Wednesday 6 March 2019

Priscilla and Lydia the Book of Acts

Those who've carefully read the Book of Acts must admit it refers in a number of places to women teaching, leading, and speaking in early ecclesias.

The case of Priscilla (the distaff side of a preaching couple) and Aquilla (her husband) was covered in an earlier post. Also covered was Acts 2:17–18, in which Peter identifies the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost as a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy (2:28-29) that Yahweh would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, but what - just guy flesh, not girl? Wouldn't “all flesh” include women (specifically mentioned are “daughters” in Verse 28 and “handmaids” in Verse 29) some of whom would then have the gift prophesy along with others?

In Acts 16:14–15, we're told after Lydia responded to the Gospel and she and her whole household were baptized, she urged Paul and Barnabas to stay at her house. One would think her “household” must have contained men who benefited from her teaching – unless, of course, she was running a shelter for abused wives and wayward girls. One would also think she'd have to have spoken to teach the gospel to her household. If she wasn't allowed to speak when teaching, how did she convey knowledge of the Gospel? Sit them all down and play 'Charades' until they got it?

Acts 21:9 tells us a certain Phillip the Evangelist who lived in Caesarea “had four unmarried daughters who also proclaimed God's Word.” Imagine how amazed Paul and those with him must have been to observe these young ladies pull this off without speaking!

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