Saturday 27 October 2018

The body of Christ is a Corporate Being

The body of Christ is a Corporate Being

“Now you are Christ’s body, and members individually,” in a spiritual sense. (1Co 12:27

The body of Christ refer to a the higher state of consciousness which Jesus' message produces. Jesus is the first fruits or prototype of this higher consciousness the Christ-consciousness. Jesus' teachings put the body of Christ-consciousness in reach of us all.

The body of Christ is also a Corporate Being called the Son of Man (Dan 7 Rev 1) others call it the mystical body of Christ it refers to large number/body of people who are in the Christ consciousness or the Corporate Being the Son of Man the multitudinous Christ

"I will be who I will be." This proclamation of Deity at the bush announced His purpose to manifest Himself in flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). This was fulfilled in an individual, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:5,6,26), and will ultimately be so in a community: the multitudinous Body of Christ.

God told Israel that His Name was YAHWEH, meaning 'I will be who I will be' (Ex.3:13-15).
 This name was then slightly extended: "God said moreover (i.e. in addition) unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Yahweh God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob...this is My name for ever, and my memorial to all generations" (Ex.3:15).

God's full name is therefore "Yahweh Elohim".

The Old Testament was written mostly in Hebrew, and our English translation inevitably misses out a lot of detail when it comes to translating the Hebrew words for 'God'. One of the common Hebrew words translated 'God' is 'Elohim', meaning 'mighty ones'. God's "memorial", the Name by which He wants us to remember Him, is therefore


It is therefore God's purpose to reveal His character and His essential being in a large group of people. By obedience to His word we can develop some of God's characteristics in ourselves now, so that in a very limited sense God is revealing Himself in the true believers in this life. But God's Name is a prophecy of the time to come when the earth will be filled with people who are like Him, both in character and by nature (cp. 2 Pet.1:4). If we wish to be associated with the purpose of God and to become like God to die no more, living for ever in complete moral perfection, then we must associate ourselves with His Name. The way to do this is to be baptized into the Name - i.e. Yahweh Elohim (Matt.28:19). This also makes us the descendants ("seed") of Abraham (Gal.3:27-29) who were promised the eternal inheritance of the earth (Gen.17:8; Rom.4:13) - the group of 'mighty ones' ('Elohim') in whom the prophecy of God's Name will be fulfilled

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