation 2:9

Revelation 2:9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

"Blasphemy." Taking the Name of God in vain, in the wide sense of professing Christ and practising unrightousness. It is blasphemy to to dishonour masters by unfaithful service (1 Tim 6:1); or to bring shame on the word of God. (Tit. 2:5).

A real Christian is a "Jew inwardly" (Rom. 2:29). A false professor says he is a Jew and is not. "Satan" is "the Adversary." "Synagogue" is simply congregation, as opposed to Christ's ecclesia.

Of them which say they are Jews, and are not" — There are "spiritual" Jews as well as natural Jews. Those who embrace the Truth embrace a Jewish hope (Acts 28:20), and are counted as spiritual

Israelites (cp. Rom. 2:28; 9:7-8; Eph. 2:11-14). There were some in Smyrna who were laying false claims to being spiritual Jews, but who were, in fact, members of Satan's synagogue.

"But are of the synagogue of Satan"— The word synagogue signifies α collecting, a gathering, hence a congregation, and sometimes the building where the congregation meets. The blasphemers in Smyrna, who said they were spiritual Jews, or, by interpretation, Christians, but lied, are not called 'the Ecclesia of the Satan' because that would imply that they were called out by special request to something".

These pseudo-spiritual- Jews "went out" of the Ecclesia of their own accord (cp. 1 John 2:19), accusing their brethren falsely of being in the wrong. Having separated themselves, they became a congregation of the satan, the adversary, They were opposed to those who kept the Truth, by claiming some sort of identity with them. But their claim was blasphemy.

“Satan” often refers to the Jewish and Roman adversaries of the church in the first century. There is no indication here that there was a super-human being working through those Roman and Jewish systems. If it is argued that those systems received power and direction from the devil in the sense of a super-human being to persecute the church, it must be remembered that Jesus told the Roman governor: “You could have no power at all against me, except it were given you from above”, i.e. from God (Jn. 19:11). Thus it is God, not the devil, who gives power to human governments to persecute His people, as He gave them power to do so to His Son.

Daniel 4:32: “The most high rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomsoever he will”. Thus God was the power behind the Roman satan, or system, that was persecuting the Christians in the first century.

Bible identifies the Catholic Church as the synagogue of Satan”

The Bible clearly identifies the Catholic Church’s Saint Peter’s Basilica as the synagogue of Satan. One line from scripture emphatically contradicts the Catholic Church claim that divine and universal authority was bestowed upon the Catholic Church and its popes by Christ himself. This is what the Catholic Church dogma claims: “The Son of God, redeemer of the human race, our Lord Jesus Christ, promised, when about to return to His Heavenly Father, that He would be with this Church Militant upon earth all days even to the end of the world” However, this is what the Bible states in Revelation 12:5: “She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.” Do you grasp what this one line of scripture is telling us? Read it a few more times and then read on.

Saint Peter’s Basilica, is the world’s largest church, and it is the center of the Roman Emperor Constantine created Catholic (Universal) Church. Saint Peter’s Basilica was built in, and is in Rome Italy not in the Holy Land where Christ (English name for the Jewish “Messiah”) will come in the end times and hand over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. The coming Christ will descend from heaven, not as the Roman Catholic or Christian Messiah, the Lord himself will descend from heaven as the Jewish Messiah. Catholic Vulgate Revelation 2:9 “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” The Bible, believe it or not, is calling all Catholic Christians “them which say they are Jews, and are not“. The Bible is saying Catholics are not Christians. Catholics are deceived into believing they are, by the Catholic Church.

In order to be a true Christian one must adhere to the monotheistic faith of the Jews. Jews believe in the existence of only one god – monotheistic faith. Jews strictly adhere to the First Commandment of God – “You shall have no other gods before me.” Catholicism, on the other hand, isn’t a monotheistic religion. Catholicism is a pagan belief in the trinity doctrine of Mystery Babylon – a sun god cult. Catholic dogma knowingly and willfully violates the First Commandment (divine law) of God. The Catholic Church has unlawfully elevated mortal beings to the status of a god. The Pope claims to be the “living” god on Earth. Mary is idolized as a Roman Catholic goddess, as the mother of the Catholic Church. The Holy Ghost (the cast out of heaven spirit of Satan) and Jesus (Satan incarnated) are 2 other gods that are specifically forbidden by the first and most important divine law of God. Satan, the Holy Ghost and Jesus are exposed in Revelation 12 as the trinity of the Antichrist.
Revelation 12 ”

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.“

The above scripture affirms that Christ was born, however it also states and affirms that Christ immediately died at birth so that Satan (the dragon) could not possess and corrupt him. “And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.” informs us that Christ died at birth and was taken up to God in heaven.
According to the Catholic Church’s own Book of Revelation 12, Christ never lived to be 33 years old. Christ never lived to befriend Peter or any Jew and make them his Apostles. Christ never died on the cross. It was Satan who appeared 33 years after Christ was born (and immediately died at birth) claiming to be Christ – saying I am (English translation for the Latin Vulgar word Jesus) Christ. Satan became man in the person of Jesus (impersonating) Christ and as the incarnated mortal man became the Lord of the Catholic Church. Book of Revelation 12 is revealing ( a revelation) to us that Jesus Christ is Satan. This is the guarded secret of the Catholic Church and all of its secret cults. The Romans could never find Christ, nor did anyone ever hear of or write about Christ for 33 years after his birth because Christ died at birth – “And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.”
Scripture also tells us that Christ is the true Messiah, not Jesus (Latin Vulgar meaning I am) Christ, nor Peter, the patriarch of the Roman Catholic Church, nor the Pope. Peter is not and never was the Messiah, yet the Catholic Church was created by Roman Emperor Constantine as the Church of Saint Peter and all Popes claims the title “Successor to Peter”. According to Catholic dogma, Peter and his successors (the Pope) are the temporal head of the Catholic Church, not Christ. The dogmatic ecclesiology of the Catholic Church has always described the Catholic Church as: “the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church”. Emphasis on Apostolic (Peter) and Roman.

The Catholic Church has since 325 AD, when it was formed by Emperor Constantine at the First Council of Nicaea, derived its authority from a mortal being named Peter, not Christ. A mortal being who is identified as Satan 3 times in the Catholic Church Vulgate and all four Canonical Gospels state that Peter rejected (anti) Christ three times before his death. A Jewish mortal being who wasn’t born Peter. Peter was born Simon, the son of John. It was Jesus, the Antichrist, who gave Simon the name Peter. John 1:42 “Andrew then led Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, You are Simon son of John. You shall be called Cephas (translated means rock)”. Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The gates of hell shall not prevail against it because the Catholic Church is the synagogue of Satan. Satan is the god of both hell and the Catholic Church.
Matthew 16:23 – “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.”
Matthew 4:10 – “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'”
Mark 8:33 – “he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.”
All Roman Catholic Popes have, since 325 AD, claimed the title “Successor to Peter” and “Vicar of Christ”. The Catholic Church is telling us that by deriving its authority from Peter, a mortal being, and not Christ, it is anti-Christian and its Pope is the Antichrist. The Catholic Church’s own Vulgate identifies Peter as Satan 3 times and the Catholic Pope derives his authority from Peter. That means the Catholic Church Pope derives his authority from Satan. In the scriptures, the Antichrist is revealed as the Beast, who derives his power from Satan. Revelation 13:14 “And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast,”
Furthermore, the exact spot where St. Peter’s Basilica stands today, in Vatican City, is over the historical site of the Circus of Nero. The circus was the site of the first organized, Roman sponsored Holocaust of the Jews and early Christians in 65 AD. The Roman Catholic Church is built on desecrated soil – unholy ground. The soil on which it stands is soaked with the blood of Jews and Christians. Blood that was willfully and deliberately shed by the Romans. Historical facts clearly tells us that the Roman Catholic Church is and always has been both anti-Jew and anti-Christian.
“Roman” Emperor Nero slaughtered Jews and Christians on the very site that St. Peter’s Basilica, the Romans’ One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, now stands. Fastened to crosses, Jews and early Christians were set on fire to illuminate the circus of Nero. Besides being put to death they were made to serve as objects of amusement; they were covered with wild beasts’ skins and torn to death by dogs. Some were crucified, others set on fire to serve to illuminate the night when daylight failed, fastened on crosses, and, when daylight failed, covered by inflammable matter, were set on fire to serve as torches during the night.

Relative locations of the St. Peter’s Basilica and the Circus of Nero where countless Jews were tortured and put to death for the amusement of the Roman Emperor.
An obelisk took center stage of this circus’s spina and it was re-erected in the center of St. Peter’s Square in 1586. The obelisk was built in Heliopolis, Egypt by the Pharaoh Mencares in 1835 BC in honor of the sun. The Obelisk was brought to Rome by Emperor Caligula in 37 AD. It originally stood in the Circus of Nero on a spot to the south of the basilica, close to the present Sacristy. Because is was built in Egypt in honor of the sun the Obelisk is also used as a sun dial, its shadows mark noon over the signs of the zodiac in the white marble disks in the paving of the square.
For the Egyptians and the Romans the obelisk symbolizes the sun god Ra (Satan). The Vatican, the Pope, the cardinals, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and US presidents all believe their god Amen-Ra (Satan) exists within the structure. The Roman Catholic Church’s god is the false pagan sun god Amen-Ra. The sun was first worshiped as Horus, then as Ra and as Amen-Ra and today as Amen. Catholic prayers are ended by invoking his name – “Amen”
Revelation 12:7 “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” The Bible is telling us that Satan, Lucifer, dragon, serpent, and the Devil are all one and the same.
St. Peter’s Basilica was built on a lie
St. Peter’s Basilica isn’t built over the tomb of Apostle Peter as claimed by the Catholic Church and its Bishop of Rome (Pope). An excavation carried out between 1940 and 1949 (during WWII, the Vatican’s Third Reich), under the Confession of the Vatican Basilica beneath the papal altar revealed that the site of Peter’s original tomb was empty and in disarray.
In the course of centuries, various monuments were placed over the modest earthen grave of the Apostle: the “Trophy of Gaius” (about the middle of the 2nd century), the monument of Constantine (after 313), the altar of Gregory the Great (590-604), the altar of Calixtus II (1119-1124), and the altar of Clement VIII (1592-1605), which is the present altar. All these monuments were built over an empty tomb.

St. Peter’s Basilica was built as monument to Satan. The alter of St. Peter’s Basilica sits on top of the blood soaked soil of the Circus of Nero. Altar means “a place of slaughter or sacrifice”. In ancient Greece and Rome altars were used for sacrifices. The Circus of Nero was purposely built by the Romans in 40 A.D. as a place of amusement and slaughter. The altar of St. Peter’s Basilica was originally an elevation above the ground made of earth or field stones. They came to be permanent structures made of materials like stone or “bone”. The alter in St. Peter’s Basilica was made to offer sacrifice (the body and blood of Christ) to Emperor Nero. Emperor Nero slaughtered and sacrificed hundreds of Christians in his Circus – the Circus of Nero. St. Peter’s Basilica, as stated above was built over Emperor Nero’s Circus.
Peter’s tomb was and has been empty for 1600 years. The empty tomb was discovered during Nazi Germany’s war of aggression for the Vatican. The Vatican quickly tried to cover up this embarrassing discovery by claiming they had found bone fragments in a secret hiding place lined with slabs of Greek marble. Someone from the Vatican claimed that there were bone fragments mixed in with the plaster rubble inside the hiding place, and arranged for these bones to be gathered up, put in a wooden box and placed in a nearby spot in the Vatican Grottoes, where they remained forgotten for a long time. It wasn’t until June of 1963 that the Vatican’s Sapienza University of Rome (founded in 1303 with the Papal bull In supremae praeminentia dignitatis issued on 20 April 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, as a Studium for ecclesiastical studies) examined the bones and to save the Roman Catholic Church from a fall from grace, declared that the bones (found in the secret hiding place) were of a single individual, of male sex, sturdy build and advanced age, encrusted with earth. The Vatican immediately claimed the bones were those of Apostle Peter. However the findings describes Emperor Nero who was a sturdy built man of advanced age – the evidence is presented with his likeness from an actual Roman coin of his time. During the 1st century 30-40 years was considered advanced age. Emperor Nero committed suicide at the age of 30.
The secret hiding place is very important in identifying the Roman Catholic Church as Satan’s Seat (Holy See). All Catholic prayers are ended by saying Amen. Amen was an Egyptian god in the form of a Ram (Satan). The word or root amen, means “what is hidden,” “what is not seen,” “what cannot be seen,”. Satan is a spirit – is hidden, is not seen, cannot be seen. The Roman Catholic Church claims they are the Church of Peter. Because Peter’s tomb has been empty for over 1600 years Peter remains hidden, is not seen and cannot be seen. Peter is the Antichrist – Satan’s False Christ. The title Pope is at present employed solely to denote the Bishop of Rome, who, in virtue of his position as successor of St. Peter, is the chief pastor of the whole Church, the Antichrist upon earth.
The Bible warns us that in the last days in which we live there will be many false Christs – those who claim to be Christ but who are imposters. Jesus said, “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5). Jesus is a Latin Vulgar word meaning “I am” Jesus is revealed in the Bible as an imposter. A man (a mortal being) who came saying I am Christ. Jesus is not Christ because Jewish Mary was instructed to call her son “Immanuel” Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Christ cannot be named any other name than Immanuel. Immanuel is a Hebrew name meaning “God is with us.” Jesus is a Roman word meaning “I am”. The Bible specifically identifies Jesus and all those who claim to be Christ as the false Christ or antichrist. The Pope is the only person on Earth who claims to be Christ. Every Pope assumes the tile “Vicar of Christ”
“The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ Himself” -Evangelical Christendom, January 1, 1895, pg. 15, published in London by J. S. Phillips.
Cardinal Sarto, who became Pope Pius X, said this: “The Pope represents Jesus Christ Himself…”
Pope John Paul II wrote that names like “Holy Father” are applicable to the Pope, even though calling him that is counter to the Gospel:
“Have no fear when people call me the “Vicar of Christ,” when they say to me “Holy Father,” or “Your Holiness,” or use titles similar to these, which seem even inimical to the Gospel.”
In 1996 he gave his ascent to calling the Pope “Lord” and “Christ on earth”:
“we readily understand the devotion of Saint Francis of Assisi for “the Lord Pope”,the daughterly outspokenness of Saint Catherine of Siena towards the one whom she called “sweet Christ on earth”, the apostolic obedience and the sentire cum Ecclesia of Saint Ignatius Loyola,and the joyful profession of faith made by Saint Teresa of Avila: “I am a daughter of the Church”
“The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God. and the vicar of God.” – Ferraris Ecclesiastical dictionary
“All names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that He is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.” – On the Authority of the Councils, book 2, chapter 17
“The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, “Cities Petrus Bertanous”.
“The Pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on earth…by divine right the Pope has supreme and full power in faith, in morals over each and every pastor and his flock. He is the true vicar, the head of the entire church, the father and teacher of all Christians. He is the infallible ruler, the founder of dogmas, the author of and the judge of councils; the universal ruler of truth, the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by no one, God himself on earth.” ~ New York Catechism.

Pope Nicholas I declared that “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man.” – Constantine I is the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Roman Pontiff, not Peter. There is absolutely no apostolic succession. Roman Emperor Constantine’s First Council of Nicea in 325 AD created the false Church of Jesus Christ.
“The supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff. Union of minds, therefore, requires (…) complete submission and obedience of will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.” – Leo VIII, «On the Chief Duties of Christians as Citizens», Encyclical letter, 1890
“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.” Catholic National July 1895. HIDDEN = FALSE. HIDDEN indicates if the embedded object is visible or not. FALSE is the default.
“The pope is the supreme judge of the law of the land… He is the vicegerent (vice (Latin: in place of) + gerere (Latin: to carry on, conduct).) of Christ, who is not only a Priest forever, but also King of kings and Lord of lords.” – La Civilia Cattolica, March 18, 1871
“Christ entrusted His office to the chief pontiff (Pontiff Maximus);… but all power in heaven and in earth has been given to Christ;… therefore the chief pontiff, who is His vicar, will have this power.” Corpus Juris chap. 1 column 29
Christ died at birth (Revelation 12:5 – “She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.” ) over 300 years before the Roman Catholic Church and Roman Pontiff was created. Christ did not and could not have entrusted his office to Rome or its Bishops. Christ died at birth, leaving no heirs, nor apostles, to head his church on Earth.

Friday, 27 December 2019

Whoever Leaves the World The Gospel of Philip

Whoever Leaves the World
Whoever leaves the world can no longer be held back as if still in the world. Such a person clearly is beyond desire…and fear, is dominant…, and is above envy.

If…, that person is grasped and choked. How can that person escape the [great grasping powers]? How can that person [hide from them]?
Some [say], “We are faithful,” in order that they [may escape [66] unclean] spirits and demons. For if they had the holy spirit, no unclean spirit could grab them.
Do not fear the flesh and do not love it. If you fear the flesh, it will dominate you. If you love the flesh, it will swallow you up and strangle you.
He who comes out of the world [i.e. is set-apart (holy) as a spirit son of God], and so can no longer be detained [by evil spirits i.e. his conscience recognizes them and casts them forth that they cannot manifest in him any more] on the grounds that he was in the world [once you repent and turn around, past actions cannot be used against you for they are forgiven as you have been purchased and redeemed from the world – past sins are no longer taken in account as the new man is formed in you – this is all about the individual spirit of man (consciousness) being united with the Christ Consciousness by holy spirit to do His will and not your own will (it exemplifies the destruction of pride and covetness while revealing the power of love and humility)], evidently is above the desire of the [...] and fear. He is master over [...his flesh] [has overcome his carnal nature]. He is superior to envy. If ……comes, they seize him and throttle him. And how will this one be able to escape the great [.tribulation of the..] powers? How will he be able to [.be saved.]? There are some [Christians] who say, "We are faithful" in order that [.we may avoid..] the unclean spirits and the demons [to “say” it is not enough - “And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are ye?” the sons of the Sceva (Jew) were talking to a man in this account who was able to discern by “what comes out of the mouth” (which comes from the heart) and was easily able to get mastery over them]. For if they had the Holy Spirit, no unclean spirit would cleave to them. Fear not the flesh [sarx] nor love it. If you fear it, it will gain mastery over you [those who have the Nicolaitan spirit will always use fear as a tool to turn you back to the beggarly things of the world in order that they may “lord it over you”]. If you love it [“the flesh and the lusts thereof”], it will swallow and paralyze you [keep you in bondage to the things of the world that you continue to go in your own way (following another and not Christ) keeping you from ever finding the Truth (life)]. (Philip 49)

Those who have ascended, so that they live in the Realm of Light, wherever they may dwell, are not subject to the forces which surround them; they are independent of every power beneath the celestial worlds. Neither desire nor fear controls their decisions. They have mastered existence through the acquisition of gnosis. They are not subject to envy or jealousy. They neither fear nor are addicted to their physical desires. They are at peace with themselves and the realities of their existence. Only these can claim the title Elohim.

Human Beings and Animals The Gospel of Philip

Human Beings and Animals
The superiority of human beings is not apparent to the eye but lies in what is hidden. Consequently, they are dominant over animals that are stronger than they are and greater in ways apparent and hidden. So animals survive. But when human beings leave them, animals kill and devour each other. Animals have eaten each other because they have found no other food. Now, however, they have food, because humans till the ground.

The superiority of man [one who is in union with the Universal spirit of God] is not obvious to the eye, but lies in what is hidden from view [it is found within the heart – he is at peace]. Consequently, he has mastery over the animals [the carnal nature – the lusts of the flesh and they cannot harm or offend him] which are stronger than he is [they will dominate man by their desires] and great in terms of the obvious [their power to control our behavior which is manifest in our actions] and the hidden [the idols of the heart which we are often not even aware of having that cause us to do what is contrary to the Father’s will whether intended or not]. This enables them to survive [our carnal nature will convince us through the fleshly desires of our bodies that what we are doing is acceptable even if it is harmful to ourselves or others]. But if man is separated from them [as the first man Adam was (before the fall) and the last man Adam is and subsequently all of His begotten sons], they [the animals] slay one another and bite one another. They ate one another because they did not find any food [their food is the dust of the earth (our bodies) while in the carnal state this is what must die to feed the gestating son within]. But now they have found food because man tilled the soil [when Adam took from the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” and was cast out of the garden–“Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.” This allows nachash access into our hearts through the corruption of our minds]. (Philip 43)

The superiority of humans over other creatures is not obvious to the eye; it lies in metaphysical distinctions. Humans can master animals which are stronger than they are because of the greater power of their minds. This enables mankind to survive in a world which is full of stronger creatures. The same is true of the weaker animals. They survive because they attach themselves to humans who protect them through the power of their minds. Mental power is always superior to physical prowess, and will ultimately prevail.

Marriage The Gospel of Philip

The mystery of marriage is great. [Without] it, the world would [not] exist. The existence of [the world depends on] people, and the existence [of people depends on] marriage. Then think of the power of [pure] intercourse, though its image [65] is defiled.

Great is the mystery of marriage! For without it, the world would not exist [this must be speaking of the great union of thought in thought, water in water, i.e. the whole reason for the world to exist that it might bring forth sons]. Now the existence of the world [...], and the existence of [...] marriage. Think of the [...] relationship, for it possesses [...] power. Its image consists of a defilement. (Philip 45)

Marriage is one of the greatest mysteries. The Patriarchal Order of Marriage is the basis of all existence. When that mystery does not exist on the mortal plane, all that is mortal begins to die. Eventually the mortal realm would cease to exist if the mystery of Patriarchal Marriage did not infuse new Life into it. Mortals practice an appearance of marriage, which reproduces their own image, but only the sanctified have the knowledge to reproduce the Divine Image on the physical plane. 

One Who Is The Gospel of Philip

One Who Is
The master said, “Blessings on one who is before coming into being. For whoever is, was and will be.”

The Lord said, “blessed is he who is [known by the Father before being formed in the womb] before he came into being [sown in a physical body]. for he who is [from the Father], has been [predestined in His thoughts] and shall be [become a glorified begotten son!]." (Philip 42)

Title: The Preeminence of One Who Is: A Biblical Reflection


In the Gospel of Philip, a profound statement is made about the blessings bestowed upon "one who is" before coming into being. This concept resonates deeply with passages from the Bible, particularly in Jeremiah 1:5 and Romans 4:17, shedding light on the preeminence of individuals known by God before their physical existence.

Jeremiah 1:5:

In Jeremiah 1:5, the prophet receives a divine revelation: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." This verse underscores the predestined nature of individuals in the eyes of God. Even before conception, God has a purpose and plan for each person, emphasizing the divine knowledge and sovereignty over human existence.

Romans 4:17:

The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, reflects on the faith of Abraham, stating, "As it is written: 'I have made you a father of many nations.' He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not." Here, Paul highlights the creative power of God, who brings forth existence from non-existence. This verse underscores the divine authority to call into being that which is not, affirming the preeminence of God's will over human life.


When considering the statement from the Gospel of Philip alongside these biblical passages, it becomes evident that the emphasis is not on pre-existence in a literal sense but on the preeminence of individuals in the divine plan. "One who is" is not merely someone who existed before birth but someone who holds a unique position in God's design, marked by divine foreknowledge and predestination.

The Gospel of Philip invites contemplation on the eternal perspective of God, who transcends time and sees the entirety of human existence. From God's vantage point, the past, present, and future are interconnected, and individuals are known and cherished before they enter the temporal realm.


As believers reflect on the concept of "one who is" in light of biblical teachings, several implications emerge for their faith and understanding of God's plan:

1. Identity and Purpose: Recognizing that one is known and valued by God before birth affirms a sense of identity and purpose. Each person is not a product of chance but a deliberate creation of God, endowed with unique gifts and a specific calling.

2. Trust in God's Sovereignty: Embracing the preeminence of God's will instills trust in His sovereignty over every aspect of life. Even in times of uncertainty, believers can rest assured that God's plans for them are secure and purposeful.

3. Responsiveness to Divine Calling: Understanding that God appoints individuals for specific roles encourages responsiveness to His calling. Like Jeremiah, believers are called to fulfill their divine purpose with faith and obedience, trusting in God's provision and guidance.


In conclusion, the statement "Blessings on one who is before coming into being" from the Gospel of Philip, alongside passages from Jeremiah and Romans, illuminates the preeminence of individuals in God's divine plan. While not implying literal pre-existence, this concept emphasizes the eternal perspective of God and the significance of divine foreknowledge and predestination. As believers contemplate their identity, purpose, and response to God's calling, they are reminded of the profound truth that they are known and cherished by God before the foundation of the world.

  Title: The Preeminence of Being: Insights from the Gospel of Philip

In the Gospel of Philip, a profound blessing is pronounced upon "one who is before coming into being." This enigmatic statement beckons deeper reflection, resonating with theological themes found throughout scripture. Through a lens of Christian interpretation, this declaration illuminates the timeless truth of divine preeminence and predestination.

Jeremiah 1:5 offers insight into the notion of preexistence, as the prophet Jeremiah receives a divine commission: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Here, God's omniscience is revealed, indicating a foreknowledge that transcends temporal boundaries. Similarly, Romans 8:29 speaks of predestination, affirming, "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son." These passages unveil the profound mystery of God's sovereign plan, wherein individuals are known and chosen before the foundation of the world.

In the Gospel of Philip, the blessing extends beyond mere existence to encompass the eternal significance of being. It underscores the divine favor bestowed upon those who are recognized by the Father prior to their earthly manifestation. This recognition transcends the limitations of physical birth, pointing to a deeper, spiritual reality. Just as Jeremiah was known and appointed before his conception, so too are believers predestined for divine purposes.

The Gospel of Philip emphasizes not only the temporal aspect of being but also its eternal dimension. The statement "whoever is, was, and will be" encapsulates the timeless nature of existence, rooted in the eternal purposes of God. This echoes the words of Jesus in Revelation 1:8, where he declares, "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." Here, Christ asserts his eternal sovereignty over all existence, past, present, and future.

Moreover, the blessing pronounced in the Gospel of Philip speaks to the preeminence of those who are known by the Father. This preeminence does not imply a literal preexistence but rather a divine recognition and favor that transcend earthly limitations. Just as Jesus affirmed his preeminence as the Son of God, so too are believers elevated to a position of honor and privilege through their relationship with the Father.

The concept of preeminence resonates throughout scripture, illustrating the exalted status of those who are chosen by God. Ephesians 1:4-5 declares, "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will." Here, the apostle Paul elucidates the divine purpose behind predestination, highlighting the intimacy of the Father's love and the privileged status of believers as adopted children.

In conclusion, the blessing pronounced in the Gospel of Philip echoes the timeless truths of divine preeminence and predestination found throughout scripture. It invites believers to contemplate the eternal significance of their existence and the sovereign plan of God that encompasses past, present, and future. Through a deeper understanding of these truths, believers are empowered to embrace their identity as chosen and beloved children of God, destined for glory and eternal communion with the Father.

A Donkey Turning a Millstone The Gospel of Philip

A Donkey Turning a Millstone
A donkey turning a millstone walked a hundred miles. When it was set loose, it found itself in the same place. Some people travel long distances but get nowhere. By nightfall they have seen no cities or villages, nothing man-made or natural, no powers or angels. These miserable people have labored in vain.
An ass [beast of burden – domesticated slave of sin (carnal in nature)] which turns a millstone [grinds the Word to dust – people in Babylonian controlled religions toiling daily for bread but never eating] did a hundred miles walking [in the way of the world, the lusts of the flesh precipitated by worldly priests]. When it was loosed [finally came to realize it was going nowhere], it found that it was still at the same place [realized after all this “walking” he had not gained any spiritual insight and was still as a natural man of the world]. There are men who make many journeys [seeking spiritual wisdom by going from sect to sect], but make no progress towards any destination [they keep seeking others to be their spiritual guides not realizing that the Kingdom is inside of us and that we must seek the truth ourselves “by the sweat of our own brow”]. When evening came upon them [the end of their physical lives drawing near], they saw neither city nor village neither human artifact nor natural phenomenon, power nor angel [they were not able to discern any of the spiritual things for they were always looking “outside” for their answers]. In vain have the wretches labored [this is the lot of the masses who being subject to the influences of men in the world who lord it over them are never able to “hear what the spirit is saying” and as a result “die as men”]. (Philip 38)

An animal turning a millstone may walk a hundred miles, but when it has finished, it will find itself in the place it started from. All its efforts have produced no progress. Many people are like that. They keep traveling, but they make no progress toward a destination. All their efforts amount to nothing, because they are bound to the conditions of mortal existence as the beast is bound to the millstone. They do not know how to break free. They do not know the signs to direct them on their journey. They do not accept a guide to lead them to their destination. 

Glass and Ceramic Vessels The Gospel of Philip

Glass and Ceramic Vessels
Glass and ceramic vessels are both made with fire. If glass vessels break, they are redone, since they have been made through breath. But if ceramic vessels break, they are destroyed, since they have been made without breath.

Glass decanters [those individual spirit consciousness who have been refined in the fire] and earthenware jugs [natural men without faith] are both made by means of fire [both have a conscience that burns in their hearts]. But if glass decanters break [those who keep their faith even unto death], they are made again [raised up incorruptible], for they came into being through a breath [Jesus has said unto these; “receive ye holy spirit” so these have already been counted as righteous in the flesh]. If earthenware jugs break [“die as men” (in their sins)], however, they are destroyed [the body returns to dust and the (individualized) spirit goes back to the Father], for they came into being without breath [these did not receive holy spirit and union with the seed of Christ]. (Philip 37)

Glass containers and pottery containers are both manufactured by means of fire. If glass containers are broken, they can be melted down and remade, for life was breathed into them when they were formed. If pottery containers are broken, they are destroyed, for there was no life breathed into them when they were formed. When mortals were organized, the Elohim breathed into them the breath of life. If they are broken, they can be melted down and remade, for they are living creatures which have always existed and will always exist, in one form or another. They can never be destroyed. 

Truth and Nakedness The Gospel of Philip

Truth and Nakedness
Truth did not come into the world naked but in symbols and images. The world cannot receive truth in any other way. There is rebirth and an image of rebirth, and it is by means of this image that one must be reborn. What image is this? It is resurrection. Image must arise through image. By means of this image the bridal chamber and the image must approach the truth. This is restoration.

Those who receive the name of the father, son, and holy spirit and have accepted them must do this. If someone does not accept them, the name will also be taken from that person. A person receives them in the chrism with the oil of the power of the cross. The apostles called this power the right and the left. This person is no longer a Christian but is Christ.

Truth did not come into the world naked [for nakedness is the condition one is found in once the truth exposes the falsehood], but it came in types and images [through the symbolic dramas played out in the Old Testament and in nature itself]. The world will not receive truth in any other way [the world not being able to discern spiritual things needed a “tutor” through the movement of physical things in order to see truth]. There is a rebirth and an image of rebirth [there is physical birth and spiritual birth – the “image” is purely spiritual (mental) not physical]. It is certainly necessary to be born again through the image. Which one?  Resurrection. The image [the individual spirit consciousness] must rise again through the image [“Christ in you” this is Christ consciousness]. The bridal chamber [your heart] and the image must enter through the image into the truth: this is the restoration [it gives one a clean conscience and “the power to become sons”]. Not only must those who produce the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit [this is how Jacob became Israel – “Is” (feminine) – “ra” (masculine) – “el” (neuter) – the true three into One (“Is”aac, Ab”ra”ham, Isra”el” being the final rung], do so, but have produced them for you [these are “three who bear witness” i.e. “water, blood, and the spirit”]. If one does not acquire them [you must go through Jacob’s wrestling yourself and come out a winner], the name ("Christian") will also be taken from him [you are using the name at interest and will not be able to pay your debt]. But one receives the unction [is “made whole”] of the [...] of the power of the cross. This power the apostles called "the right and the left [they comprehended that the Universal spirit, the “right” (the will of the Father) and the individual spirit consciousness in man, the “left” (who likes to go according to his own will) would need to be united (in our hearts)]." For this person is no longer a Christian but a Christ [“who does what he sees the Father doing” i.e. “not my will but yours” - AMEN!]. (Philip 54)

Truth cannot descend to the mortal plane in its true form. Truth is manifested to mortals in their natural state in many forms, but none of them are pure Truth. Only those who ascend beyond the limitations of mortal mind can perceive Truth in its fullness. Every principle of Truth has its counterfeit on the mortal plane, and every counterfeit has a principle of Truth which it reveals. There is rebirth and there is the appearance of rebirth. There is immersion and there is the appearance of immersion. There is crucifixion and there is the appearance of crucifixion. There is resurrection and there is the appearance of resurrection. It is not sufficient to receive the appearance of rebirth, immersion, crucifixion, and resurrection. A person who receives these may be called Christian, but it is only the appearance of entering into Christ. One who receives the reality of these principles is not only a Christian, but a Christ. A person who is truly crucified and resurrected will receive the Anointing so that he is called Christ.

The Dye Works of Levi The Gospel of Philip

The Dye Works of Levi
The master went into the dye works of Levi, took seventy-two colored cloths, and threw them into a vat. He drew them out and they all were white. He said, “So the child of humankind has come as a dyer.”

The Lord went into the dye works of Levi [those of the priesthood who were entrusted with the Word (the "letter", the Law].  He took seventy-two different colors [individuals with different character traits] and threw them into the vat. He took them out all white [sanctified them as high priests that they might offer sacrifices as sin offerings as a symbol of things to come]. And he said, "Even so has the Son of Man [Jesus] come as a dyer." [He is our High Priest who brought us Truth in the “spirit of the Word” that we might all be sanctified by Him] (Philip 40)

The Lord went to Levi's house. He watched Levi's employees dying yarn. Picking up a handful of threads, he dipped them into the vat and brought them out again. "The Son of Man has also come to dye everyone who desires to be pure," he explained. 

Saturday, 21 December 2019

A Pearl in Mud The Gospel of Philip

A Pearl in Mud

If a pearl is thrown into mud, it will not lose its value, and if it is anointed with balsam, it will not increase its value. It is always precious in its owner’s eyes. Likewise, the children of God are precious in the eyes of the father, whatever their circumstances of life.
God's love for his born again sons never fails. whatever their circumstances of life they are still loved eternally
When the pearl [the “pearl” which is Christ who is the Word – if you have “Christ in you” you too become a pearl] is cast down into the mud [those who cannot “hear the word” will bring you down to the level of natural man – wet clay], it becomes greatly despised [those who love the lie despise truth and you become a pariah to them], nor if it is anointed with balsam oil will it become more precious [balsam oil is used to make something smell better than it would otherwise i.e. some will stroke the ego of a pearl seeking favor but this will not change the pearl]. But it always has value in the eyes of its owner [the Father who sent the first pearl, the Messiah who “sold all that He had in order to buy the field” (world) in which the pearl is found]. Compare the Sons of God: wherever they may be, they still have value in the eyes of their Father (Philip 34)

A pearl's value is not affected by its circumstances. If it is thrown into the mud, it is no less valuable. If it is anointed with precious oil, it is no more valuable. Its value is intrinsic. It is the same with the children of the Elohim. Whatever circumstances they may be in, their value does not change in the eyes of their Divine Parents.

Seeing The Gospel of Philip


People cannot see anything that really is without becoming like it. It is not so with people in the world, who see the sun without becoming the sun and see the sky and earth and everything else without becoming them.

Rather, in the realm of truth,
you have seen things there and have become those things,
you have seen the spirit and have become spirit,
you have seen Christ and have become Christ,
you have seen the [father] and will become father.
[Here] in the world you see everything but do not [see] yourself, but there in that realm you see yourself, and you will [become] what you see.
the things that actually exist that people can not see are the things in the pleroma or the spirit realm. The Sun is a symbol for spiritual light which comes from the Father of lights which allows us to see something of that place the pleroma or the spirit realm

It is not possible for anyone to see anything of the things that actually exist unless he becomes like them [this is talking strictly of spiritual discernment]. This is not the way with man in the world: he sees the sun without being a sun; and he sees the heaven and the earth and all other things, but he is not these things [he only sees the outermost layer, the physical and he cannot become them from a physical standpoint]. This is quite in keeping with the truth. But you saw something of that place [the heavenly realm (the inside, the invisible spirit realm) which men of the “world” cannot see], and you became those things [by knowing that you are part of the One universal sprit which exists in all things (i.e. every atom and corpuscle visible and invisible)]. You saw [apprehended] the Spirit you became spirit. You saw [apprehended] Christ, you became Christ. You saw [apprehended] the Father [in ALL things], you shall become Father [when you “become all in all with Him”]. So in this place [the world] you see everything and do not see yourself [a natural man does not comprehend the spiritual things for he is bound by what his subjective and conscious mind will allow – i.e. the limitations of the physical and spiritual indoctrinations ingrained in our hearts which give way to false thoughts and ideas], but in that place you do see yourself [as an individual spirit being (living soul) created in the image of our Father] - and what you see you shall become [just like Dad!]. (Philip 32)

It is impossible to perceive Divine Reality unless you recognize that you are part of it. It's not like perceiving things on the physical plane. You can see the sun without being a sun. It's the same with anything else you perceive through your physical senses. It is different when you perceive Truth, for you perceive it with your metaphysical senses. When you perceive the Spirit in this manner you become a spiritual being. When you perceive Christ in this manner you become a Christ. When you perceive the Parents in this manner you become a Parent. With the physical senses you can see all kinds of things, but you can't really see yourself. When you develop your metaphysical senses, you will not only perceive your true self, but you will become the other things which you perceive.

Faith and Love The Gospel of Philip

Faith and Love

Faith receives, love gives. [No one can [62] receive] without faith, and no one can give without love. So to receive we have faith and to love we give. If someone gives without love, that person gets no benefit from what was given.

Anyone who receives something but does not receive the lord is still a Hebrew.
faith receives love it gives nothing without faith in order that we many receive on the one hand we believe but in order that we may give

Faith receives [knowledge and comprehension of our true nature], love gives [what it has received – we do this by becoming as our Messiah showing love, compassion and forgiveness toward others who are still in ignorance, while giving these truths to others who are willing to receive it]. No one will be able to receive [the truth] without faith [they must first believe there is a God in the heavens that they may be brought to Christ (be given “the power to become sons”)]. No one will be able to give without love [Love is the power of the spirit which moves people to receive the word.  When we realize that all mankind are our brothers (and sisters) whether they good or evil, whether they are loving us or hating us we will treat them in the same loving way in the hope that they will receive the Word in their hearts]. Because of this, in order that we may indeed receive, we believe, and in order that we may love, we give, since if one gives without love, he has no profit from what he has given [it must come from the heart and not just the lips or out of our excess but our want – many do not even know that their love is empty, feigned but actions always speak louder than words]. He who has received something other than the Lord [other than “Christ in you” the resurrection] is still a Hebrew [still under the law of sin (in bondage to the “letter” of the law which leads to death)](Philip 32)

Faith receives and Love gives. No one can receive without faith, and no one can give without Love. We develop faith so that we can receive, but we develop Love so that we can give what we have received through faith. If we do not develop Love so that we can give, the gifts we receive through our faith have no value.

God Is a Man-Eater The Gospel of Philip

Title: Understanding Sacrifice and Spiritual Nourishment in Gnostic Thought

The Gospel of Philip, a Gnostic text believed to have been written in the 3rd century CE, offers insights into the Gnostic understanding of sacrifice and its relationship to spiritual enlightenment. This text presents a unique perspective on sacrifice, viewing it as a symbolic act with profound spiritual implications. In particular, the Gospel of Philip emphasizes the idea of sacrifice as a means of transcending the physical realm and nourishing the spiritual self. Through an exploration of key passages from the Gospel of Philip and corresponding biblical references, we can gain a deeper understanding of the Gnostic concept of sacrifice

Sacrifice in Valentinian Thought:

According to the Gospel of Philip, God is depicted as a "man-eater," suggesting that the divine consumes the physical aspects of humanity. This imagery symbolizes the idea that the physical body, often associated with carnality or fleshly desires, must be transcended in order for the spiritual self to flourish. In this context, sacrifice is not understood in a literal sense of offering animals or humans to appease a deity, but rather as a metaphorical act of relinquishing worldly attachments and ego-driven desires.

The text suggests that before humans were metaphorically sacrificed, animals served as substitutes for human victims in sacrificial rituals. This notion echoes the biblical tradition of animal sacrifices found in the Old Testament, where animals were offered as atonement for sins or as expressions of devotion to God. For example, in Leviticus 1:2-4, it is stated: "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When anyone among you brings an offering to the Lord, you shall bring your offering of livestock from the herd or the flock. If the offering is a burnt offering from the herd, you shall offer a male without blemish.'"

This notion finds resonance in biblical passages such as Romans 8:13, where it is written, "For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." The Gnostic interpretation of sacrifice extends beyond mere ritualistic offerings; it encompasses the inner struggle to transcend carnal desires and egoic attachments, thereby allowing the spiritual essence to flourish.

The Gospel of Philip further elucidates this concept by stating, "Before humans were sacrificed, animals were sacrificed." Here, the sacrificial act serves as a metaphorical bridge between the earthly and the divine, representing the process through which the soul evolves towards enlightenment. Animals, viewed as substitutes for human victims, symbolize the primal instincts and lower aspects of consciousness that must be transcended on the path to spiritual liberation.

In the biblical narrative, we encounter numerous instances of animal sacrifice, often performed as offerings to God. Leviticus 1:2-4 delineates the procedures for burnt offerings, emphasizing the symbolic significance of presenting an unblemished animal as a gesture of reverence and atonement. However, the Gnostic perspective invites us to contemplate a deeper layer of meaning behind these rituals, recognizing them as allegorical expressions of the soul's journey towards divine union.

Central to the Gnostic understanding of sacrifice is the transformative power of gnosis, or spiritual knowledge. As elucidated in the Gospel of Philip, "For this reason, men are sacrificed to him." Here, the act of sacrifice becomes synonymous with the process of spiritual awakening, wherein the individual undergoes a profound inner metamorphosis, shedding the illusions of the material world to unveil the eternal truths hidden within.

This transformative journey finds echoes in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who proclaimed in Matthew 16:25, "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." In embracing the path of self-denial and spiritual surrender, one discovers a deeper communion with the divine, transcending the limitations of the egoic self to partake in the boundless grace of God.

Transformation through Sacrifice:

The imagery of sacrifice in the Gospel of Philip serves as a metaphor for the transformative process undergone by the individual on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Just as a seed must die and decay in order to give birth to new life, so too must the physical body perish to allow the spiritual self to emerge and flourish. This concept is echoed in biblical passages such as John 12:24, where Jesus states: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

Through the act of sacrifice, individuals are able to transcend the limitations of the material world and unite with the divine source of all existence. This union is characterized by gnosis, or experiential knowledge of the divine, which enables individuals to attain spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. As stated in Romans 12:1, believers are urged to present their bodies as "a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship

The Gospel of Philip encapsulates the essence of sacrifice in the following passage: "the physical body is the potting soil, sarx (carnality) which must die and decay so as to feed the maturing spirit son within like the husk of a seed." Here, the imagery of death and decay symbolizes the dissolution of the egoic self, allowing the spiritual essence to blossom forth in its full radiance.

In conclusion, the Gnostic understanding of sacrifice offers a profound framework for navigating the complexities of human existence and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. Through the metaphorical act of sacrifice, individuals are invited to transcend the limitations of the material realm, embracing the transformative journey towards gnosis and union with the divine. As we contemplate the rich tapestry of Gnostic wisdom, may we find inspiration to embark on our own spiritual odyssey, guided by the eternal light of truth and grace.

God Is a Man-Eater
God is a man-eater, [63] and so humans are [sacrificed] to him. Before humans were sacrificed, animals were sacrificed, because those to whom they were sacrificed were not gods.

the purpose of animal sacrifices is to provide food for the gods the animals being regarded as substitutes for human victim

God is a man-eater [the physical body is the potting soil, sarx (carnality) which must die and decay so as to feed the maturing spirit son within like the husk of a seed]. For this reason, men are sacrificed to him [the flesh and the lusts thereof must die]. Before men were sacrificed, animals were being sacrificed, since those to whom they were sacrificed were not gods [this is covered more in Philip 10 above and by the passage below] (Philip 36)

The Elohim consume their children. They require that their children sacrifice their selves to them. In the past, animals were sacrificed to the gods of darkness and to the demiurge, but the Elohim do not accept animal sacrifices. The only sacrifice they will accept is the sacrifice of their own progeny. If you desire to approach the Elohim, be prepared to sacrifice your self, for this is the only means through which you can enter their presence.