Sunday, 22 March 2020

internal persecutions the gospel of thomas saying 69

(69) Jesus said: Blessed are those who have been persecuted in their heart; these are they who have known the Father in truth. Blessed are the hungry, for the belly of him who desires will be filled.

This saying, 67, and 68 should be viewed together saying 68 Jesus is speaking about external persecution and in this saying and 67 Jesus is speaking about internal persecutions

"Blessed are those who are persecuted in their hearts.” Here Jesus is speaking about those who have the victory over oneself and the victory over the world; now to achieve the victory over oneself is to conquer the devil the thinking of the flesh. and the victory over the world; is the external devil which some times can move the internal devil within us that is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. And this is what Jesus means in the book of Revelation “He who overcomes” will have everlasting life that is those who have the victory over oneself and the victory over the world, cp. Jn 16:33 1Jo 5:4 1Jo 5:5 Rev 2:7,11,17,26-28 3:5,12,21; 12:10,11 15:2; 21:7

Having gained the victory over themselves the 144,000 "by the power of God through faith," and over the world's corruptions, they are accounted worthy of standing with the Lamb on Zion. The  victory over the world shall receive the Morning Star; that they shall be clothed in white garments, and their names openly confessed by the Life-imparting Spirit in the presence of his Father and his angels; that they shall be eternal pillars in the temple of Deity; that the Quickening Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 3:17) shall engrave them with the name of his Deity, and the name of the city of his Deity, the New Jerusalem, which descendeth out of the heaven from his Deity, even his new name; and that they shall sit with him in his throne after the example of what shall obtain in relation to himself and his Father’s throne.

Be alienated from them in your mind, allowing none of them to cling to you, standing above them all; (8) they are your subjects, use them not as your rulers; since you are a king, learn to govern and not to be governed; know yourself all your life, Philo

The most painful persecution is internal persecution which proceeds from each man’s own soul or heat being vexed by lust and disers pleasures, and base hopes and destructive dreams (plans). And this is always with a man and which the persecute cannot escape, for he carries the enemy about everywhere in himself. This persecution comes from things in the world tempting us?????
Or the persecution is cause by us when we bind the devil we are persecuting our old self by not allowing our old way of life to operate in us anymore. The Christ-self persecuting the thinking of the flesh. That is you (your new self) are persecuting yourself (your old self) Jesus is speaking of an inward conscious struggle for growth and refinement of oneself on moral and spiritual levels. Likewise, every aspirant must cultivate and heed his conscience and seek to live in such a way as to have a good and clear conscience. During periods of our early development on the path, our conscience is very likely to persecute us, convicting us of our ignorance and missing the mark, so that we are not satisfied to remain in darkness but are compelled to seek the light.. One who is ripe and matured for the way must be able to live by the voice of the spirit-word and one’s own conscience speaking in oneself. Only those person who willing to pass through ordeals of spiritual growth and advancement will come to a full and conscious unity with Yahweh and Christ Jesus and have communion with them both.

Now the second part of this saying is about those who maintain righteousness shall be satisfied with meet and drink that is they shall be filled with the spirit in the age to come. So Jesus promises that the hungry and thirsty should be satisfied with eternal blessings of righteousness, by bearing poverty and not be led by led by it to undertake any unrighteousness work.

Has I have said before At baptism, we experience a new birth. " If any man (become) in Christ, he is a new creation" (2 Cor. 5:17). We are born "out of" (Jn. 3:5 Gk.) the water as we emerge from the river, swimming pool or bath. Something was created at baptism in the sense that something was born. "Christ is [created in] all [who believe] and in all [places of the world]" (Col. 3:11 Bullinger). It is the common experience of this new creation which binds us together as one body and spiritual nation world-wide. That thing which was created and born at baptism, the Bible calls " Christ", or " the Spirit". If we are in Christ, He must be in us; it's a mutual relationship. We are not in the flesh now, but in the Spirit (Rom. 7:5), in the sense that the new Spirit-man has been created in us, even though we are still " in the flesh" .

We are familiar with the idea of "the devil" being a personification for the evil man of the flesh which is within us. Yet there is an even larger personification to be found in the pages of the New Testament; that of the man of the Spirit, "the man Christ Jesus" which is within us. It is this figurative "man" which was born at baptism. At baptism, we are saved in prospect, just as Israel were when they crossed the Red Sea (Jude 5). We are saved in prospect in the sense that God now looks upon us as if we are Christ. He looks at that new man Christ Jesus within us, and relates to that, instead of to our man of the flesh. These two 'men' within us will naturally become locked in mortal conflict. Ultimately, the 'devil' man will only be destroyed by death (Rom. 6:23). Yet 'he' can overpower and destroy the spiritual man within us, unless we feed and cultivate the man Christ Jesus within us. This had clearly happened to some in the Galatian ecclesias. Thus Paul speaks of travailing in birth again " until Christ be formed (again) in you" (Gal. 4:19). His converts had to " learn Christ" (Eph. 4:20); thus he speaks of " Christ" as meaning the Christ-like attitude of mind which is personified as Christ.
The Old Testament frequently speaks of man as having two "sides" to his character; one that wished to serve God, and the other which was rebellious. Ecc. 10:2 shows how that the spiritual man is not only aware of this, but he consciously acts to control these two sides: " A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left". This kind of self-knowledge is sadly lacking in most human beings. Proverbs 7,8 likewise has the picture of two women, personifying the flesh and spirit (7:12 cp. 8:2,3). Against this Old Testament background, there developed a strong Jewish tradition that the right hand side of a man was his spiritual side, and the left hand side was the equivalent of the New Testament 'devil'. The Lord Jesus referred to this understanding when He warned: " Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth" (Mt. 6:3)- implying that the good deeds of the spiritual man would be misused by the 'devil', e.g. in using them as grounds for spiritual pride.

It is worth following through Paul's argument in Romans. Chapters 1-5 convict all of sin, demonstrating that works can in no way save us. Chapter 6 then outlines how we can be saved; through association with Christ through baptism and a life " in Christ", which will result in God seeing us in the exalted way He does. Chapter 7 basically goes on to say 'But, of course, you'll still sin, even though chapter 6 has explained how God doesn't look at that side of you if you truly try to live " in Christ" '. Paul says many things about his life in Rom. 7 which seem to consciously connect with his description of life before baptism in Chapter 6 (e.g. 7:13 = 6:23; 7:14 = 6:17; 7:23 = 6:12,13; 7:24 = 6:6; 7:25 = 6:16,17). The reason for this is that after baptism, we have two people within us; the man of the flesh, who totally dominated our pre-baptismal life, is still within us; but (as Chapter 7 so graphically shows) he is now in mortal conflict with the man of the Spirit, with whom we identify our real selves. Chapter 8 then goes on to encourage us that despite this conflict, sin is dead in Christ, and if we are in Him, then this is really how God sees us. Therefore Rom. 8 stresses that our state of mind is so crucial; if we are led of the Spirit-man, then we are assured of salvation at that point in time. Rom. 9-11 then appeals specifically to Israel to accept the glorious truth of all this, and then Chapters 12-16 show the practical response we should all make. Recognizing the existence of the new and old men within him, Paul can speak in Rom. 7 as if he is two different people; “I myself serve the law of God”, but “my flesh” serves sin. Likewise David asked God not to hide his face from him, David personally, (Ps. 27:9; 69:17; 102:2; 143:7), but to hide His face from David’s sins (Ps. 51:9). And one wonders whether the way the records of the Lord’s temptations are written implies some similar recognition by the Spirit of the two ‘men’ within the Lord.

Their real self and their shadow self are in conflict deep within their minds, in their own self-perceptions they act one way when their real self is something different. And this all goes on within the human mind. Hence Paul speaks of hypocrisy being essentially a lie which is told within the mind, and parallels it with a conscience which no longer functions properly (1 Tim. 4:2). The Lord's definition of hypocrisy therefore concerned an internal state of mind- and He warned that this is a yeast which inevitably spreads to others (Lk. 12:1). Thus Barnabas was carried away into hypocrisy by the hypocrisy of others (Gal. 2:13). Although it's so deeply internal, the dissonance between the real self and the portrayed self that goes on within human minds somehow becomes a spirit which influences others. And that's how society has become so desperately hypocritical. James 5:12 gives some good practical advice in all this- our yes should mean yes and our no should be no, or else we will fall into hypocrisy (Gk.- AV "condemnation" is a terribly misleading translation). James seems to be saying that we can guard against falling into the hypocritical life and mindset by ensuring that our words, feeling and intentions are directly and simply stated, with meaning to the words, with congruence between our real self and the words we speak.

1 Pet. 3:4 speaks of the spiritual man within us as " the hidden man of the heart...a meek and quiet spirit". This confirms that this " man" is the personification of a spirit, or attitude of mind.
The inward man of Rom. 7:22 is what is so important; yet the LXX in Lev. 3:14-16 uses the same word to describe the fat surrounding the intestines, which God appeared to so value in the sacrifices. It was not that He wanted that fat in itself; but rather He saw that fat as representing a man's essential spirituality, that which is developed close to the heart, unseen by others, but revealed after death.
If the spiritual man is within us, we must surely win our spiritual conflict, ultimately!

Jn 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
1Jo 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
1Jo 5:5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God
Rev 2:7#11,17,26-28 3:5,12,21 12:10,11 15:2 21:7

69) #Jesus said, "Blessed are they who have been persecuted within themselves [this come from "judging thyself" and crucifying the flesh as you grow in spiritual stature and wisdom]. It is they who have truly come to know the Father [these do not "put their trust in the arm of flesh" to save them but the Word within]. ##Blessed are the hungry [for spiritual food], for the belly of him who desires [enough to obey the Father and to keep asking, seeking and knocking to know Him and His will] will be filled [with the knowledge of the truth (the mystery) and the fruits of righteousness it bears]."

persecuted Gospel of Thomas saying 68

(68) Jesus said: Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted, and they will find no place where you have been persecuted.

“Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted.” Jesus here again is speaking about missionary work may be in saying 50 he is sending out the twelve and here he is sending out the 70 or he come be speaking to both of them after the resurrection telling them that they will be persecuted this saying is also a prophecy of both 70 AD and what is going to happen in the near future in 70 AD the place was Jerusalem the temple and the priesthood who persecuted the Jerusalem church and also the Romans persecuted the early church but when it was joined to roman

“for no place will be found, where you have been persecuted” this is one of the promese of Jesus when Rome shall be desolated, than shall be the redemption of Israel and the Israel of God

68)## Jesus said, "Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted [especially by those who profess Christ]. Wherever you have been persecuted [when bringing forth the higher/inward (spiritual) teachings that either refines or condemns them] they will find no Place [power to resist - "the Word is a double edged sword.."]."

The True Self the Gospel of Thomas Saying 67

(67) Jesus said: He who knows the all, (but) fails (to know) himself, misses everything.

The Lord Jesus teaches that we must know our (true) self. Your true self and life is Christ, God’s only son, and by him we can do all things. Our true self is in God and God is in you Rom 8:9 than we cannot be lacking in our self God is raising our consciousness so that we can realize he is all in all 1Cor 12:6 15:28 Eph 1:23. But if one knows everything but does not have love than you are completely deficient if we have knowledge of every mystery but not love we are nothing 1Cor 13:2. The kingdom is being built upon love and knowledge it is nothing useful without the love of God. Knowledge is like sand and love is like mortar, together they are a strong substance but without love our knowledge will not support anything 1Cor 8:1 13:2,8 2Cor 6:6b8:7 Eph 3:19 Phil 1:9.

And if you do not actively engoige in prayer and meditation on the bible dally, and worship Yahweh your Elohim in spirit and truth victory over oneself. The Lord is speaking about the necessity of direct spiritual practices and spiritual living that bring it about. This is accomplished when you know yourself if you know not yourself then you neither know your enemy and you will always endanger yourself know your enemy the devil that is sin in the flesh. So you must suspend the egoistic self, silencing the mental being and calming the vital-emotional

Thus allowing the Christ-consciousness to act without obstruction. If you know yourself connected to the oneness of what the Deity is, The Christ-self in union with the heavenly father and Christ Jesus no longer do you suffer from the delusion of lack and separation therefore the sorrows of personal deficiency have vanished. Do you believe with understanding that is to say, do you have genuine faith? Through faith and the good works of faith do you labour for true knowledge? Do you have faith in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and the knowledge of the indwelling Christ-self that enlightens the mind and liberates you from the thinking of the flesh and death. Then for you the resurrection is now and the advent of Christ is nearer for you. Praise Yah.

Jesus is 'the All,' and 'everywhere' is where Jesus is, as in Saying 77

67) Jesus said, "Whoever believes that the All itself is deficient is (himself) completely deficient [how can that which is created by He who is perfect in all His ways possibly be deficient? - we are all part of a grand plan of His and not our own]."

cornerstone the gospel of thomas saying 66


66) Jesus said: Show me the stone which the builders rejected; it is the cornerstone.

Cornerstone: The Deity dwells in the temple of the body of believers the saints "his tabernacle," The Deity dwells in them and therefore they are his temple, habitation, or tabernacle; as Paul writes to the saints in Corinth, "Ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their Deity, and they shall be my people" (2 Cor. 7:16). They are the tabernacle "built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, the foundation cornerstone being Jesus Christ himself: in whom all the building fitly framed together increaseth for a Holy Name in the Lord: in whom ye are builded together for an habitation of the Deity in Spirit" (Eph. 2:20-22).
Saying 67

66)### Jesus said, "Show me the stone [Word or Testimony (Covenant)] which the builders have rejected [they can't handle the Truth]. That one is the cornerstone [the "Key" Stone of the New Covenant]."

the vineyard The Gospel of Thomas Saying 65

Saying 65
65) He said: A good man had a vineyard; he leased it to tenants, that they might work in it (and) he receive the fruits from them. He sent his servant, that the tenants might give him the fruits of the vineyard. They seized his servant, beat him, (and) all but killed him. The servant went away (and) told his master. His master said: Perhaps <they> did not know <him>. He sent another servant; the tenants beat the other also. Then the master sent his son. He said: Perhaps they will have respect for my son. Those tenants, since they knew that he was the heir of the vineyard, they seized him and killed him. He who has ears, let him hear.

The vineyard stands for the ancestral land of Israel in Jesus’ own time. Landlord the land belonged to Yahweh Israel were Yahweh's tenants; and the law said to them on the part of their Landlord,
Le 25:23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me. Cp. Jer 2:7 so that "in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land." (Lev. 25:23-28).

The servants symbolize its the Law and the prophets rejected by Israel  the son is Jesus the Messiah, also rejected by Israel but he becomes the cornerstone.  Jesus is the son of David and son of God, the Messiah.

65)### He said, "There was a good man [Jesus ("No one is good except One, God")] who owned a vineyard [a Covenant of believers (Israel)]. He leased it [with the expectation to gain fruit from it] to tenant farmers [religious leaders] so that they might work it [toil day and night in the scriptures that they might find the Keys of Knowledge that bring them to the life in Christ] and he might collect the produce from them [when Messiah arrived]. He sent his servant [through the Law and the prophets] so that the tenants might give him the produce [an increase in faith and knowledge of the coming One] of the vineyard. They seized his servant and beat him [with their interpretations in their depraved lower/outward (fleshly) minds], all but killing him [the OT still survives to this today and is the basis of all law in the world but from a carnal perspective]. The servant went back and told his master. The master said, 'Perhaps <they> did not recognize <him> [they only recognized the prophets who told them what they wanted to hear].' He sent another servant [John the Baptist to prepare the Way for Messiah in the hearts of those of faith]. The tenants beat this one as well [as they questioned him about why he baptized and then imprisoned and beheaded him fulfilling the scripture that; "he must increase while I must decrease." - their reaction to the Truth then still exists to this day]. Then the owner sent his son [Messiah] and said, 'Perhaps they will show respect to my son.' Because the tenants knew [so religious leaders have no excuse - they know they are liars and hypocrites] that it was he who was the heir to the vineyard, they seized him and killed him [in their depraved minds they could not suffer the Truth and killed the messengers (hidden message) of the coming One and the Word of Life Himself (so they thought)]. Let him who has ears [both spiritual and earthly] hear." 

Hidden Parts the gospel of Philip

Hidden Parts
As long as their [insides] are hidden, [most] beings in the world are alive and well. [If their insides] are exposed, they die, as is clear by the example of the visible part of a person. [As long as] a person’s intestines are hidden, the person is alive. [83] If the intestines are exposed and come out, the person dies. Likewise, while its root is hidden, a tree sprouts and grows. If its root is exposed, the tree withers.

So it is with all things produced in the world, not only the visible but also the hidden. As long as the root of evil is hidden, it is strong. When it is recognized, it is undone, and if it is brought to light, it dies. For this reason the word says, “Already the ax is laid at the root of the trees.” It will not merely cut them down, for what is cut down sprouts up again. Rather, the ax will dig down until it cuts out the root. Jesus pulled out the root of the whole place, but others did so only in part.
The Root of Evil
Let each of us also dig down after the root of evil within us and pull it out of our hearts from the root. It will be uprooted if we recognize it. But if we are ignorant of it, it takes root in us and produces fruit in our hearts. It dominates us. We are its slaves, and it takes us captive so that we do what we do [not] want and do [not] do what we want. It is powerful because we do not recognize it. As long as [it] exists, it stays active.
Ignorance Is the Mother of Evil
Ignorance is the mother of [all evil]. Ignorance leads to [death, because] those who come from [ignorance] neither were nor [are] nor will be. [But those in the truth] [84] will be perfect when all truth is revealed. For truth is like ignorance. While hidden, truth rests in itself, but when revealed and recognized, truth is praised in that it is stronger than ignorance and error. It gives freedom.

The word says, “If you know the truth, the truth will make you free.” Ignorance is a slave, knowledge is freedom. If we know the truth, we shall find the fruit of truth within us. If we join with it, it will bring us fulfillment.

Most things in the world, as long as their inner parts are hidden, stand upright and live. If they are revealed, they die, as is illustrated by the visible man: as long as the intestines of the man are hidden [the ugly truth about themselves – their ego, pride of life and inherent wickedness], the man is alive [he never comes to “accurate knowledge of the truth” and will never be able to kill the “old man”]; when his intestines are exposed and come out of him [i.e. the demons, his carnal nature just mentioned] the man will die [he will know that he must kill the “old man”]. So also with the tree [constitution, charter, premise of any way of life in the world]: while its root is hidden, it sprouts and grows. If its root is exposed [if one has knowledge of the intent behind it (false pretense)], the tree dries up. So it is with every birth that is in the world, not only with the revealed [the physical birth] but with the hidden [the spiritual birth (regeneration)]. For so long as the root of wickedness [all falsehood] is hidden, it is strong [spiritual thievery can only exist in ignorance]. But when it is recognized, it is dissolved [it no longer has a hold on the soul who perceives it]. When it is revealed [to others by that soul], it perishes. That is why the Word says, "Already the axe is laid at the root of the trees" (Mt 3:10). It will not merely cut - what is cut sprouts again - but the ax penetrates deeply [into the heart of the matter], until it brings up the root. Jesus pulled out the root of the whole place [by example He showed the Way to sonship and life], while others [the prophets who came before Him] did it only partially those of us on the earth cannot see. As for ourselves, let each one of us dig down after the root of evil which is within one [we must all take a hard look in the mirror and find out who we really are, then we must purge our ego’s (deny thyself) and the pride of life which only serves to hold us back from doing the will of the Father], and let one pluck it out of one's heart from the root. It will be plucked out if we recognize it [once we are able to recognize our true motives, we will better be able to grasp the truth about ourselves, where we came from, and how to heal ourselves hence “physician heal thyself” we will gain the knowledge to turn around from our wicked ways in humility so that we can abound in grace, love and the forgiveness given us for our past actions that we might begin to truly conform to Christ and walk as He did by obeying His commandments]. But if we are ignorant of it, it takes root in us and produces its fruit in our heart [our subjective minds are framed by it, i.e. they form the “idols of our heart” which are very difficult to overcome]. It [the fruit of demons (evil thoughts and intents)] masters us. We are its slaves. It takes us captive, to make us do what we do not want; and what we do want, we do not do [this is the power of the senses (flesh)]. It is powerful because we have not recognized it [in ignorance we are unable to see what is hidden in the recesses of our subconscious minds until it is revealed to us]. While it exists it is active [even if we recognize it, we cannot stop it at first as it takes time to re-generated (or retrain) our sub-conscious mind). Ignorance is the mother of all evil. Ignorance will result in death, because those who come from ignorance neither were nor are nor shall be [this may be referring to the thoughts that are generated by an ignorant mind]. [...] will be perfect when all the truth is revealed. For truth is like ignorance: while it is hidden, it rests in itself, but when it is revealed and is recognized, it is praised, inasmuch as it is stronger than ignorance and error. It gives freedom. The Word said, "If you know the truth, the truth will make you free" (Jn 8:32). Ignorance is a slave. Knowledge is freedom. If we know the truth, we shall find the fruits of the truth within us. If we are joined to it, it will bring our fulfillment. (Philip 97) This whole paragraph is about the effects of spiritual thievery which occurs as a result of ignorance. The truth is available to all who diligently seek it as hidden treasure but it is cleverly and purposely hidden that only those whose hearts are in the right condition are able to apprehend it that it not be used for evil purposes.

Fog and Error in the Gospel of Truth
The Figure of Error in the Odes of Solomon

Abraham’s Circumcision the gospel of Philip

Abraham’s Circumcision
When Abraham [was able] to see what he was to see, [he] circumcised the flesh of the foreskin, thus teaching us that it is necessary to destroy the flesh.

When Abraham [...] that he was to see what he was to see, he circumcised the flesh of the foreskin, teaching us that it is proper to destroy the flesh [this was a physical manifestation of "killing the old man"; the ways of the flesh]. (Philip 96)

Pure Marriage the gospel of Philip

Pure Marriage
No [one can] know when [a husband] [82] and wife have sex except those two, for marriage in this world is a mystery for those married. If defiled marriage is hidden, how much more is undefiled marriage a true mystery! It is not fleshly but pure. It belongs not to desire but to will. It belongs not to darkness or night but to the day and the light.

If marriage is exposed, it has become prostitution, and the bride plays the harlot not only if she is impregnated by another man but even if she slips out of her bedchamber and is seen. Let her show herself only to her father and her mother, the friend of the bridegroom, and the attendants of the bridegroom. They are allowed to enter the bridal chamber every day. But let the others yearn just to hear her voice and enjoy the fragrance of her ointment, and let them feed on the crumbs that fall from the table, like dogs.
Bridegrooms and brides belong to the bridal chamber. No one can see a bridegroom or a bride except by becoming one.

No one can know when the husband [Messiah] and the wife [your individual spirit consciousness] have intercourse with one another [are united in the bridal chamber (your heart)], except the two of them. Indeed, marriage in the world is a mystery for those who have taken a wife [it is the physical image of the invisible union]. If there is a hidden quality to the marriage of defilement [in the flesh], how much more is the undefiled marriage [in the spirit] a true mystery! It is not fleshly, but pure. It belongs not to desire [of the flesh], but to the will [of the spirit]. It belongs not to the darkness or the night [confusion and ignorance of the world], but to the day and the light [unadulterated truth and understanding]. If a marriage is open to the public [if one continues to conform to the world seeking the glory of men and the pride of life], it has become prostitution [this describes chriso-paganism found in the steeple houses], and the bride plays the harlot not only when she is impregnated by another man [gives her will over to the “state” religion or succumbs to any other form of spiritual thievery], but even if she slips out of her bedroom [loses faith in her husband] and is seen. Let her show herself only to her father and her mother [the only ones who can actually discern her infidelity], and to the friend of the bridegroom [those who “hear the word with joy” but not yet begotten as sons] and the sons of the bridegroom [the begotten sons of the Kingdom]. These are permitted to enter every day into the bridal chamber [they are also a part of the body]. But let the others yearn just to listen to her voice and to enjoy her ointment, and let them feed from the crumbs that fall from the table [let them only hear parables and allegories until their hearts are right], like the dogs [these “believe just as the demons do” but their faith is misguided by their subjective minds and heart idols]. Bridegrooms and brides belong to the bridal chamber. No one shall be able to see the bridegroom with the bride unless he becomes such a one [if you have not been “sealed” i.e. become “whole” i.e. Israel (the three must be in agreement), you will not apprehend this]. (Philip 95)

Creating and Procreating the gospel of Philip

Creating and Procreating
There is the child of humankind, and there is the child of the child of humankind. The child of humankind is the master, and the child of the child of humankind is the one who creates through the child of humankind. The child of humankind received from God the ability to create. He can also procreate. One who has received the ability to create is a creature, and one who has received the ability to procreate is an offspring. One who creates cannot procreate, but one who procreates can create. One who creates is said to procreate, but the “offspring” are really creatures, because these “offspring” are not children of procreation but [works of creation].
One who creates works openly, and is visible. One who procreates does so [secretly], and is hidden, for one who procreates [is beyond every] image. So then, one who creates does so openly, and one who procreates [produces] offspring secretly.

There is the Son of Man [Jesus] and there is the son of the Son of Man [one whose has received the masculine seed of Christ along with holy spirit and has conceived to a new creation]. The Lord [Jesus] is the Son of Man, and the son of the Son of Man is he who creates [a proselyte] through the Son of Man [those who are called to Him who have “heard the word and were baptized”]. The Son of Man received from God the capacity to create [proselytes while he was in the world]. He also has the ability to beget [sons of God since He received life within Himself just as the Father has, he can now pass on that life through “Christ in you” (your heart)]. He who has received the ability to create is a creature [all sons of man are creatures with the power of physical creation]. He who has received the ability to beget [spritual birth] is an offspring [adopted as begotten sons of God and can now beget sons (proselytes')]. He who creates cannot beget [the old man must die]. He who begets also has power to create [through regeneration of the spirit sons]. Now they [those of the world] say, "He who creates begets". But his [the natural man’s] so-called "offspring" is merely a creature [of the flesh]. Because of […water baptism, the image.] of birth [so outward forms], they are not his offspring but [...his creations]. He who creates works openly, and he himself is visible. He who begets, begets in private, and he himself is hidden, since [...] image. Also, he who creates, creates openly. But one who begets, begets children in private. (Philip 93) [This describes the differences between physical birth and spiritual birth but too much is missing in this verse to attempt a complete interpretation.] 9 Everyone who has been born from God [as a maturing spirit son] does not carry on sin [he gets control of his body], because his [Christ’s] seed remains in such one, and he cannot practice sin [this one has come to realize that the letter leads to death and has moved on to the “spirit” and as a result is not bound by the letter of the law but is being guided by the “law of the spirit” which discovers all of our sins to us for correction], because he has been born from God (1 John 3). (Philip 94) Our flesh will always tempt the spirit as long as we wear it and although we are spiritually forgiven the sins of our flesh, we must continue to kill the old man all day long and repent of our errors in the knowledge that this is so.

A Householder and Food the gospel of Philip

A Householder and Food
There was a householder who had everything: children, slaves, cattle, dogs, pigs, wheat, barley, chaff, fodder, [oil], meat, and acorns. The householder was wise and knew the food of each. He fed the children [baked] bread [and meat]. He fed the slaves [oil and] grain. [He fed] the cattle barley, chaff, and fodder. He threw the dogs some bones. He fed the pigs acorns [81] and gruel.
So it is with the disciples of God. If they are wise, they understand discipleship. Bodily forms will not deceive them, but they will examine the condition of each person’s soul and speak appropriately with the person. In the world many animals have human form. If the disciples of God identify them as pigs, they feed them acorns. If cattle, they feed them barley, chaff, and fodder. If dogs, they throw them some bones. If slaves, they feed them what is preliminary. If children, they feed them what is complete.

There was a householder who had every conceivable thing, be it son or slave or cattle or dog or pig or corn or barley or chaff or grass or [...] or meat and acorn. Now he was a sensible fellow, and he knew what the food of each one was. He served the children bread. He served the slaves […] and meal. And he threw barley and chaff and grass to the cattle. He threw bones to the dogs, and to the pigs he threw acorns and slop. Compare the disciple of God: if he is a sensible fellow, he understands what discipleship is all about. The bodily forms will not deceive him, but he will look at the condition of the soul of each one and speak with him. There are many animals in the world which are in a human form. When he identifies them, to the swine [self-centered and faithless] he will throw acorns [acorns have the meat (the truth) hidden inside a hard shell and the swine will not notice it at all when they eat for if they did notice it they would just “trample it underfoot” anyway and “return to the mire”], to the cattle [those domesticated by the “state” (their master) trusting what it feeds them – these are not able to reason very well] he will throw barley and chaff and grass [these will digest truth along with the lies over and over again (four times literally) and still not be able to process it to any benefit but will continue in their blissful ignorance], to the dogs [people of faith in the many non-Hebrew/Christian religious sects of the world] he will throw bones [these do not yet feed from the crumbs of their masters table and also must crack through the hard outer layer that hides the truth inside for these too would only “return to their own vomit” even if they heard the truth]. To the slaves [these are not yet sons i.e. do not have Christ in them but are able to “hear the word” and recognize that they are sinners] he will give only the elementary lessons [through parables and allegories to help them transition from the “letter” to the “spirit” of the Word], to the children [the gestating sons of God whose hearts are able to bear all truth at any personal cost] he will give the complete instruction [from “the tree of life” these intently “listen to what the spirit says”]. (Philip 92)

Blessings on One Who Never Grieves Anyone the Gospel of Philip

[Blessings] on one who has never grieved [80] a soul. This is Jesus Christ. He came to the whole earth and never laid a burden upon anyone. Blessings on one like this, for this is a perfect human.

The word tells us how difficult it is to bring this about. How can we accomplish such a feat? How can we give help to everyone?
To begin with, one must not cause grief to anyone, whether great or small, unbeliever or believer, and one must not give help to those who are well off. There are some who profit by helping the rich. The person who does good deeds will not help the rich, for this person will not take just anything that may be desirable. Nor can such a person cause them grief, since this person does not give them trouble. The new rich sometimes cause others grief, but the person who does good deeds does not do this. It is the wickedness of these people that causes their grief. The person with the nature of a perfect human gives joy to the good, but some people are deeply distressed by all this.

This seems to be a roundabout way of explaining cause and effect for all of us whether intentionally or unintentionally will result in error if we do not have all truth.  In fact since our thoughts are limited to our individual spirit consciousness we often find that our good intentions often turn out bad. This is why we must endeavor to become One with the holy spirit, the “helper” through Christ who will guide us into all truth that we can avert such things

Eucharist and Baptism the Gospel of Philip

Eucharist and Baptism
The cup of prayer contains wine and water, for it represents the blood for which thanksgiving is offered. It is full of the holy spirit, and it belongs to the completely perfect human. When we drink it, we take to ourselves the perfect human.

The living water is a body, and we must put on the living human. Thus, when one is about to go down into the water, one strips in order to put on the living human.

The cup of prayer [prayer is the correct word here – for we ourselves are the “cup” and ours is the “prayer of the holy ones”] contains wine and water [spirit and truth], since it is appointed as the type of the blood for which thanks is given. And it is full of the Holy Spirit, and it belongs to the wholly perfect man [it is not a teacup that is full of Holy Spirit but those who are “sealed” with “Christ in them”]. When we drink this [again not a cup of tea but our daily walk under worldly pressures as true followers of Messiah], we shall receive for ourselves the perfect man [we become as Him - there is no other way to receive this but to experience it through persecutions in the world (not by eating a cookie and drinking a sip of wine at communion)]. The living water is a body [of spiritually mature men, in one accord (One in thought) to do the will of the Father]. It is necessary that we put on the living man [wear Messiah as a garment]. Therefore, when he [the individual spirit consciousness called by the Father] is about to go down into the water [accepts the Word as truth], he unclothes himself [openly confesses all of his past sins and repents], in order that he may put on the living man [receive a spirit baptism that he might be refined as silver and as gold as part of the regeneration process]. (Philip 79)

 The Cup of Thanksgiving contains wine which becomes the blood of the Redeemer. This is the blood through which we are saved, so it is the blood through which we offer thanks. It is full of the Holy Spirit because it is the blood of the Perfected One. When we drink this blood, the Perfected One enters us; he merges with us so that we become one person. We cannot be perfected unless we become one with the Perfected One.
When we are immersed into the Parents, we must lay aside the clothing acquired in this world so that we can put on clothing of Light. We cannot carry our mortal possessions to the heavenly plane.