Sunday, 12 April 2020

Learn what is before you The Gospel of Thomas

Learn what is before you and all things hidden from you shall be revealed to you.

Do as I have done, when you have been invited into a group, eat what they eat, then heal the sick among them, tend to those that are sleep, by awakening them from their long slumber.

To those that have much, show them it is better to have little, then much can be given to them, for those that have little give to them that which is required, to some give milk, to others give wine, still to others give meat, and yet others the bread of life, that all may be fed.

Still my brothers and sisters, give accordingly to what is needed, give freedom to those that are bound, sight to those that are blind, speak to the deaf that they may hear again, and raise those that are dead among you.

I have spoken to another of our brothers of whom I must spend some time with, I have awaited for this day for there is much happiness in my heart to see him again, at this time I must ready my self for this occasion, that I may be able to bring to you all many gifts, and robes, and crowns, and to some glory, others I will give life giving life, to others, mysteries of the kingdom of light.

I will not be long but only for a moment, till then my brethren, know yourselves and you shall be known.

Moses and Egypt Numbers 11

Moses and Egypt

Moses: = He whom was drawn from the water shall bring to the many, the water he was drawn from.

Numbers 11:16 ►.....Berean Study Bible
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Bring Me seventy of the elders of Israel known to you as leaders and officers of the people. Bring them to the Tent of Meeting and have them stand there with you.

Numbers 11:17 ►......Good News Translation

I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take some of the spirit I have given you and give it to them. Then they can help you bear the responsibility for these people, and you will not have to bear it alone.

Numbers 11:18 ►......Good News Translation

Now tell the people, 'Purify yourselves for tomorrow; you will have meat to eat. The LORD has heard you whining and saying that you wished you had some meat and that you were better off in Egypt. Now the LORD will give you meat, and you will have to eat it.

Egypt has been your parent but your Father you have not known, and not only shall you know your Father, but you shall be just like him.

Pistis Sophia The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light

Pistis Sophia The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light

As I have said i will share with you of my visit with the Rulers of this world, but first I must share with you " insight " on how I was able to visit these rulers.

Now, the understanding of the mysteries of the kingdom of Light is the key.

Of the Mysteries :

I will give you a few of the many realms of the mysteries of the kingdom of light.

The Treasury of the Light:

Most of you are from this realm, and there are many other realms below this one, those of you that are from here are able to visit any of them as often as you wish, for this reason I have said to you, know your self and know of your origin.

If you abide in and posses a higher mystery then you can go to any realm as often as you wish that is lower than the realm of the mystery that you posses, but not able to go above to the realms that has a higher mystery than you posses.

Now each realm has it's own mystery, that mystery has within itself all the knowledge of that realm, of it's many different forms and languages, to which you can use to your benefit, that you may be able to commune with those beings of that realm, the same is with the higher realms, you will have the power and knowledge of how to transform your form into my the form of all the beings in the realm of all the mysteries that you posses.

The First Space of the ineffable :

Those of you that are from this realm of light, will be few, for those that first came from this space shall return to this space, and there will be some that came from a lesser mystery who have while on this earth obtained knowledge of this higher space and rested in it and shall rule over all of the lesser mysteries and as kings, of mysteries.

The Limbs of the Ineffable :

Those of you that posses this mystery shall stand as emissaries of our father to the many mysteries and realms that is below this mystery.

The Ineffable:

here are we from, that sought out sonship, that has given up all, renounced all, even our very own existence to our father, this was his will from the beginning before all things that are invisible, before all things of light, before all things that are spiritual, before all things that are eternal, before all things that are immortal, before all things that are mortal.

, oh! If our brethren, knew of their origin error and ignorance would no longer enslave them, I will share more later.

I will speak to those who know to hear not with the ears of the body but with the ears of the mind. For many have sought after the truth and have not been able to find it; because there has taken hold of them the old leaven of the Pharisees and the scribes of the Law. And the leaven is the errant desire of the angels and the demons and the stars. As for the Pharisees and the scribes, it is they who belong to the archons who have authority over them.

The Hypostasis of the Archons the Female Spiritual Principle

the female spiritual principle the hypostasis of the archons

Then the female spiritual principle came in the snake, the instructor; and it taught them, saying, "What did he say to you? Was it, 'From every tree in the garden shall you eat; yet – from the tree of recognizing good and evil do not eat'?"

The carnal woman said, "Not only did he say 'Do not eat', but even 'Do not touch it; for the day you eat from it, with death you are going to die.'"

And the snake, the instructor, said, "With death you shall not die; for it was out of jealousy that he said this to you. Rather your eyes shall open and you shall come to be like gods, recognizing evil and good." And the female instructing principle was taken away from the snake, and she left it behind, merely a thing of the earth.

And the carnal woman took from the tree and ate; and she gave to her husband as well as herself; and these beings that possessed only a soul, ate. And their imperfection became apparent in their lack of knowledge; and they recognized that they were naked of the spiritual element, and took fig leaves and bound them upon their loins.

Then the chief ruler came; and he said, "Adam! Where are you?" – for he did not understand what had happened. And Adam said, "I heard your voice and was afraid because I was naked; and I hid."

The ruler said, "Why did you hide, unless it is because you have eaten from the tree from which alone I commanded you not to eat? And you have eaten!"

Adam said, "The woman that you gave me, she gave to me and I ate." And the arrogant ruler cursed the woman.

The woman said, "It was the snake that led me astray and I ate." They turned to the snake and cursed its shadowy reflection, [...] powerless, not comprehending that it was a form they themselves had modeled. From that day, the snake came to be under the curse of the authorities; until the all-powerful man was to come, that curse fell upon the snake.

They turned to their Adam and took him and expelled him from the garden along with his wife; for they have no blessing, since they too are beneath the curse. Moreover, they threw mankind into great distraction and into a life of toil, so that their mankind might be occupied by worldly affairs, and might not have the opportunity of being devoted to the holy spirit. Again my Brothers and Sisters it Happen Not as Moses wrote it.

this is true but it is they that contradicts themselves, the tree of life has a dual meaning Christ, and the Sophia of Christ is the tree of life, also there is an actual tree of Eternal Life this is which the Rulers eat from to renew their immortality when summer solstice and spring equinox comes around and their kingdoms stroyed and renewed.

AS for the snake , it is a Saraphim which means winged Serpent, was also known as the Teacher of mankind it also had the ability to change into human form, remember one of them said they shall be like the MOST HIGH! there are many without number Saraphims in the kingdom of Light, they built or created their heavens to look like the light kingdom, and this is how they trick many:But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

the rulers of this world and even angels of the most high have in their true form faces and body of creatures, some are very frightening to look at!

Chabad Chokhmah, Binah and Da'at


(kha-BAHD) n.

A Hebrew acronym for Chokhmah, Binah and Da'at, (wisdom, understanding and knowledge, respectively).

These words translate to three core mental functions in the process of what is commonly known as thought:

that first flash of insight (chokhmah),

the cogitation and rumination that follows (binah),

and thirdly,

the ability to process an idea so that it becomes part of your heart and soul (da'at).

I lite only one candle in Chabad following simple instructions. I looked into the Christos of the candle, the part which separates from the flame; without the Christos the flame would not survive. At tip of my nose I looked and closed my eyes and saw within the centre of my brain and I longed for the light to be there always.

I asked on purpose for the Lord to enlarge the light of Christ in me so that I might know the truth and be set free.

I wanted to know the truth of what’s going on; desiring the truth I knew evil was present with me; I walked with the Lord as our father Abraham did and in asking the Lord on purpose I heard him and from this I learned how to ask and how to walk while I remained in service following the law of the land in peace and love.

His name is Jesus and I walked with him, he’s alive with Christ in me.

When I woke in the morning he was with me, when I lay down at night he was with me; when I did my daily chores, the work needed to be done, preparing meals, looking after the household, he was with me; I turned to him always and was comforted knowing he was with me.

He never left my side and I turned to him as a friend, a brother, my lord and master, not knowing the Father I followed the Son.

I was not forsaken.

I began to see the light in the world in bits and pieces and in hearing his voice within I was careful not to trip on myself knowing evil was present with me. I remembered all I had been taught and followed simple instructions along the way.

I’m here as your sister, your mother, your brother, your friend saying calmly Jesus is the only way to the Father and the kingdom's within.

Who has done this (?) I am speaking the truth in written word. I am awake with Christ in me and I will not taste death.

He is with all who hear his voice. Now is the time to turn to him.

We are the true children within this organic matter called flesh, created man. The flesh is covered by skin.

We’re in the second coming of Christ who has returned for his bride, his body.

Yes there is a little bit of darkness to go through.

Like a little sprout and a little child who’s just learning to walk we go the way and yes we are called to be simple minded of the things pertaining to evil for we have to pass through evil, as darkness to come into the light.

Yes there is an ego in man who’s name is an adversary to the Lord & we know all these things work together for those who love the Lord.

We are not afraid for little children are kept safe with him, we desire truth and we seek to know being born to do this, soul searches. This is the way with the Lord.

The dead in Christ will rise first, all souls are here within these clay vessels asleep dreaming as if awake.

We are the first fruits of the Lord, we receive our name each individual and unique, only the person receiving will know; we are made Christ's with Lord Jesus along the way.

Stop all fighting, lay down your arms and no blaming each other; who knew? Stop accusing your brother and pointing the finger at religions, wait for the Lord to come.

The mortal body we are in is death, and a number has been assigned to it first be born and then second to die. Souls are not organic, they are holy begotten of the Father and are seeds.

We are in the second coming; the first coming for Israel, the second coming for the Gentiles in Christ.

Do not harm any, lay down your arms, know the truth and be set free.

We are the children.

Scattered throughout the earth we are the seeds; there is nothing to fear from our Father who is not worried one IOTA.

Change into a little child, humble yourself before him; go from the milk to the meat, eat the hidden manna; turn to Jesus and go the way and come into the Father's presence.

Friday, 3 April 2020

My Yoke and Rest Gospel of Thomas Saying 90

Saying 90

(90) Jesus said: Come to me, for my yoke is easy and my lordship is gentle, and you will find rest for yourselves.

 my yoke.  Prov 3:17 Mic 6:8 Ac 15:10,28 Ga 5:1,18 1Jo 5:3


This is rest for your souls it is a re-genertion or recreation with in us. I will ease and relive and refresh your soul. This rest is from the old covenant, by the coming of Jesus we have rest in the new covenant. But it is also the rest in the age to come the age of ages and the final rest in the ages of ages.

90)# Jesus said, "Come unto me [the Word], for My yoke is easy [to understand if you have the Keys] and My lordship is mild [as opposed to the Jewish or Christo-pagan system of "lordship"], and you will find repose for yourselves [from the demands of the lower/outward (fleshly) forms of understanding laid upon you by the false teachers]."

Washing The Gospel of Thomas Saying 89

Saying 89

(89) Jesus said: Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not understand that he who made the inside is also he who made the outside?

Washing or baptizing the body does not make it pure. Washing the body will only make the outside clean here Jesus is speaking about washing the inside that is our hearts and minds for it is out of the heart whereby we become unclean. Jesus here is speaking about the process of self-purification and the path to the Christ-Consciousness is self-purification and self-consecration. When we are clean the light of Christ shines through us

89)## Jesus said, "Why do you wash [with the Word] the outside [the superficial lower/outward (fleshly) meaning] of the cup [the scriptures whose prophesies you are to drink from]? Do you not realize that he who made the inside [the hidden higher/inward (spiritual) meaning] is the same one who made the outside [the visible lower/outward forms]?"

messengers and the prophets Gospel of Thomas Saying 88

Saying 88

(88) Jesus said, "The messengers and the prophets are coming to you (plur.), and they will give you the things that you possess. And you, too - give them the things that you have, and say among yourselves, 'When are they coming to take their own?'"

Here the messengers and the prophets are first the messengers and the prophets of the Hebrew scriptures and secondly the book of acts contains accounts of early Christian messengers and the prophets.

And they will give you what is yours what messengers and the prophets give is information so if they give you what is yours you will receive information from God .

You then should give them what you have here Jesus is teaching us how to trey missionaries and emissaries giving them sustenance and shelter and respect as they have a right to.

88) Jesus said, "The  messengers [the Elect] and the prophets [their testimony of the scriptures] will come to you and give you [a correct understanding of] those things you (already) have [the Old and New Testaments]. And you too [Jews and Christo-pagans], give them those things which you have [money, power, status, glory in front of men etc..], and say to yourselves, 'When will they [the "owners of the field" (the world)] come and take what is theirs [so that we can remove our religious garments and renounce the world]?'" 

No Where to rest Gospel of Thomas Saying 86

Saying 86

(86) Jesus said: [The foxes have] their holes] and the birds have [their] nest, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head and rest.

We like Jesus have no rest in this age but in the age to come we shall enter into his rest. We do not belong to this world, but to God’s kingdom where we will find rest. Thus one’s real home is to be found in the coming new world, not this dying world or in heaven as the world believes.

86)## Jesus said, "[The foxes [like Herod who knew the truth which he received from John] have their holes [their places within earthly institutions]] and the birds [religious leaders/sinful thoughts] have [their] nests [high offices/the minds of those they occupy], but the Son of Man has no place [no earthly institutions or high offices] to lay his head [His own thoughts] and rest [people are too preoccupied and full of sinful thoughts of this world and "His Kingdom is not of this world"]."

Great Power Gospel of Thomas Saying 85

 Saying 85

(85) Adam came into being out of a great power and a great wealth, and he was not worthy of you; for if he had been worthy, [he would] not [have tasted] of death.

Many have mistakenly said this passage is referring to us getting back the image of God. Yet, this passage is clearly speaking of a MAN that fell from grace. Adam was certainly one who fell from grace. He was the Son of God, yet his fateful decision shook the earth and brought humanity down to the grave (Sheol, pit, hell, Hades).

“Adam came from great power and great wealth“. the great power and the great wealth is the Spirit of God: Heb "ruach Elohim": "The spirit (wealth) of the Powers". "Spirit" = the "wisdom" of Pro 8:22-26. Was Hovering: "Moved" (AV). Like a mother bird brooding over her young: Deu 32:11 (cp Exo 19:4 the Spirit is described as a dove in Matt. 3:16). The words portray the energy-giving presence of God -- wrapping, protecting, and caressing the chaos of the unfinished earth as He prepared to complete His creation. (Gen 1:2).

Powers said (The Elohim), "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the living creatures." Gen 1:26,27 So Powers (the Elohim) created man in His image; male and female created He them.

Now from the consideration adduced, it is evident that the phrases, "and God said," and "God made," and "God created," occurrent in the first chapter, are equivalent to "Lord God"; or more properly, Elohim said, created, and made, are equivalent to Yahweh Elohim doing thus, as brought out in the second chapter-- "One Spirit in a plurality of Agents": not a single one in three, but One in hosts: and hence the title so frequently in Scripture, "Yahweh of Hosts" -- the Yahweh-Spirit in multitudinous manifestation.

The plurality of Elohim in the work of creation is manifest from Gen. 1:26 -- "Let Us make man in 'Our' image after our likeness." If the Yahweh-spirit had been solitary in the work, He would rather have said, if He said anything: "I will make man in my image, after my likeness." What was said is recorded to reveal to the reader the true relation of things. The mandate issued from Yahweh that man be made in the Spirit-type, and so constituted, that divine intelligence and power should be displayed through his organism.

That spirit-type was the angel Elohim after whom Adam and Eve were made. In form and likeness the same, only in nature of inferior quality. This was Yahweh's pleasure, and it was done by the fingers of His power. In reference to this, we read in Psalm 8:3, "When I consider the heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man that thou art mindful of him? and the Son of Man that Thou visitest him? For Thou hast made him a little lower than the Elohim,"* etc. Quoted in the New Testament by Paul, the word mai-Elohim is rendered by "than angels," (Heb. 2:9); because Elohim are the agents or executive fingers of the Spirit. "The Spirit of God" and "the fingers of God" are synonymous, as appears from Matt. 12:28; Luke 11:20; and Elohim are spirit, being out of Ail. What the fingers of the hand are to the brain, such are the hosts of Elohim to Ail; they are "Unity of Spirit," which is "God."
“and he did not become worthy of you. For, had he been worthy he would not have tasted death."

Adam was found unworthy? Funk and Hoover write: "In developing the significance of Jesus, early Christians often used the mythic figure of Adam as a point of comparison. One finds this especially in Paul (Rom 5:12-15,17,19; [cp. Job 31:33; Pr 28:13; Ho 6:7;] 1 Cor 15:21-22, 42-50; 1Ti 2:14 ): in contrast to Adam, whose sin led to death, stands Jesus, whose obedience leads to life. The fate of Adam, according to Thom 85:2, was death; the fate of those who find the meaning of Jesus' words will be not to taste death, according to Thomas 1 The phrase 'not taste death' is a favourite of Thomas (Thom 1; 18:3; 19:4; 111:2), although it was also known to the Gospel of John (8:51-52)." (The Five Gospels, p. 518)

85) Jesus said, "Adam [and all of his sons in the flesh] came into being from a great power [we are all formed in the womb by God] and a great wealth [higher/inward (spiritual) knowledge which we are all born with the potential to harness for "He enlightens everyone who comes into the world"], but he did not become worthy [because he fell prey to his fleshly desires in Eve] of you [who have been given the "Keys of Knowledge" and are entrusted with the Word of Truth]. For had he been worthy [to have the mystery revealed to him (eat from the Tree of Life)], [he would] not [have experienced] death [would not have been separated from the Father - i.e. recreated in the image of an image]." 

Gospel of Thomas Saying 84

Saying 84

(84) Jesus said: When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into existence before you, which neither die nor are made manifest, how much will you bear?

R. McL. Wilson writes: "Like Irenaeus and some other Fathers, Thomas distinguishes between the 'image' and the 'likeness' in Genesis i. 26. Man on earth possesses only the likeness; the iamge (for Thomas) is his heavenly counterpart, the pattern on which he was made. Now we see only the likeness, as in a mirror (1Cor 13:12, 2Cor 3:18), but when Christ shall appear we shall be like Him (1John 3:2). Logion 24 speaks of the light that is in a man of light (cf. Matt 5:14, 6:22-23), logion 50 of the disciples (or the Gnostics) as coming from the Light…..Christ is the image of God (Col. 1:15 etc.), and Paul speaks of 'the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ' (2Cor. 4:4, 6). Colossians 3:3 speaks of our life as 'hid with Christ in god,' and we may also recall the Pauline formula 'in Christ.' Finally, the opening words of logion 83 may owe something to reflection on Romans 1:20 ff., the 'invisible things of God' being interpreted as the archetypal patterns, the 'images'." (Studies in the Gospel of Thomas, pp. 108-109)

Here Jesus is speaking about angels been our double see (Acts 12:15 Matt 18:10). Paul also says that people have heavenly bodies which are images of the heavenly man, bodies that will be donned after the resurrection and judgment (1Cor 15:35-49). The glory of the heavenly body differs from the earth in the same way that the illumination of the sun differs from the moon and the stars. As we have worn the image of the earthly Paul states, so also shall we wear the image of the heavenly. The heavenly image corresponds to the heavenly man who Paul identifies with Christ while the earthly with Adam who begot a son in his likeness and image (1Cor 15:48 and Gen 5:3). Thus from that time forward, the earthly bodies as images of the fallen Adam have been reproduced, while the heavenly bodies as images of the heavenly man, the Christ , must be put on after the resurrection (1Cor 115:53 2Cor 5:1-10)

The “likeness“ is man‘s likeness to the Elohim. When, therefore, Elohim said, "let us make man in our image;" and it is added, "male and female created he them;" it would seem that both the man and the woman were created in the image and likeness of Elohim. In this case, some of the Elohim are represented by Adam's form, and some by Eve's. so Our likeness is the image of the earthly man, which is only a type of the heavenly man 1Cor 15:45-49 Rom 5:14
Thus “likeness” is man‘s mortal body or body of soul compared to the image=man’s spiritual body or body of spirit, which will be after the image of the heavenly man.
First a moral regeneration than a corporeal regeneration (Col 3:10 Phil 3:20,21) than we will truly become the twin brothers of Christ the Thomas class or Christadelphians, the brethren in Christ. (Col 1:2)

“Which came in to being before you did“. The true believers have been chosen by God, before the foundion of the world to be made into the image and likeness of his son (Rom 8:29).
“They neither die nor are visible.” the Father is Invisible no mortal man can see him so in the age to come

84) Jesus said, "When you see your likeness [being projected unto the scriptures], you rejoice [because it suits you to see yourself and not God in them]. But when you see your images [recognize that it is you whom they are speaking of] which came into being before you [they were written before these things happened in your life], and which neither die [the Truth cannot die but only be covered up] nor become manifest [to those who do not recognize the law of the spirit in them], how much [guilt] you will have to bear ["in that day" of discovery]!" 

images and light gospel of thomas Saying 83

Saying 83

(83) Jesus said: The images are revealed to man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the light of the Father. He will reveal himself, and his image is hidden by his light.

This saying tells us that the human being is made in God’s image. Thus, the saying begins by affirming that human beings are the visible ‘images’ of God. However, this is only a type of the true image that we are to become. The image of the son of God, into which true believers are transformed, is likeness not only to heavenly body Phil 3:21 but also to the mind of Christ and Christ tells us to be holy like our heavenly Father.

Light: Light is used to denote truth and its knowledge the saving truth embodied in Christ and imparted to mankind true believers are called light having obtained saving wisdom in fellowship with Christ add ref. The word is used in connection with joy, blessing and life in contrast to sorrow, adversity and death (Gen 1:3 Job 10:22 18;5). In addition, to signify God’s presence and favour (Ps 27:1 Isa 9:2 2Cor 4:6). God’s holiness is expressed in terms of light, in 1Tim 6:16 and 1jn 1:5 where it is said that ‘God is light’. In john’s Gospel, the term light refers to God’s holiness as a revelation of his love in Christ and the penetration of that love into lives darkened by sin. So Christ refers to himself as ’the light of the world’ (Jn 8:12 9:5 12:46)

Thus the image of the Father’s light is Christ (2Cor 4:4 Col 1:15) Paul speaks of the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:4,6). Those who are still mortal cannot adequately perceive this light. When mortality is at last swallowed up by life (2Cor 5;4) he will be fully manifest (Col 3:4 1jn 3;2). Now we see only in a mirror (1Cor 13:12; 2Cor 3:18). but when Christ shall appear we shall be like him (Phi 3:20,21) Christ is the image of God so we shall be made into the true image of God for at the moment we are in the image of Adam who is only a type of the true image Christ Jesus.

83) Jesus said, "The images [lower/outward forms of worship] are manifest to man [in the worldly religious systems that to this day still cling to the Old Covenant and the traditions, rituals and ordinances of men], but the light [the higher/inward (spiritual) meaning] in them remains concealed in the image ["locked" and hidden from view in the various names, objects and rituals] of the light of the Father [these have no light of their own]. He ["the Father of lights"] will become manifest [in the flesh - in your words and deeds as was with Christ], but his image will remain concealed by his light [those who love the darkness cannot bear the light]."