The Ascent of the Soul The Gospel of Mary
The Ascent of the Soul in The Gospel of Mary
"And Desire said, 'I did not see you go down, yet now I see you go up. So why do you lie since you belong to me?'
"The soul answered, 'I saw you. You did not see me nor did you know me. You took the garment (I wore) for my (true) self. And you did not recognise me.'
"After it had said these things, it left rejoicing greatly.
"Again, it came to the third Power, which is called 'Ignorance.' [It] examined the soul closely, saying, 'Where are you going? You are bound by wickedness. Indeed you are bound! Do not judge!'
"And the soul said, 'Why do you judge me, since I have not passed judgement? I have been bound, but I have not bound (anything). They did not recognise me, but I have recognised that the universe is to be dissolved, both the things of earth and those of heaven.'
"When the soul had brought the third Power to naught, it went upward and saw the fourth Power. It had seven forms. The first form is darkness; the second is desire; the third is ignorance; the fourth is zeal for death; the fifth is the realm of the flesh; the sixth is the foolish wisdom of the flesh; the seventh is the wisdom of the wrathful person. These are the seven Powers of Wrath.
"They interrogated the soul, 'Where are you coming from, human-killer, and where are you going, space-conqueror?'
"The soul replied, saying, 'What binds me has been slain, and what surrounds me has been destroyed, and my desire has been brought to an end, and ignorance has died. In a world, I was set loose from a world [an]d in a type, from a type which is above, and (from) the chain of forgetfulness which exists in time. From this hour on, for the time of the due season of the aeon, I will receive rest in silence.' "
The beginning of the vision is missing the revelation starts with the second power Desire. I would suppose that the vision is a revelation to Mary Magdalene about herself about her own enlightenment
"And Desire said, 'I did not see you go down, yet now I see you go up. So why do you lie since you belong to me?'
"The soul answered, 'I saw you. You did not see me nor did you know me. You mistook the garment (I wore) for my (true) self. And you did not recognise me.'
"After it had said these things, it left rejoicing greatly.
The Garment here is the ego or personality which the soul clothes itself with it is not the true real self which is the Christ consciousness
Again, it came to the third Power, which is called 'Ignorance.' [It] examined the soul closely, saying, 'Where are you going? You are bound by wickedness. Indeed you are bound! Do not judge!'
Ignorance judges the soul to be bound by the wickedness of the passions and lacking in discernment do not judge it commands. The soul is bound to the lower world by its physical nature which produces sin when you do the things that are like the nature of adultery
Mary Magdalene represents the psyche of the carnal consciousness. This psyche is demoniacal, and from it Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2). It is there that the emotions have their centres of action. It is the seat of desire.
Now the female offspring of the soul are wickedness and passion, but a healthy state of the passions and virtue is male,
The feelings and affections, which are the seat of the emotions in our unenlightened heart, belong to the soul.
The soul is ascending through different levels of the carnal consciousness or the senses until it raises to the higher self the Christ consciousness which releases the soul from the emotional errors (the demons) that have their existence in the unenlightened heart and establishes peace and repose in the consciousness
The purification of the soul is a change of mind and purpose (Acts 5:31; 11:18). Belief in the gospel of the kingdom is to have this state of mind and character according to “the law of faith.” The Gospel is intended to enlighten and purify the mind while enriching the emotions, attitudes and decisions with love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (Gal 5:22-23) . Where the truth prevails there is 'righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit' (Romans 14:17) which will result in edification of one another (v 19).
The 7 forms of the fourth power represent the 7 demons cast out of Mary Magdalene. The powers are the Archons or the rulers of power of the senses
The 2nd Power is Desire the carnal mind craving, the 3rd Power is Ignorance it believes it has power to judge others, but the soul knows that all power belongs to God alone, the fourth Power is Wrath which has 7 forms the seven Powers of Wrath
the 7 forms of the fourth power are (spiritual) darkness, the second desire (craving), the third ignorance (of the Truth), the fourth is the zeal for death (a lack of consciousness), the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh (which enslaves the emotions), the sixth is the foolish wisdom of flesh (materialistic worship, born of the carnal mind), the seventh is the wrathful wisdom (false doctrines and theories born of the carnal mind, which is a counterfeit of true Wisdom). These are the seven powers of wrath (the limited and inferior thoughts and attitudes ).
Their collective character and name is wrath
The idea of seven steps of ascent to divinity (which correspond to the seven heavens) is widely known.
The Ascent of the Soul in The Gospel of Mary is not about the soul ascending to the literal heavens but the heavens which is a state of consciousness in harmony with the thoughts of God.
The Ascent of the Soul is to it free from the powers of human nature not matter
The 4 Powers are within ourselves
The 4 Powers are the 7 forms which are established as parts of our Being
They represent the senses
the powers are a personification of human nature or human qualities this is seen from the Testament of Reuben chapter 2 the concerning the seven spirits of error
Testament of Reuben
2:1 And now hear me, my children, what things I saw concerning the seven spirits of error, when I repented.
2:2 For seven spirits are established against man, and they are the sources of the deeds of youth.
2:3 And seven other spirits are given to man at creation, so that by them every human deed is done.
2:4 The first is the spirit of life, with which man's whole being is created. The second is the spirit of sight, with which comes desire.
2:5 The third is the spirit of hearing, with which comes instruction. The fourth is the spirit of smell, with which is given tastes for drawing air and breath.
2:6 The fifth is the spirit of speech, with which comes knowledge.
2:7 The sixth is the spirit of taste, for consuming food and drink; by it comes strength, because in food is the substance of strength.
2:8 The seventh is the spirit of procreation and intercourse, with which comes sin through fondness for pleasure.
2:9 For this reason, it is the last in order of creation, and the first in that of youth, because it is filled with ignorance, and leads the youth as a blind man into a ditch, and like an animal over a cliff.
3:1 In addition to all these there is an eighth spirit of sleep, with which is brought about the trance of nature and the image of death.
3:2 With these spirits are mingled the spirits of error.
3:3 First, the spirit of fornication resides in the nature and in the senses; the second, the spirit of insatiableness, in the stomach; the third, the spirit of fighting, in the liver and gall.
3:4 The fourth is the spirit of flattery and trickery, in order that through excessive effort one might appear to be at the height of his power.
3:5 The fifth is the spirit of pride, that one may be boastful and arrogant. The sixth is the spirit of lying, which through destructiveness and rivalry, handles his affairs smoothly and secretively even with his relatives and his household.
3:6 The seventh is the spirit of injustice, with which are thefts and acts of rapacity, that a man may fulfil the desire of his heart; for injustice works together with the other spirits by the taking of gifts.
3:7 And with all these the spirit of sleep is joined which is that of error and fantasy.
3:8 And so every young man is destroyed, darkening his mind from the truth, and not understanding the Law of God, nor obeying the admonitions of his fathers as befell me also in my youth.
3:9 And now, my children, love the truth, and it will preserve you: hear you the words of Reuben your father.