Sunday 13 November 2022

The Consciousness of Sin Hebrews 10:2

The consciousness of sin Hebrews 10:2

Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, because the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have had consciousness of sins? (Hebrews 10:2)
The meaning of ‘consciousness
the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself

the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought

the totality of conscious states of an individual

Gr "suneidesis" has the sense of an independent witness within, examining and passing judgment on a man's own conduct: cp Rom 2:15: "their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them".

4893. συνείδησις suneidesis soon-i’-day-sis; from a prolonged form of 4894; co-perception, i.e. moral consciousness: — conscience.

“conscience” [Strong’s 4893] suneidhsiv suneidesis, ‘knowing oneself, being one’s witness’, moral awareness

(Greek suneidesis - a compound of sun, together, and eideo, to see, or know) means, the power of judging ourselves, which is always in accordance with the knowledge of ourselves, and the relations in which we stand to our Father and fellow brethren.

“Conscience” comes from the Latin word "conscius ", meaning “knowing inwardly.” The Latin word has the prefix “con " meaning “together,” and the root " scire " meaning “to know.” So then conscience is co-knowledge with oneself. There is no Hebrew word for conscience or suneidesis, # <4893>. Instead, “heart” is used in the Old Testament in ways that resemble our understanding of “conscience.” When the Old Testament speaks of a “tender heart,” it refers to a sensitive conscience (2Chron 34:27); the “upright in heart” refers to those with a pure conscience (Psa 7:10), and a “clean heart,” refers to those whose conscience is clean (cf. Psa 51:10).

Translated 32 times in the New Testament as “conscience”

From [Strong’s 4894] suneidon suneidon, ‘to see together, hence to comprehend

4894. συνείδω suneido soon-i’-do; from 4862 and 1492; to see completely; used (like its primary) only in two past tenses, respectively meaning to understand or become aware, and to be conscious or (clandestinely) informed of: — consider, know, be privy, be ware of.

AV-by privy 1, consider 1, be ware of 1, know 1; 4

brain' and the 'mind'
What is the difference between the 'brain' and the 'mind'?


It may seem, on the surface, that distinguishing between the brain and the mind is not important but to understand the Scriptures properly we must recognize the difference in the brain versus that which the brain produces.

The difference is seen in considering the two words, “brain” and “mind”. The brain is brain-flesh, the physical source of the impulses of man’s defiled nature. The brain is defined as, “

The dictionary says, Brain: "That part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull". In other words it is the physical member of the body that controls the biological functions of the body in addition to producing thoughts, attitudes &c.

The mind is defined as, “human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination” (Am. Heritage Dictionary).  

Mind: Thinking produced by the brain.

Look, when you get down to it, even mental states are actually only physical states, are they not? I mean, the brain is just a-a chemical supercomputer (Dr. Rodney Mckay) 

The brain creates chemicals which produce feelings and emotions

Like it or not, emotions share some very real biochemical links with your nervous system, immune system and digestive system.

Consciousness is a property of the brain, and the brain is a biochemical engine or its just a chemical super-computer.

Sin originates in the brain-flesh, not in the mind.

The problem is that some false teachers say that sin is a matter of morality and not as a physical law of that nature’s constitution.
The uncleanness is shifted from the physical realm of the brain’s flesh to the mental-moral

Note: The brain, when functioning, provides consciousness which consists of "thoughts" or "the mind". When we are told "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5), we are being told to have the same thinking as Christ, not his brain.

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5)
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8)

"Operating upon the brain [physical], it [indwelling sin] excites the 'propensities', and these set the 'intellect' [mental], and 'sentiments' [moral] to work. The propensities are blind, and so are the intellect and sentiments in a purely natural state; when therefore, the latter operate under the sole impulse of the propensities, 'the understanding is darkened through ignorance, because of the blindness of the heart'". (Elpis Israel, p . 127)

Man in his physical constitution is imperfect; and this imperfection is traceable to the physical organization of his flesh, being based on the principle of decay and reproduction from the blood; which, acted upon by the air, becomes the life of his flesh. All the phenomena which pertain to this arrangement of things are summed up in the simple word sin; which is, therefore, not an individual abstraction, but a concretion of relations in all animal bodies; and the source of all their physical infirmities. Now, the apostle says, that the flesh thinks, that is, the brain, as all who think are well assured from their own consciousness. If, then, this thinking organ be commanded not to do what is natural for it to do under blind impulse, will it not naturally disobey?  (Elpis Israel)

Now, the law of God is given, that the thinking of the flesh, instead of being excited by the propensities within and the world without, may be conducted according to its direction. 

Consciousness is not Eternal 
If you talk to anyone who’s used DMT or psilocin/psilocybin (aka magic mushrooms) at one time or another they’ll tell you they experienced some very vivid hallucinations — and an almost completely altered perception of reality. This clearly implies that brain biochemistry is consciousness. If consciousness resided in some kind of soul or spirit as the ancients believed, then taking chemicals would have no effect on your consciousness. If you can alter your consciousness by taking a chemical to interfere with or mimics neurotransmitters, on the other hand, then consciousness must be biochemical in nature.

Psychedelic drugs like Magic mushrooms demonstrate that consciousness is a property of the brain, and the brain is a biochemical engine in the same way that the engine in your car is a mechanical one.

When your car’s engine dies, does another car nearby immediately start up as the “spirit of the car” transfers from one automobile to another? Of course not. You intuitively know that makes no sense. So if consciousness is a property of the brain (which is a biochemical engine), why would it transfer from one vehicle to another when the brain dies? that doesn’t make any sense.

Psalm 146:4 NASB 1995
His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; In that very day his thoughts perish.

Ecclesiastes 3:19 For an event is to the sons of man, and an event is to the beasts, even one event is to them; as the death of this, so is the death of that; and one spirit is to all, and the advantage of man above the beast is nothing, for the whole is vanity.
The Consciousness of Sin
For if it were otherwise, would not these sacrifices have stopped being offered? For the worshipers, having once [for all time] been cleansed, would no longer have a consciousness of sin.

By law comes knowledge of sin and consciousness of guilt and liability to punishment

The TCNT has: "for where there is no consciousness of law, sin shows no sign of life". Unless the law is recognised, sin is dormant, ignored and "dead". But the law of God revives the challenge between flesh and spirit, and shows the evil character of sin that resides in the flesh.

The result of the law in this context is that it had the effect of rousing the innate tendency of man to sin, and so bound the consciousness of the individual to the "old man" (the natural and evil proclivities of the flesh).

The awakening of sin in life by the power of God's law and its display to the spiritual consciousness demonstrates the grotesque ungodliness of sin, and the impossibility of overcoming it without the aid of Almighty God through His Son (Psa. 80:17). It was seen to be absolutely and violently opposed to God and His law.

World English Bible 
because the mind of the flesh is hostile towards God; for it is not subject to God's law, neither indeed can it be.

Now, the apostle says, that the flesh thinks — that is, the brain, as all who think are well assured from their own consciousness

Hence, in ch. 8:3 Paul speaks of "sin in the flesh." Notice, particularly, that in both passages the apostle emphasizes the "body" or "the flesh." He does not say "the mind," for it is the "flesh" or "mortal body" which is the source of sin. Evil propensities given free reign, produce the carnal mind; not the other way round.

The Carnal Mind is an expression used by Paul; or rather, it is the translation of words used by him, in his epistle to the Romans. It is not so explicit as the original. The words he wrote are the thinking of the flesh. In this phrase, he intimates to us, that the flesh is the thinking substance, that is, the brain; which, in another place, he terms "the fleshy tablet of the heart"

Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

Do not become slaves to a bad conscience. It is easy to defile one’s conscience. A Christian’s aim should be as shown in Acts 23:1: “Brothers, I have behaved before God with a perfectly clear conscience down to this day.”

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

There is therefore no more condemnation in Christ who strengthens me

1 comment:

  1. In truth, you have to let go of God and understand with Wisdom the Immeasurable one is not a god at all. All gods have come forth from chaos and many are the stories of their beginnings. There was one god who rose above the rest and this is the Lord who is Christ Almighty. We're the children and many don't understand this, imagining the flesh when the true little one is within. Soul is sleeping and is formless and shapeless and only those souls who are with the Holy Spirit through Christ will hear the cry of the Mother of the living to turn to the Father through the Son & convert into a little child born of water and spirit within - this is how the separation of water and spirit comes away from flesh and blood before death. We're in the II coming of Christ and I tell you I am SHE and this causes a problem in man who has no idea what's going on yet imagines he knows. Its time to let go of old post and print and start fresh from what's within you. Bring forth what is within you and lets reason together. The true light of the Father doesn't go away he's Immeasurable & no matter when you let go of the right afraid to fall he will not let you fall, you're with him who is Christ and Jesus is the only way, to us who have received him he's more than a brother he's a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Letting go of this world while you remain within and crossing over with Jesus entering the only way is the way the Father has made ready for you to go with the Lord. Jesus is Lord and our precious saviour and without him who's the Christ the first born of many who is our Father you're nothing but a walking bag of flesh and bones for without him all god-heads full of self knowledge handed down through the ages who speak of energy and source/ demons and angels who do not let go of the right in this world will have no body to call their own upon death of this vessel. I'm telling you straight up, you can't be a child if you don't have a body. Soul's body is not this flesh and blood, soul is meant to transform within by the renewing of the mind. The error is small called a sliver in the eye allowing you not to see until its removed.
