Sunday, 22 March 2020

Farming the gospel of Philip

Farming in this world depends on four things, and a harvest is gathered and taken into the barn as a result of water, earth, air, and light.

God’s farming also depends on four things: faith, hope, love, and knowledge. Faith is the earth in which we take root. Hope is the water with which we are nourished. Love is the air through which we grow. Knowledge is the light by which we [ripen].
Grace exists [in four ways. It is] earthly; it is [heavenly]…the highest heaven….

Farming in the world requires the cooperation of four essential elements. A harvest [of fruit (sons of the kingdom)] is gathered into the barn only as a result of the natural action of water [the water of the Word must be poured onto the], earth [the earthen vessel (the heart of man) who then receives], wind [holy spirit baptism] and light [the seed of Christ]. God's farming likewise has four elements – faith, hope, love, and knowledge [these are all of the heart]. Faith is our earth [the fine soil – a prepared (pure) heart], that in which we [individual spirit consciousness] take root. And hope is the water [the life giving fountain of Christ (the Words of truth)] through which we are nourished. Love is the wind [holy spirit (our mother) who nurtures us and moves us] through which we grow [in stature and wisdom]. Knowledge [the truth about who and what we really are], then, is the light through which we ripen [mature as sons of the Kingdom]. Grace exists in four ways: it is earthborn; it is heavenly; [...] the highest heaven; [...] in [...]. (Philip 90)

A farmer must have four elements working with him to produce a successful harvest. These are water, soil, air, and light. Those who farm with the Elohim must also have four elements working with them if they are to produce a successful harvest among mankind. These are faith, hope, love, and gnosis. Faith is our soil in which those who are planted take root. Hope is the water which irrigates the soil, causing the seeds to sprout. Love is the air through which the sprouts grow as they mature. Gnosis is the light which nourishes them until they produce fruit. Without all four, no one can become prepared for the harvest.

Slave and Free the gospel of Philip

Slave and Free
People who are slaves against their will can be free. People who are freed by favor of their master and then sell themselves back into slavery cannot be free again

He who is a slave against his will [we become a slave to sin when we allow our subjective mind to be stolen by the will of others who like to lord it over us], will be able to become free [if they receive the knowledge of the truth and are able to purge the old leaven from their hearts (this is the subconscious mind that has been formed by the world to do according to the will of man]. He who has become free by favor of his master [by Christ’s redemption], and has sold himself into slavery [returns to his own vomit, i.e. goes back to the beggarly things of the world and the will of man], will no longer be able to be free [for if you have once tasted the free gifts of the spirit you must not go back to the ways of the old man piercing the Christ again and again by your actions]. (Philip 89)

Those who are freed through gnosis remain as though they were slaves because of Love. Their Love for others binds them to the mortal plane so that they can help them ascend to freedom. Their essence is freedom but their appearance is slavery. They have ceased to be slaves of darkness, but they make themselves slaves in Light. They are redeemed, so they become redeemers of others. They are anointed, so they minister as christs on the mortal plane.

love the master the Gospel of Philip

Children and Love
The children a woman brings forth resembles the man she loves. If it is her husband, they resemble her husband. If it is a lover, they resemble the lover. Often, if a woman must sleep with her husband but her heart is with the lover with whom she usually has sex, the child she bears will resemble the lover.

So, you who live with the son of God, do not love the world but love the master, that what you bring forth may not resemble the world but may resemble the master.

The children a woman bears resemble [has the characteristics of] the man who loves her. If her husband loves her, then they resemble her husband [like Abel]. If it is an adulterer, then they resemble the adulterer [like Cain]. Frequently, if a woman sleeps [can no longer discern spiritual things] with her husband [this is about the body of Christ - i.e. christo-paganism] out of necessity [feigning love, for one cannot truly love their husband if their heart is far from Him], while her heart is with the adulterer [her thoughts and desires of the flesh (sarx) pride of life, covetness, etc..] with whom she usually has intercourse [her thoughts are usually on “worldly” things and not the heavenly things], the child she will bear is born resembling the adulterer [this is the child that is conceived in her heart (the spirit of antichrist in this case)]. Now you who live together with the Son of God [have conceived a spirit son by the union of His seed and the holy spirit in your heart], love not the world [do not conform to it but instead conform to Christ], but love the Lord [by obediently walking in “the way, the truth and the life”], in order that those [fruits] you will bring forth may not resemble the world, but may resemble the Lord. (Philip 87) [This is about maturing as Christ in our hearts and minds.  It is our individual spirit consciousness uniting with the holy spirit to do the will of our Father.  We must put off the “old man” (our errant will) and put on the “new man” (do what is in harmony with the will of the Father).  Any thing else is in opposition and in error (sin).

Spiritual Love the gospel of Philip

Spiritual Love
Spiritual love is wine and perfume. [78] People who anoint themselves with it enjoy it, and while these people are present, others who are around also enjoy it. If the people who are anointed leave them and go away, the others who are not anointed but are only standing around are stuck with their own bad odor.

The Samaritan gave nothing to the wounded person except wine and oil—that is, only ointment. The ointment healed the wound, for “love covers a multitude of sins.”

The analogy in the following lines presents the relation of the Gnostic to the outside world: the fragance of a perfume is enjoyed not only by those who wear it but by others in their company, but when the wearers depart the others are left in their own ill odour (c£ perhaps Ign., Eph. xvii).

Spiritual love is wine [blood] and fragrance [sacrifice]. All those who anoint themselves with it take pleasure in it [these will sacrifice even the good inside of them at the hands of evil in others for this is the will of the Father]. While those who are anointed are present, those nearby also profit (from the fragrance) [they subjectively benefit from your sacrifice when you return good for evil]. If those anointed with ointment [the saints] withdraw from them and leave, then those not anointed, who merely stand nearby, still remain in their bad odor [their sacrifices are fowl and unacceptable to the Father (they are from the ground, their own depraved heart and mind and not according to the Father’s will)]. The Samaritan gave nothing but wine and oil to the wounded man. It is nothing other than the ointment [the sacrifice and offering of love]. It healed the wounds, for "love covers a multitude of sins" [so acts of love and obedience move the Father to forgive us our sins] (1 Pe 4:8). (Philip 86)

Knowledge and Love the gospel of Philip

Knowledge and Love

Whoever knows the truth is free, and a free person does not sin, for “one who sins is a slave of sin.” Truth is the mother, knowledge is the father. Those who do not allow themselves to sin the world calls free. They do not allow themselves to sin, and knowledge of the truth lifts them up—that is, it makes them free and superior to all. But “love builds up.” Whoever is free through knowledge is a slave because of love for those who do not yet have freedom of knowledge. Knowledge enables them to be free.
Love [never says] it owns something, [though] it owns [everything]. Love does not [say, “This is mine]” or “That is mine,” but rather, “[All that is mine] is yours.”

He who has knowledge of the truth [comprehends who He truly is and where he came from and why Christ was sent etc…] is a free man [a spirit son of God who has been redeemed], but the free man does not sin [“..he cannot sin for he is born of God”], for "He who sins is the slave of sin [our flesh is still a slave of sin though our spirit is not – See Romans 7]". Truth is the mother [the holy spirit guides us into all truth - the universal spirit or subconscious mind (awareness)], knowledge the father [our sub-conscious mind (soul) created in His image yet is heavily influenced by the flesh (conscious mind) to oppose the Father at every turn]. Those who think that sinning does not apply to them are called "free" by the world [this is nominal Christo-paganism today who think they can continue to let sin lord it over them without penalty as long as they eat a cookie and put a penny in the plate]. Knowledge of the truth merely makes such people [who are wise in their own eyes] arrogant, which is what the words, "it makes them free" mean [to them]. It even gives them a sense of superiority over the whole world [a form of haughtiness that they are already saved because their sins have been forgiven]. But "Love builds up" (1 Co 8:1) [the Father chastises those He loves and these grow in stature and wisdom and learn self-control]. In fact, he who is really free, through [true] knowledge, is a slave, because of love for those who have not yet been able to attain to the freedom of knowledge [he becomes ministerial servant to these]. Knowledge makes them capable of becoming free [for “to them gave he power to become sons” - this capability comes from transformation as we become as our Master we lose our "selves" and become One with the Father to obey and do His will and act righteously towards others]. Love never calls something its own, [...] it [...] possess [...]. It never says, "This is yours" or "This is mine," but "All these are yours".

Those who are freed through gnosis remain as though they were slaves because of Love. Their Love for others binds them to the mortal plane so that they can help them ascend to freedom. Their essence is freedom but their appearance is slavery. They have ceased to be slaves of darkness, but they make themselves slaves in Light. They are redeemed, so they become redeemers of others. They are anointed, so they minister as christs on the mortal plane.

The Water of Baptism and Death the gospel of philip

The Water of Baptism and Death
As Jesus perfected the water of baptism, he poured death out. For this reason we go down into the water but not into death, that we may not be poured out into the spirit of the world. When it blows, winter comes. When the holy spirit blows, summer comes.

By perfecting the water of baptism [by remaining sinless and learning obedience through suffering, taking on the sin of the world, and being crucified at the hands of evil men for doing good knowing this was the will of His Father and choosing it, He rent the curtain of flesh in two opening the door to the heavens to His brothers below], Jesus emptied it [the world] of death [the second]. Thus we [the individual spirits of elohim] do go down into the water [the physical body], but we do not go down into death [the second – all must enter the first death and be resurrected in order that the second death have no power over them], in order that we may not be poured out into the spirit of the world [which leads to the second death - the Word (water of life) is only discernable by those who are spirit begotten who are then able to see the deceptions of the world and avoid any fornication with it]. When that spirit blows, it brings the winter [both the first death (ignorance) and the second death (willful sin after being given the knowledge of truth) are periods of winter]. When the Holy Spirit breathes, the summer [life] comes. (Philip 85)

2 For the law of that [holy] spirit which gives life in union with Christ Jesus [through conception as a spirit son] has set you free [“the sons are free”] from the law of sin and of death (Romans 8).

Jesus sanctified water for washing away the effects of darkness. Sanctified water is not only water; it is also Light. Our Primal Parents were immersed in water, but to them the water was a Sea of Light. Just as bread and wine become the body and blood of the Redeemer when they are sanctified, the water becomes a Sea of Light when it is consecrated. We are immersed in Light, and Light burns the effects of darkness out of us so that we are clean.

Putting on Light the gospel of philip

Putting on Light
The perfect human can be neither grasped nor seen. What is seen can be grasped. No one can obtain this grace without putting on perfect light and becoming perfect light. Whoever puts on light will enter [the place of rest]. This is perfect [light, and] we [must] become [perfect humans] before we leave [the world]. Whoever obtains everything [but does not separate] from this world will [not] be able [to attain] that realm but will [go to the] middle place, for that one is not perfect. [77] Only Jesus knows the fate of that person.

Not only will they [the sinful rulers of the world] be unable to detain the perfect man [keep one of the elect (sealed sons) from the Kingdom], but they will not be able to see him [they are spiritually blind and do not know that the Kingdom has overtaken them], for if they see him [then their eyes will have been opened], they will detain him [so that they may learn more about sonship]. There is no other way for a person to acquire this quality except by putting on the perfect light [being anointed by holy spirit and having Christ in them] and he too becoming perfect light [not a Christian but a Christ]. He who has put it on will enter […]. This is the perfect [...] that we [...] become [...] before we leave [...]. Whoever receives everything [...] hither [...] be able [...] that place, but will [...] the Middle as imperfect. Only Jesus knows the end of this person [as He has been given authority to judge all]. (Philip 83)

Spirits of darkness cannot hinder those who have been perfected, for they cannot even see them. The Perfected Ones are clothed in Garments of Light which hide them from those who do not have clear sight. You cannot enter the heavenly realm without perfecting yourself, for only those who are perfected can be sanctified, and only the sanctified can enter the heavenly realm. Others may enter other realms, but only the Lord knows what will become of them.

The Holy Person the gospel of philip

The Holy Person
The holy person is completely holy, including the person’s body. The holy person who takes up bread consecrates it, and does the same with the cup or anything else the person takes up and consecrates. So how would the person not consecrate the body also?

The priest [one anointed in holy spirit] is completely holy, down to his very body [for his body is the temple]. For if he has taken the bread [of life – “Christ in him” (the Word)], he will consecrate [dedicate] it. Or the cup [the refiner’s fire (trials in this current world)] or anything else [blessings] that he gets, he will consecrate. Then how will he not consecrate the body also [The body (temple) undergoes a change when we conceive a spirit son within and begin to mature - just as a caterpillar consumes food in order to grow enough to begin the metamorphosis process we too eat the bread of life in the same way.  Once we have conceived as regenerated spirit sons of the Father through anointing of the Holy Spirit we too form a chrysalis (a new garment) that covers our whole body until the “head” falls off.  This head represents our “old man” who has died (the carnal nature).  Over time our garment then becomes transparent as glass as we overcome the world and walk in pure truth.  This then is broken open just as the veil is rent giving birth to a completely new creation (butterfly) as we are delivered from the womb of what appeared to be death into glorified sons of our Heavenly Father.]? (Philip 84)

Holiness is essential to the Priesthood. How can a priest sanctify the bread and wine or the water of immersion if he is not holy himself. Only those who have mastered gnosis can be completely holy, but every priest has mastered enough gnosis to have acquired a degree of holiness through which to sanctify the elements of the ordinances. We must become holy in body and spirit, for both body and spirit minister the elements of holiness. This is why Jesus said, "You must become as perfect as your Divine Parents are."

Like Brings Forth Like the gospel of philip

Like Brings Forth Like
A horse brings forth a horse, a human brings forth humans, a deity brings forth deities. So also bridegrooms and brides come from the [bridegroom and bride].
No Jews…from Greeks…from Jews…to Christians. [There was another generation of people], and these [blessed people] were called the chosen spiritual ones, [76] true humankind, the child of humankind, and the offspring of the child of humankind. This true generation is renowned in the world, and this is where the attendants of the bridal chamber are.

A horse sires a horse a man begets man [this is the law of Yahweh], a god brings forth a god [“kind after its own kind”]. Compare the bridegroom and the bride. They have come from the [...]. No Jew [...] has existed. And [...the Son of man came] from the Jews. [...And the] Christians [...came from the Son of man] these [...] are referred to as "The chosen people of [...God]," and "The true man" and "Son of Man" and "the seed of the Son of Man". This true race is renowned in the world [...] that the sons of the bridal chamber dwell. (Philip 80)

Those things which are alike are drawn to one another. If you live your life as an animal, animals will be drawn to you. If you live your life as a good person, good people will be drawn to you. If you become like the Elohim, the Elohim  will be drawn to you.

Every animal produces its own kind. Humans produce humans. Gods produce Gods. Our bodies are the children of mortals, so they are mortal, but our spirits are the children of Gods. We will grow up to be Gods like our Divine Parents unless our growth is stunted. Our growth will be stunted if we are not properly nourished. We must drink from the Breast of the Divine while we need milk to drink, and when we are ready for solid food, we must feast at the Table of the Divine if our food is going to nourish us. Only if we are fed thoroughly on milk and then the solid food of the Holy Spirit will we grow into Divine Anthropos like our Exalted Parents.

Chrism Is Superior to Baptism the gospel of philip

Chrism Is Superior to Baptism

Chrism is superior to baptism. We are called Christians from the word “chrism,” not from the word “baptism.” Christ also has his name from chrism, for the father anointed the son, the son anointed the apostles, and the apostles anointed us. Whoever is anointed has everything: resurrection, light, cross, holy spirit. The father gave all this to the person in the bridal chamber, and the person accepted it. The father was in the son and the son was in the father. This is heaven’s kingdom.

The chrism is superior to baptism [coming up out of the water is only the first step], for it is from the word "Chrism" that we have been called "Christians," certainly not because of the word "baptism" [John’s baptism was not a “Christian” baptism at all, it was only symbolic of repentance and washing of past sins for there was no salvation offered yet and without “hearing the Word” through Christ there was no way to apprehend it]. And it is because of the chrism that "the Christ" has his name [the Name higher than any other]. For the Father anointed the Son, and the Son anointed the apostles [giving them the “power to become sons”], and the apostles anointed us [and still do to this day by the written Word]. He who has been anointed possesses everything [is joint heir with Christ being joined to that Universal spirit]. He possesses the resurrection, the light, the cross, the Holy Spirit. The Father gave him this in the bridal chamber [the heart of man]; he merely accepted (the gift) [we do not “earn” this as it is a gift of grace]. The Father was in the Son and the Son in the Father [we must all realize that He is in us and we in Him for it is impossible for it to be any other way]. This is the Kingdom of Heaven [meditate upon this folks]. (Philip 76)

The Anointing, or Chrism, is superior to immersion. After all, it is from the word "chrism" that we derive the name "Christian"; the name is certainly not derived from the word "immersion" or it's Greek form "baptism." It is because he was the Anointed One or Messiah that the Redeemer was called the Christ. The Parents anointed the Son, the Son anointed his disciples, and the Anointed Disciples anoint us. Those who have been anointed are joint-heirs with the Anointed One; they too are Jehovah's Anointed, and they possess everything, including the knowledge to anoint others. They possess the power of resurrection, the ability to impart Light, the mystery of the cross, and the fullness of the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The Parents give them these gifts in the Holy of Holies to prepare them for the Bridal Chamber. Just as the Parents were in the Son and the Son was in the Parents, the Parents and Son are in their Anointed Ones and their Anointed Ones are in them. This is the nature of existence on the heavenly plane.

Know Yourself The Gospel of Philip

Know Yourself

All those who have everything should know themselves, should they not? If some do not know themselves, they will not enjoy what they have, but those who know themselves will enjoy their possessions.

Is it not necessary for all those who possess everything [all are created in His image and likeness] to know themselves [many do not comprehend who they are or where they come from]? Some indeed, if they do not know themselves, will not enjoy what they possess [these cannot discern spiritual things and are still under a tutor (the “letter” of the law)]. But those who have come to know themselves [have understood the “Spirit” of the Word (law) and are able to overcome the “world”] will enjoy their possessions [for these will inherit the Kingdom]. (Philip 82)

Those who posses all things should advance to that knowledge of themaselves which is gnosis and leads to the knowledge of god . those who do not possess this kn owledge of themselves will not truly enjoy or profit from what they have but those who attain this knowledge will enjoy it that is the things they possess

To gain an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, you must know yourself. The gate to the kingdom of heave is within you. When you know yourself, you will know the Path that leads to that gate, and you will understand how to open the gate when you arrive at it. Then you will possess all things, and you will be able to enjoy your possessions. Those who try to acquire possessions without knowing themselves will lose what they thought they possessed. They will find that they have lost the ability to enjoy.

Strength and Weakness The Gospel of Philip

Strength and Weakness

In this world, where strength and weakness are to be found, there is union of male and female, but in the eternal realm there is a different kind of union.

Although we refer to these things with the same words, there are also other words that are superior to every word that is pronounced.
These are above strength. For there is strength and there are those superior to strength, and they are not different but the same. This is incomprehensible to hearts of flesh.

Whereas in this world the union is one of [a physical] husband with [a physical] wife [a union of flesh] - a case of strength complemented by weakness - in the Aeon (eternal realm), the form of the union is different, although we refer to them by the same names [i.e. husband and wife - the union of our individual spirit consciousness with His Christ Consciousness within our hearts – a spirit to spirit (thought to thought union)]. There are other names, however; they are superior to every other name that is named and are stronger than the strong. For where there is a show of strength [faith], there those who excel in strength appear. These are not separate things, but both of them are this one single thing [Life]. This is the one which will not be able to rise above the heart of flesh [for flesh cannot discern it]. (Philip 81)

In the Bridal Chamber we learn the mystery of total union with the Divine. We must become one with all who have preceded us into the Divine. Division is a product of darkness; union is a product of Light.
Mortal marriage is a marriage of division. Each side, by nature, is led to try to dominate the other. Spiritual marriage is a marriage of unity. All sides are strong in the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no domination, but only pure Love. The ones in the marriage who are more powerful lift up the others to be equal with them. These are the mysteries of the Bridal Chamber.