Sunday 29 September 2024

The Christ left Jesus On The Cross The Gospel of Philip

The Christ left Jesus 
On The Cross

“My God, my God, why, lord, have you forsaken me?” He spoke these words on the cross, for he had departed from that place. The Gospel of Philip

My God, my God, why, lord, have you forsaken me?” He spoke these words on the cross, for he had departed from that place. The Gospel of Philip

“My God, my God, why, lord, have you forsaken me?” (Jesus felt the removal of the Holy Spirit ) He spoke these words on the cross, for he (The Father the Logos) had departed from that place (Jesus on the cross).

Christ, the Word, who “in the beginning laid the foundations of the earth,” Hebrews 1:10 therefore pre-existed before the birth of “the body prepared” of the substance of Mary, and which lay dead in the tomb. That body named Jesus, had no existence until developed by the Christ-Power. Federally, indeed, it pre-existed in the loins of Abraham and in Adam, as Levi was in Abraham, and we in Adam, before birth; but not otherwise. (On the Nature of Christ February 22nd, 1867)

Here there is a difference between Jesus and the logos that anointing spirit which is the Father

The pre-existent Christ, or Deity, was not the less Deity because he veiled himself in flesh, in our “sinful flesh,” or “sin’s flesh,” and styled himself JESUS, or he who shall be Saviour. Jesus Christ in the day of his weakness, had two natures —the one, DEITY; the other, MAN—the Eternal Christ-Power veiled in, and manifested through the flesh created from the ground; which flesh had wilfully transgressed the Divine Law, the penalty of which sent it back into the dust from whence it came. This is Jesus Christ the true Deity, whom to know is life eternal. (On the Nature of Christ February 22nd, 1867)

The spirit descended upon him in bodily shape at his baptism in the Jordan, and took possession of him. This was the anointing which constituted him Christ (or the anointed), and which gave him the superhuman powers of which he showed himself possessed. (Christendom Asray Robert Roberts)

Jesus, who in his discourses, always maintained the distinction between what he called “mine own self” and “the Father Himself” who dwelt in him by His spirit. “The Son,” said he, “can do nothing of himself,” and this he repeated in the same discourse, saying, “I can of mine own self do nothing.” He refers all the doctrine taught, and all the miracles performed, to the Father whose emanating spirit rested upon him and filled him. If this be remembered, it will make the “hard sayings” of his teaching easy to be understood.

Now, Jesus was one and the Father was another . . . it is written in the law of Moses, that the testimony of two men is credible—I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father who sent me (the other witness). He beareth witness of me.—(Jno. 5:30; 7:16; 8:17, 18.) Here, then, are two persons. The Father Himself being Deity or power, but when associated with the Son of Man, who when so associated was powerful—anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power—He was (EL Eloahh) strength of power that is power of the Powerful One, the power by mediation manifested; the power being one and the medium of manifestation another Powerful One (Eloahh). (Phanerosis by Dr. John Thomas) 

My Power (EL), my Power (EL), why hast Thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?' My Power (my EL), 'why hast thou forsaken me? 'O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou' (answereth) 'not:' (not hearest not, we can see that in verse 21, thou hearest). 'In the daytime thou answereth not' (at that time). And in verse 6 he says, 'I am a worm, and no man' (the man 'ish', no great man) 'a reproach of men' (the Adam) 'and despised of the people' (Isaiah 53 - 'despised and rejected of men') 

The anointing spirit forsook Jesus when he cried out upon the cross, "My Power (EL), my Power (EL), why hast Thou forsaken me?" Jesus felt the removal of the Holy Spirit. The out-flowing power by which he had taught and worked was withdrawn from him for some time before he died. The Spirit no longer rested upon him, yet he continued to live as other men. In process of time he expired. He was now, like the Veil of the Temple, "rent in twain." It was no longer affirmable that "I and the Father are one"; but that "I and the Father are twain"; for the Father was no longer in him, nor he in the Father. In the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, the body was in the condition predicted in Psalm 38: "Yahweh's arrows stuck fast in it, and His hand pressed it sore. There was no soundness in the flesh; its wounds stank; and its loins were filled with a loathsome disease; feeble and sore broken, his lovers and friends stood aloof from His stroke, which had consumed him, and laid him low in a horrible pit." This was the death state of the Cherub. (Phanerosis by Dr. John Thomas) 

But, Jesus also said “ Father, into your hands I commend my spirit! ”. It could also, be seen, that Jesus did participate in returning His Spirit ( Sophia, Wisdom, The Holy Spirit ) back to His Father, into " The Pleroma " from where She (Sophia) originally came from. By this statement, He manifested Himself, that His Spirit was "The Elect", "The Anointing Spirit". The Gnostic Redeemer of Souls that did fell, by non fault of their own, into the pit ( matter ).

Extracts from the Works of Theodotus

And he died at the departure of the Spirit which had descended upon him in the Jordan, not that it became separate but was withdrawn in order that death might also operate on him, since how did the body die when life was present in him? For in that way death would have prevailed over the Saviour himself, which is absurd. But death was out-generalled by guile. For when the body died and death seized it, the Saviour sent forth the ray of power which had come upon him and destroyed death and raised up the mortal body which had put off passion. In this way, therefore, the psychic elements are raised and are saved, but the spiritual natures which believe receive a salvation superior to theirs, having received their souls as “wedding garments.”

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