Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Lets look at the word worship John 4:21-22

Lets look at the word worship

John 4:21-22 ►......... 21“Believe Me, woman,” Jesus replied, “a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

And this is what I ask of you, do you truly know what you worship.

Please let me explain, look at these two words:

1. Acknowledgement
2. Worship

Lets look at the word worship,

Worship......to honor or respect (someone or something) as a god,

an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity.

Acknowledgement ...... acceptance of the truth or existence of something.

the action of expressing or displaying gratitude or appreciation for something.

When Christ spoke to this woman, I address the same to you, then many did not know the hidden meanings of words, so they not only spoke without knowledge but translated the text without knowledge as well.

Why did Christ say to her that " there will come a time " and that " You Samaritans worship what you do not know ".

You see brothers Christ knew and understood the difference between acknowledgment and worship, Christ came teaching to acknowledge the Father not to worship him, and to see yourself in a father son relationship ( and daughter ) that you may do this in truth.

But in worshipping it is a broad and wide net that captures a multitude things and these things have a multitude of faces and titles and beliefs.

Why should humanity trust in the stars, when they have no power of their own, or the earth which can be destroyed by men, or in some craft or magic and least of all in the Demiurge (the God of this world) that conspires with demons.

2 Chronicles 18:20-21........ 20"Then a spirit came forward and stood before Yahweh and said, 'I will entice him.' And Yahweh said to him, 'How?' 21"He said, 'I will go and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.' Then He said, 'You are to entice him and prevail also. Go and do so.'

Brothers this is but one of the acts of this Creator God (Demiurge) against just one man, and there are other occasions where he did even worse to those that did and did not worship him, then he gave a list of rules to worship him by, new moons, summer solstice, winter equinoxes, special days, types of clothing, the offering up of dead animals, condemns mankind for making idols and erecting altars, yet he command Moses to build a box with the figures of angels atop of that box .

So to those that believe and acknowledge such things, you are Samaritans and know not of, who and what you are worshipping being blinded by the words of a creature trying to be a God and don't want you to know that there is one that preexisted him.

And yet more of you speak of blood lines, you do not know of what you have read, it was this creature that said............ Genesis 1:11 ►..... English Standard Version

And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so.

When he said this he was not talking about trees or plants but spoke to his sons and angels for them not to reproduce with mankind but produce exactly what they are after their own kind, but they disobeyed him and he punished mankind for his own sons and angels sins, mankind did not go where his sons or his angels dwelt but they came down to man.

And you believers of these things along with it's history call this gnosis, I don't think so!

What shall you do when all these things pass away, and the very heavens you believe in are destroyed where shall you have a place of rest, even he'll shall flee from you.

The Parable of The Receiver and The Giver Matthew 21:28-32

The Parable of The Receiver and The Giver

A wise man said to his student
“There were two people. One of them were walking along a road to discover a bag of money had fallen from the sky. They said “I will keep it for myself. For this is a gift from God.” The other person walked along another road to discover a bag of money that had fallen from the sky. They said “I will give this to the poor and needy. I will use this to serve God.” Which do you think will enter the kingdom of heaven?”
The student said, “The second one.”
“You have answered correctly. For the one who serves humanity and God will enter the kingdom, but those who serve themselves and think material gain is the gift from God shall not receive the true gift.”

Matthew 21:28-32 The Message (MSG)

The Story of Two Sons
28 “Tell me what you think of this story: A man had two sons. He went up to the first and said, ‘Son, go out for the day and work in the vineyard.’

29 “The son answered, ‘I don’t want to.’ Later on he thought better of it and went.

30 “The father gave the same command to the second son. He answered, ‘Sure, glad to.’ But he never went.

31-32 “Which of the two sons did what the father asked?”

They said, “The first.”

Jesus said, “Yes, and I tell you that crooks and whores are going to precede you into God’s kingdom. John came to you showing you the right road. You turned up your noses at him, but the crooks and whores believed him. Even when you saw their changed lives, you didn’t care enough to change and believe him. . 

Christ was the first mystery

Greetings to you all of my brothers and sisters :

While I was with you I prepared a place for you at my father's table, yet not only for but for the others that we're to come.

At the arrival of them, greet them, know them, that you may come to know yourselves, then you will come to know who is speaking.

I share with you this mystery,

Galatians 2:20 ►King James Version

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Here, Paul is saying that though he is alive, the life that controls his body is the life power of Christ that lives in him and he allows that, life power to lead him in all things while he continues to follow that power having faith in that power, which is the eternal love of our father.

The same was said of Christ, though Christ was the first mystery, yet there was a mystery within him.......

2 Corinthians 5:19 ►World English Bible

namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and having committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Here we see that Christ, though he was alive he himself did not live by his own life, but he had faith in the life power that was alive in him, this power was also the eternal love of our father, this is who Christ followed after.

Do you hear me, brothers and sisters?

Romans 8:11 ►Darby Bible Translation

But if the Spirit of him that has raised up Jesus from among the dead dwell in you, he that has raised up Christ from among the dead shall quicken your mortal bodies also on account of his Spirit which dwells in you.

In this last passage remember, afore time, I told you of the first mystery and that there was yet a mystery of the first mystery within the first mystery, and it is that mystery that I am from.

Brothers and sisters it is by this power, the eternal love of our father that is alive and lives in you shall raise you to from among the dead even while you are alive in your mortal bodies, and as Christ stands in his resurrected body, you shall see me in mine as I see Christ in his, and look, even more brothers and sisters are asleep and waiting to join us, so welcome them then awaken them, and our father will resurrect them.

And no! I never left you, I am standing on the out side, a beacon showing them the way to come.

A Gnostic Parable Ancient Ones and the Foolish Nation

A Gnostic Parable 
Ancient Ones and the Foolish Nation

There was this Nation, in a World, that wanted to be great and strong so there would be none to it's Equal.
One day the leader of this nation, along with all of his advisers made a plan to call upon those Who were called the Ancient Ones, for it was said "Great wealth and Power would be given to the Nation that Awakens Them.
Though this Legend was great and well known throughout this world, many sought out the resting place of these Ancient Ones, but none found them til now.

When this Leader found the Ancient Ones as the Legend had said, he vowed not to share his findings with the rest of the world.

The Ancient Ones was awakened, and much knowledge was given to this leader by these sleepers, this knowledge gave the leader and his advisers a great advantage over the people in this world that he and his advisers Reign as kings and Lords.

Soon this leader became arrogant and began proclaiming himself as a "God", when the news of this reached the ears of leader of the ancient ones, this enraged him, provoking him to war against the leader who proclaimed himself King, and God.

The King and his armies wared against the Ancient Ones and their leader, bringing much destruction upon their world and many souls were lost because of this war.

Both the Leader and King, neither could advance over the other, they both suffered a great loss, the lust for power and dominion over the world fueled them both with anger and rage.
The end of the third day was upon their world, the king brought out his ultimate weapon, as did the leader of the ancient ones, at the moment these weapons were to be fired, a Great Darkness fell upon their world, all became silent, as a great light appeared in the heavens, the appearance of one dressed in a robe of Majesty and Great Power and at his side were many Great Lights, all that witness this great site fell as if dead upon their world.

The great and Majestic One standing in Glory and Brilliance of Light, commanded all to arise, in an instance all souls stood and faced the Majestic one.
" I am Light within Light Giving Light, Self Perpetuating life Within Life Giving Life"

For it was he who was true King and Lord of all Universes, at the end of his proclamation, the lights surrounding him Captured the Leader of the Ancient Ones, binding him and his Host in powerful chains of light, the king fell to his knees seeing the ancient ones bound in light.

But the Majestic One said " Bind also this king, his advisers, his armies and all those that worshiped them, but bring all the souls that suffered because of this war into my Kingdom,
wipe away this world and Universe, fold it up into nothingness and so it was done.
The King, and Leader of the Ancient Ones, with all their host, their armies and worshipers suffered eternal punishment and imprisonment, and the souls that suffered Eternal Joy and Blissfulness in the Face of Great and Majestic One.

This is the Fate of the Demiurge and all that follow after his knowledge, this is their end.

Gnosis, brings light

Gnosis, brings light

I am the silence that is incomprehensible
and the idea whose remembrance is frequent. I am the voice whose sound is manifold
and the word whose appearance is multiple.
I am the utterance of my name. 

Gnosis, brings "light" but light separates, most fear Gnosis because the light knowledge of Gnosis brings the Soul out of Spiritual Darkness, Gnosis Breaks the bonds of darkness but the soul loves it's ties and the darkness cherishes it's servant and will not easily give that soul up. In darkness the soul believes that the knowledge, thoughts, desires ect. Is it's own, but they are not the soul has been led to believe that they are in this way the soul stays in service to her Masters as if she was a prostitute.

My brother they who was born in darkness was born also blind! They have no light they are from the shadow that the kingdom of light cast and where the primordial waters rest.

You are the light that will glorify the body you are in. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord illuminating all the inner parts of soul and body..

Gnosis is a seed of life, once it is planted and has grown it will cry out to you in the voice of the Silence,.urging you to come to know her, and when she cries out to you do not be as those who died in the wilderness, but run to her and embrace her, she is the Mother of gnosis.

Truth, is like a light of pure knowledge, if it Burns you, it separates the darkness in you from you, if you are able to stand then you shall become as great as the light that the darkness has fled from.


The Potters House Jeremiah 18:6

The Potters House Jeremiah 18:6

The Potters House:
Jeremiah 18:6 ►

GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Nation of Israel, can't I do with you as this potter does with clay? Nation of Israel, you are like the clay in the potter's hands.

In the Church:
Brothers, when i was in church, that statement was to me both, Deep and Profound.
As in a deep sleep, the Dawn came and i was awaken, and found that statement was neither deep, or as profound as I was led to believe.

The Potter and His Hands:
The Potter is the god of this world, his hands is his will, by us being inside of the clay bodies, it is as if we to are in his hands, Ignorant; he does not know that which is with-in the clay pottery, created by his hands, that is to say we are.

In the Potter's House:
2 Timothy 2:20 ►
Berean Study Bible
A large house contains not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some indeed are for honorable use, but others are for common use.

Our Birth:
In the Kingdom of our Father, we was told before we left, we were going to be hidden from the thieves and robbers, even then for most, even that Mystery was hidden from you,

The Mystery:
These bodies are the vessels, Gold and Silver; Fame and Fortune, Wood and Clay; common and poverty.

The Demiurge did not know that it was that which was with-in each vessel, caused each and every vessel in which we were in, to be honorable for all, though the vessel contain no value, the treasure with-in, transformed it into a priceless thing,

It is us that has made the vessels, whether our bodies be that of, Gold and Silver; or wood and clay, all of our vessels are priceless to our Father, but to the god of this world it is not so!

The Children of The Light Kingdom

The Children of The Light Kingdom

Truth did not come into the world naked, but it came in types and images. The world will not receive truth in any other way. There is a rebirth and an image of rebirth. It is certainly necessary to be born again through the image. Which one? Resurrection.

Let us rejoice, all of my brothers and sisters for we exist now and evermore.

Let us rejoice for the Aeons have no power over us, for we existed before the eternal ones.

Let us rejoice those of you who are my kindred, for the immortal ones have no power over us, for we existed before the eternal mother of the immortal ones.

Let us rejoice my fellow brothers and sisters, it was because of us that the prophets came into existence, they to have no power over us, it was the immortal ones who by the will of our father was given a thought to make man in the eternal image of the first of us, but they could not, so they created man after their likeness giving man an immoral image instead of a likeness of an infinite spirit.

Let us rejoice my fellow kindred, for the aeons came into existence because of us, and it was because of the aeons that the immortal ones came into existence, and man because of the immortal ones, yet we have never been seen by any of them, nor understood by any of them, it was we who witness their coming, saw the birth of eternal aeons, it is we who are from the eternal invisible infinite realms, being eternal invisible virginal spirits as our father and mother.

It was our father who alone existed because of him our mother came forth, it was she, our mother, because of her, we came into being, not to say we did not exist before we came into being, but we were invisibly hidden within our invisible mother who was invisibly hidden within our invisible father .

My beloved ones I tell you this mystery, which was hidden from the prophets, unknown of to the aeons and unheard of by the immortals who called themselves gods, yet they knew not their beginnings rejoice my siblings for they can never know you.

So I say again to you rejoice ever more to you is eternal everlasting joy a bliss with no end, you are incorruptible though the bodies you are hidden in was made by corruptible gods it is your eternal spirit that gives life to their mortal bodies, again I say rejoice in this mystery I give into you,........... Rejoice always.

The Ineffable Pleroma Pistis Sophia

The Ineffable.

The Limbs of the Ineffable.
I. The Highest Light-world or Realm of Light.
i. The First Space of the Ineffable.
ii. The Second Space of the Ineffable, or The First Space of the First Mystery.
iii. The Third Space of the Ineffable, or The Second Space of the First Mystery.
II. The Higher (or Middle) Light-world.
i. The Treasury of the Light.
1. The Emanations of the Light.
2. The Orders of the Orders.
ii. The Region of the Right.
iii. The Region of the Midst.
III. The Lower Light or Æon-world, or The Mixture of Light and Matter.
i. The Region of the Left.
1. The Thirteenth Æon.
2. The Twelve Eons. p. li
3. The Fate.
4. The Sphere.
5. The Rulers of the Ways of the (Lower) Midst. 1
6. The Firmament.
ii. The World (Kosmos), especially Mankind.
iii. The Under-world.
1. The Amente.
2. The Chaos.
3. The Outer Darkness.

Above is a close skeletal example of the limbs of the ineffable, if you look at the third level you will see that is where earth is and the heavens of the archons, and it is those heavens they preach of in all the churches of this world and talk about in all of this world's religions, they do this mostly because of ignorance, others because they don't want the rest of the world to know, mostly because the truth of this heavens is no where near the realms that Christ spoke of when he says " let the will of the Father be done on earth as it is in heaven" when Jesus says heaven, those he was speaking to did not have the knowledge of gnosis nor did they know of realms or that there was any thing higher than the heavens they knew, nor did they know that those heavens would end and they were in darkness, in comparison to the kingdom of light.

The cosmology of the Pleroma, from Greek meaning “the fullness” (that is the “totality of Divine Powers”) is a mystical teaching of Coptic Gnostic Christianity, recorded in the story of Pistis Sophia, (lit. “Faith Wisdom”) which comes to us from several sources. This version from the Askew Codice, written in the 3rd or 4th century, one of three documenting the Gnostic tradition known to exist prior to the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library in upper Egypt in 1945. The Pistis Sophia tells us that its teachings were given by Jesus to his disciples, including three women, Mother Mary, Magdalene and Martha, for eleven years after his resurrection. We are told that for most of this time Jesus revealed only the lower mysteries until at some point he became fully enlightened and was able to transmit the higher mysteries. Gnosticism emerged from Judaic, Zoroastrianism and Neo-Platonism, particularly the cosmology of the Timaeus, merging with early Christianity in the 1st and 2nd centuries. A number of different sects developed in the middle east, each with slightly different details of the story.

The Pistis Sophia is the story of Sophia’s fall from grace and her eventual redemption. She is identified with the soul and as the opposite, the syzygy, of Jesus. thus her’s is the journey of the soul. In the Askew Codice she falls from the 13th Aeon a lofty yet not Divine position in the cosmology, to the level of the Archons, the Fallen Lords who rule the lower material planes, where she is persecuted, but with her repentent efforts and desire to serve the light, a process of awakening, she is eventually restored to her lofty position. Other version particularly the Apocryphon of John manuscript in the Nag Hammadi library, she is seen as a divine being who falls into material form. Like Jesus her mission is to bring gnosis, knowledge, to earth.
The Pleroma exist only in this galaxy, the aeons beings inhabit the galactic core. Periodically it emits cosmic substance into the galactic arms to create the lower worlds of experience. Sophis came forth as such, creating our solar system and becoming the “living matrix” in which we all exist.

The teaching and cosmology of the Pistis Sophia is unique among the mystery traditions in its straight forward recognition of the existence of the Shadow, the Fallen Dark or evil, the Archons, its effect in our lives and how to overcome it. These are inorganic conscious but souless beings formed before the earth and appearing as a pre-natal human form. Most people, even those on a mystical spiritual path, tend the deny the reality of the Dark, unable and/or unwilling to deal with it, although many of these individuals working in the astral planes have come face to face with it, usually unprepared and suffering the consequences as a result. The mystery school acknowledges its existence and trains its initiates in the art of self protection when traveling in the higher dimensions that is, building and using shields. As the teacher admonishes, “Never leave home without them.”
The purpose/agenda of the Archons is to obstruct humanity’s spiritual enlightenment which they do by manipulating our minds by influencing the way we perceive reality. They have rejected the soverignity of the divine creator, convinced that they, themselves, are the creators of the world. However, like all life forms, they must have light to survive, and so have become parasite, feeding on human subtle energies, light. and so do everything in their power to maintain control over humanity. Most of all they do not want us to know of there existence and agenda. And so they enlist the assistance of religions, corporations politicians, to implement their agenda.

Life called Matter

Man was created from organic life called matter.
Soul came into being through Wisdom & mingled with the instinctual spirit of life.
Ego came forth from this mingle.
Animals and little children do not have ego.
From the psyche of the flesh did Ego come forth called he.
And he imagined his mold
idolized and created himself larger than life.

Seeking to live forever -
Was never for him to live forever;
Ego is a catalyst for soul to come out of
Ignorant is the light in this world called darkness
Choose the life everlasting over death fleeting.
Ego is stuck - soul comes to life - everything hidden in this material world comes into the light.

Spiritual Gifts and Realm Travel

Spiritual Gifts and Realm Travel

Greetings to you my brothers and sisters:

Let me remind you of these things: Spiritual Gifts and Realm Travel.

Different Realms
In the Kingdom of light there are many different realms, different in the sense that one is of an higher order, and each order has it's own unique form, but the same seeing that all are within the Father.

One must recognize his or her order of glory and once it is known to you, then one should walk in it.

We all reflect who the Saviour is and our own unique reflection is in him, so my brethren see, that is, know, the saviour is not to be known as a mere human but son of man, who in his true nature supersede the nature and forms of the aeons.

For even they could not comprehend the image to which they saw, but we have the nature and form which is superior to theirs as well, so it is with great joy to see that you have received the words of the Begotten One with great understanding.
Spiritual Gifts
We were taught as children that in order to operate in spiritual gifts, you must be saved and when you do it's only for a short while, because it is by the will of the holy spirit.

Brethren look at that statement again, " you must be saved " if you had a friend and some one came up to you both speaking French, and your friend began to speak french with that person, and once they and your friend have finished speaking to one another, you might say to your friend " you must be French " you speak French very well and fluently.

The same it is with spiritual gifts, like French some were born speaking French while others learned at a later time, do you get me brothers and sisters?

In the spiritual realm these abilities are common place, I have told you that when I went to the worlds of the rulers of this world, that resurrection, and raising one from the dead, was common place with them, that was because, It Is!!

No one truly teaches you any thing but only bring back to your remembrance that which you have long forgotten by coming to this world, for this I continue to say to you, " know yourselves " then you will become known, again most was born with those abilities as an inheritance while others will soon inherit them, so when you both the inheritors and those that inherited reach the spiritual realm living and doing things in the spiritual realms those abilities will be common practice with you all.

And as for that statement " you must be saved and born again " this means you were into being long before the rulers of this world came into existence, you appeared in this world in their physical forms which is the bodied you have now, and was born as a physical being is born, first born a spiritual being then born again

"As " a physical being, and when you operate in your spiritual gifts, you are using your natural spiritual abilities in a physical body in a physical realm or physical world, ruling over both the dead and alive.

Realm travel

Do not confuse realm travel with out of the body travel, one, out of the body travel leads to torment, or to the places of the rulers of this world, this you will know in a short period of time.

Realm travel one goes back to the region of their birth and remembers all things, then sees oneself alive in both places and live in both places physical and spiritual realm, no longer leaving either but ruling in both, the more you see yourselves in the regions of your births the more you travel, in both places, here in this physical world and in the spiritual, you will soon appear physically in other places in this world, first in your neighborhood, then other cities, then states, and afterwards countries, and you be known there as you are known in your home you will see how simple it is,

These are the beginning stages of gnosis, knowing the difference between the spiritual beings from the physical these things will come in time, faster for some none attainable for others, learn the mystery of " being filled " and " being emptied " and why it is better to be emptied!

Again stand before the face of the eternal Saviour, and for Eternity stand before his face, for in him you see your for the eternal beings that you are.

Believe in Miracles The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ

Believe in Miracles 
The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ

Greetings to you my brothers and sisters, may the true knowledge of our Father continue the flourish in you always.

One of our sisters ask me was it by fate or was it by chance that our lord and saviour was able to do the things he did, a felt that I should share this with you all as well.

It was neither Fate nor by chance, but by the will of our Father that the deeds of Christ was performed, remember the two thieves that was crucified along with Christ,............. and one of them said to Christ..... Luke 23:41-43 ►........... 1"And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong." 42And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" 43And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."

Well my sister and brothers here is the history of these thieves............... 

The first Gospel of the INFANCY of JESUS CHRIST. 

Chapter 8

1 Joseph and Mary pass through a country infested by robbers, 3 Titus, a humane thief, offers Dumachus, his comrade, forty groats to let Joseph and Mary pass unmolested. 6 Jesus prophesies that the thieves, Dumachus and Titus, shall be crucified with him, and that Titus shall go before him into Paradise. 

IN their journey from hence they came into a desert country, and were told it was infested with robbers; so Joseph and St. Mary prepared to pass through it in the night.
2 And as they were going along, behold they saw two robbers asleep in the road, and with them a great number of robbers, who were their confederates, also asleep.
3 The names of these two were Titus and Dumachus; and Titus said to Dumachus, I beseech thee let those persons go along quietly, that our company may not perceive anything of them:
4 But Dumachus refusing, Titus again said, I will give thee forty groats, and as a pledge take my girdle, which he gave him he had done speaking, that he might not open his mouth, or make a noise.
5 When the Lady St. Mary saw the kindness which this robber did shew them, she said to him, The Lord God will receive thee to his right hand, and grant thee pardon of thy sins.
6 Then the Lord Jesus answered, and said to his mother, When thirty years are expired, O mother, the Jews will crucify me at Jerusalem;
7 And these two thieves shall be with me at the same time upon the cross, Titus on my right hand, and Dumachus on my left, and from that time Titus shall go before me into paradise:

So you see my brothers and my sister if it we're by fate the thief would not have known and protected the Savior, and how was it that our Savior was able to communicate the future in his infant state, you see the thief and our lord remembered each other some thirty years later, this was done by the will of our father for our sake, for us to understand that the will of our father is even done in our lives even from our infancy, and not by Fate.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

The Great Seth

The Great Seth

The Book of Jubilees Chapter 4:

  1. And in the third week in the second jubilee [64-70 A.M.] she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth [71-77 A.M.] she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth [78-84 A.M.] she gave birth to her daughter Âwân.
  2. And in the first (year) of the third jubilee [99-105 A.M.], Cain slew Abel because (God) accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and did not accept the offering of Cain.
  3. And he slew him in the field: and his blood cried from the ground to heaven, complaining because he had slain him.
  4. And the Lord reproved Cain because of Abel, because he had slain him, and he made him a fugitive on the earth because of the blood of his brother, and he cursed him upon the earth.
  5. And on this account it is written on the heavenly tables, 'Cursed is ,he who smites his neighbour treacherously, and let all who have seen and heard say, So be it; and the man who has seen and not declared (it), let him be accursed as the other.'
  6. And for this reason we announce when we come before the Lord our God all the sin which is committed in heaven and on earth, and in light and in darkness, and everywhere.
  7. And Adam and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years, [99-127 A.M] and in the fourth year of the fifth week [130 A.M.] they became joyful, and Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth; for he said 'GOD has raised up a second seed unto us on the earth instead of Abel; for Cain slew him.'

Meaning of the Name
Seth his name signifies appointed. Eve's comment on the birth of this son reveals that Eve had a proper understanding of the purpose of God in him. The Hebrew word for 'appointed' (Isa. 22:7), TO PUT, TO SET, TO PLACE. (Gesenius).

According to Eve's words, Seth's name means "set", "appointed" or "placed". Seth replaced the position previously held by Abel, and therefore his name was expressive of God's mercy. Seth kept alive the principles of faith and hope that were distorted and destroyed by the descendants of Cain, introduced to us in the previous chapter. Seth commenced the genealogy of true worshippers. In him it was demonstrated that Godliness was possible among men

as she said: God has appointed another seed underneath Abel, because Cain killed him. This shows remarkable perception on Eve's part: She realised that Abel, because of his upright and godly way of life, had been the beginning of the line which would descend through her "until the seed should come". Therefore, in the birth of Seth she recognised Yahweh's guarantee that the seed would be continued until the divine purpose had been brought to fruition.
Mystic Meaning
The root idea of this name is that of a surrounding sympathetic movement that envelops a thing and defines its limits, places it, founds it, disposes of it. Some mystics have seen in the name Seth a law of destiny, that which predetermines a thing and settles its order.

by name Seth, which name being interpreted means irrigation; Philo of Alexandria On the Posterity of Cain and His Exile

F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker write (Philo, vol. 2, pp. 323-327): His name signifies "Watering," for the Mind waters the senses, as the Word of God waters the Virtues, which are symbolized by the four "heads" of the river going out of Eden. The word "heads" is used to indicate the sovereignty conferred by Virtues. The "River" is the Word of God, ever flowing for souls that love God. 
The Death of Abel and the Birth of Seth
Now afterwards, she bore Cain, their son; and Cain cultivated the land. Thereupon he knew his wife; again becoming pregnant, she bore Abel; and Abel was a herdsman of sheep. Now Cain brought in from the crops of his field, but Abel brought in an offering (from) among his lambs.God looked upon the votive offerings of Abel; but he did not accept the votive offerings of Cain.
And carnal Cain pursued Abel, his brother.
And God said to Cain, "Where is Abel, your brother?"
He answered saying, "Am I, then, my brother's keeper?"
God said to Cain, "Listen! The voice of your brother's blood is crying up to me! You have sinned with your mouth. It will return to you: anyone who kills Cain will let loose seven vengeances, and you will exist groaning and trembling upon the earth (The Hypostasis of the Archons)

And Adam knew his female counterpart Eve, and she became pregnant, and bore Seth to Adam. And she said, "I have borne another man through God, in place of Abel." (The Hypostasis of the Archons)

We lean from the Hypostasis of the Archons that both Cain and Abel made offerings to God Cain was rejected Seth becomes a priest in place of Abel

The death of Abel is made good by the birth of Seth. Seth comes to make up for the loss of Abel, and this fact parallels how God’s law works for us. This particular law of God is the one which sees to it that a compensation comes to make up for what seems to have been taken out.

the three classes of men, ‘material' or carnal, ‘soulful' or those who have not yet awakened to the higher consciousness, and 'spiritual' those who have entered into the Christ consciousness, correspond to Cain, Abel, and Seth.

Seth is therefore the symbolic Father and representative of ‘spiritual' believers.
The Birth of Seth
25 And Adam proceeded to have intercourse again with his wife and so she gave birth to a son and called his name Seth, because, as she said: God has appointed another seed underneath Abel, because Cain killed him. (Genesis 4 NWT).

Genesis 5:3 When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.

Seth the son of Adam and Eve born when Adam was 130 years old. Eve named him Seth because, as she said, “God has appointed another seed in place of Abel, because Cain killed him.” Seth may not have been the third child of Adam and Eve. According to Genesis 5:4, Adam had “sons and daughters,” some of whom may have been born before Seth.

And he begat sons and daughters" — Many other sons and daughters were born to Adam and Eve in addition to those named, and from these Cain and others obtained their wives. Hence the appointment of Seth to replace Abel means more than the mere birth of a son; it represented the appointment of this son to the position of privilege as legal "firstborn" with its office of priesthood and leadership within the family of Adam.

So Seth begins to look for a higher power to express in his life--he calls upon the name of Yahweh. It is the activity of the awakening of the spiritual consciousness within him that causes him first to realize the pointlessness of his human efforts to better himself, and then to recognize the one Source of all Truth.

Seth was appointed by God after the death of Abel in office of priesthood because both Abel and Seth were mediators of pre flood office of priesthood

Seth is worthy of note because through him the present-day race of mankind, descended from him, not from the murderous Cain. At the age of 105 years Seth became father to Enosh. Seth died at the age of 912 years .—Gen 4:17, 25, 26; 5:3-8; 1Ch 1:1-4; Lu 3:38.
The wife of Seth
The wife of Seth is Norea. She is the undefiled daughter of Eve who, together with Seth, gives birth to the Sons of Seth:

And Adam knew his female counterpart Eve, and she became pregnant, and bore Seth to Adam. And she said, "I have borne another man through God, in place of Abel." Again Eve became pregnant, and she bore Norea. And she said, "He has begotten on me a virgin as an assistance for many generations of mankind (the Pneumatic race)." She is the virgin whom the forces did not defile. (The Hypostasis of the Archons)

According to the Biblical Antiquities of Pseudo-Philo 1:1 Adam begat three sons and one daughter, Cain, Noaba, Abel and Seth.

The Book of Jubilees 4:8 And in the sixth week [134-40 A.M.] he begat his daughter Azûrâ.
The Book of Jubilees 4:11 And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee [225-31 A.M.] Seth took Azûrâ his sister to be his wife, and in the fourth (year of the sixth week) [235 A.M.] she bare him Enos.

Seth's sister/wife in Jub 4:11 Azura the name Azura in trun may recall Hebrew 05828 עזר  (Greek 996 βοήθεια) In the the Hypostasis of the Archons the word [assistance] or help is used this is the Greek 996 βοήθεια (A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission)

Azura was the daughter of Adam and Eve and the wife (and sister) of Seth in the Book of Jubilees, chapter 4 in the Hypostasis of the Archons her name is given has Norea.  Norea is the daughter of Eve and the younger sister of Seth; both are members of the pure race.

Norea is said to be the syzygy of Seth a female equivalent of his male savior figure

The earthly Adam and Eve begot the earthly Seth and his sister Norea. With the aid of Norea, Seth’s descendents will preserve the pneuma and gnosis in the Lower Aeons. This schema appears in The Hypostasis of the Archons and The Apocalypse of Adam.

Eleleth reveals to Norea that the Archons cannot defile her or her descendents: 

“And these authorities (Archons) cannot defile you and that generation; for your abode is in incorruptibility, where the virgin spirit dwells, who is superior to the authorities of chaos and to their universe.” (Hypostasis of the Archons)
- Again: 

“You (Norea), together with your offspring, are from the primeval father; from above, out of the imperishable light, their souls are come. Thus the authorities (Archons) cannot approach them, because of the spirit of truth present within them; and all who have become acquainted with this way exist deathless in the midst of dying mankind.”(Hypostasis of the Archons).

- Hence, the Elect are without fault, and called the “faultless ones” (Tripartate Tractate)

Image and Likeness
Genesis 5:3 When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.

The import of the phrase 'in the image, after the likeness' is suggested by the testimony that 'Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth.' In this respect, Seth stands related to Adam, as Adam did to the Elohim ... The very same thing is meant by Adam being in the image of the Elohim ... The resemblance therefore of Adam to the Elohim as their image was of bodily form ... In shape, Seth was like Adam, Adam like the Elohim, and the Elohim the image of the invisible Uncreated, the great and glorious Archetype of the intelligent universe."

the apocryphon of John

And the two archons he set over principalities, so that they might rule over the tomb. And when Adam recognized the likeness of his own foreknowledge, he begot the likeness of the son of man.
He called him Seth, according to the way of the race in the aeons. Likewise, the mother also sent down her spirit, which is in her likeness and a copy of those who are in the pleroma, for she will prepare a dwelling place for the aeons which will come down. And he made them drink water of forgetfulness, from the chief archon, in order that they might not know from where they came.
Thus, the seed remained for a while assisting (him), in order that, when the Spirit comes forth from the holy aeons, he may raise up and heal him from the deficiency, that the whole pleroma may (again) become holy and faultless."

Seth is now called the son of man the image and likeness modeled on the pleroma "the great incorruptible Seth, the son of the incorruptible man Adamas".

Adam was modeled on the Man Eve was modeled on Epinoia now Seth born of these two is modeled on the Son of Man "the Man exists and the son of Man"

Seth is the father of the incorruptible generation

Seth is an Aeon an emanation of the incorruptible man Adamas. Seth is the father of the incorruptible generation. The ‘Great Seth' is the heavenly son of Man, the mortal Seth is an 'image' of the heavenly Son of Man

The great incorruptible Seth also plays a saviour role, for he is sent into the lower world to rescue the elect, ‘putting on' Jesus for that purpose.